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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. This is the creepiest bunch of losers yet. Is TLC that desperate? The least they can do for us is go for good looking. Aside from Jasmine and Hamza they are all so homely and desperate. I still think Jasmine is batshit crazy I don't care how she is trying to change the narrative this late in the game. Oh, she love Gino with all of his weirdness from head to toe. Girl, what about YOUR weirdness? She wants out of Panama and will do anything to make that happen. There is no other explanation. Kimbaaally and Usman can't be real. Why is this guy courting old, frumpy, desperate Americans when he can have a hottie like Zara? I can only think he wants them to finance his career. Seems to be working. After this joke of a relationship falls apart we don't need to see him anymore. Ben- gross control freak. I think Mahogany is the girl in the internet pics. I think her pics were heavily photo shopped. Certainly wouldn't be the first time. Remember Rebecca of Rebecca and Zied and baby girl Lisa and that slob Angela? All filtered beyond recognition. This was Mahogs for sure. She just never counted on Ben coming to see her. That was not in her plan and she was not prepared to put in that much effort to deal with him. So Ximena never had a relationship before Mike but has 2 kids? She doesn't know how to act in a relationship? LIES! What about the bad boy from the Colombian cartel? Just fuck buddies? Hamza has a nice family so what is his reason for wanting to marry that troll Memphis and deal with all her baggage? He doesn't seem at all excited to leave them to go the US. Or maybe he is just that devoid of personality we can't tell what the heck he's thinking.
  2. Is the Sndwich shop a real thing? I haven't heard nor have I seen any IG posting from Katie or Ariana about it. I thought it was just some manufactured BS for the show.
  3. I like the Finnish kid. He already speaks pretty good English. Room for improvement, yes, but it shouldn't be too difficult for him. Trent is jealous his son is better at selling cars than he is. They should be jumping for joy the kid found something he's good at. But nooooo...Trent has to get all competitive. Still love Anna and the two younger ones seem to have matured alot. No comment on know it all Liz.
  4. That's exactly what they are doing! I read an article where Katie is saying she still loves Tom, he is her person, blah, blah, but she isn't happy. It was a shock to Tom. What the fuck was he living under a rock? But..no rush for divorce and they are still living in the same house! So what's changed? We know they hardly ever had sex because they were always complaining about it. Why even announce a split unless you are really moving on? They still both go to their friend groups parties, outings, etc. Wait until one of them starts dating or finds a new love and they start talking about dividing assets. Then shit will change!
  5. Isn't Mark the one that is also caring for his ailing mother and grandmother? If so, he's an ok guy in my book. He's just not a good match for Lindsey. Is anybody a good match for Lindsey?
  6. I want to know what Olaj was doing with his face in Katina's phone to begin with. Was he scrolling through it? Where was she when he was doing this or did he just grab it on his own? I didn't watch the shuttle ride segment so maybe it's more clear but all I know is nobody I have only know for a few weeks is going to touch my phone. I don't even have anything to hide it's just a matter of having respect for others personal space and belongings.
  7. I don't see where any of the women are bringing much of anything to the table, not just Katina. Living with Olaj must be a real party. You never know what's going to set him off and when he will blow his gasket. He's exhausting and borderline abusive.
  8. That was toooooo long of a pause....what's to think about Dr. Jen?
  9. Nobody cares about Kristen but I haven't seen any posting of her and her boyfriend for a while now. Maybe they are over, too. I don't think Scheana and Brock will last, either. Stassi and Beau and Jax and Brittney will stay together. Beau has it made doing nothing all day and Jax's claim to fame now is being a dad and perfect loving husband.
  10. Gina taking her kids to the dentist with her ex husband in tow. They film hours and hours of footage and that doesn't end up on the cutting room floor? Poor Shannon with no friends. She is so boring without the other two amiga's she has to agree to have a gang up storyline just to keep herself relevent. She must go home and drink alot of vodka. Tamra has a podcast with Teddi Melloncamp and they talk alot about this show and other RH shows. It's interesting because every now and then they talk about behind the scenes bullshit that we never see and what production makes them do. Sometimes there are many, many do overs for just one scene. I can't stand Tamra or Teddi but I actually enjoy them together on this podcast.
  11. And that's everything! Worst show ever. If you watched it regularly you would see she is every bit as obnoxious as Cynthia, maybe even more. She's a horrible person and has been hated for many, many seasons and reasons. She has had issues with almost everybody on the cast. I also think part of Cyn's problem is that she is recently married, moved to LA because that is where her husband lives and she is unhappy with the new marriage. He was also on RHOA for a season and comes off as a controlling jerk.
  12. Hmmmm, just a thought it makes me wonder if that's the reason he refuses to take his hat off. Maybe he has a big ugly scar on his head that he is self consious about. Something is going on under that hat.
