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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Tyrant is a good word for Mohammad. A gaslighting tyrant.
  2. Why does Patrick say Thais doesn't speak English? I'm sure she prefers Portgugese but her English is pretty good. I'm impressed Patrick speaks Portgugese. Wonder how he learned that? I'm sure he did. None of the Pillow Talkers could figure that out. Are they all stupid? Guillermo has been in a 3 yr relationship with Kara. They lived together in the DR at some point. He knows how she is. Stop with the fakeness. Can't wait to see Emily's parents reaction to her news. Her mother will sit there stonefaced and her Dad will blame it all on Kobe. Mo is turning out to be a complete A-hole. Yve is being unreasonable. Why can't they get married at the courthouse and have the big wedding later? Neither one of them want to compromise on anything which is a recipe for disaster in a marriage. I love Shaeeda. She's too good for Bilal. I do wonder why she's 37 and never married, only broken engagements. Not a big deal in American culture but I'm sure she's considered an old maid where she's from.
  3. Where did Marlo send the boys? I didn't understand the whole story. Did she say she did it because she needed a break? Way to screw them up even more, Marlo. Tyrone ghosting Sheree just in time for the season to begin then Sheree pretending she doesn't want anything to do with him. I don't think there was ever any relationship with them. Just more made for TV lies. I still want to know how Sheree who hasn't worked a day since her last time on the show has managed to keep that house.
  4. I haven't forgotten that. I'm just saying he didn't exactly try to save the relationship. He was out of there before he could even digest the first bite of that slop she made.
  5. Doubt it. He's a Personal Injury and Worker's Comp attorney. I would hope she chose someone that specializes in Family Law.
  6. True. Seems like she's ready to settle down and Shep, well, is Shep.
  7. That Kathryn and Chleb breakup was the fakest thing I have ever seen. He didn't even try. Just packed his little bag and left. A five minute breakup. Also, Kathryn only gets her kids a couple of days a month so what's the big deal? It's not like she has full custody or anything. Think of another excuse, buddy.
  8. Well, he has mailbox money. They travel alot on his dime and seem to have a great time. That makes all the difference between him and some other loser drunken playboy. She should enjoy the ride and then in a couple of years dump him and find someone that wants to get serious. She's so young and has time.
  9. Well, next week should be interesting with all the in laws around. Stanbury said in a recent WWHL that Sergio's father did not like the relationship and offered Stanbury money to go away. Sergio's family has money. Apparently Stanbury didn't take the money. The sex with this 28 yr. old must be mind blowing. Phaedra Parks in Dubai. No.
  10. This makes me fucking hate Mauricio. What a pompous asshole he is. No wonder he's such good "mates" with PK.
  11. The homeschooling with the little ones sounds sporadic at best. Lydia said she wasn't there every day. She shouldn't be the one responsible for educating these kids. Shame on Kim. Big fucking shame on her. How does this woman sleep at night?
  12. I can't with these two. Will it take some kind of tragedy for them to wake up? I'm surprised opinionated Chris doesn't have something to say about what he see's with these kids. They are not even watchable with the kids at this point.
  13. Money. This was a very cheap show to produce. No hotel room $$$, no fancy excursions. Just Dorinda's ugly Bluestone Manor. There, I said it. Ugly. I hate all of her decor. Wallpaper, furniture, window draperies, all of it and I don't care how expensive it all was and what interior designer she had to pay.
  14. Because she's in denial. She can not face that her children aren't perfect.
  15. Ethan is seriously eff'd up. When Barry was talking to him I could see him seething underneath. We get to see next week that he is treating Olivia like crap again and not communicating with her. He should let go of the marriage because he doesn't know how to be a husband and go work on himself. Maybe go to California with Micah and try to find himself. He has alot to figure out. I don't blame him if he never speaks to Kim again. She really messed him up. I just don't get why Micah and Moriah are so ready to forgive her for being such a horrible shrew. I felt bad for the kids sitting there listening to Barry. They all looked so broken.
  16. Were my eyes deceiving me or are Jacksons legs more bowed and mangled than ever? And they actually said he's all recovered from his surgery. WTF? Are these people blind? He was walking on the side of one of his feet, it looked so uncomfortable. These parents need to do better. Maybe stop working on getting pregnant and start paying attention to the ones you have. Chris likes to tell people what to do. Chris is annoying. He's all up in the Roloff family issues. Be quiet, Chris.
  17. Uh oh... that pic. Big head on a skeletal body syndrome.
  18. Genetics fascinate me. Isn't Tori super tall, too? I don't mean an average compared to Zach height. Like not 5'4 or 5'5 average woman height. She's a big girl, looks like she's 6 ft. tall.
  19. Kindergarten and all through his school years. I hope he doesn't take his frustrations out on Lila when he comes home from school.
  20. Oh, I do think they are a couple right now. I just don't think it's going to last because they both have full lives in different cities and when it gets down to crunch time of who is going to move where they won't be able to come to an agreement. I read an article that they said they would talk about it when it was time to have kids. Really? That decision needs to be made long before kids enter the picture and if you really love each other don't you get tired of commuting all the time? The relationship is still new so we will see.
  21. I don't see any sweet affection between these two. With her living in NY and Craig in Charleston I don't see this relationship lasting. I think the Olivia and Austen relationship is fake. Taylor, Shep is 42 and you have been together 2 yrs. If he's not ready yet to start considering marriage and kids stop wasting your time. He's going to be another Thomas Ravenel having kids in his late 50's and never marrying the baby mama. Why is Madison and Pringle still on the show? Patricia doesn't belong, either. Old lady at Naomi's party. Her time has expired. Please, stop. Venita, wtf? Annoying and silly. Ohhhhh, being an influencer is soooo hard! So Naomi and Craig hooked up once maybe twice. Craig is done with her as evidenced by nagging Naomi giving him shit about chewing ice. She is such a shrew. Even if they did get back together (which we know they won't) he wouldn't be able to handle her put downs. He knows this, he just had to have final closure. Besides, he and Paige were not exclusive yet, she was sleeping with that guy Andre from Summer House when Craig wasn't around so all is fair until they make a commitment to only be with each other. Chleb is handsome and I liked his phone conversation with his mom in the car. Telling his mom to stop talking so he could get a word in was funny! This season is a mess! Whose turn is it to have a party next week?
  22. At least they are not constantly kissing anymore. Lort that was annoying!
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