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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I think this is exactly what they are setting us up for. The problem with it is Whit was madly in love with Frenchy, crying over him, spending a month in Paris with him(supposedly), acting like a little school girl with excitement every time she talked to him. Now, the narrative changes and she's cooling off. She has been dumped and cheated on so many times before this time it's gonna be her big girl decision. Sure, Whitney. Sure, producers, Sure TLC. What ever ya'll say.
  2. Maybe don't book a fashion show until you actually have the fashions in hand ready to go. Then book the venue and models. Sheree is so stupid and although Kenya came in hard at the modeling auditions she was right. Sheree clearly has no business sense. Where is Dwight when you need him? Drew already knew and had experience with cheap Sheree. If Sheree doesn't help her pay for the party it's on Drew. Stupid for asking in the first place.
  3. Dr. Heavenly loves Daddy so much but never takes his advice. She's going to do and say what ever she wants, when ever she wants. Daddy was pretty fed up with her this episode. Heavenly's mama is dying and it's sad but please let's not use that as an excuse for her awful behavior. She's been out of control from the get. Besides, we already have one houswife acting out like a complete asshole (Lisa Rinna on RHBH) and blaming it on grief from losing her mother when we all know she's been a witch from day one. Anila=spoiled. For all you working moms out there seeing this brat complain about needing a nanny when she is a stay at home mom living in a mansion, it must be hard to watch her. I'm sure she has housekeepers and cooks but she can't handle her school age kids because her nanny left. Fuck off, Anila.
  4. So basically Mick works his butt off providing a gorgeous home and life but she feels neglected so she leaves all of them. Then blamed Mick for her leaving, for not understanding her, for not sharing custody of the kids with her. So she had no visitation for years and years? Blah, blah, blah. Most of all she had Mick ending up apologizing to HER! That really pissed me off! Does the show have new writers this season? Obviously very little Jess and no Kevin for weeks. Did they decide there are too many kids to fit in to an hour episode? Oh, and if they're not going to have Nell anymore then stop mentioning her name as if she really exists! Nell is going out tonight, Nell made this soup......
  5. He did say that, though, during the one on one talk when she was crying. He said she helps him to do better. Great Shep, put it all on her. Aside from the verbal abuse the guy cheats which was the final straw for her. I imagine he will use the excuse of "I can't help myself", I love you but I can't change". He has also said in a past episode that she should be happy with all he does for her like take her on expensive vacations and shows her a good time all on his dime. So shut up, Taylor and enjoy the ride. Shallow Shep. He is really disgusting.
  6. I imagine this is a problem with many dwarfs. The little people shows gloss over this issue and I wish they would not. Looking different and having physical challenges must be hard on adolescent dwarfs, some more than others and kids can be so mean to each other.
  7. That makes me feel a little better. She should have bought a size bigger, though. Henchi was stuffed in there.
  8. Yep. Pot meet Kettle. Metul was controlling and emotionally abusive towards Naomi and I don't doubt that if she had not caught him cheating she would still be putting up with his bullshit.
  9. I didn't go to college and have heard the word gait and know it's meaning.
  10. Shep=Classic narcissist. Wow, what a pig. When he said his whole family talks to each other this way and he's not going to change for anybody makes me think Mama and Papa Shep really dropped the ball with this egomaniac. Joking around with your family at the dinner table is one thing, complete disdain, jealousy and lack of respect for people is another. The other siblings seem to have turned out normal so what happened with this aging playboy? I think Naomi and Whitney is a fake storyline. He's 25 years older than her and it's gross. I want to see them kissing, hugging and one on one conversations then I may believe it. So far, no chemistry whatsofuckingever! Charleston is a small town, it must be hard to find a decent significant other. Whitney: Look at her, she has a nice "gait". The others (including Naomi): WTF is a "gait"? These are all college educated people (I know hard to believe). They don't know what a "gait" is? Whit belongs in the 1950's. He reminds me of the type that spent too much time with adults when he was a kid because he was too much of a nerd to have friends his own age. Where is Kathryn? Why not on this group trip? Is she refusing to film with them?
  11. Instead they chose to kick him out of the house. Then they take him back. No parent is perfect but they went about helping him in the wrong way.
  12. I was thinking that, too. Or maybe she's pregnant now. She sure is giving a bland, bored performance this season. What happened to the perky, quirky, cutesie and sometimes annoying gal of last season? Now she's just phoning it in. She's also not getting very many lines. The camera keeps panning over to her face but no lines. Strange. Same with Kevin, we don't see much of him now they are sending him on a vacation to Hawaii. Maybe he's busy making another Hallmark Christmas movie. Does Megan accepting the job mean she's leaving the show? Hope so. I had to laugh when she walked in to the dinner and didn't say a word about Mic's cast being gone after the kids all mentioned it before she arrived. Whoops, script overlook there. Bree is beautiful. Not much else to say about her.
  13. The guy is no prize. He never looks anybody in the eye, always has his head down. I don't see any personality with him. He looks like a slob. Get a haircut. Take the hat off. Dress better. Does he at least have a good job? Elizabeth is settling. But then again, she has somebody she can control so that must be what she wants.
  14. Same here. I kept thinking there weren't enough air holes for that poor cat to breathe. Stuffed in that back pack gave me claustophobia just looking at the poor thing. Why not just put Henchi in a pet carrier? I know, I know. Too logical.
