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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. She admitted they are broke and buy their designer clothes at thrift stores and live beyond their means. It takes guts to admit that on camera which makes me love her, too. I don't get why the other girls say Victoria gets all the guys. She's pretty but so are all of the other girls. I'm tired of all those gold chains she wears with every single outfit. I also get a snobby vibe from her. I was distracted by manic Kaceys green eye shadow in that one scene with the girls and in her confessional. French women for the most part are very simple. Nice, tailored clothes, very little makeup and they don't do much with their hair. If you get Netflix I recommend "The Parisian Agency" and you will see what I mean. It's a fantastic series about a french family of father, mother and sons selling real estate in Paris and the countryside. Beautiful scenery and the family is awesome.
  2. I hate this show and watch it every week.! Bree is soooo annoying. Why not go to a nice romantic restaurant for the birthday dinners and call it a day? What is the big damn deal? Oh, because everything is a big deal in the world of Bree. Evan and Abby with her big toothy smile act like a couple of lovesick puppies. Kevin, grow up. You're about to be a father. Stop running to your sisters every time you can't keep a secret. I was expecting some reveal like the dad wasn't really the dad or something juicy like that. But nooooo that was a big ole' nothing burger. I'm thinking daddy Mick will end up financing Jess and David's winery or David will find where his hidden treasure of a Trust is. No Connor? It's funny how they leave one sibling out of every episode. The writers can't fit them all in one episode. Still mentioning about Nell. Why, writers, why? We get it. She's not around. Tell us in the first ep of the season and let it go. So Meghan has enough money for her house in Cheaspeake and an apartment in LA? This family is just rolling in dough.
  3. Didn't she say they had sex and he left soon after that? No cuddling, spooning, kissing? Simmer down, Deb. You're coming on a little too strong. Let the Canadian lumberjak give you some compliments and stop hanging all over him. Sheesh! I have a feeling he's going to go back home and think about it and decide he can't deal with her and break her heart. Hope it doesn't turn out that way because she seems fragile.
  4. Ahhh yes. I had not thought of that. Now that I remember I don't think Tony and Kody were ever very fond of each other. Keep throwing that shade, Christine!
  5. First of all I don't care to see Mykelti giving birth. Second, why does Christine keep saying that Mykel and Tony are the perfect couple? A great team, a united couple, blah blah. What do they do that is so special? Tony is still a weirdo. Just because his sperm works doesn't make him some super duper husband. I was so pissed watching that zoom call. Mariah not saying a word because she obviously means nothing to this family. Sobbyn sitting next to Kody of course, afraid to open her mouth. She is very calculated about everything she says. It's almost as if she's afraid to go against Kody for fear of his backlash. Then you have Christine acting all happy and chipper like all is well with the world. She must be back on her happy pills again. I'm surprised at the closeness of Mykelti and Sobbyn. It seems like the boys in the family have a problem with Sobbyn and the girls get along with her. Strange. Kody= it's too cold to sit outside and visit my daughter. What in the ever loving fekkin' hell is wrong with this guy?
  6. We are supposed to believe that rich Josh with the fancy car and fantastic job working with gorgeous women all the time in LA is willing to put up with a nut job like Natalie who lives in Florida. In real life there would never have been a second date. He's definitely in it for the pay but I think even more for some D list fame. He's probably a starving actor waiting tables in Hollywood. I can't stand Tania because I always think of how she treated Syngin when he just arrived to the US and she took off for Costa Rica for a month and left him in some unfinished garage at her mother's house. He had no friends and no driver's license, no car. Even though Syngin was a drinker and partier she knew that already and still brought him over here, then constantly bitched about him. Debbie constantly laughing after everything she says and making her cutesy sexual remarks makes me cringe. Colt and Vanessa must be so pissed that she got a place on the show and they are doing what?
  7. Lets not forget Sunny and her fan girling over Bobby Flay every time his name is mentioned.
  8. Oh, Craig. You couldn't keep it together and your ass in the chair for one entire episode, could you? Not one ounce of chemistry between Whitney and Naomi or Austen and Olivia. The small snippet of Chelsea made miss the good old days of Chelsea, Cameran and even that evil monster TRav. He sure has and add Whitney to that. I always thought Whitney was sort of handsome but now he's looking haggard. He is in his mid 50's. He doesn't belong with this group of people in their early 30's and neither does Shep who is in his 40's. Best part of the episode is when some of the group was in the kitchen playing the drinking game. Take a drink every time we hear Shep say "I'm happy!", "I'm done" or something else I forgot. Even Taylor was in on it and I thought it was hilarious. Sheppie is becoming a laughing stock. Edited to add: WHERE IS KATHRYN? Are we not supposed to notice she's missing? Is she not a part of the cast any longer?
  9. For the first time in all of the seasons I like the men more than the women (except Mitch). These women are awful except Kristin but she bothers me, too, because she doesn't realize her worth and is trying too hard to be what Mitch wants her to be. There is no question in my mind why Alexis, Morgan, Lindy and Stacia are single and having trouble with lasting relationships. Demanding, selfish, childish and unwilling to compromise.
  10. I hope there is a clause in the contracts that if someone should move out before the show is finished filming they will not be paid unless there is physical or mental abuse involved. This business of moving out because you had a fight or are pissed off about something is BS. Binh has a great body. He must work out a lot. He also has good taste when it comes to his clothes. His body and style don't match his insecurities.
  11. He said she is going to the clubs every weekend. He said he wouldn't mind if it was just lunch once in a while. Then she said she's only at the club for a couple of hours. Somebody is lying. Exactly. I can't stand Alexis. She compromises on nothing! He gave up his dog for her! What has she done for him? I hope he wants a divorce then goes to get his dog. I really like him and agree with everything he says about them. He's also astute when it comes to Stacia.
