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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I have to laugh when I think of Amrit and Nicholas wanting a destination wedding in ATLANTA when they live in Miami and can have a wedding in many beautiful places around the city. Does every wedding have to be a destination even if it's a shithole like Atlanta? Why in heck would Nick not agree to this tradition? Has he taken the time to understand why it's important to Amrit's family? I don't believe he's been thinking that far or maybe he's so stubborn to get his own way he doesn't want to hear another point of view.
  2. The article said she would not be able to sponsor him, they would have to find another sponsor. Time to fess up Daniele. This is gonna be juicy!
  3. Andy was really grilling her and I loved it! What is wrong with Robyn? Why can't she let go of Juan? He's a useless POS and will stray again. Soon. Interesting how Karen kept wanting to walk away to talk with the women so that Ray couldn't hear what was going on. She's a shady bish. Ray is super old and probably can't get it up so I'm sure he already knows about ole' Blue Eyes already.
  4. I don't know if I can handle watching these dumbasses. Jeymi and Kris- Kris has already ghosted Jeymi 3 times. She's not going to stick around. I see huge fights in their future. Nicole- She managed to fly to Egypt 6 times on her little part time jobs? Something not right with that chick. Daniele- why did she have to tell Yohan right out of the gate that she doesn't want to go back to the US? Like that couldn't wait 6 months down the road to see if she even likes living in the DR? Others mentioned her losing her pension. What pension? She's only 40ish so too young for SS so what kind of pension are we talking about? If Yohan really wants to live in the US why isn't he studying English? He won't make it here if he doesn't know the language. Did Daniele bother to explain that to him? Jen and Rishi- Jen is dead behind the eyes. Apparently her family has never told her about her stupid decisions. We just want you to be haaapppyyy and find loooove! That dude is going to chew her up and spit her out! I thought they were the new Angela and Mikull. Because we haven't had enough of that sick shit already. Wowza! That explains alot. She's a fraud! She's presented herself to Yohan as something she is not. Can't wait to see all that hit the fan when she finally tells him the truth.
  5. Flagg revealing that Colton bilked him out of millions of $$$$ was mind blowing to me. Who would of thought? They never married, did they? Maybe they had business ventures together but I found that tidbit of info shocking. Maybe Flagg needs a financial advisor if he keeps getting screwed out of millions by his ex's like he says he does. Or maybe he's just whining to get some sympathy. Yet he jumps right back in to another relationship with a kid that will probably do the same to him. I don't know about Flagg and his judgement anymore. Tracy at the gay pool party was so cringey. Trying to act like some hot shot queen and the guests not giving a shit about her. Hilarious!
  6. I was surprised at Andy's relentlessly questioning Meredith about her change of attitude towards Jen. Good for him. He usually lets things drop to quickly when he's not getting a response he wants but he kept on her. Meredith was really skating around her answers. I think Jen has some dirt on her. Heather was another one. Rehearsed answers about the black eye. She cries and says she's so embarrassed hoping that will get her off the hook. Well, it did, sort of. I like Lisa's husband John. He doesn't give a rat's ass about any of this BS and is not afraid to call someone out on their behavior. Looking at you, Seth.
  7. And Jeanette inherited it from her mother. That woman is not playing with a full deck.
  8. This was an interesting episode. When Flagg said he doesn't have to worry about Andrew wanting his money, he has his own money, I'm now wondering more about this kid. Family wealth? Trust fund baby? How does this 23 yr old have his own money? Also, Bobby was a realtor and a former very successful model before meeting Flagg so I assume he had some of his own money, too. Bobby did come off as a little bitchy and resentful and I was a bit disappointed but I guess it's from years of putting up with Flagg and all his bullshit. I don't ever need to see Tracy's daughter showcased. She seems like a nice enough kid but who cares. I'm always so underwhelmed by Tracy's team. They don't look like successful realtors to me. It's cute to see Altman and Heather on the floor playing with their kids. They seem like good parents and despite me not really liking Heather they have a solid relationship.
  9. That would be better than watching Greg fish out a tiny one inch long turtle out of a drained pool because Jazz is afraid to do it herself. The fact that they decided not to edit that out shows us they have very little footage of interest and this season is going to continue to be a snoozefest.
  10. Disagree. People don't always upgrade their homes just because they want to sell. This is a BRAVO series which usually gives us a look inside the lives of the wealthy. I would expect their homes to reflect this. They certainly do on the Real Housewives of Miami.
  11. Apparently he doesn't give two fucks about getting a job, either. I never understood why they were always putting Georgi down for not working and spending money when Florian does the same thing! I do agree with Florian about one thing. They are already married. They don't need some huge blow out destination wedding when they really can't afford it.
