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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I think she already realizes this and is struggling to have some sort of relationship with a narcissist mother. I hope she really does move in with Barry.
  2. Apparently the Merrifields have lots of money. How this guy has a successful business I will never understand. Once Bert gets a look at that newly built huge house that's made for many wives she's gonna be applying for her mother and the rest of her family to come to the US. Mark my words. She's gonna want to move the entire family in to Casa Colorado! Dani trying so hard to be sexy with her super long ratty extensions, low cut tops, short skirts and lace up gladiator sandals but Garrick only has eyes for frump a dump Bert. By the way, Dani, you can wash extensions. Sidian is the most boring dweeb on the planet. If he says Arielle is "a catch" one more time.... So Nick the philosopher is going to be a stay at home baby daddy. This is gonna be delicious. Where does the young chick fit in to all of this? Does she have a job? She better have one or Nick is going to find a way to relegate her to babysitting while he reads books all day.
  3. Nose job and I don't know what else. Maybe weight loss?
  4. Not only does Olivia have to deal with the trauma of what ever happened with Kim, she also has to deal with her own very screwed up family. That's alot of therapy that is needed for this girl. At least the Plath kids only have to deal with one set of monsters. Olivia has two sets.
  5. That is a hard pill to swallow but....She left him and found Dr. Man of my Dreams until she found out he was a cheater. She would still be with him not giving Craig the time of day if the perfect Dr. didn't turn out to be a jerk. She even left the show because she thought she was better than everyone else cause she bagged a Dr. Now she has nobody and came crawling back to BRAVO begging to get her job back.
  6. How lowwwww can you go with this dead horse of a show? Naomi grasping at any attention for camera time she can. I did, however, enjoy Craigs I give no fucks attitude towards her. Are you done? Ok, I gotta go. See ya! Shep visiting Patricia and them talking about his dog humping hers. High Society Patricia planning a wedding for the dogs. Sheps cousin folding baby clothes. WTF? Venita's meet up with Olivia. Two newbies I don't care about. At all. Ever. Shoot this show and put it out of it's misery.
  7. I don't get why Rinna was raging at Sutton about not talking about Harry and her kids. When has Sutton ever done that?
  8. Danielle did this to her boys. She agreed to Divorce Ick and puts up with his infatuation with Roberta. She's not thinking of the kids. She agreed to this nightmare situation so she never had the boys best interest at heart. She's brainwashed by Ick and the boys should have always come first when considering this lifestyle. She gets what she deserves.
  9. Doesn't she work in a bank as a teller or something? Only entry level money but she also has TLC money and she cleans their rental homes, too. She could afford to live on her own. Rent in Cairo can't be very expensive. I think she feels sorry for Barry and wants to keep him company until she feels he's capable of being on his own. Not her responsibility but nice of her anyway.
  10. It makes me sick the way these kids forgive Kim for being such a shitty, disgusting human being. I'm also sick of kids saying they forgive their parents for being assholes just because " Well, she's my mom" or "He's my dad" and I love them. So fucking what? Being a parent doesn't automatically make every awful thing they do forgivable. Did Ethan ever hold Kim accountable for the credit card fraud? Did he make her pay back the money she charged to his card? We will never know. Shame on Micah and Moriah for giving that demented bitch a pass. I was surprised at the distance between Olivia and Ethan this episode. Ethan should have driven to rafting with Olivia instead of going with his siblings. Maybe Olivia didn't want to? He totally ignored her down at the water. Maybe there was alot of editing going on there but he could have gone down to the water and asked her to join them all. Instead he ignores her. Nice going, HUSBAND. They all talk like stepford children. Low, quiet, emotionless monotone voices. Every one of them. So freakin' weird.
  11. He doesn't want them to turn in to spoiled, entitled brats. Kandi on the other hand believes in spoiling. Her thoughts are tht she's got the money, so why not buy them luxury cars and pay their NYC apt rents? I think meeting somewhere in the middle would be nice. EX of Kandi's spoiling: why in hell should their boy have 2 parties? The first one was perfect and fun for the kids but Noooo Kandi has to have the huge extravaganza over the weekend. So redunkulous. Having said that, the estate discussion should be between Kandi and Todd. When they die, the kids get what the parents saw fit to give them. Who ever dies first has to abide by the Will they both agreed on. But....NOT for the kids to know now. These women are something. There must have been no more than 10 of them at Sheree's party that Sanya was nice enought to throw for her yet they are bitching there was no bartender, the decor wasn't up to their standards and the food wasn't good enough. I could see if it was a big party but Wow! Bitches! Do ya really need a bartender for such a small group? I must not be bougie enough.
