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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I'm sure they used In vitro fertilization to get pregnant. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I doubt it just happened naturally. It's extremely expensive. My friend tried three times and finally got pregnant at 45 yrs. She had to refinance her house to be able to afford it. If I remember correctly it was $30,000 each try. Yve doesn't have that kind of money.
  2. Ethan would have been happy to stay in Cairo. He wasn't miserable there. He was miserable with Olivia constantly bitching about it. I remember it well. Again, that's why I don't buy her poor ignored housewife spiel. I think Ethan really has her number. Micah and Moriah not so much. They are willing to pretend she's not so bad after all. Now she's going to try to rewrite history with the younger kids.
  3. Probably true. Chris agreeing to go along with it tells me everything I need to know about him. Actually, Amy too. He's changed since he started dating Amy. I never cared for him but at least in the beginning he had a mind of his own. Now he's just an ass kissing follower. I guess they need the $$$ to save for their "retirement" so they can buy that forever home.
  4. Chris' obsession with being buddies with Matt and Caryn is sick. I think Amy has had alot of patience with this situation. Chris is just so freakin' weird. Not to mention if he was to fall in and start rolling down stream who would go after him? Short Zach with his own mobility problems? Heavily pregnant Tori? Looked like a pretty swift current in that stream. Stupid people. I hope they stop procreating after this last one.
  5. Oh, Micah. Live your best life! How often does he fly from California to Florida? That's a long and expensive round trip flight. I guess working is not a priority for party boy Micah right now. The money seems to be flowing. I do like that he pointed out to Moriah that he's the only one that really broke free to discover a new life while she and Ethan took the safe route and moved together to another state together along with Olivia and her brother but basically nothing has changed with them. I'm still trying to understand what Barry did that was so terrible. She keeps saying she gave him plenty of chances to change and he wouldn't do it. Change what, exactly? Kim has a very strong and controlling personality. She can't sell me on this poor, meek, ignored all the time by Barry schtick. I'm thinking she married young, popped out 10 kids while her husband provided a financially secure life for her until half of her brood moved away and she got bored. Mid life crisis, much?
  6. So can we assume all the while Dorinda has been "on pause" she never tried to stop drinking or ever admit she has a problem? No rehab? Now to the superficial: Taylor has a big stretched out mouth. Her lips almost stretch from ear to ear. Brandi has got to get a new hairstylist. The dye job and cheap extensions are horrible. Jill's voice. Ugh Tamra looks like an aging California porn star. Time to cut the hair and stop buying all her clothes from Revolve. That's where 20 something's shop, not 50 somethings. I always thought Dorinda had the best short haircut. Now it's an overbleached, half grown out mess. She's looking rough and it drives me crazy the way she's always using her glasses as a headband putting them on top of her head.
  7. What ever it was it didn't belong on PT. I only care about the comments on the episode, nothing else.
  8. They cut out alot of good stuff on this PT and showed some of the boring stuff. That seems to be the norm lately. Instead, they show Tim and Veronica and their disagreement over their lip patches and Alexi decorating the wall for Loren's birthday.
  9. Besides that, Daddy thinks Partick is using Thais for sex and nothing more. Isn't that why he doesn't like him? So wouldn't marrying Thais prove that's not true? Thais needs to grow up and get her story straight. There was no reason for Lizard Tongue Emily to tell Kobe or show Kobe the ring she bought. Just quietly return it back to the store, you moron! Instead, she has to stir shit while her parents and sister sit quietly not saying a word watching how hurt Kobe was. Yve, you are 48. You are not having another kid.
  10. Why did Kandi show up to the spa or whatever that was with Sheree and Marlo if she had another engagement? She clearly didn't want to be there, walked in there in a bad mood and was fighting with them through the glass because she didn't want to change clothes and mess up her hair? They should have just cut that scene completely out. ALL of the fights this season are ridiculous. And boring.
  11. Totally agree! The timing of that "relationship" was just to coincidental. That's pretty funny since Austin only 35. Craig is the youngest guy on the show-33. Shep is 42. Now Whitney is an old man. In his 50's.
  12. Yeah, then she will have enough time to cook, clean and do laundry. Garrick is madly in love with Bert. He just wants other women so they can handle the "domestic chores". Danielle is loving the fact that Garrick is shooting blanks so far with Bert. She loves to remind him he hasn't gotten Bert pregnant yet. Garrick standing at the BBQ grill with his pants tucked in to his cowboy boots. Priceless!!!
