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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Austen is a cheater. Madison caught him having a threesome. Taylor doesn't need that. Also, Austen is totally in love with Taylor. His tearful conversation with her in the store was hella awkward. Craig is going backwards. He cleaned himself up and now he's going back to his alcohol and adderall infused ways. A really bad look. I wonder what Paige thinks when watching this. That said, Naomi needs to get over herself. So he called her crazy. Don't we all think our ex's are a bit crazy?
  2. I expected to see them walking in to a corporate high rise building in downtown Raleigh! I was sure she was going to forget to roll her windows up because ya know, she never drove through a car wash before and wouldn't that be pure comical genius! Not. Who ever it was that said Lenny is the new Buddy is totally correct!
  3. Let me get this straight. Jonah and Ashley went 4 months without seeing each other and Trent and Amber think they need to slow down? WTF? I think Ashley is a sweetheart and Jonah has not treated her well for a long time. I remember the family vacation they went on and he was awful to her. He's lucky she's willing to wait for him to get himself together. Why waste our time watching Eliz and Brice talk about going to have a talk with his parents when we don't even get to see it? Not enough content for hour long episodes. Brice got himself a haircut, took the hat off, had clean clothes on and actually carried on a conversation. He looked nice. I take back all the shit talking I did about him!
  4. To that add the fact that she was perfectly fine with the possibility of getting pregnant without marriage. How would her mommy and daddy have felt about that?
  5. I just wanna know what Quad is doing to be able to afford that house. Does she have a job? Wise investments? Huge divorce settlement? She wasn't living in a mansion like that when she was married. What gives?
  6. I was disappointed in Christine when she actually agreed to "promise" Kody that she wouldn't get a greedy boyfriend. Why would she do that? I felt like at that moment she was starting to soften a bit. She should of told him it's none of his damn business what she does with her life from here on out. Also, I kept hoping she would tell Kody that the last straw for her was when he refused to go with her to their daughter's surgery and wanted the poor girl to postpone the surgery while in severe pain every day just for his benefit. She never brought that up. All in all, I think she was much too kind to that POS. But....her packing all of his crap, putting in boxes and dumping it all in the garage without him knowing it was beautiful sweet revenge so good on Christine for that. Lastly, I was under the impression Kody was broke. Just how much money does he have that he's worried about losing?
  7. This bugs me, too. If you're not going to participate and take a bite of everybody's food then get off the show. Sunny did this for a while long ago and it was very noticable but I think she was on a diet or something. That changed quickly, though. She must have been told she has to eat the food but this is GZ we're talking about. He is oh so special and makes his own rules.
  8. Really Whitney? Paper napkins? How tacky. Says the woman that lets her dogs shit all over the kitchen.
  9. Leva invites Naomi and Kathryn to girls night knowing they can't stand each other. Leva: Hey, ya'll have something in common, you both slept with Whitney!! Then proceeds to embarrass Venita with her accusatory rant about I don't even know or care about. But hey, we're friends so lets party! Craig is looking so old and sweaty this season. He also has alot of lines on his face for a guy that's only 33. I can't figure out why because he used to model and used to be very good looking (another reason Shep was always jealous because Shep is not attractive). Was he back on adderall and booze while filming? Get it together, Craig. You have pillows to make and a cute new girlfriend to keep happy. Looks like next week Naomi tries to pile on Craig again. Stop, girl. Go fuck Whitney and leave your ex alone.
  10. Garcelle looked stunning the entire episode. Kyle is just pissed off and jealous of Kathy because Kathy was a fan favorite last season. Kyle wasn't expecting that. She has been trying to embarrass and make a fool of Kathy because of her petty jealousy. Besides, Kathy puts caviar on her baked potatoes! She's a star!!
  11. He's an actor. He does character work and supporting roles. He has never been a lead in anything but seems to work fairly steadily. He feels there are a lot of acting opportunities in ATL. I would think he would move to LA for that and was living in NY until Covid hit. I'm not quite getting when ATL became such a hotbed for actors but I guess Hunty knows what he's doing.
