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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. He really is and I never even noticed it until this episode. Much better looking than Carl with the big ears. I don't think he gets enough camera time so he kind of flies under the radar.
  2. Oh, for chrissakes Jessica! You are not that hot. I'm sick of her constantly saying guys find her irresistable and want to sleep with her the minute they lay eyes on her. She's a cute little blonde, nothing more. Paige, Ciara and Amanda are just as attractive as she is, if not more. Paige needs to have a serious heart to heart with Craig about what's bothering her. Either he gets it and he's on board or he isn't.
  3. She knows people. What about the girlfriends she was hanging out with that were giving Jovi shit about being Jovi and Yara was talking to them on another occasion about her sagging baby boobs?
  4. That's rich coming from Cynthia who happens to be married to a much younger guy! Ahhh, I was wondering how Patrick was fluent in Portuguese. Not many people know that language and decide it's the one they want to learn. I wonder if John is, too.
  5. Well, we did see that she's occasionally screwing around with the ex. I wish they would put that to rest and find Erin a new love interest. She's beautiful and successful but is never in a relationship. Not realistic. She works, meets up with Frank once in a while for lunch and goes to Sunday dinner. Whoop de do. I know she's a bish but even bish's find love. I wouldn't hate it if Baez and Danny got together, either. She would keep him on his toes and they look cute together.
  6. Yet Miss Heather just said a few scenes before the choir nonsense that she was so stressed out because she was so busy with her botox/laser business that she had to open another location! So this stupid choir story makes no sense. So far SLC is a disappointment this season. I wonder if this is the same company where Justin and Whitney met while they were both married to other people and were having an affair? If it is the bosses probably were sick of their shit. They are both gross. I don't see them lasting. I also don't see Angie and her husband staying together. There's a strange vibe going on there.
  7. If he took out a mortgage to buy the property from Amy then why is he making payments to her and still owes her alot of money? That doesn't make sense.
  8. That's not a reason to be miserable in your marriage, though. I think she's a complainer. She and Jovi are not a good match at all.
  9. It does sound like that. I remember long ago Jenny said she gets $600 a month SS income. She must have had some shit jobs in the US to only get that much. Even in India it must be hard to live off that. How cringe was it when Angela asked Mikull if he liked being able to see her coochie now when having sex? Holy god! The mere thought! Did Kimbally learn in the military how to show respect to people by throwing drinks in their faces?
  10. Lets pray Zach meant it when he said his family is now complete. I can't believe this show is still on considering all we have here to see is Tori birthin' babies and how blisfully happy newlyweds Amy and Chris are. ZnT have won the TLC lottery. Zach has never amounted to anything except a part time soccer coach at the local school and Tori taught kindergarden for about a year before popping out kids. They are the luckiest lazy millenials on earth. They have absolutely nothing to complain about. That said, Lilah is so, so tiny and adorable. Babysitter Amy is clearly having a hard time keeping up with the kids. Nothing will convince me that Chris is enjoying all these kids. Let's not forget off camera he has to deal with Jeremy's 3 and the other forgotten kids 1. That's a lot for a man that never wanted kids.
  11. What is Tania doing in Aruba? Just happens to have the money to take an extended vacation? Her story makes no sense. Can't stand her and her huge saggy boobs. Caesar- I wonder why he thinks any woman he brings to the US is going to be happy living his lifestyle. Crappy, depressing little duplex and the dude doesn't even have a car. Doesn't he ride his bike to work? Oh, wow. Every european woman's fantasy. These women are looking for deep pockets and a luxurious life in America. Not broke ass Caesar.
  12. I think part of Debbie's problem is she has to move out of the house she and Colt rented because she can't afford it on her own. From the way she's talking she's in a time crunch and can't even afford a one bedroom apt in Vegas so she's desperate. If she had a place of her own and more financially independent I don't think she would be rushing to move in with Tony, she would be going at a slower pace. He is super weird and if he doesn't drive then how was he getting home after Debbie had to drive to the airport? It's also alarming when he said that people get on his nerves quickly but he loves being around Debbie. They have only been together 5 days! I can see this guy growing bored with having a woman in his house. Lastly, I saw Tony has a dog. Will the cats get along with the dog? Veronica is giving off very weird vibes. The short little outfits with the boobage hanging out is so tacky. She has no taste in clothing and she's another one like Natalie that expects full commitment after only a few dates. She chose to sleep with the guy too soon now she has to live with that mistake. He's a creep and she didn't take the time to get to know him better before playing the sexy Victoria Secret vixen.