  15. When Lenny said he forgets Whit isn't single because he never sees her with anybody, then she said she talks to Frenchy all the time and they fight every day. When has the relationship turned to fighting every day? Interesting. We don't need Buddy's half ass appearances. I guess the reduced paycheck from TLC is worth it. Go back to your fiancee, bro. She obviously doesn't want to be on camera or part of the phony friend group. Whit and Ashley back to being all up in each other's life. Just a week ago Whit didn't even know she was 5 months pregnant. She also said in her IG that Ashley doesn't live in Greensboro and she hardly ever sees her. Heather had her moment with the pink hair. Time to let it go. Another giveaway when Heather said she never goes out, stays home all the time so she needs to get out of her homebody comfort zone. So that means in reality she also doesn't see Whit often. This whole show is based on bullshit.
  16. If she ever does truly go to the US she will never accept another wife. She wants it to be just the 3 of them because she know she can bamboozle Ik and Dan in to doing anything she wants. What will god say about Ik limiting his kindom to just 2 wives? This is going to get interesting. April is one rough looking 21 yr old. She was acting like a 2 year old with Boat boy's son. Boat boy has no standards. Take away his weird personality and he's not a bad looking dude and apparently has some money. It must be rough pickins finding a woman that wants to live that life. Other Danielle looks terrified at the proposal! Another super young unfortunate looking girl with no life of her own. Looks like next week is going to be really good. Can't wait!
  17. Why? There is nothing to be afraid of. I think the guys know that. Which is why I'm perplexed as to why they all let him get away with his analysis of their relationships. Mostly Bilal and Bini. They should have stopped him in his tracks. ** Interesting note, There are photo's of Jibri at Thais and Patricks baby shower. John was there, too. Unbelievable. https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChiWEDcll2c/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=6b32d079-efa9-4767-8296-47103a9a9b49
  18. Last straw for me: Taylor was on WWHL and said Little Craig lives with Sheps parents! Apparently Shep uses him for filming purposes. What a complete asshole!
  19. That is what I'm thinking, too. Lets see, Ari goes back to the US for Avi surgery. Supposed to be there a couple of weeks but turns in to months. Then Ari comes to US with Bini and Avi in tow only to go back to Bini's home country without him and stays for 3 months after she was again only supposed to be gone a few weeks! What in the ever loving hell are these two doing? Who funded her and Avi's long stay in Ethiopia? What friends did she have there, what family? She is full of it. Somewhere in time Bini goes to Vegas. Was he alone? Did he do that while Ari was in Ethiopia or did he leave her in NJ? Of course Shawn doesn't ask so we will never know. Jibri- I don't understand why Bilal didn't speak up for himself and ask Jib why he should give a flyin' fuck what he thinks? Everybody just sat there and let Jibri mouth off like a know it all that knows nothing. This is why he is the way he is. I wish John or Daveeeeed or even our own MMA fighter Bini would have beat his ass right there on stage. Speaking of Bilal- he sure is acutely aware of the camera and knows what ever he says it will be on tape forever so he kept his cool, his mouth shut and stays composed at all times. He let Sheeda go on and on ....Bilal know how not to get me pregnant! Wowwww, shots fired! His ex threw him under the bus, too. You have to know he was sitting there all quiet but seething inside. It must have been a very, very chilly evening once they left the studio. Shawn is the all time worst reunion host in history.
  20. Naomi used to have self confidence and esteem. Then she met Metul. She idolized him, adored him. He beat her down (verbally) all the time to the point by the time they broke up she was a shell of who she used to be. By the time she left him and came back to Charleston she definitely did it with her tail between her legs. Deservedly so. I'm surprised any of that crew talks to her at all.
  21. He had them on in the episode, too. I couldn't help but notice. Mitch tries to act so together but is really a disaster. I don't get this whole "I'm not attracted to you" spiel to then wanting to jump her bones, bathe together, blah blah. What's going on with these two? This dog situation breaks my heart. Another example of a human not taking responsibility for training their dog. So the dog will suffer, be dropped off at the shelter or put to sleep. Didn't Justin say he had the dog since it was born? And he never tried to do anything about her aggression? Binh, omg. He surely schedules out the time alloted for sex and the cut off time, right? Only after dark, with the lights out of course. He is the most non sexual person I have ever seen. Ain't nobody gonna tell me when I can and can't turn the lights on or run my appliances, lol. What a freak. Nate. She has an income of $415K a year. Let her buy a Nespresso with out any comments from you. One for each room if she likes. Pick your battles. Same with Stacia. Keep your nose and hands off his stuff. You don't get to come in and throw away anything you deem gross. Plenty of time for that when you actually move in together. I throw kitchen stuff (food, snacks condiments) that have been in the kitchen for way too long away that my husband swears he wants then never notices once it's gone.
  22. Rinna Beauty and Rinna Rose. How does she rate these parties and attention? Had enough of Crystal's crying. Now her rich AF very well connected screenwriter husband is involved. How embarrassing for him. Kathy at Crystal's: Do you have a cracker or something? I drive all the way over here and you're not going to feed me? I love Kyles family life but I don't love Kyle. Also love kooky Sutton and the always calm Garcelle. Garcelle always pointing out to Erika what an asshole she is never gets old.
  23. They are going to keep Danielle home with no outside life and groom her for that. Cooking, cleaning and nanny day care. Or....she's going to haul ass once she finds out about the pregnancy.
  24. Chanel's story is heartbreaking. How do you grow up in a situation like that with a father like that and come out "normal". It's not possible. I 100% get why she is the way she is. I hope she's getting the intensive therapy she needs. I'm amazed she has a loving relationship with her husband and son. Sergio is such a boy child. Does he have any life, a job, other interests or just wants to follow Stanbury around like a lovesick puppy? Are his parents financing him? She's going to grow tired of that. Maybe her ex paid her no attention so she's enjoying it for now but he's a real pain in the ass and not very intelligent at all. Does he really need the baby making process explained or is this an act for camera time?
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