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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Except Rishi is good looking and didn't start off the relationship catfishing and pretending to be someone else like POS Sumit did so I'll give him a few points for that.
  2. Kyle should have fired Carl long ago. Sounds like he wasn't pulling his weight at all and he was lucky to have kept his job for as long as he did. Let's see what great career move Lindsey comes up with for him. I find it comical watching Danielle defending her besties knowing that she and Lindsey are going to end up in a huge feud and cutting all ties with each other. So much for defending your besties, huh, Danielle? Since when did Kyle and Mya become such great friends and confidants? They were also on WWHL together and all Andy did was ask them questions about Carl and Lindsey. Clearly Andy loves C&L. Yes! Christina ended up leaving the show, and moving out of their apt. Didn't they have a business together, too? Lindsey is so evil.
  3. I can guarantee that now the wedding drama is over Nicholas will find something else to be unhappy about.
  4. I felt sorry for Amrit during the parents and Nicholas confrontation. He kept his mouth shut but you could see the hurt on his face watching his mother cry and apologize and his father say they could forget the whole thing if it would make them happy. Nicholas is a real asshole and wasn't going to be happy until he had Amrits parents practically groveling on their knees for forgiveness. It's your wedding day! Let it go and move on with the festivities, no need to continue to berate the in-laws. Dude has a serious mean streak and won't let up until he has made his point over and over again.
  5. I thought the same! In fact, I had to rewind to make sure I wasn't missing something. What's going on there? Is Paulie a fake?
  6. I don't really care how nice or not nice Vegas is. My point is that we are expected to enjoy watching these LA realtors sell homes that don't exist, in the pre-building stages, hence "selling dirt". I mean this is a TV show and how exciting is that going to be? Go back to LA, people. Of course, Heather is born and bred in Vegas so she is going to be the go to person with all things Vegas. Or so she thinks. Ugggh!
  7. Is Jazz going to freak out every time she has a date? The preview for next week is going to be interesting. Jazz talking about taking a gap year off from Harvard. To do what? Can't wait to hear her plan and see Jeanette lose her shit.
  8. Me, too. Does he seem a bit controlling? Maybe Dolo likes it because she never got any attention from David and Frank was a lying, cheating swindler. I can't get past Rachel's ski slope of a nose job. It makes Jennifer Aydin's look like a work of art. Marge, time to shut up. Melissa, time to get a life. Tre, time to step out of the bubble. Jennifer, time to take a couple of Xanax.
  9. Just what we want to see. The trio plus Heather and Andrew trying to sell dirt in Vegas. Good times. I have no idea why I have such a dislike for Andrew. I don't feel he's genuine. He looks like a big 6'5 young kid with a constant shit eating grin I would like to wipe off his face. Of course he had to mention once again that Flagg is 13 yrs older but he is the more mature one. Ohhhh shots fired, Andrew! Heather cracks me up when she is with the Altman team presenting what ever bull she's selling. She really gets off on being the head bitch in charge. Man, did she ever fall in to a big tub of butter. I get it she does work hard but I feel she's constantly trying to prove she's worthy of being the CEO of the Altman Bros.
  10. Yes, very boring couples and their complaints about each other are so superficial. Dom wants Mac to be a completely different person as if she's so perfect. I hope he kicks her to the curb. I can't stand that girl. Or Gina. Aaris prefers bigger asses so he's not attracted. Gina and her ginger issues so she's not attracted. Yet, they all claim they wanted to get married. More likely, what they wanted was a few weeks on TV and a free honeymoon. Nicole said on the after show that Clint's speech at the dinner actually lasted 45 minutes. I thought that was funny! The guy can talk, no doubt about it.
  11. It's so ridiculous to blame the Schwartz and Sandy's venture for the divorce. Katie and Schwartz's relationship always sucked and they constantly fought long before any talk of the Tom's joint business deal. Hell, it sucked before the marriage! It may have been the icing on Katies cake but it was definitely not the reason for the divorce. It was the last straw for Katie and she wasn't willing to take second place with Tom any longer but it was not the reason and I wish they would stop saying that it was. So on WWHL she and Lala said they are fucking younger guys and it's great. Ok. Have at it, ladies. Is there something about Peter I'm missing? All the girls turn up their nose at him for some reason. I thought he was super sweet listening and then comforting Raquel at lunch while she's crying over what a mess her life is. The guy is good looking and actually has a good job so what's the issue with him? Lala gets so upset every time someone tells the truth about how she got together with Randall and bring up how she could not see what scum he was. Truth hurts, huh Lala? Good for Lisa for having that talk with her and asking her what the heck she was thinking. She has no answers so starts to cry for sympathy instead of explaining why she is such a whore.
