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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. So did Memphis have the baby? Was she pregnant at all? Did at least that question get to be asked? I only watched Pillow Talk for the highlights so thought maybe that was skimmed over.
  2. Plus they were all shitfaced drunk by that time so no conversation is going to be well received. Production knows what they are doing always making sure these idiots are full of alcohol. Even sadder is that she's 35, not 22. Her immature behavior is alarming. Carl, wtf are you doing?
  3. You can bet when Craig saw (or heard about) that last night there is hell to pay for Paige today. How humiliating. We all know men are sensitive about their dick size, lol! So she goes and announces it on TV. Paige is stupid and Craig has a short fuse and a big ego so they are probably fighting aboaut it today. Paigey better smooth it over and tell him he's better with his tongue!
  4. I looks to me that Mike went ahead and paid for X's boobs. They looked pretty good unless she was wearing a push up bra. She probably told him she would try again to make the relationship work only if he paid for that and her tummy tuck. So now she's gonna pretend for a while to actually care about him. Did anybody else notice one of the times she got up from her chair she came back in a different outfit? Wtf? Are we really supposed to believe Benzo was stood up at the airport again then takes his sorry ass to the beach and just so happens to see Mahog there? Oh, my, what a coincidence. C'mon people! This is such bullshit! These two are running some kind of crazy game.
  5. Yes, he is! And everything else in her life including her fake lips, even though she claims to have 3 jobs. Why was there no focus on that and Jasmine using Gino for his money? As usual, epic fail, Shaun! Also Hamza stfu telling Mike to "follow his heart", and then Jasmine and the rest of em' all agreeing. No, that's what got him in this mess in the first place. His heart and his dick. How about following some common sense? Listen to your friends, moron!
  6. They are all so awful. And FFS Andrea stop crying! It's ridiculous! Lindsey's un-brushed, fried pink extensions, ugh. I don't understand why Carl who so adamantly claims he not ready for a relationship with that pretty, nice girl ends up totally comitted to Lindsey in the end. He doesn't know what he's talking about or what he really wants. He's trying to get himself together then goes and gets involved with batshit Lindsey. Paige, grow up already. She didn't care about Andrea so she needs to stop pretending she's butt hurt because she wasn't the center of his universe. Is boring Danielle going to follow boring Robert to Charleston? I can not stand Amanda's monotone valley girl voice.
  7. Olaj is a gaslighting verbally abusive ass. He should be kicked off the show now. Anybody that shows abusive signs needs to go. No more discussion needed. The experts need to stop trying to reason with these idiots and cut their losses. Of course, it is a televised show so if they give every abusive jerk the boot what would be left for us to see? I would have loved to see Olaj matched with that cold fish Jasmina. She wouldn't take a minute of his bullshit and would jump at the chance to call him out at every opportunity. It could have been glorious to watch. Noi is a immature and has delusional ideas of what a successful relationship is. I also don't believe Steve has any money. Just enough to get by, pay his bills and that's it. When the money runs low, he works for a while until he saves some more then off he goes again. It's a cycle. Work, save, quit, spend. If he wants to live like that, it's his choice, stay single but don't drag a wife and kids in to your lifestyle. My second Steve theory is that I think it's possible he applied for this gig while he was still working, had a good job, then got laid off. He wasn't expecting to be chosen to join the show. Now he's trying to make the best of his unemployment without looking like a lazy bum on TV.
  8. Aside from loving this show I have to say British actors are so different and it's refreshing. They don't have perfect teeth, stretched faces full of fillers and botox, normal looking lips, normal size boobs and don't wear fake hair extensions. They look like real people! Unlike American actors that are so obsessed with looking perfect to the point of all looking the same. Blinding white veneers, fake hair, boobs, not a line on their faces no matter how old they are, ballon inflated lips, well, you get the idea.
  9. Nothing worse than a couple fighting and sniping at each other in front of family. Sooooo uncomfortable. These two are idiots.
