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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Brittney's online selling those 310 Nutrition Shakes. Wonder what Jenny Craig thinks of that! I would imagine she's supposed to be drinking the shakes that Jenny provides in their program. That just might get her fired unless Jenny Craig owns 310 Shakes.
  2. So who spiked the quac? I must not have been paying close enough attention. If an elderly man has prostate cancer it's ok not to tell him because he's old and it will never get worse? wtf? Or does that only apply if said elderly man's son is police commissioner and asking for a favor?
  3. Yep, they would have been a good match. The experts got it wrong again. I do now get Olaj's concern. Kat is still working on her associates degree. She's gonna be one of those people that stays in school forever. He said he just went through this with his ex. Plus he's way past the college years and has established his career. I totally understand. Doesn't make me like him any more than before, still don't like his approach and attitude towards Kat but they are in different phases of their lives.
  4. Ha ha, me too! North Shore girl here. I don't think Gina was ever a spoiled rich girl. I got the impression she was raised middle class. No indication from seeing her parents and listening to talk about her childhood was there indication she was a rich girl. That said, still can't stand Gina.
  5. Supposedly this was not her dad. There are 2 men named Christopher Nance. Coincidentally they were both weatherman, too. What are the odds of that? One died in 2012 and Noella's dad died in 2021. Hard to believe. https://www.newsunzip.com/wiki/christopher-nance/
  6. This week she started the book tour and podcast interviews. Her fans and ass kissing friends are making a big deal about how proud they are of her! I swear if this book becomes a bestseller I will have lost all faith in humanity.
  7. I'm thinking Brit gained close to 100 lbs during pregnancy so 11 lbs won't be noticed. Until she loses at least 40 it's not going to show. Jax is still hoping she is going to get to pre baby weight so he's hanging on to that. I think she tries but if she gets pregnant again before losing the original baby weight it's going to be a real battle for her to get her body back. Speaking of pregnancy, I thought they wanted 3 or 4 kids. Jax is 42 so what are they waiting for? Oh, yeah. For Brit to get skinny. I don't get that, either. Cruz is a really cute baby, cuter than Stassi's baby and Lala's baby. Scheana's baby is adorable. Cruz would look so cute with a little boy haircut. Now I know why Lala always puts those big bow headbands on Ocean's head. The kid has a flat head! Randall posts pics without the headbands(must infuriate Lala, ha) and it's very noticable. They had one date. They are just friends.
  8. Another thing about Stephanie that bugs me. I thought she moved to NYC. What happened with that? Now she's back in CT living in what I assume is her mother's house. No way Ed would be interested in Kaory in real life. She's a cute, nice, normal lady of an appropriate age for Ed. She is definitely not sexy enough for Ed. He likes them young and stupid with long hair. That outfit Debbie had on to go bowling was cringe. Bowling!! I always love pantyhose with open toe sandals. Not. Vanessa actually telling her she looked great. Shame on her. I hate Vanessa and that pig Colt.
  9. I think he said previously he took out a loan for 4 million to put in to Loverboy. Not sure what institution would loan Kyle 4M. Maybe it's the investors he's always talking about. You know, the ones who want him to get a pre-nup. As he mentions in every episode. Something else about a pre-nup. Why can't she tell him she will sign one as long as it's spelled out that she gets half of everything if they divorce? Or some percentage that is agreeable to them both. It's for her protection as well as his.
  10. Kyle has been crying since the first season. He is ridiculous. Every time he has a little trantrum and cries and walks away, they always follow him and pat him on the back. There, there, little boy. You're under so much pressure. We're here for you. Especially Carl. They all make me sick. Except Luke. I liked it when one of them (can't remember who) at the restaurant table said everybody has problems, everybody has to deal with shit, not just him. In other words man up asshole. I liked Lindsey's prom dress and hated Carl's shorts. Stop with the tight short shorts. He looked stupid. He was there.
  11. I still want to know why Katina has to complete a 4 yr degree then go to nursing school. Doesn't make sense. Why didn't she go for an RN major and get her degree that way?
  12. I can't even imagine how uncomfortable it is! People like Shannon and Kim Kardashian (she has her own brand) wear layers of these hideous undergarments. Even the skinniest of celebs wear them because they say it "smoothes" them out. In my mother's day they were called Girdles. Remember that, ladies? How sweaty and hot it must be to wear that stuff.