  12. This is why Heavenly is the way she is. Dr. Daddy coddles her, he needs to get real with her and tell her if she wants any friendships at all she needs to change. I can not believe she told Anila that Quad was cheating with married men, (we have it on tape), then she flat out lied in her confessional and said she never said that! That is some sick psycho shit right there! Did she forget her convo with Anila was being filmed? I enjoyed seeing Contessa at work. She better doing her job then she is outside of work.
  13. Yes, he did! For me, he went from being too good for Kathryn to being right up her alley in an instant. That's saying alot since I don't even like Naomi.
  14. This episode was so disjointed. Do the producers and editors care at all about what they're putting out there? When did Chleb and Kathryn get back together? Why should Austen congratulate Madison? What purpose do Naomi and Leva and Olivia's parents have on this stupid show? The guys at the party bitching about the ex's. Once again Patricia is thrown in the mix for good measure. I can't with this mess. The worst show on BRAVO.
  15. Damnnnnn Dorit was giving PK a ration of shit about his DUI. On camera, not telling her about it and lying in general, not caring who sees it. I liked that Dorito. I bet that's not the only thing PeeKaaay lies about.
  16. Which perplexes me. Kathryn, Shep, Craig and Austen have been on the cast for long time now, they should be pulling in at least 200K per season. Surely she can afford a nice place.
  17. Stanbury (or what ever she's going to allow herself to be called now) looked really happy at her wedding. All smiles and we don't get to see that very often. Stanbury's friend Julianne from the now defunct Ladies of London show was there. I didn't know they were such good friends. She is still so annoying and thirsty for camera time. yes but Sergio is a sexy looking guy. Perfect for a 25 yr old girl.
  18. Oh, you don't have that? Then I'll take a cognac instead. Garcelle's eyes bugging out of her head.
  19. Diana was ok with that, too. Strange. I would have thought she would have torn Erika's head off for that little shit show. But nope...it wasn't Sutton so it's ok.
  20. How dare she say that to him? I wanted to smack her! Snarky, know it all bitch!
  21. I'm hoping there was alot more footage left on the cutting room floor of the meet up with Ethan and Kim. Ethan barely skimmed over what he was upset about but I think that had to do with editing. Kim trying to insert her pathetic jokes in between Ethan trying to drive home his points was not appreciated by him. So far I've gathered that Kim was a lazy mom. She actually said "well, there is still no soda in the house". She included something else, too, I think it was sweets? Holy crap is she ever clueless. I'm glad Ethan said that it's not about that. She realized at that moment that this was a serious meeting and he wasn't there to take any of her BS. Olivia was childish and selfish regarding visiting the grave. Looks like the older kids are tired of her diva behavior, too. Did Ethan ever get an apology from her for ruining his day? I don't know about these two. Most of the time I think Ethan is the insufferable one then here comes Olivia showing herself for the ass that she is, too.
  22. Heavenly. Damn I think she was right about ALL the women but you don't put your close friends business out there on front street like that. What makes matters worse is that she took such glee in doing it. Malicious, hateful, joyful glee. Keep your mouth shut and talk about your friends screwed up lives behind closed door with Dr. Daddy and nobody else. Shame on her!
  23. First of all, I agree what's wrong with making a profit? People buy and sell homes all the time. You can always find another dream home. Those McMansions are a dime a dozen where they live and if they want to build again they sure have a beautiful rental to live in for now. I think one of Toya's problems is her Indian friend (sorry, forgot her name) built bigger and better in her neighborhood and Toya won't put up with that! Which brings me to my second point: Eugene is working his ass off and seems to be unhappy but does Toya catch a clue or does she even care? He was giving her every hint on earth that things need to change during the kitchen table convo. She will always want bigger and better and he is going to work himself to death trying to please her. She's an awful wife and I wish Eugene would grow some balls, dump her, go in to private practice, work less hours and find a woman that appreciates him.
  24. Right?? They were on the verge of divorce. Papers filed and everything. Then Simone pulled back and now they are happily ever after. Why would she want to put up with floundering Cecil this time? What's changed? I'm not buying what they are selling (including the book)!
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