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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Miguel has no personality, he is no fun. He is boring and blah. Lindy has too much personality and is childish. Not a good match. I don't think any of the other guys care for Alexis. They see the way she treats Justin and they don't like it. They also firmly believe she broke up Morgan and Binh. The fact that she was laughing about that makes her a deplorable person. Krystin was going overboard at the retreat trying to be the funny good time girl.
  2. I agree. It's good that she is getting out but it doesn't have to be on camera. What's the purpose except for a storyline for Whitney because let's face it if not for her mother's health issues what would this season be about. I find it a bit depressing and am surprised Glenn is going along with this.
  3. After Josh left, Natalie screaming at the camera guy about what a POS Josh is was over the line for me. The screaming, fast talking english that you hardly understand was coming from a demonic, possessed person. She would be better off freezing her eggs and going to a sperm bank. Forget about the man, she will never get one.
  4. They sure are pouring on the damage control this season. Liz going on about how she and Amber are so close, they talk every day and are so much alike. Trent and Amber no more squabbling and acting like they hate each other, no more eye rolling from Amber and negative remarks to one another. They actually kissed last night! The only reason I watch this is because I love their house, the renovations they have done and the beautiful property it sits on. I remember it was quite a mess when they bought it. They (or Amber I should say) has great taste. The three girls and Amber going to lunch at the hibachi place was cute.
  5. Ashley's pregnant and won't travel, Heather's passport expired, Buddy won't show according to the previews, Todd's appearance is questionable at this point so who exactly is going on this "vacation"? Glen will do anything for Whitney. Even dressing up like a fool. I can't understand why he subjects himself to this stuff and poor Babs. Must it all be on camera? Can Babs recover without us all having to see her in the wheelchair not being able to talk? Enough with the parents already. I used to love to hate this show now I just hate this show.
  6. Angela is disgusting. I can't help but think she reeks of cig smoke and sweat. He house is a nasty pig pen, too. Now she has a friend that smokes along with her and doesn't mind getting right in to the violence and harassing of Mikull. Charlie practically ruined Libby and Andrei's wedding in Moldova. Wish somebody would mention that. His behavior is indicative of a person with a major drinking problem and his wife is a trashy skank. Making $70,000 for pics of her feet on Only Fans. Seriously, what in the hell is this world coming to? Usman: I can have any woman I want! I'm famous! Kimberly believes it, too. Bilal has to know that a 37 yr old woman that wants children can not wait a few years. The time to start is now. Fool. Yara is being a sour faced bitch. Why not wait an extra week or so till Jovi comes home from work and let the man travel with you and your baby. This is your husband. He wants to make sure you are safe. When he has to go back to work she can have an extended stay with her family then. I don't like her attitude.
  7. Ron and Betty. Why? Who in TLC land decided we want to see them? Kara and Guillermo are boring. He barely says anything and she does all the talking. Guillermo is so adorable and Kara is um...shiny. John and Patrick are a nice addition. The brothers have common sense. I usually agree with everything they say. Bring back Kenny and Armando, Loren and Alexei (mostly for Alexei) and Veronica and Tim.
  8. That lie of a relationship fizzled quickly. I guess as soon as they realized nobody really cared (including Patricia) they would scrap that idea.
  9. That was the most disjointed, badly edited season finale I have ever seen. Naomi was lucky to be at a table at all. This bish disappeared for 2 yrs, shit talked everybody because she thought she found her perfect man. She has no "friend group". Craig should never have re-invited her. Speaking of Craig, his speech was stupid and his behavior to Leva was so inappropriate. He should have pulled her aside and asked her to leave if she was so miserable there and take Naomi with her. I don't think all those people at the other table were "investors". I think most of them worked for Craig in some capacity. Web designers, store associates, store manager, etc....Clearly he's not at the store every day, he needs staff there. I'm disappointed in Taylor's decision to quit her job. I hope she told Shep she would go with him if he paid her mortgage and bills while they were gone. I also hope she got her job back when she returned. The previews of the reunion looks like the same ole arguments except Taylor loses her shit and claims she still loves Shep. I don't know if I have the stomach for that.
  10. She is out of his league. She's a classy, articulate girl. and he's a dirty, immature neandrathal with bad table manners that slurps his food and wants to argue about everything including what shirt to wear. My opinion only of course.
  11. Sure doesn't. Remember Bao and whatshisname from last season?
  12. She's pushing him away with her constant expectations of immediate love. He's a good guy and is doing the best he can to please her but he's not willing to lose himself in the process. She's going to blow it with her impatience and making him feel whatever he does just isn't enough. Krysten is out of Mitch's league. She's intelligent, pretty and ambitious but not in an off putting way. He needs to go find some tree hugging surfer chick that thinks putting on a wet suit is dressing up.
