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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Bobby said a couple of months which makes sense seeing how Josh jumped in to a relationship and wanted to marry Bobby so shortly after splitting with Colton. It's the way he operates. I don't really think Josh is the type that will stay in a relationship forever which is ok, just don't get married!
  2. He had a new boyfriend like a minute after the breakup with Bobby. He said he knew the guy from the real estate biz and they were friends. He doesn't casual date, he has serious relationships until he grows tired of it and eventually always does. Then, on to the next! I've lost respect for him and gained respect for Bobby.
  3. That was all a set up for the show. People search on line now, look at the photo's of the apartments and maps of the neighborhood before even stepping foot in the car to go look at the place in person. Who do they think they are kidding? Debbie could find a cute little apartment if she really wanted to. Ed, Colt, Stephanie and Jesse are the most revolting people on TV. I recently read TLC pays $1,000 to $1,500 per episode and if you are a foreigner with no green card yet you get paid nothing. Let's say they do 10 episodes a season. You can't live on that. Unless you are Stephanie and sell your farts in a jar as a side gig. Syngin of the beautiful hair has always been an alcoholic party boy so his little act of being so shy to start talking to women again and dating is a crock of shit.
  4. For what it's worth, Rolling Stone puts him in the list of “100 Greatest Drummers of All Time". I never followed Blink 182 but have heard other well known musicians talk about how talented he is.
  5. I was thinking the same. He does seem slow. Maybe that awful plane crash he was in damaged his brain? Wasn't he burned on most of his body, too? He is still considered one of the most talented drummers on the planet so maybe there is nothing wrong with his brain and he's just a weirdo.
  6. Watching those burglers walk up to the door so nonchalantly like they had all the time in the world then breaking the glass was so suspicious looking to me. How did they know the alarm wasn't on and the whole damn neighborhood wouldn't be awaken and calling 911? The "just kill her" and leaving the phone was not believable, either. Why not take the phone and throw it out the car window once they are out of sight if they didn't want to be tracked? It's not making any sense to me.
  7. On one of the podcasts I listen to they said the producers must hate Erika to keep her nasty comments on camera and actually show the footage. If that's the case, I love the producers! They do tend to not give her any slack. I can't imagine how that diva treats them off camera. Teddi said on her podcast (which is pretty good) that her husbands company did not install the alarm system at Dorit's. Dorit chose to go with a different company. I know, I listen to too many reality podcasts but they deliver some great behind the scenes juice regarding these shows. Maybe Sutton's cold reaction to the robbery is because she thinks it was staged. I can't help but like Sutton because I have yet to see her kiss anybody's ass. Rinna, take note! So we have to be subjected to Erika talking about the hot sex she's having now that old man Tom is put away in assisted living.
  8. I can't believe the family thinks Travis is such perfection. Nobody has make out sessions like that in front of family! They all just sit there and comment over how beautiful it is. Yuk! The way Kris gushes over him is weird. But....she did the same with Lamar, Kanye, Tristin. She also refuses to cut the cord with Scott even though it upsets Kourtney. She knows no boundaries. It must kill Kim that no big deal is being made over Pete. Anybody know if she passed the Baby Bar? Scott, cut the shit, stop bitching about being left out and go get a life. The guy is good looking and has his own money so finding a decent woman shouldn't be too difficult. He must be a real peice of work to deal with. He lives for the K drama. Khloe is looking fabulous. She finally admitted she had a nose job. It's a good job. Kris' new house is gorgeous.
  9. Guerdy is not looking like a very good wedding/event planner so far. Lisa needs help handling her kids. She's awkward with them. I don't think Alexia's marriage will last. He doesn't seem that in to her and will grow tired of the constant issues with her sons. Looks to me like he doesn't have much patience. It also looks to me like Alexia spoiles them. I get it with Frankie but the other one has always been a problem, no? Adriana has ruined her face and needs to go back to being a brunette. I like Nicole so far. I don't like Julia so far. Martina, what are you thinking?
  10. I was wishing Kourt would have said just that. This is the guy who was a drunk, drug addict, been to rehab a zillion times, tore up hotel rooms because he was out of control shitfaced and barely ever made it home for days. She owes him nothing except getting along in front of the kids. The family is always so accommodating with the ex's. Kris falling all over Tristin. Disgusting! Now they are all going on and on about Travis. They always kept Scott in the family feeling sorry for him. Kanye could do no wrong no matter how he threw the family under the bus repeatedly when he was having one of his bipolar meltdowns. Seems like there is no loyalty to the sisters, just the men in their lives. Travis and Kourt making out in front of his kids at the dinner table was gross. Not just kisses. Full on making out. They need to stop. Travis is really weird. He may be super nice but there's a screw loose somewhere.
  11. Italians. Often. Surprised Beth ever heard the word or knew it's meaning. For those hating "St. Jack". Once again he is shown in not such a saintly light. Sleeping through helping out with the middle of the night wake up calls from the screaming kids. I still just don't get why so many think Jack was ever portrayed as a saint. Clearly he has been seen with warts and all. Is it because Rebecca and the kids adored him? Was that so wrong?
  12. So they all move up north (Randall and Beth already there) and Kate stays in LA? Exactly how much time did she have to visit across country to see Rebecca between studying for her Masters, working full time and caring for 2 kids? I can't believe she agreed to that. In the end, she was not the one to make the decision about Rebecca, everybody else made it for her.
  13. He will be working in the Hamptons in the summer and elsewhere in the winter. I thought it was NH or Vermont, I guess it's in Aspen.