  12. My superficial thoughts: Richa and Vishal finally getting married in that unappealing townhome with no furniture and unpacked boxes all around. Really? Couldn't they go to a park or a beach for this quickie disaster? Bryan in his new condo with lawn chairs for furniture. WTF people! Decorate your homes! I also noticed all the parents have outdated homes. They are all big houses but no updates, old kitchens with builder grade appliances, crappy formica countertops and finishes. Yet they spend millions on weddings. Just an observation. Bali is a beautiful waste of space. She adds nothing to the show. Does she even have a job?
  13. I don't understand how Jazz got through her freshman year at Harvard with all that studying and living away from home with all this anxiety. Doesn't make sense. Is this all for a story line? Is she in therapy while she's on summer break? Go on the date. Don't go on the date. Stop freaking out and crying about getting out of your head. Who really gives a shit? The whole family is crazy including the grandparents.
  14. I wonder what these two are up to lately. There was a follow up not too long ago showing them moving to be near one of Larry's sons and Larry got a job working for him. Jenny didn't want to move from Florida but she did it for him. It didn't work out and Larry quit (or his son fired him. Seems he can't hold a job for long. But yeah, Jenny always puts up with his pipe dreams. I don't remember him being a MickyD's manager. That must of been a long time ago and management makes good money. He should have kept that job.
  15. It's pretty clear after watching this last episode that Loren and Alexi have no control over Shai. What a brat. Time to start disciplining.
  16. Yeah I never heard she was in a 10 yr. relationship. The relationship was kind of new, she moved to Arizona to be with him. They got married rather quickly because of her ticking clock. Her guy doesn't live in Miami and everything was on the fast track. I don't blame her for not wanting her judgemental back stabbing friends to know so much about it. Anisha can do no wrong in my book!
  17. He was married to someone else and didn't tell Jenny. He's a POS.
  18. How sad to watch these loser women sitting around talking about how lucky Jenny is to have Sumit because he loves her and is soooooo romantic. Asking what he's like in bed! OMG what are these bitches smokin'? Sumit.....the one who started off the relationship based on lies, lies, lies. Scamming and catfishing Jenny. Hanging on to her because he doesn't want a real job. Jenny smothering him, doesn't want him going anywhere or doing anything if it means she's left home alone for a minute. Sumit only really caring about the approval of his parents. But......he's the greatest catch of all! Then we have rode hard and put away wet Kimbally acting like sex with Usman is the greatest mind blowing experience of her life. Didn't she say in their big fight that he doesn't want sex with her? Of course let's not forget sicko Angela telling all of them how hot Mikull is in the sack. "I'm going to file for divorce, but I may not sign the papers"! What in the effing hell is this nutjob talking about? Liz. I am done with her. Talking all strong and bad about how she's going to live her life for herself, blah blah blah then she's right back with Ed. She is a complete waste of TV time. Go wallow in your misery, Liz. It's what you do best. Sorry for the long rant. I'm just so over these loser women.
  19. Agree. I think although Tracy was born in to wealth she still worked hard in the real estate industry. She could have laid around all day at the pool drinking margueritas and smoking dope but chose to work instead. Josh has admitted that if not for his parents and grandma knowing everybody in town he would not have the connections he has and he has also admitted he doesn't work very hard at all. Altman, on the other hand, although his dad is a Dr. and he grew up in an upper class world he resented Flagg for his wealthy Beverly Hills lineage. Hated him for it, in fact. Now of course they are besties.
  20. My theory for Heather's unending defense of Jenn is that she is in love with Jenn. There, I said it.
  21. At their age and in California where every inch of a woman is scrutinized I bet it is hell. That said, I agree Shannon could be exhausting.
  22. Josh can shut up with his constantly telling his boy toy how miserable he was with Bobby. Maybe he should have gotten to know him more before being so eager to get married. I'm not impressed with boy toy at all. He's working hard on getting Josh and his money in his pocket. Whoever told Tracy long face that she should part her hair straight down the middle and wear those long extensions should be fired. I know middle parts are the trend but I hate them. Nobody looks good with a middle part. There were a couple of shots with her hair parted on the side and a bit shorter and she looked so much better. Tracy is supposed to be so classy and rich yet she has her daughter greeting realtors outside the front door of that beautiful multi million dollar home with jeans, sneakers and a crop top. How impressive. Maybe she should teach her kid how to dress for success.
  23. Seriously, what is wrong with this man? He's nice looking and successful. He doesn't need Jeanette's crap. Free Greg!
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