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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Ashley standing there with a deer in the headlights look on her face. She wasn't laughing or joining in on the swiping "fun". Something is off with their friendship this season. I mean she was like 5 mos pregnant and Whit didn't even know? Strange. These "friends" are not seeing each other outside of filming.
  2. Remember how last season Heather insisted on going to the Dr. appointment alone? I think she never wanted to be Whit's surrogate and found an easy way out. Lie about your physical situation. We see you, Purple Heather. Good job of getting Whit off your back.
  3. I love Treat Williams, love his brother Gregory Harrison (I guess that storyline is gone, now). These are seasoned actors. Why are they on this corny show? I guess it's all about money. I don't like any of the daughters and their silly love interests but most of all I can't stand Treat's ex-wife (don't remember her real name.) She walks out on her husband and 4 kids and barely see's them for years. Now she's back and all is forgiven and she the loving, doting mother. Ugghh! Treat deserves soooooo much more and is still handsome enough he should have found another woman by now. Done ranting. This one comes off my DVR.
  4. Glenn is 76 and is driving to Raleigh every day for work? 1.5 hrs one way. I'm sure the Thore's have plenty of money for retirement. Does he just do it to get out of the house? His wife needs him now, it's time to give her the care she needs. It's time to let Hunter go live his life for now. Whit lives locally and can take over helping Glen. Buddy doing his obligatory scene with Whit. So fake. Hardly any talk about Frenchman. Hmmmm, are they slowly going to slowly take him out of the picture and put Whit and Lenny back together? Can't believe this woman still has a show. Unbelievable.
  5. Don't Trent and Jonah work at the same car dealership? Why is Trent acting like he has no idea what is happening with Trent at work? Brice is looking slovenly and unkempt and needs a haircut. As controlling as Amber and Trent are I can't believe they didn't tell him to take off his damn hat. Event the kids were surprised at that. I live in the south and it's common to see men going to dinner in hats and Tshirts. I never liked it. Also, Brice, stop mumbling damn it! When you have to spend half the episode showing the eyebrow microblading procedure you know there is not enough content to keep this show going. I guess the new season theme is to show how fun Amber can be and how she and Anna are good now. Look everybody! Amber is not as much of a bish as we all thought! Not buying it. Anna is still my favorite. She has a full, thriving life with work, school, pets and online business, too. No time for boyfriends right now! She's more together than any of them. Jonah could learn alot from watching her. Oh, and, her hair is amazing. I want!
  6. I loathe him even more now that I know April is only 21. That's just gross. He must be planning on lots of babies. She's as creepy as he is. Does he have any kids with Brenda? Roberta knows exactly how to play these two. Tears, hugging and saying I love you, I miss you will do the trick for these two weirdo's. I wouldn't be surprised if Ick and Danielle are financing Roberta and her mom's entire lifestyle. Why hasn't Bert taken this year apart to study English? What is the deal with the language barrier? I think she wants it that way so she doesn't have to explain herself in any detail to them. You don't need to tell your Realtor that you need a bedroom to accommodate your 12 ft bed. You just say you need a huge master bedroom and take the measurements yourself. Such a bunch of BS. I'm sad they are bringing a baby in to this sick mess.
  7. She is. How does a woman like that produce 2 such unattractive daughters? Genetics are a crazy thing. You never know what you're gonna get.
  8. Yes! I noticed it. He's not as dumb as we think!
  9. If he's a recovering addict he should not be pounding down the beers like he does. He's more like an alcoholic and not any where near recovering.
  10. I think TLC liked Angela, Ed and Colt much more than the public did. We probably would have been happy if they were all one and done. Jibri has an underlying hateful, malicious and entitled nature thats comes off as more like Jesse and nobody liked that jerk but TLC kept bringing him back anyway. Everybody hates us because they are jealous! Same mantra with Jibri and Miona and Jesse and Jenniffer.
  11. Jibri will never be a star or a fan favorite because he's extremely unlikeable. Just like Jesse from the infamous Darcey and Jesse season. He keeps trying but nobody likes him. He's never going to happen.
  12. Ahhh good ole nepotism at it's finest. My guess is if not working for father in laws company then a connection from father in law. At least the guy is working so good for him.
  13. I think part of Bini's issue is that he is very self conscience about speaking English. He's as good as Mohammad but you don't get better if you don't try. The other part is that he a spoiled baby who has let his sisters coddle him because their parents are dead. Winegate is a perfect example. Total disrespect to his wife, Bini lets his sister parents take over. Patrick should get a DNA test. Maybe he already has. You go from zero sperm to making a baby and your wife is back in Brazil part of the supposed time they conceived? I would want to know more about that timeline.