  13. Amen to all this!!! I don't like Florian. He knows how to play Stacey, Darcey and to some degree their dad. He's the great protector of them all. He is enjoying all the perks Stacey is giving him and keeping his cards very close to his chest. He was just a poor loser living with his parents in Albania. And I do believe that some day he's gonna want a kid, so he will dump Stacey eventually. Like when she's close to 60 and he's in his late 30's. And for god's sake wear clothes that fit. That reunion outfit was awful. Pants too baggy in his flat ass, all his pants are like that and the jacket was too short and too tight and worst of all he has the worst posture. His hunchback is so cringey. But he's a model.....
  14. I think she was plenty mean to Georgi. Difference is she doesn't lose her temper the way Georgi does. She was constantly calling him a liar, didn't believe he was divorced then when he proved he was she didn't even apologize. Called his ex wife behind his back and met with her, she ran to her sister every time she doubted him (money in the sock). Accusing him of not respecting her, not having her back, not walking up the mountain with her (omg), etc....JMO but she was anything but nice.
  15. She may be hot stuff in the OC but put her in with the Beverly Hills crowd and I bet she ain't shit!
  16. I don't think Carl has much going on between the ears. The only reason he has managed to keep his current job is because he's working for Kyle. He was constantly getting fired before. Maybe that had something to do with his drinking, though. I feel like Lindsey will attach herself to any man that shows interest. Once the newness wears off the fighting begins. She's that girl that can't stand to be without a man. This is her second time around with Carl, I wish them well but they both have terrible track records with relationships.
  17. Did I miss Steve ever saying before that he did all the cooking and cleaning? How long does it take to clean that small apartment? If he plans on not working again then his (supposed) hefty bank account will not last long. I don't believe him, anyway. Although....I have a cousin that was laid off and received a severance pkg of $250,000! I don't know how a company can be laying off people and afford that kind of a payout. Maybe Steve worked for a company like that. I still don't believe him, I think he is full of shit. His dad would never have made the hobo remark if there wasn't some truth to it. What in the heck were the girls talking about missing dating? First of all, they have been married all of 3 weeks, second of all why would you even want to get married in the first place if dating was so successful for you and you already miss it? They're all morons.
  18. Yikes! Ramona has always been batshit but she has slowly been falling apart before our eyes the last few years. I think the realization that she's getting older and is still single is too much for her to handle despite all the claims by her that she is still so hot. She knows deep down that she's not. She's also scared to death of losing her job. You know something is very wrong when Kyle and Teresa are coming off as the most likeable. Time for Avery to do an intervention. Ramona worships her and maybe she will listen.
  19. Heather skipping down the streets of NYC with Gina, dropping 20's along the way, eating carb loaded pizza out of the box on the street and getting sauce on her million dollar purse. They are having FUN! Noella baring her titties and Shannon slowly walking in to the pool with her chef coat and spanx still on while they all scream at the top of their lungs because they are having so much FUN!! I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors called the Newport Beach police. Poor, sweet, wonderful Archie. Just gimme my ball!! Heather's mom to the servers: I don't want to be rude, but.........
  20. It's so interesting how Delores' family including her kids and even Frank really liked David. That's a side of him we never saw. He must be a super nice man. A private man. I think a life in front of the camera was not a life for him and it was a big part for Delo. Too bad they couldn't work it out. Not sure about her new man. Much younger and a typical guido looking dude.
  21. Bill is a cheater but he did the right thing. Walking away and not throwing his wife under the bus was the least he could do. Not one of those jerks said "Hey, this is between the women, let them fight it out". Instead, that little bitch Gorga had to get all in his feelings about his wife. Delores has admitted that she had a complete body overhaul. Butt lift, tummy tuck, several boob jobs, face lift and of course the extra bags of hair. Nothing is real. I have to say her surgeon, hair and makeup people are awesome! While we're on the subject of surgeries what the hell has Tre done to herself? She's also put on some pounds since her namaste days and that long hair down to her waist is ridiculous. Tiple bypass is no joke. Mama Delores is going to have to change her lifestyle completely. Did Tiki say he hasn't worked in 15 years? No wonder he's on the show, must be bored AF.
  22. Loved it when the camera showed everybody sweating their balls off outside helping Lindsey prep for her party and lazy Ciara is the only one inside keeping cool. Someone (can't remember which guy) walked in to the house and called her out on it, too! Also, who the hell is she to tell Austen where he can and can't sleep? I just don't like that girl.
  23. All these douchey boys are tall except Kyle, who is 5'10. Craig, Andrea, Luke are all 6 ft or a little more and Carl is 6'5. Austen is 6'4. The only reason I know this is because douche master obsessed Andy Cohen always asks them when they are on his show. I guess he thinks it's compelling tv, too.
  24. Why doesn't Andy drop the Lisagate Hot Mike Moment and start going in on Jen Shah? He is the worst. He's letting it drag on and on and on.... Heather, shut up. Where is that sweet ex mormon outcast that we all loved so much in the first season? Oh, right. Fan favorite, famewhoredom took over. So Cameron's donation to Mary went from $300,000 to $30,000? Because Lisa just made a mistake and couldn't remember? What else can't she remember?
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