  12. Wow, Carl is whipped. Lindsay treats him like a child. She's controlling his every move. I wonder if he ever disagrees with anything she says or does. Couldn't they find any more guys? Where's Luke, Andrea, that dipshit Corey (I think he may be visiting later on)? That Hampton's house is looking gorgeous. How long before they start trashing it?
  13. Basically nothing was resolved with the surprise shower visit. Marlene whispering to Loren to stop being a bitch while hugging her (another passive aggressive move) shows nothing got through to her. Omg does this woman take accountability for anything she says or does? Was there any apology for telling your pregnant daughter that you would slap her if the camera's weren't there? Alexi is a good guy. He will stand behind his wife and support no matter what. Nobody is perfect but she's damn lucky to have him. Does the sister ever speak or is she getting paid for following her parents around just for the heck of it?
  14. She's got it in her. Before meeting Alexi she was living in NYC, had a good job and a cute apartment while her parents were in Florida. However, she did not have kids so no need for built in babysitters Marlene & co. Now she needs help but if they did move to Israel Alexi's parents would be more than happy to help. Alexi's family seem like wonderful people.
  15. I agree. I think Clint was genuinely hurt and was lashing out at Gina. Sometimes it's not what you say, it's how you say it and Gina was abrupt and had no sensitivity when she told Clint why she wasn't attracted to him. As for Clint, his timing sucked. He should of told Gina his attraction to slender and athletic right after her insults and not waited until they were in front of the group. I know this is an unpopular opinion here but I kind of like Clint. At least he has a personality and was willing to try to make it work. Until now. Also UO but I can't stand Gina. She's self centered and conceited. And no, Gina you are not slim by any stretch of the imagination. All that said, Clint was on the after show and looked great. He was dressed nice, his hair was groomed nicely and he genuinely acknowledged his mistake with Gina. Would she be so likely to do that? I think not. She doesn't think she does any wrong.
  16. Why must Andrew keep referring to himself as a "boy''? I'm such a lucky boy This boy is so happy Damn that boy is working Flagg!
  17. LaLa is such a narcissist. Did she really have a meeting to tell all of them if they continue to be friends with Randall she will cut them off? Ohhhh, such a threat. I love Sandoval in his interviews saying everything about her that we are all thinking. Sorry to see James drinking again. It's just a matter of time before it gets out of control.
  18. Florian calling Georgi like they are best friends. Excuse me, the guy threw Georgi under the bus every chance he got. He was so awful to Georgi just to make sure he stayed on the good side of his money snatch and her sister, father, friends, etc. I can't stand Florian. A user, A manipulator, An ass kisser and an opportunist. So what exactly is his reason for not working for a year after having his green card? He gives no reason. But let's all climb all over Georgi's ass for not working. Well, who's making it on their own and working now, Flo??
  19. She's probably lying. She looks a lot older than Melissa and she's 40.
  20. I might add her son was in the audience and is so gorgeous! Her boyfriend was there, too. Not sure about him, yet.
  21. Yup. He's going to teach her how to stop yelling, shut up and listen, and fight fair. That's his new role. Good luck with that, Lou! Why is Louie's face so red it's almost purple? Too much sun, bad self tanner or what? Too much Jennifer. Another one that yells constantly, will not listen to anybody else talk and can never have a calm conversation. Why so little Jackie? Is she demoted to a "friend of" now?
  22. The long extensions and heavy bangs look ridiculous. She definitely had fillers and botox, too. Maybe even a face lift. I only saw one cold shoulder top last night. Progress!
  23. When Josh threw his hissy fit and stormed off because Traci and Altman were in contact with Bobby then they had this little meet up where Traci and Altman told him "We choose you" tells me they will kiss Flagg's ass and dump any friendship with Bobby they may have continued to have. They don't want to cross the almighty Flagg, king of the Beverly Hills real estate world!
  24. Interesting how Loren is on the out's with her mother and sister but because she's a "Daddy's girl" it's ok that he was yelling at her and embarrassing her telling her to shut up in front of all of her inlaws and saying hurtful things in front of Alex to make sure Loren seeks an attorney to inquire about what happens to the children if they are in Israel and Loren and Alex break up. That's all ok......because she's a "Daddy's girl". The mother and sister are unfortunate looking. Dad must have been a looker in his young days (certainly not now) and this is who Loren looks like. Hence the favoritism.
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