  14. Thoughts: Why does Patrick keep saying Thais doesn't speak english? She speaks very well, even better now than when the season was filmed. Is it a control thing with him? So he takes over making all her appointments and phone calls he makes her think her English is not good? John: You still living at home with your parents, Spahkles? Spahkles: Crickets. Why didn't dumbass Shawn follow up on that? C'mon, Bini! Stand up for your woman. Say something! He could probably put Jibri in a suffocating choke hold in a second if he wanted to just like he did with Ari's ex. Guillermo is hot AF. Give him 10 yrs and his boyish looks are going to be handsome manly deliciousness. The way he was sitting there with his legs crossed like a model puts the other losers to shame. Is he tall enough to be a model? Because that is what he should be doing. Kara, be good to that man. Not enough Kenny and Tim commentary. Kenny has gained alot of weight. His face is full and his belly is overlapping his pants. It's hard to control yourself with all that yummy Mexican food around you all the time. I feel you, bro!
  15. That's what pre-nups are for. He's doing a good job of it.
  16. Craig also has 2 degrees. He has a law degree and a degree from a 4 yr. university. He may have been a sniveling whiner that partook in too much alcohol and adderall when he was with Naomi but he pulled himself together when nobody believed in him, but that doesn't negate her bland personality and constant nagging. She was still nagging him in the first few opening episodes of this season. Don't chew your ice, no woman is going to like that! (Que disgusted look on her face and I'm so much better than you attitude). Yeah, that showed a lot of class. Shut up Naomi, stay in your single lane and go eat a sandwich!
  17. That house is disgusting, it's only one step up from the garage. Destiny pregnant? That poor, poor baby. She would be doing that baby a favor to give it up for adoption. At least the baby would have a fighting chance for a normal life. What is all the talk about Sean owing her money? WTF is she talking about?
  18. I'm curious what has she done to be out of his league except have very wealthy parents? Her parents have that successful restaurant in Charleston and Naomi worked there before she met Metul, now that her dad passed away I don't know who owns it. Aside from that I don't know what else. At least Craig did graduate law school, finally pass the Bar and has his successful pillow business and store, owns his own home and has a few other rental properties. Where does Naomi live? That house looks pretty nice, probably owned by her mother.
  19. So Shep doesn't want to get married because he's afraid of divorce and nobody in his family has ever, ever gotten a divorce. He doesn't want to be a failure. Lame ass excuse for wanting to be a man whore. I fast forwarded through 75% of this mess. I record all my shows in case of situations like this. Is Whitney still a producer on this show? That would explain why Patricia has so many scenes this season. He probably begged mommy to help him save this sinking ship. That's the only reason I can think of why the Grande Dame of Charleston agreed to embarrass herself like this. The things we do for our kids.
  20. And that damn bun on the top of her head. All the time. You would think with her money she would have the best hairstylist in Beverly Hills. The attire for Dorito's charity was black and gold so of course Rinna shows up in red and gold. Sutton handled herself beautifully with Rinna. She's so used to these bitches ragging on her it doesn't rattle her anymore. That shit eating grin on her face when she's stirring is infuriating, too. I want to slap that grin off her face.
  21. He's happily engaged and living in another town. I don't think we'll be seeing much of him anymore. He will probably make an obligatory appearance now and then but he has pretty much moved on.
  22. I noticed the paint, too. One of the reasons I moved to where I am now is because of all the pretty red brick houses. I love them. I came from Florida and you never see it. Only ugly boring stucco homes. Her mom being ill is authentic but other than that, I don't think so. The entire Lenny coming back around is BS and I don't think there is any Frenchman. Last season or now. She's too cool about it all, last season she was losing her mind over Frenchman. Now, she barely speaks of him.
  23. How can my heart break for someone yet still hate them at the same time? Leave it to Whit to stir up such emotions in me! Wishing Babs the very best. Sooooo are we still supposed to believe her relationship with LeBlur was real? I don't. Lenny shows up and Whit acts like she is the one that dumped him and he's still in love with her and turns up 5 yrs later? If I remember correctly he was cheating on her. Does her narcissism never end? How much is TLC paying him to play the part of the pathetic ex that wants her back? What in hell is going on with Ashley? Whit didn't know she was pregnant? The most awkward scene ever. I thought Ashley was one of her minion besties but she shows up with this big preggo belly and Whit pretends she didn't know. Bad acting on Whit's part because she didn't even seem surprised.
  24. I think the reason Ralph decided against adopting Drew's kid is because he isn't sure if the marriage is going to last.
  25. Marlo, sit your stupid ass down. Not only has Kandi written and sang her own songs for TLC, she has also written hits for the likes of Pink, Mariah Carey, and Beyonce just to name a few. She is incredibly talented. She is well known in the music industry. She's has a net worth of 30 million. So um, where do you get your money and how are your nephews doing?
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