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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I'm going to go right in to the superficial because the storylines so far suck. Kenya and Sheree are looking gorgeous this season. In fact, all of the women have a beautiful glow up. Even Marlo who I never considered attractive looks great. Nice wigs, better makeup and all the things. Kenya must be on some anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds because she's too damn calm. I do like calm Kenya, though. I don't feel sorry for Sheree at all. What the hell is she doing devoting so much time to a felon? Is the man pool in Atlanta that bad? I also want to know what Sheree has been doing for money all these years. She still has her house and seems to spend a lot on glam. So what's the secret? I agree Kandi is getting stale and boring with all her sex promotions. Especially since she admitted she and Todd hardly do it anymore. Give it a rest, Queen. You don't need any more money so sit back a bit and enjoy your kids.
  2. Couldn't stand her then, can't stand her now. Not impressed with her boy toy, either. I guess he's her new claim to fame because she's accomplished nothing else. He's only 27, what's she going to do when he decides he wants a couple of kids? Dubai better start showing us some phenominal backdrop scenery to show me why it's so spectacular to live and why it was necessary to go all the way over there to film another HW show there or I'm out. Deserts and camels just don't do it for me and we have high end shopping right here on Rodeo Drive and if it's so freakin' hot you have to throw big blocks of ice in the pool then I'm really at a loss with the magic of Dubai. The Pink Shade ladies are the best!
  3. Sounds like a great idea. With the condition Matt is in I don't look for him to live to be a ripe old age. He should enjoy what time he has left. He can't even walk anymore and it's only going to get worse. His body is broken with arthritis and who knows what else. His kids can fend for themselves. They all should have their own money from the proceeds of doing the show for as long as they have.
  4. Actually he told the camera that, not them. I'm sure production on the other side of the camera asked him what he thought of the attitude and that was his response. Production is sooooo shady. When they do these confessionals, they are answering questions asked by the producers. He's answering honestly.
  5. Of course not because when he dies they want a piece of that pie!
  6. Of course none of them would dare say this to her. Makes me sick. Were the editors told to go easy on Erika this season? Because maybe they did respond but it was cut out. It's the only logical reason I can think of for the ass kissing of Erika Jane this season. Crystal is still boring AF. Nobody cares about her stupid issue with Sutton that she won't dare to repeat to anybody because even she knows it's bullshit. I'm bored with it. C'mon BH we need more. Sutton must be over the apology tour she is made to follow this season. Bored with that, too.
  7. We know Matt has a zillion faults but I don't see that he has had unrealistic demands on how cheerful everyone should be. He gave Zack everything that little brat ever wanted. They had no problem seeing Matt and Caryn several times a week until Zack didn't get what he wanted. It was Amy they had issues with and Tori was never really very nice to her. The tables have turned now.
  8. It was an impulsive decision to purchase that property. They were pissed off at daddy so let's show him! They didn't bank on Matt not caring much. They will have buyer's remorse soon enough and end up back where they started. I like the way Matt and Caryn are handling Z & T. No ass kissing, nothing. Like Matt said when they were leaving from their uncomfortable visit, If they didn't want to be there, then don't come. Matt is over it and I'm proud of him for it. Zack must have really pissed him off in that meeting. I can only imagine how combative, entitled, and sulky Zack was and his nasty wife with her resting bitch face.
  9. I'm confused about this family. Moriah, Micah and Ethan have no jobs. Why? We all know TLC doesn't pay shit so what's up with that? Does Moriah really think she's going to make it big as a music artist? She better get her butt to LA and move in with Micah then. Nothing is going to happen for her in Tampa. It's so strange that Micah is basically homeless. He can't find his own place? He just wanders from friend to friend. I had such high hopes for him. Now he's not doing squat. If he doesn't start taking the modeling gigs his agency finds for him, they are going to stop calling him. Dumb kid. Ethan, grow up. Running home to Cairo to work on his cars because he's bored. He never wanted to move to Tampa, let's be real. He will end up back in Cairo and find himself a sweet country girl born and bred in Cairo and happy with the simple life. Olivia needs to let him go so they can both move on to their own goals. Kim is the worst. She's unhappy with Barry so she ignores her kids? No meals together, no interaction with them. They all feel it and she doesn't care. No big deal if Barry has to cook once in while, the least she can do is be home to eat with them. WTF is she doing all day at that studio? If she's going to gym, it's not helping. She comes home just in time to park her fat ass on the couch and go to sleep. We were all right! There was more than just a kiss with Max. So don't tease us, Moriah. Tell us the whole story!
  10. I get the impression Caryn is in no rush to marry Matt. Why should she be? They have their separate homes, she's obviously has her own money, maybe she's not wealthy like Matt but she appears to be able to take care of herself financially just fine. The big bonus is she can go home to her cute townhome when Matt gets on her nerves. Perfect golden years relationship if you ask me. Zach and Tori are gross. I remember they waited until the last minute to pack before moving in to the green house. They are lazy and entitled and the only time Tori smiles is when she's chattering away about the kids who are not that interesting. Jackson is a cutie, though. He has a better personality than Lilah. I liked the little digs coming from Chris. Oh, are you going to park all your cars in the trees like your neighbors? I died. Oh, this is a miserable drive over here, we won't be doing this often. Died again. Every once in a while the snarky, truthful Chris comes out.
