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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Teddi mentioned on her podcast she and Crystal are still friends.
  2. Yes, so was Kyle. That light green jumpsuit with the feathers and earrings to match were gorgeous on her. Hair and makeup looked perfect, too. No glam squad! She said on WWHL she never brings glam. She's a do it yourself girl. She's not my fave but I admire her for that.
  3. One of the women said that Stanbury gets a lot of free stuff because she's a social media influencer. At her age? What is she influencing?
  4. Reading this makes me dislike them even more. That poor, sweet dog.
  5. Poor, poor Adriana. Divorced and son off to college. Rambling around in her house all alone and lonely. Cue the tears. And....who the hell sits in the rain getting saturated while telling each other how much they love their friendship? Production must have said, hey, we paid for this scene so you're gonna sit there and get soaked till we say "end scene"!! Alexia reminds me of one of those friends everybody has that always has a problem. When one is solved, another will always be around the corner.
  6. Funny how Kim never ever gets to the meat or their issues. Just that Barry needs to change. I hope the kids rally around Barry and she is left alone and lonely going from rental to rental and her "studio" fails so they have to sell it. I'm curious how do the Plath's have so much money? They must make a boatload off their rentals which is interesting to me since Cairo is not a vacation destination. What else does Barry do for a living to support 9 kids all these years while Kim stayed home and controlled every aspect of the family's lives?
  7. Really? I thought he showed much love for Amy when he had the sleepover at her house and had a great time there. Yes! She was seething. It was edited kind of weird, too. Amy said something like "Oh, and you tell everybody except grandma?" It was a strange comment but damn she was not happy. They could have easily compromised and spent Christmas Eve at Amy's and Chirstmas Day alone at their house with the kids. Tori is such a bitch and Zach goes along with everything she wants. I think some of the other siblings may have been at Lilah's party. Jer and Aud refuse to be filmed and I think the same for Jacob. They want nothing to do with the show. The same for Amy's wedding. They were all there but not filmed for the show.
  8. My Italian parents were married in the 50's. Never heard of football weddings. The cookies and the almonds, yes, but hero's for the food absolutely not. Sit down dinners were the norm where we came from. I guess it depends on your own family and where you come from. She saw Egypt up close and personal. Four times! They were not on vacation. This was his homeland. She knew the culture, the dress and the food of their everyday lives and the typical husband/wife relationships there. her excuses of how Mo has changed since coming to the US are laughable. Can not stand her!!
  9. I blame Yve 100% for the miscommunication in this relationship. Mo has been perfectly clear before coming here what he wanted, what he expected. He thought she was on board. He didn't lie about anything. She chose to ignore his lifestyle because the dick was good. Now that he's on her turf she plays it different. If I hear "I don't want to lose myself" one more time.......GTFO and cut him loose. He will be much happier back in Egypt. Yve may be 47 but acts like she 17.
  10. Holy hell! Lots of hot bodies, a few not. Lesbians, gays, threesomes, tops, bottoms, secrets, cheating, baby daddies, ALL the things and I'm here for it but it can't be real, can it? Especially the two hot chicks and big, ugly, fat dude? They gonna break up a 10 year relationship over that?
  11. I don't think it's fake but I also don't think it will last. I don't get why they are putting so much spotlight on them. He's only 28, he has a reputation of having alot of relationships that don't work out with very beautiful women. He isn't finished dating yet.
  12. 1. Pedro's in the backyard with the chainsaw or tree cutter or what ever it's called with NO SHOES ON! Idiot! 2. Pedro's english is reverting back to not so good. I needed closed captions. He needs to slow down when he talks and pronounce the ending of the words. 3. Karen makes the show 4. I could do without seeing Pedro's mom and sister.
  13. Just as bad. There is nothing to smile about when you are admitting being dishonest with your wife.
  14. She will get a pass all season for what ever she does. I remember a few seasons ago Kyle would have had a meltdown because Dorit was using too much glam and always late! This season, no prob!
  15. That sweet, beautiful Goat. Please don't hurt the goat.
  16. Anisha posted on her IG the new season will be released in the Fall.
  17. I think Chris would like to be besties and Amy will draw the line at friendship for the show and that's it.
  18. So Evil-lin is soooo busy with all her businesses, about to open a new bar yet is willing to leave it all to her sisters to manage for 3 years? No way. She's too controlling to let go of that. Do her sisters know shit about running a successful bar? Whose money went in to all of her businesses?
  19. Prime example of Zach being his entitled self. I can't stand when he sits in his confessionals with his lump of a wife with his arms folded across his chest like such a know it all. I would love to know what kind of a low ball offer Z & T made for the property. Amy and her "but this is famiiiily" so it should be different is BS, too. We're talking about millions of dollars here. It's business and if Matt can clearly see that his sons are lazy and spoiled and would destroy what he worked most of life for, then so be it. Maybe his delivery was off and harsh, we will never know for sure but I guarantee Zach wanted that property for next to nothing.
  20. He really is proving himself to be quite the asshole. Smiling and snickering like he's proud of it, too. All I can see in Kim's confessionals is her lipstick bleeding from the corners of her mouth. It's gross and she needs to watch some YTube tutorials on how to apply her makeup. I would like nothing more than to see her all alone, kids disgusted with her and Barry happily moving on. Regrets are a bitch. Looks like Micah's getting plenty of tail in LA. His Indian friend is hot. I'm surprised he doesn't have more game with the ladies.
  21. Are there two more entitled people on the planet than Larsa and Lisa? I could certainly live without her black roots. Do something with that mess! Are you gonna be blonde or black? Adriana with the Kanye dick talk. I can't help laugh at her, she did all that because the camera was on her and she desperately wants attention.
  22. His mommy meets his needs and that is exactly what he expects from a wife. He really needs to go back to Egypt to find that.
  23. I think Sheree is basically lazy. If it's not going to come easy she's not interested. Didn't Tyrone feed her a load of crap about having alot of money waiting for him once he got out of prison? I seem to remember something like that from the last time she was on the show. Of course it's most likely all lies.
  24. Emily does this thing when she in her confessionals that drives me crazy. When she's talking she rolls her tongue all over the roof of her mouth so when you look at her you see chunks of tongue. Almost like a lisp but not. Hard to explain. Kobe, run. He misses everything about his home town and Family Emily is doing nothing to try to make him more comfortable. They knew damn well he wasn't going to be able to work until he gets his green card so stop harping on it.
  25. Because it's unheard of in Egypt? The cultural differences are vast and apparently these two morons didn't discuss any of the important issues or expectations before (Yve) spending all that money on the K-1 visa. Same with Bile and Sheeda. Speaking of Sheeda, she has a smart ass mouth on her. I love it! Is the couch going to deflate? Yes, Daddy. No, Daddy.! Thais is a spoiled brat. She doesn't like the new house. Shut up, bitch and get to decorating that man cave so it doesn't look like a sea of beige with nothing on the walls like the last house. Keep yourself busy and go buy some accessories, Home Goods, Kirklands and Hobby Lobby are calling!
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