  13. I can't wait to see the convo between 65 yr old Jenny and Summeat when he tells her he wants to adopt or use a surrogate to have a child just to please his parents!
  14. It's all about the cinematography. It's certainly not about the women. Does Emily not know anybody in Paris that can hang curtains? The only thing more irritating than Victoria's voice is Victoria's upset, yelling voice.
  15. Ok, ok. It's a city in the Czech Republic. Still, one of the most beautiful in Europe. So I hear. ** corrected in my post.
  16. I'm tired of her, too. Especially since she was posting on IG all the time of where she and Jovi are traveling to in the US. Vegas, NYC, California and more. I don't know what's happening with them now but she had/has a great life here. STFU, bish. That said, I have heard from people that have been there that Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. My SIL has been all over Europe and it's her favorite place. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to buy a place and rent it as an air bnb as another poster said and then Yara can visit her mom several times a year when Jovi is away from home working. It's her cold delivery that is so off putting. Acting as if she wants to start a new life without Jovi.
  17. Typical Robyn doing everything half-ass. Also Robyn: Wendy, I hate you but can your kids come out and play with us? Just be sure you stay home. What is going on with this woman? Either you want to split up or not. The thought of having another kid with that old ugly fart is vomit inducing. Bleeeecccchhhh!
  18. Here we go again with Nova. Now she's back to being interested in a woman. Where is her boyfriend? She's all over the place. At least she didn't fall in to bed with Calvin. His return was useless. This show went straight to hell when Charlie was written out. Do we know what ever happened there?
  19. The other side of the story is Kody's side. Robyn is a manipulative asshole for disclosing on TV that Christine was talking about leaving Kody as far back as Vegas. Meri is an asshole for pretending she a part of this family at all. She goes weeks and weeks without seeing any of them. She has a whole set of other friends she hangs with and vacations with. She is at the B&B in Utah, too. She has her stupid "business" cruises she goes on. She's full of crap, she's barely a part of the family as is and Robyn seems to be ok with it. They both need to stop this poor us Christine is ruining the family spiel.
  20. You mean the boyfriend she started seeing before Bobby died? As an Italian I can tell you that you never, ever use cottage cheese in Lasagna. It's blasphemous I tell you! Ricotta only and the best mozzarella you can find. None of that pre-shredded crap. Dorinda clearly can't cook for shit. Furthermore, if you are going to use jarred sauce then Lasagna is a very easy dish to make. It's the simmering homemade sauce that takes all the time and effort. (and yes, you can use canned tomatoes as a base).
  21. Brandi: Shut the fuck up! Brandi's next sentence: I really like you! As for the Lesbian eyebrow test, it's pretty simple what Brandi was doing on WWHL. Well groomed eyebrows-straight. Shaggy eyebrows-lesbian. It wasn't rocket science.
  22. Omg the boyfriend is only 23? I give this relationship 2 yrs. What the hell is Flagg thinking? I saw a promo for the new season. Looks like it's only going to be the 3 amigos. Josh, Josh and Tracy. No bueno. I can just picture it now. The funny hijinx between the 3 besties. Snorefest!
  23. Well, it did take place in San Diego. The most perfect weather and eternal sunshine capital of the universe!
  24. I'm having a difficult time following this mess. Have we gone from the Meredith and Lisa drama to now the Lisa and Angie drama? Basically who said what about who is sleeping with who and which one is the bigger ho? Is that it? Oh, and Lisa, your remodel is truly ugly. Meredith was right about that. I have never seen such unwelcoming and cold decor. Lisa said on WWHL that the exterior shots of the house are not really her house. A lot of them use other exterior shots of homes that are not their's so the sycofants can't figure out where they live and stalk them. That said, if the interior is hers then Yuk! Whitney, shut up and stop crying. Her story is sad but not to the point that viewers have to give a shit about it every episode. We get it. You were abused, you buried it deep down inside and now you are getting therapy to deal with what you are starting to remember. End of story. Go deal with it off camera, please.
  25. Yet Dorito had to follow Kyle in to her dressing room and continue to talk, pet and hug and practically smother Kyle to death. She just doesn't give up. You could clearly see Kyle was not in to it.
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