  12. In a dark, dismal basement that cost hundreds of thousands to remodel. Even the furniture looked cheap. Where was the food? I laughed when Sutton got up to leave and said "I've had enough cake"! I feel ripped off. An entire episode discussing the appalling behavior of Kathy yet we don't see or hear any of her meltdown. Just hearsay. How exciting. Also, how strange of Rinna to take it upon herself to go home alone with Kathy after knowing the agitated state Kathy was in. I guess Rinna was hoping for it to be filmed but Kathy must have slapped the cease and desist order on BRAVO to not show the footage. Lastly, why would Kyle let Kathy leave the club without following her sister home knowing how upset she was? Kyle stays in the club partying? You would think Rinna would have at least texted Kyle asking her to come home because her sister is losing her shit and is scaring her. It's not adding up.
  13. She looks like she's stuffed in to her clothes with at least 5 pairs of spanx on. She has no waist so her body looks square. She gained a huge amount of pregnancy weight, I would say at least 100 lbs. The only way she will ever flatten her belly is with a tummy tuck but she's not finished having babies yet so there's no point in doing that now. Remember they want like 4 kids? So what's taking so long? lol. By the way Jax, We are still waiting for that children's book you wrote. Where is the book?? Fekkin' liar!
  14. Which circles back to: What. Does. Kody. Do.? We never did get a full explanation of Type A personality Kody and what he has going on that keeps him so busy. All the wives say is that they don't know what he's out doing, yet he's always on the go. Do these people ever talk? Are the wives not allowed to ask questions? It's all just so strange.
  15. Has he always had such a high pitched, scratchy voice? It's so annoying!
  16. It looks like Eddie has gained all his weight back plus more. The nerve!
  17. Liz and Ed are ridiculous. He was too sensitive about her comment on the photo of her friend looking like she had no neck. She wasn't wrong. If Ed were a professional photographer he would see that. He would also know you have to take a gazillion photo's just to get a few good ones. As for Liz, Ed was flirting because he had the attention of Liz' beautiful model friend. She was jealous, not because she wants to learn photography but because Ed hasn't changed a bit and she knows it. He wants Kimbally for the money and the other 3 wives for the babies. It's obvious. Wake up, Kimbally. I died when he told her he would bring one baby to America for Kimbally to raise! Sure, Usman. That will make her happy.
  18. I guess "Robyn's kids" get on Kody's nerves, too. He has to go hide in the garage or better yet the closet to get some peace. Wow, he's a real piece of work. I still can't figure out why a stay at home mom that has three kids that are practically adults and self sufficient needs a nanny when only the other 2 of the kids are young. They are not babies, they are young. Producers, please please ask her this question. I can only surmise that Kody does nothing to help raise these kids. Not even Robyn's perfect little angels. The only reason Robyn keeps defending him and acting like a united front is because she has nowhere to go. Stuck with five kids and no income? Nope. She's staying put until she figures out how to get out from under Kody's regime. The three wives will stay put until the show is officially cancelled and there is no more steady TLC money coming in. Until then, they will hang in for the check.
  19. Since it's Hallmark my prediction is Abby and Evan will get married. Bree and whatshisname will move in together. Jess' husband will find out his trust is in tact and dad is really not a monster, Connor and new lawyer lady will form a hugely successful law firm, Kevin and his wife will have a healthy baby, and Mick will be cured of his addiction and move to California to be with his ex. Everybody gets their happily ever after! Hallmark wouldn't have it any other way.
  20. Does Abby still work? Is Bree still writing? Does Connor actually have any clients? Do Kevin and his wife fight fires any longer or jut go on vacation and talk about how scared they are about this pregnancy? Looks like goofy Jess is the only one with any career goals. Abby used to be portrayed as a Type A intelligent highly skilled lawyer. Now she does nothing. She doesn't even care much about what is happening with her daughter. Oh, you want to talk to Auntie Bree about the mess you're making at school? Fine with me! Now I can spend more time with my billionaire boyfriend!
  21. Bilal doesn't have a couple of years to waste before having kids. The time to start trying now. Shaeeda is 37 and time is running out. Why doesn't he get that? He didn't marry a 22 year old or even a 32 year old. He's wants to wait until it's near impossible for Shae to get pregnant. We see you, Bilal. He is despicable! No, Kimbaally. People don't throw things when they get mad. You throw things when you get mad. It's childish and disrespectful. Grow up, lady. Jenny doesn't want Sumit to work? WTF is her problem? If she thinks she is going to convince Sumit to move to America she is living in delusionville. The look on his face when she said that tells it all. For once I agree with Andreii. Charlie is a toxic drunk and he wants nothing to do with him. How many family brawls does the family have to endure before Mama Libby understands that? I also don't think Andreii would try to alienate Libby from her family if they were normal, decent people which they aren't. I continue to love Andreii's dad. A sweet, sensible, supportive, loving man. That is my idea of a wonderful in-law.
  22. Veronica belongs on Pillow Talk and that's being generous. I could care less about her dating life. She was never a 90 Day Fiancee or involved with someone from another country. She was handed this job for doing pretty much nothing except get in Tim's business with Jeniffer when he went to Colombia. Besides all that, her domineering and loud personality is a turn off. Tim has a girlfriend and is happy (last I heard) so I don't buy him caring about Veronica's new relationship. It's all for the show.
  23. Taylor said it on WWHL. The dog stays with the parents. I guess just too much responsibility for man child Shep.
  24. I think that about Shep. His raspy voice makes my skin crawl. It's even worse when he's arguing and raises his voice.
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