  12. Are these people really telling 22 yr old Jonah whether he should or should not date? They are really crossing the line. I don't care if he's living in their house. HE'S 22! Back the fuck off. I don't think having a long distance girlfriend has anything to do with his problems. As long as he's helping around the house and going to therapy what more do Trent and Amber want? One thing I noticed about Jonah is that he is well spoken in his confessionals and when talking to his parents and sibs. He seems to think before he speaks and makes sense when he has something to say. He has taken ownership for his mistakes and seems to really want to be a better person. There is hope for him, I sincerely hope he finds his way.
  13. I miss Todd and his confessionals. The only one not afraid to call out Shitney for the mess that she is. Why did Lenny have to take Whitney to the dentist? So lame. Todd, Buddy and Tal hardly shown and Lenny, Jessica, sick Babs and Glen front and center. Are we really going to have to watch Jessica's wedding? Who gives a rat's ass and who thought it was a good idea to feature her on this season? It's not entertaining at all. Big, Fat, Fabulous Life. Big and Fat for sure. Fabulous no way.
  14. This seems to be the go to explanation on this show of missing actors. Oh, they are on vacation. Oh, they are visiting a friend. Oh, what ever. If certain actors are not on for a few episodes just don't say anything unless they are permanently written off the show like obviously gran. Can't they just say she went to live with her sister for a year or something and leave it at that without having to mention every episode where she is and how she made soup or muffins before she left? Nice to see Gregory Harrison again. He's hot for his age and so is Treat Williams. I like looking at them even if their storylines suck.
  15. How many more couples/lonely men was Bertie scamming? You know there's never just one.
  16. He got it right this time with the nose. Sheree may have actually had fashions this time but they were dreadful. Just dreadful.
  17. The Aunties are funny. Other mom's on other shows have been funny (Lisa Rinna's mom on RHOBH, Marysol's mom on RHOM). Anila's mom is a stone cold bitch and she treats her daughter and son- in- law like garbage. Not entertaining at all. There needs to be another storyline for Anila or get her off the show.
  18. Don't forget learning French! What ever happened to the big deal of studying for the personal trainer course and exam? Did she flunk the exam?
  19. Right?? She has the worst fashion sense ever. What's with wearing onsies? She must have a closet full of them in different colors. Alexis, Stacia, Morgan, Lindy and Mitch are exhausting and unappreciative. Lindy maybe could be ok if she didn't spend so much time explaining everything to death.
  20. The only reason I can think of is that the editors hate Erika and Diana as much as we do and want to make sure we are so disgusted with the episode that we will hate them even more.
  21. This show was originally about a big, fat single girl living in Greensboro and all the trials and tribulations of trying to slim down and navigate her way through life as someone struggling with her weight and various methods to gain control of her life. How far we have come. Is there even a mention of her weight, what she's eating or any milestones or setbacks on this journey? Nope, not a freakin' word. Instead it's about her parents, her high school friends and her trainer what's her name who she's gone in to business with yet we never see any business going on. Oh, yeah, let's throw Lenny in to the mix for fun because we aren't all bored shitless already. Time to cancel.
  22. Except with Lindsey she never has a drink. She drinks to get shitfaced, then she gets loud, sloppy and argumentative and this is what Carl may have a problem with. Of course we see her on the show and that's only a small fraction of their every day lives.
  23. Just in time to get engaged for the new season. Or did they already film? I can't keep the timeline straight. Lindsey said (I think during the reunion) that she's sober now but won't be forever. If she wants to drink, she will. That could cause a lot of trouble in the future if she does that. Not that she has to stay sober because Carl is but because she gets crazy drunk when she drinks. It just won't work.
  24. Roberta is the boss. There will be no 3rd wife. Ever. Boat boy's new house is weird. Who builds a house with a steep driveway incline like that? It's like walking up a mountain to get to the front door. And for cripes sake, put a backsplash in that kitchen! With all his money he sure had that home built on the cheap. I'm in the market for a new house so I notice these things. It didn't take long to brainwash Danielle 2.0. Not long at all. She's 22, she will be pregnant and popping out babies very soon and according to her she doesn't like staying home so looks like Nicky will be running a daycare before he knows it. Or he will convince the breadwinners to hire a nanny so he can go off and think.
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