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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Daisy is adorable. So calm for such a young dog. She will pick up potty training quickly. More of her personality will come as as she feels more secure. My rescue was the same way. Now he's a lovable, playful lap dog that never has accidents in the house. Matt wanting the kids to run the farm is different from Matt selling the farmhouse and farm to them. He and Amy were still married and the boys were still single when all these dreams of a family run farm were in his head. Things change. The boys grew up and have shown they don't have what it takes to run anything. What was Matt suppposed to do? Hand over the land to the son's and watch them destroy it?
  2. Oh, look at poor sensitive Flagg. All in his feelings because his besties are still friends with Bobby. All the while he already had a new boyfriend. FU Flagg.
  3. Tori does not want Caryn's help. They are barely speaking.
  4. It was disgusting. Dirty plates with crusty old food on the floor along with empty soda cans everywhere and piles of dirty clothes everywhere you looked. I don't even think they had pillows on those matresses! What was wrong with Tori that she wanted to marry that skeezeball?
  5. I believe the only reason Chris and Amy agreed to do pumpkin season again is because TLC asked them to so they have something to film. They certainly didn't seem the slightest bit excited about it. I wonder what Chris really thinks of ZiT. He wants to keep the peace and won't rock the boat but what does he really think?
  6. OMG Tori's constant complaining about being a mom is unwatchable. Basically three kids is too much for her. She can't handle it. Woman, you are so lucky you do not have to work outside the home. Count your blessings. You wanted three kids. You married a slob who is paying less and less attention to you and it will only get worse as the marriage goes on. DEAL with it and shut up. As for this Amy and Tori friendship, Please. I remember when Tori was all about Caryn and Amy was jealous. They were always at the farm and Jackson loved ChaCha. They saw much more of her than Amy. Caryn and Matt were the ones that did the babysitting. You could see the tension between Amy and Tori on screen. Now that Tori has nobody it's a whole new narrative and she is trying to get Amy to align with her. She even has to throw her digs in about Chris and Matts bromance (as strange as it seems) to cause problems for Amy. She's a horrible, spoiled, lazy person. The worst part is that Amy is not smart enough to see that she's being manipulated.
  7. That would be fair. Unfortunately Yara isn't playing fair. When she tells Jovi she doesn't know how long she will be gone that is totally unacceptable. She's giving the impression she will be there for months and has no idea if and when she's coming back because as she put it she's "been miserable for 2 years".
  8. How about when she tells him to "shut up"? How disrespectful. I could see maybe staying there for a couple of months while Jovi is away working but she has to agree to put a timeline on it and come home when Jove comes home so Jovi feels more secure about it. When she says she doesn't know when she will come back WTF is that? She's a married woman that has their baby with her. Jovi has every right to want an agreement on when she needs to come home, but like you said he caved. Her mother does not help. She's cold and selfish and just wants Yara and the baby with her, marriage be damned.
  9. I thought it was advertised as 4 parts. I may be wrong, My mind is not as sharp as it used to be. 😏
  10. Exactly! they pretty much indicated to her in so many words: Hey, get over it. Shit happens. Men cheat. Marriage is hard, there's always something you will have to deal with. This is why she was pissed.
  11. That's my point. Nobody really knows what he did that is preventing his Visa approval. All I know is that in the beginning of the whole Angie/Mikull story it was said that he couldn't get approved because of something in his past. It was never said what he actually did. So they finally got married and hoped that would speed things along. Guess that didn't work.
  12. So now the truth comes out! Usman criticizes everything about Kimbally. Her big tummy, the way she walks (she is extremely pigeon toed), she doesn't clean enough, she doesn't do enough for him and worst of all he is not giving her the yammy! Kimbally must have been terribly abused in her past relationships if she thinks this one is healthy. I wish Jamal would have punched Usman out before leaving. He was too nice to the prick. Ed has gotten so fat and looks hung over all the time. How is one given a partnership yet doesn't have to invest any money in the business? More made for TV bullshit. I hope Mikul and Angela are done for good. I don't know how he could have been spotted in Georgia. I thought he couldn't get his Visa approved because of his shady past which nobody ever talks about. Bilal and Shaeeda bore the hell out of me with this baby storyline. She knew this was going to be an issue before she married him. And he knew before he married her that she wanted a baby and her clock was ticking. If he wanted more time he should have married someone younger. Wouldn't it be something if we find out Bilal has a vasectomy? Andreii needs to shut up. When he's pissed he talks real fast and is hard to understand. His temper is scary. I mean Libby's family is the worst but I can't imagine living with Andreii is a picnic in the park.
  13. I wish he would remind Beth of that! I wish Jamie would take his Harvard Law degree and go somewhere far, far away. Get away from his family and start somewhere new. Speaking of Jamie, the actor Wes Bently is becoming painfully thin and his hair is greying rapidly. The only thing worse than being subjected to old, nasty present day Beth is having to live through flashbacks of young, nasty bitch Beth.