  13. When they were sitting on the bench at the beach she did not stay silent. She said she understood and Kim had to do what made her happy and they hugged it out. Then Moriah said in her confessional she thought she and Kim were kind of going through the same thing. Umm...no. Moriah 20 yrs old first love, Kim pushing 50 and married for 25ish yrs. Hardly the same thing. Besides that, Max broke Moriah's heart. Kim just got tired of Barry.
  14. Well, he's 10 and so far so good. My dog before him lived to 18 yrs old. He only lost control of his bowels the last year of his life. Totally understandable. Patricia's dogs are not that old.
  15. Kathryn face is bloated and she put on alot of weight. She lost custody because of her substance abuse. Looks like she's right back on it. Austen's new girlfriend looks just like Madison without the lip injections. Who needed to see her parents? Too soon for that. BRAVO should have never let Naomi back on the show. She trashed the show and everyone on it when she left thinking she was so above it all because she bagged a doctor. A cheating doctor. Leva was put in the background after being front and center and so woke last season. Her and Naomi's friend is annoying AF. Craig is right about one thing. Shep has always treated him like crap and Austen is a little gossip. That makes two things I guess. Pringle is useless and still looks like he needs a shower. Patricia has not trained her dogs. My dog never, ever shits or pisses in the house. Why? Because we trained him not to!
  16. Kimbaally's son is good looking and has more sense than any of the pillow talkers. They have both said many time they are better as friends. Tim is a father figure to Veronica's daughter. Veronica is very loud and opinionated, I would think she can be difficult to get along with as far as being in a relationship. Tim is in a happy relationship with another latin lady. He likes the Latina's!
  17. Highlights for me: Diana= no personality, no sense of humor. Getting stung by the jellyfish and all the girls arguing over who should piss on her. Kyle impersonating Erika's voice. Nailed it! Erika passed out, legs spread wide and a straw hat placed on her puss. Editing gold showing Dorit going on and on and the panning to all the women dying of boredom. *Don't lie and expect that Garcelle won't do her research. * I get the impression Kyle is no longer loving Erika and Crystal this season.
  18. There's no guarantee she will be able to carry the baby to full term. She should use a surrogate. Her boy husband was in the audience. With bleach blond hair. He looks so young and appears to not be too smart. It's a great marriage when you admit if you don't give your boy husband a baby he will leave you. Do people not talk about anything before getting married anymore?
  19. Although sweet, I thought it so strange that the women got together to give Alexia's mother a touching farewell without Alexia being there! I did not like this franchise at all. These women are seriously weird. Don't think I'll be watching another season.
  20. Too bad she didn't say that. Instead she totally supported Kim. I guess she forgot how Kim threw her out of the house at age 16. That outfit Kim was wearing at the beach was something else. She's definitely trying to re-capture her youth. She looked ridiculous. Ethan and Olivia need to put each other out of their misery and quit playing word games. Just get on with it and break up already. Ethan at the bar with the old ladies acting so interested in him and his pathetic life and the young girl giving him her phone #. I guess camera's will attract anybody. Why haven't any of the siblings told Ethan about the parents breakup? Is he some kind of delicate flower or something?
  21. Chris sure has mellowed out. There was a time something like that would have driven him crazy, now he's passive Chris making tater tot casseroles with his make believe neighbors and wearing ugly pj's to boot! Could marriage have changed him that much? He agrees to everything, nothing bothers him. Is pot legal in OR because it sure looks like it to me! Yes, Matt. You are right, you are close to 60 and getting too old to mess with the constant upkeep of the farm. Sell it! I assumed the little cabin was more of a playhouse for the grandkids or a sort of man cave getaway, not a place where you would actually sleep over. Who knows. It was cute, though. What happened to Amy's besties Deb and what ever else the other one's name is? They used to be on all the time, even did those dreadul cooking segments on social media with Amy. This season we haven't seen them at all.
  22. Talk about dredging up old storylines! Sheree got nothing going on. I don't even know what Drew and Sanya are fighting about. This season is a dreadful bore.
  23. Lizard tongue finds herself a ring from the cracker jack box and her sister is the only one in the family with any sense. Lizard's parents could have told her they weren't giving any money for the wedding until she goes to the courthouse to do it quickly and then if they are still together a year down the road then maybe pay for a wedding. So what do they do instead? Give $10,000 and lecture Kobe on how to be a responsible husband/father.
  24. Kara, grow the fuck up or don't get married. If having drinks with your loser friends a couple times a week is more important than your fiancee then send him back to the DR. Two? I didn't know that. I know he was divorced from the mother of his kids but when was the second one mentioned?
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