  13. I agree. He's cute and seems like a nice guy. But....shave. I'm not a beard lover. He deserves a woman that's going to want to jump his bones. Jasmina isn't it for him. Her backstory was heartbreaking. Actually, all of their backstory's were heartbreaking and depressing except Steve. His was pretty normal. Why did Noi sign up for this show to get married if she doesn't want to live with her husband? Why in the hell didn't Dr. Pepper ask ker that? I don't understand this chick. He was too broken hearted to be bothered with what she was doing. Everytime I think she's maybe not so bad she proves me wrong, Every time! Olag is a pain in the ass but after hearing about his childhood I understand him more. He has accomplished alot and is goal oriented for sure. I don't understand why he thinks Katina can't finish school, get a job and have a life with a family. People do it all the time. I also don't get why she has to finish her Bachelor's and then go to nursing school. Couldn't she go for a BSN degree?
  14. As per usual. When does she not look like crap? And FFS please put those swollen, huge tata's away! Shannon looks like she's packed in to that dress (cute dress, though) with 10 pairs of spanx. She and Emily are still sporting those super thick, long extensions. They are going toe to toe with the NJ ladies with all their makeup and extensions. Dr. Jen is over medicated. Nobody told her she needs to come out with guns blazing at these reunions! Why did they not have Heather, Gina and Emily on one couch and Shannon, Noella, and Dr. Jen on the other? Makes more sense to me.
  15. Miona is going to be the one to hate this season. Sour puss entitled beyotch. Bilal needs to stop playing games. She wants kids, he doesn't. What he is doing is cruel. Not to mention putting her through his stupid tests. Guillermo- something not adding up with his age. He's 23 now? I thought he was 23 when they met. They lived together for 8 mos in the DR, then she moved back to the US and had a covid long distance relationship for a year. Wouldn't that make him almost 25? He's gorgeous with his hair longer, he should try to get in to modeling before he gets too old! This won't be the last baby for Dippy Kansas chick and whatshisname who doesn't want the baby breast fed because those boobies are supposed to be for him only. I guarantee she's going to be too lazy to get her lazy ass on any birth control.
  16. It has to be staged otherwise management would have thrown them out. Who the hell is going to let that go on in their place of business. The other people in the restaurant didn't even flinch when it was going on, either.
  17. I may have missed it, has Adriana mentioned why she got divorced?
  18. Season's ago a big thing was made about Shannon being obsessed with Brett Michaels. She dressed up like a Brett rock star with mustache, wig and all, getting ready to go to a concert of his. I guess production decided to reboot the "Shannon is so cool because she likes to rock out" whick we all know is BS cause' Shannon is anything but a cool rock n' rollin' 55 yr old chick. I don't think Shannon can leave the show (unless fired, of course) because she has said that she put all of her divorce settlement in to her Real Lemon business and if it fails she's broke. So she needs the money from the show. What was the deal with Heather at the table coming out of nowhere to tell Emily that she admires what a great mother she is. Ummmm what has Emily done that no other mother does? Do tell. That was so weird. Gina crying because Shannon likes Noella and doesn't give her enough attention. So lame. I still don't understand what Shannon has done to cause such vitriol from Casita Gina.
  19. I would have preferred to see Kate divorced, single, self sufficient, working on trying to be a better person and happily living her life with her kids. But nooooo....we have to hook her up with a man right away.
  20. Danielle pulling Margaret's ponytail practically out of her head. That was a rough one.
  21. So Sophie stays buddies with Kate so much that she gets invited to Kates second big day? That's a little far fetched, no? We didn't need to see Sophie at all. I don't mind that Kevin was still serial dating. Look at Warren Beatty and George Clooney. They all eventually settle down and have kids. Men can take their sweet time and then settle down and still be able to pro-create. Sigh.
  22. Why was Frank moving in to Dolores' sad little guest room with the chinchilla's? Does this man not have any home or money of his own? I thought the daughter was in Veterinary school and the son was working full time for Louie so why is everybody moving back in together? I must have missed the beginning of the episode explaining what was going on.
  23. I died when he asked her in the van "yeah, but why did you start throwing things"? Louie is extremely aware of the image he is trying to project on camera. Physical violence and causing a scene in a public place is not in his plan. He wants to present himself as cool, calm and collected at all times while on camera. I kept thinking what ever happend to namaste Tre? You know the one that was teaching yoga when she got out of prison? She's back to being gutter trash Tre from Patterson. The nerve of her to call Margaret white trash. The new house was purchased by Louie and Tre together. It wasn't Louie's. It's ugly and outdated AF. Looks like a beautiful neighborhood, though. Any NJ peeps out here know where they moved to?
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