  10. I'm sick of Kyle saying his "investors" keep asking him about a pre-nup. Who the hell says that? Grow some balls and tell her you want a pre-nup and why. He's such a freakin baby. Doesn't matter anyway, Amanda won't sign one. That is going to be one ugly divorce, especially if she gets her parents involved which you know she will and then throw a couple of kids in the mix and you have a recipe for trainwreck divorce of the century! Ciara has a temper. Lindsey is a selfish bitch. Danielle is annoying. Paige is immature. Andrea cries too much (almost as much as Kyle), Luke is pretty and Carl is still a lost puppy which Lindsey is going to pounce on and devour as soon as all her other options have taken a hike. ****Andrea was on WWHL with his girlfriend in the audience. This is the girl he was crying over, apparently they got back together. She's got fried blond hair with black roots. Not what I pictured Andrea to be attracted to.
  11. I was thinking the same. Marge Sr. was a terrible mother. At least according to Marge. They all lie so much it's crazy. Melissa is a good example of lying liars who lie. She has said in the past her dad cheated on mom all time, didn't come home for days at a time and her mom was always depressed. Now she puts her dad on a pedestal because he died and she misses what she conjured up in her head about him. Speaking of Melissa, that throwback pic of her in her teens is startling. She was one ugly girl. She has had ALOT of work done. I know this is an UO but I think Marge is beautiful. Her eyes are stunning. Is she wearing a wig because her hair is on point all the time now and I remember her hair being a thin, scraggly, pigtailed mess in the past. Watching Jackie struggle to put a tiny spoonful of ice cream in her mouth and then try to give her kids spoonfuls of it so it looks like she ate more is not only boring to watch but a bit too personal. Keep that shit off camera, Jacks. Then again, she has no storyline at all with out the ED. I guess in the weeks to come we get to watch her take her kids out for pizza. How fun. I thought Bill was hysterical with the guys. He really didn't apologize, he just said yea, I could have handled it differently. Gorga was frothing at the mouth for an apology. Bill knows he's a stupid, short little neandrathal and plays him perfectly. I also thought Frank was nice when he pulled Bill aside and wanted to make sure they were ok. I usually hate Frank with a passion but he was sweet in that moment.
  12. He also got new teeth. I always thought he was hot so I will show myself out, too. I also think he and Darcey are back together (or never really broke up) because he's still in Miami and they are always liking each others IG posts.
  13. I'm beginning to think Evan did cheat. I don't imagine being married to Jackie has been all roses and sunshine. She has alot of issues, won't give blow jobs, makes going out to dinner a chore and obsesses over every pound. He seems patient about her illness but you know after all these years it has got to be wearing thin (no pun intended). Now, not everybody gives head and it's ok for some men but most of em' live for it. Sex was probably unfulfilling for him. Ya'll can skewer me now over that comment. If he did cheat I'm not saying it was right, I'm just saying I understand why. When she asked Evan through her tears if he would still love her if she gained some weight I thought wow, she is in deep with this disease. She feels she's not lovable unless she's skinny. She could gain 10 lbs and still look great, maybe better, but she will never see that. Sad.
  14. I don't think she knows how to have fun. Since she was a little kid she never looked happy. Doesn't she have a boyfriend now? Go be with him and get off our TVee. Tre sure is a mean, miserable bitch for someone who claims to be deliriously happy with her new dream man. I think she's pissed off because she doesn't want to do the show anymore but needs the money so she stays. I'm curious, does Looey have any money? Does he work because they are both constantly filling their IG's with vacation photo's.
  15. Yet she is still best friends with Stassi, Katie and Brittney. I don't get why they like her at all. I really thought once she and "Rand" broke up they would dump her because they didn't have access to a PJ and "Rand" pretending to have big bucks but to my surprise they are still hanging with her. ** "Rand" was on a podcast talking about how he is still very good friends with Jax and Schwartz and see's them often. Wonder how Lala will react to that. Didn't she once say that if any one of them hung out with him they were no friends of her?
  16. Shannon would look great with a Gina type hair cut, something sleek. The extensions are awful on her as are Emily's too long extensions. * I alway liked Dorinda's hair, too. I am not a fan of Shannon at all, however, I was put off by the way Gina was arguing with her. It was hurtful and rude. I think Shannon has many friends that are not on the show. And yes, she does have connections. She was a very wealthy woman when married to whatshisname, hung out with Heather "type" women, knows alot of people in town and was a bit of a snot, just like Heather. Gina has gotten a big head and I don't understand why. She has done nothing but slap her name on some skincare line that will go nowhere and financed a condo. Get over yourself, girl. You ain't all that.