  11. That non-best selling book of hers and shit talking her baby daddy Rand.
  12. He falls in love very quickly. He did the same with Bobby after Colton. Then he falls out of love, they never last. He's pathetic. His IG photo's are all about him and Tracey. What are they trying to be the new besties of the show? I'm alread sick to death of them.
  13. He keeps claiming he wrote a children's book and it will be coming out next month. And then next month, the next month, the next month. You get the idea. He is so full of it. He also said a while ago he was producing a movie. The lies, the lies, the lies!!
  14. I figured as much since she hasn't spoken a word about it since her book tour was over. She must not have made much money of the sales of this one. I hope she put the advance for the book to good use.
  15. It really pissed me off the way they were all sitting on the couches with Sutton there and talking about what is wrong with Sutton as if she's not there.
  16. She gets no credit for it. Only Erika gets everyone falling all over her and Kyle jumping on her because she has now become the "voice of reason". I don't like where this season is going.
  17. How I wish Moriah would have grown some balls and told Lydia that it does bother her to continue to buddy up with her ex and please don't do it. She has no problem dying her hair purple and wearing trash clothes to be different but she can't speak up! I noticed when Kim was hugging Moriah and Lydia was hugging her she had her wrists clenched in a fist as if she's afraid to touch them. She's a really weird chick.
  18. Hmmm I will have to remember the next time I have guests for dinner to intentionally put ingredients in the meal that I know they don't like. Wtf Amy? She still has so much underlying hostility towards Matt. I guess this season TLC put in the script that she needs to go along to get along with Matt and we the viewers need to see how deliriously happily married she and Chris are. Chris needs to stop pushing the friendship with Matt and Caryn, it's annoying. Caryn has put on alot of weight. When she was standing in Amy's kitchen it was really noticable.
  19. I can't with Moriah's little quiet whisper voice. Speak up FFS, and stop crying every time Max's name is mentioned. She is extremely sensitive yet very stubborn. She won't listen to anybody about anything. Girl has issues. Max crying was too much for me, too. Surely he's hoping Moriah saw that segment with him crying to Micah, then she take him back. Why did he even bother to mention the kiss? It didn't lead to anything and he was remorseful as soon as he did it. Maybe there's more to it than that..... I'm disappointed in Ethan and Moriah for moving to Tampa and not finding any work. Etan is acting like a bored little child trying to get mommy's attention. I guess if he can't work on his cars he's gonna bug the crap out of Olivia instead. What's Moriah's excuse? She doesn't help clean up the house, she doesn't have a job. She just locks herself in her room and cries. I would kick her out! I love Micah. I just hope he is taking his modeling career seriously and is actually booking work while he's still young and great looking. He has what it takes. I thought Kim was the boss of the family. Now she's trying to portray the obedient wife that was subservient to Barry who ignored her and made to feel less than. Sure, Kim. Remember when there was that big fight in front of the house with Ethan and he said Barry was the head but Kim was the neck that turned the head or some shit like that? Kim ruled that family, screwed up those kids and now she wants her freedom. I'm not buying it! Lydia- Kim #2.
  20. And nothing else to do since he has no job. I don't like the way Colt lashed out at Debbie. He's a grown man (sort of) he should know how to tell her it's time to move on. Either he or she needs to start looking for a place to live and give it a 3 to 6 month time frame to do it or when their lease on that house expires, which ever comes first. FFS is that so hard? All the yelling and blaming accomplishes nothing.
  21. I do know Stassi and Beau had to cut down their guest list down to about 35 people. Close friends and family only. The only VPR friends that remained on the list were Katy and Schwartz because Katy is Stassi bff and Schwartz is close with Beau. Maybe Kristin but she said she had another wedding to attend. Also invited were some of their best non VPR friends and their family. I highly doubt Jax and Brit are so important to them to have made the list. I read that Brit did not unfriend them on social media, only Jax did. S & B posted tons of pics of the wedding on IG and it was really classy and beautiful. Small and intimate. Anyway, I think Jax is full of shit. Fuck Jax. Lol. He probably sent a group text, alright, but not because HE decided not to go to the wedding. It most likely was because they were cut and he was pissed!
  22. Not one single mention of Kaory and how Big Ed was so crazy about her. Like she never existed. Good job again, Shaun. Colt is unhinged. He needs to stop blaming Debbie for his being the asshole he is. Why the heck didn't Debbie ask him how he and Vanessa were going to support themselves if she moved out. Neither one of them has a job. Losers. Jeniffer trying so hard to be the hottest woman alive. Sorry, honey. Stephanie beat you to the punch with your sexual games and experiences. Natalie crying over what? Mike? She crying because she thought she would meet someone new that would kiss her ass and want her to have his babies and it hasn't happened yet. Stephanie is disgusting. My life is complete now that I know she did anal and oral and bondage sex with some dude who lives halfway across the world. Not even sure I believe any of her story. She goes for shock value and it never really works. All of them sitting there saying "Good for you", "Have fun". Oh, everybody please STFU! Oh, and she lost her celibacy not her virginity so what's the big deal?
  23. Yes, Decatur is nice. I didn't see any trees and wooded area's around her homesite. It looked like some dumps surrounding. I kept thinking she's gonna need a mighty tall fence and lots of landscaping around there. Surprised it was Decatur.
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