  13. So small she had to have coach's party at another house! And that tiny little closet! Horrors! I hope they don't milk this Meredith/Lisa fight all season long. This season was filmed before Jen pled guilty, right? Lisa and Whitney were on WWHL last night and said since she pled they no longer speak to her.
  14. I have a sneaking suspicion the Rinna/Kyle/Kathy convo scene was filmed after all the backlash of not having any footage to back up Kathy's meltdown. My theory: BRAVO contacted the three after they finished filming the season and all this came out. They said hey, we need to film a scene where Rinna confronts Kathy so we can make this more interesting for the viewers because we are getting alot of flack for this mess. So get your hair and makeup done! Filming starts in 2 hrs so get your asses over to Kyles!
  15. I love Sutton's chicken on china lunch. She's great comic relief sometimes. You can take the girl out of the south but you can't take the south out of the girl! Right, Erika?
  16. "Black Heart" was the last straw for Kathy. She held her shit together and left. Good for her. There must have been something else Kathy said that was so horrendous it can't be mentioned because so far I don't see why drama queen Rinna had to lock herself in the bedroom. Wasn't it revealed that Kathy was screaming racial and homophobic slurs also? The apology made no sense to me. I'm sorry I lost my cool, won't happen again. I love my sister and we have a history of fighting and making up. That should have been enough said.
  17. I have a question about brides. Why oh why do they walk down the aisle holding their bouquets up high like around boob height? It drives me nuts and I see it so often. Hold the bouquet lower around waist level. And yeah, her bouquet was way too big and her fake hair extensions and hair color way to cheap. I did like the venue. I always thought it would be so stressful having an outdoor wedding because you never know what the weather will do.
  18. Sheree is a deplorable, lazy, entitled bish. Never liked her. Making a big deal over some jogger outfits that took 10 years to make and everybody is so happy for her success. Sure, Jan. Going back to part 1, why exactly is Kenya not divorced yet? She sure skirted around that question. She said there was no fighting and Marc wasn't asking for anything so what's the problem? I wish Andy would have pressed but of course he didn't.
  19. As much as I don't like Toya I don't think she had anything to do with Anila break in. That's a bit far fetched. Why was the security system not turned on? My bet it was some spoiled punk kids in the ritzy neighborhood looking for some thrills. If only the camera's were on......
  20. Agree. I think Nutty has a serious personality disorder. Thank god she hasn't had any kids. Then again maybe a child would settle her down a bit. Nahhh, a narcissist will always be a narcissist. Speaking of godt, what happened to Nutty's strong Catholic beliefs? I remember her taking Mike to church in Ukraine and practically demanding he convert or she won't marry him. He refused and here we are today. Divorce #3 in motion. Meanwhile, Nutty getting boob jobs, wearing skimpy clothes and sleeping with a guy she barely knows. She's such a phony and a liar.
  21. Right? He should have been able to save enough money already to get a nice head start. Something else is going on there. I don't get why in Amber's eyes it's ok for Eliz to date an average size guy but she doesn't want Anna to? What is up with that? I understand Amber's explanation but why the double standard? Emma is growing up to be such a cute and smart girl. It's nice to see her come out of her shell. I think Jonah is putting up with his parents interference because he needs time to get himself together. Needs a place to live rent free for now, has to find a new job, etc... He seems to be so nice to his siblings now and that's a good sign. He will be gone soon enough. I wish him the best. That said, he has treated Ashely badly in the past and still treats her like an after thought. She's a sweetie and should probably move on.
  22. I know I've said this before but this show has gone so far off course from what it was originally intended to be. Who in the heck wants to watch Jessica get married? Babs really looked beautiful but for me it's sad to watch her. I know Whit loves Babs dearly but does she have to keep constantly kissing her on the mouth? She does the same with Glen. I never wanted to kiss my parents like that. Maybe it's more common than I thought. Whitney, we see you. We get that Frenchman doesn't want to be on camera but why no more phone conversations or mention of him? Oh, yeah, because he never existed in the first place! Production and Whit dug a hole with this stupid fake romance last season, now they are trying to find a believable reason for them to break up. Lenny is the answer! Lenny has only been sober for a year? That's not long enough to be able to soberly put up with Whitney. She is too controlling for him to handle right now. I'm paying for the suit! I'm paying for the shave! I gave you a job and found you a dog! I own you! Buddy wised up and ran for the hills, Lenny needs to do the same.
  23. I'm sure he's a hired actor and needed the paycheck. Still doesn't explain why he had a suitcase in the first place when he couldn't wait to get away after sex on the first night. Natalie is also seen lying on the bed crying her eyes out. Well, we will find out soon enough!
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