  17. Ok, I'm losing my mind. Who the heck are Daniel and Amber? I thought I knew them all since I hate watch all the seasons. I can not believe Asuelo is 26! He looks exhausted ( from what I haven't a clue) and do I see alot of premature grey in his hair?
  18. Her "I have confidence now" schtick is getting so old. It's amazing what a great haircut can do for a gal. Travis seems like a good guy. Not in any rush to marry Gina, though. Smart. On the other hand, Jon Janssen (Shannon's guy) is strange. I get a weird vibe from him. I actually purchased their eye cream and facial mask a long time ago. The eye cream sucked, the mask was the best I ever used then they discontinued it. What ever happened to Shannon's QVC frozen diet food line? Now she's shilling some Lemon products. She's gonna go broke with these idea's of hers. Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur.
  19. Joe Guidice keeping his mouth shut about all of this Loooey gossip. I didn't think he had any class but it seems he does. Kanye could use a lesson from Juicy. Yeah, she had to announce she was in a bad mood so don't fuck with her. Why bother to show up, then? Oh, contracts and $$$$. I almost forgot. It's painful to see Jennifer trying to have a conversation with Bill and he just sits there barely saying anything. He's not going to partake on camera and say anything that is going to hurt his business or reputation. Although, Jen is doing enough of that for him. I guess she should have been trying to have these convo's 10 yrs. ago. Too late. Bill has moved on and isn't interested in hearing any of it.
  20. Do we have to see Ciara prancing around every episode in her barely there bikini's when everyone else is out of the pool and dressed. They ALL have great bodies so why does she feel the need to do that?
  21. I agreed with all of Toby's points but his "You're going to have to get on board with me here" came off as a condescending threat to me. Having said that, Chrissy Metz did a great acting job this episode because I have never disliked a character more.
  22. Let's be honest here. Lindsey is a HO. Sorry, not sorry. She sleeps with every man that looks at her and she has no girl code what so ever. I know she's single and can do what she wants it just seems she is not picky in the least. She's 35, she should have grown out of that phase. Oh, you're cute, let's fuck. I think she has deep issues and hope Carl doesn't get hurt. Although, Carl has done his share of hurting in the past, too. Eh, maybe they deserve each other. At least we didn't have to see Kyle and Amanda fight like an old, married couple. Amanda made the bed. Kyle, look! I made the bed! Jeezus, these people.
  23. She said she's a stay at home mom. Is Asuelo working or just out playing golf and what ever else all day? Whose teat are they living off of? We know TLC doesn't pay shit but maybe it's enough for groceries and utilities since her mom pays for everything else. Staying in mama's house until it sells then going to California to live with her again and sponge off her. These two are the worst. Ellie is another one. She lied about her whole life. She never gave up the pizza shop and never intended to stay in Colombia for long. It was probably more like a long vacation. She doesn't deserve to be on the show. Tom's proposal is turned down. Wow. Total humiliation on TV. Anything for $$$ I guess.
  24. Exactly! It's going to be interesting to see what she ends up doing with her life. She's blaming her unfilled marriage right now on her unhappiness but I think it goes way deeper than that. She's unhappy with her lazy self. If she really wanted to open that sandwich shop she would be hustling with Ariana to find (real) investors to make it happen so she maybe could have some viable income and pride in herself, then actually really leave Tom instead of sharing a house with him because she can't afford to live on her own. I hate to say this but Tom won't have any problem finding another girl. He may have his faults but he still has his looks (I heard he's better looking in person and really tall) and there are plenty of West Hollywood famewhores that will gladly attach themselves to him. Like how Hooters girl Brittney attached herself to Jax. Katie will be the one left alone.
  25. She probably pulls it back because of the humidity causing her hair to frizz. That jet black do it yourself hair dye is even worse. I love natural black hair but as soon as you start dyeing it that color you look like a vat of shoe polish fell on your head.
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