  14. Here you have 2 couches of gorgeous people. It can't be denied, they are all beautiful. Too bad each one is an asshole. All the girls at least. Interesting that it was revealed Danielle and Robert fight alot and almost broke up several times. At least Robert said they were breaking up every other day. Danielle was working hard to deny it. Not quite the picture of perfect relationship she tries to portray. He works and lives part time in New Hampshire (or Vermont?), part time in the Hamptons and she lives in Brooklyn. It's not going to last. Yes, Lindsey is a trainwreck who can't be trusted and Carl is fooling himself to think she's the one but I don't quite understand why Paige hates her so much. Must be lots of behind the scenes stuff we aren't privy to. Maya's cookie bizz is flourishing. Who would have guessed. You go, girl!
  15. Yes but you know how to cook. Granted, cooking for one is a pain. My post was not about that at all.
  16. After that awkward dinner Mother Bilal needs to tell her son that if he doesn't truly want more children he needs to be honest about it asap and stop wasting Shaee's time. And stop acting like Bilal is a kid who needs protecting. Some people really, really hate to cook. Sometimes I think it's just that they are too lazy to learn. Anybody can master several good, simple dishes, you don't have to be a gourmet cook. It's not rocket science. There's nothing difficult about learning to make a common dish like meatloaf, spagetti, or some kind of chicken casserole. So when I hear people say they don't cook or they can't cook I think Bullshit! You're just too lazy to want to cook. Something disgusting about Emily. Not sure why I disliked her so much right out of the gate. Let your baby get to know his daddy! All the poor guy could do is stand there and cry because he was not allowed to touch. She's so protective and nurturing of the baby but I bet her parents are the ones that really take care of him most of the time. Sickening. Kara's attitude is what got me. When she said "Let's drop kick this conversation" so authoritatively and walked away I wanted to drop kick her. She's clearly used to being the boss so choosing this young guy fits perfectly. She thinks she can control him, except hot boy child Guillermo seems to have a mind of his own. There will many fights to come regarding the struggle to control.
  17. How they going to raise 3 kids in that tiny condo? It's always stuffed with toys, strollers, baby what ever and the kitchen counters are covered with stuff and don't they have just have 2 bedrooms. It's just me, I know. I can't stand clutter. I remember them saying Alexei was sleeping in the bathroom for a while because the baby was in the bed with Loren and Shai was in the 2nd bedroom. Wtf? I hope they find that home in NC or where ever it is they want to move to. I remember Alexei saying he wanted 4 kids so I guess she figured she might as well pop them out one right after the other so she can be done with pregnancy and work hard to get her skinny bikini body back that she's so obsessed with. She really loves herself and her looks.
  18. Omg she's pregnant again! #3 on the way. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdOImxOL2wn/
  19. I would like to read this new book to see if she really has changed, learned any lessons, etc but I refuse to spend a dime on this twat. Let's not forget she has ghost writers, editors and publicists that helped with the writing of both books. I wasn't all Stassi's genius. If she hadn't gotten pregnant when she did she would be in the nobody gives a shit category just like Kristin Doute. She got lucky. I'm sure there is a book #3 on the horizon which will be all about motherhood, babies, blah blah.
  20. That's exactly it. Didn't they go behind Tre's back to try to get on the show without talking to her about it first? Same with cousins Kathy and Rosie? Tre and Louie never fight because Tre is afraid of Louie. She doesn't want to rock the boat. From everything we have heard about him (and I believe his ex's) dude has quite a temper. Delores being ok with Tre not inviting her to the engagement party is all kinds of f'ed up. She's just as far up Tre's ass as Jennifer is. Also, I'm not understanding the rift between Delores and Jennifer. Something else must have happened between them off camera. I was shocked to hear Tre say she never loved Juicy Joe, she married him to get out of the house. Louie is her one true love, her soulmate! Her daughters must love hearing that. Can they really be that crazy about Louie as Tre says or is she just being delusional as always?
  21. Yeah, I saw that. The only consolation is she's ranked #8 on the top 10 list so she'll probably be off the best sellers list next week. Who the hell is buying this trash??
  22. Nobody in their right mind would wear those clothes outside of the house. I think they were props to show us how outdated and out of touch Debbie is. Shame on Vanessa and Coltie for going along with that.
  23. Marlo living in that middle class townhome still pretending to be a rich bitch. Nothing wrong with the townhome except from Marlo we expect a castle. She's still posing. Somebody needs to call her out on her shit. I hope it's Kenya with her slick mouth. I don't think Sheree has anything going on as usual. Is she really still with the ex-con or is that just her storyline for the season? Todd has his own place in NJ and the sex is getting old and stale? Uh Oh. I see trouble in paradise. Does Marc not want to sign the divorce papers just to get under Kenya's skin? He clearly doesn't love her and has no intention of ever getting back with her.
  24. He knows in his heart that his daughter is making a huge mistake and he can't do anything thing about it! I heard on some podcast today that Kyle is being sued in some Loverboy related issue. Let the good times roll. Was that a $200,000 wedding? It was in her parents backyard so no cost for the venue. Carl officiated so no cost there, either. It was pretty but $200,000? Bingo! She desperately wants to be in a serious relationship, they never seem to work out because she's crazy and now Carl is her target. She wants a baby. She's freezing her eggs in case the man doesn't happen. She's hoping Carl is going to be that man. Does she love the man? And the no socks trend! I can see it on a casual summer outing but it's your wedding. Put some damn socks on. Also the tight shorts Kyle and Carl wore with suit jackets at the prom. Blech!!!
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