  14. Hang tight. There are 3 more parts to this mess.
  15. I can't figure out what this woman is trying to do with her hair. It usually looks like a rats nest with too much crunchy gel in it. Kind of like Kody's. It's worse when she wears it straight like last night. You can really see the damage. I think she's perming it. It's always in horrible dry condition which amazes me because in the photo's of her younger years with Kody she had beautiful long, healthy hair. They ALL looked awful last night in their Walmart clothes. Hey, nothing against Wally World. I shop sweaters and cute T shirts at Walmart sometimes but I think I would step it up a bit if I was being filmed for TeeVee. Hair, makeup, clothes, everything. Dreadful! That includes Kody. His hair was the worst I have ever seen it. They all had too much powder on their faces which made their skin look dry and lifeless. P.S. I never liked Rice Krispie Treats. Any idiot can make them and if I was forced to eat them they better at least be the ones made with chocolate rice krispies.Lol!
  16. I'm surprised Vishal's mom likes Richa so much. She was singing her praises to Vishal about her when they were talking. If a woman treated my son like that I'm not sure I would be liking her at all. Monica is an idiot. If Richi's brothers girlfriend is the one spilling the beans then I believe it. What other reason would she have for doing it? Monica knows it's true. She is trying to save face in front of family and friends.
  17. Bobby's parents are dead. One died not too long after the other and it wasn't long after that he met Josh. I think he wanted the Palm Springs house because it reminded him of his childhood or something like that. He was looking at it as a sentimental investment. Josh was looking at it as a real estate investment and whether or not it was going to make money when selling and that is all. It pissed Bobby off. I never thought Bobby was madly in love with Josh. I remember the Paris proposal. Bobby did not look overjoyed. I still grew to like him, though. It just wasn't a good match.
  18. Does Tracy have to show her abs in almost everything she wears? I have always disliked her taste in clothes but for god's sake get a different look. And the loooong extensions, stop. She's pushing 50 and looks good for her age, she doesn't have to keep trying so hard. Not impressed with her boyfriend showing up at dinner with his cap on (he didn't take it off during dinner, either) and a tee shirt. I guess CEO Heather is the new player on the show. So now there are 4. Yuk! Do we need her? The Altmans are really trying to make her happen.
  19. Agree! Luke is a gazillion times better looking than Cory with the ugly haircut. Luke doesn't always know how to read a room or a person but I think he's basically a decent guy. He admitted he needs to work on paying more attention to how people are reacting to him which shows he's trying to make a change for the better.
  20. It's inevitable she will come unleashed like that on Tony. And when she does he's going to start questioning this relationship. The way she turns on the hurt water works is puzzling. I don't think we have seen the real Debbie in all of the past seasons. THIS is the real Debbie. I have to wonder what her marriage was really like with Coltie's dad. Could it have been as perfect, wonderful and soul matey as she portrays? Why did Debbie come so hard for Tania taking so long to divorce but it's all ok with her that Nutalie won't file?
  21. How in the hell does Coach Shah stay married to this insane woman? Must be why he's always working out of town. I hope he's not involved or was aware of her scheme because he seems like a decent man. Heather has gone from fan fave to fan hated. Her true colors are showing this season and it's not pretty.
  22. Then I may be mistaken but I swear Tori said her parents live in Washington. If they moved to Oregon to be near their daughter then shame on T and Z for picking up and leaving.
  23. I was shocked that neither Z or T got up off their asses to see if their child was ok. She's such a tiny little cutie, she didn't even cry when she fell. She must be used to tending to herself, poor thing. Tori shut up. This is the life you chose. You chose to have 3 kids and a lazy husband. Now live with it. Did they seriously not consider the bedroom situation when looking at this house? Tori has support. Her family lives close by. I'm sure she would prefer her family instead of Amy, Matt and Caryn anyway.
  24. Maybe Coltie is a mess because he was raised by an alcoholic mother. Not giving him a pass but that must have been hard. It's pretty clear to all of us what a complete miss she is now that we have seen this reunion. Nutalie needs therapy. It makes me crazy when Mike is asked a question and he never gives a direct answer. Anybody: Mike, are still in love with Nutalie? Mike: Long stare. We had good some good times together. She will always have a place in my heart. What? Just answer the damn question. Josh doesn't give a rat's ass about Nutalie. He's in it for a little TV time and maybe some extra $$$. That is it. They are all insane except Syngin. He's the only one that made sense. He moved on, too bad nobody else can.
  25. Watching Tim's face I could see how disturbed and upset he is with Veronica. He knows her very well, knows she is looking to settle down and knows she's going to go head over heels for young, hot Jamal. He doesn't understand why she's pretending to be this carefree, fun loving woman all of a sudden. It's just a matter of time before Veronica starts putting Natalie type of demands on Jamal. Then it will all fall apart and Tim will be there to pick up the pieces once again. I think Tim is sick of picking up the pieces when Veronica's relationships fall apart. The best thing for him to do is put some distance between them and concentrate more on his own relationship. Jamal is only 27, hot and free. He also lives across the country from her. It ain't happening, Ronnie!
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