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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. You just know production told them this is the role they are going to play this season. Whether they like it or not. You two are going to be the friends and defenders of Marlo! Play your part and do it well or no peach next season for you! They are probably hating it, too. Kenya and Kandi for the win this season! Their talking heads are great and they are keeping their cool which drives Marlo crazy. I like Drew, too. I think she's funny and very pretty. Just keep her hubby out of the picture and she's even more likeable. Gem mining in Blue Ridge. This is where parents take their kids on summer vacation in the Georgia mountains. It's fun for the kids. Not where grown ass glamour girls choose to go. Talk about low budget, BRAVO. No wonder they spent hours arguing in the parking lot. Have to fill the time somehow. Oh, yeah, lets watch them jump on the trampoline , too. Good Lort. Dismal, pathetic season.
  2. Dorinda needs cash? I had no idea. I thought she was financially solid.
  3. I am anxious to see how this plays out. On their podcast Teddi Mellencamp said she was trying to get them to make up and I think that process has started. I'm not that forgiving. If my close friend dumped me cold because I was no use to her anymore, ignored all my texts and messages after I was fired, there is nothing in hell that would make me forgive her. So Shannon will be groveling to Tamra the same way she did to Heather last season. Then Heather Dubrow tried to block Andy from hiring Tamra back because she said her podcast was a conflict of interest because the podcast is all about talking shit about all the HW shows (Teddi and Tamra spill alot of juice on that show) which really pissed Tamra off. Will they all fake kiss and makeup? I say of course. If there are $$$$ to be made they will fake it all day long. Also, a little tidbit Tamra said that Eddie is tired of Tamra flashing her tits when she gets drunk and asked her not to do it anymore.....we shall see!
  4. Which kind of contradicts everything he said he wants in a woman. Makes him even more of an asshat.
  5. Her mom is too glam for simpleton Mitch. He wants a plain Jane. Oh, and hey dipshit, it's your wedding day! Of course Krysten is going to be looking extra dolled up! He is already the one to hate this season for me. God forbid she accidentally puts an aluminum can in the paper trash bin! Miguel said in the after show he and Lindy already talked about religion so he knew it wasn't a deal breaker for her. Mind your biz, brother Lindy!
  6. Venita's home was....interesting. She turned the dining room in to a closet so you have to walk through said "closet" to get to the kitchen. Kids. She's pretty but reminds me of a skinny little girl trying to play adult dress up. No Naomi or Pringle so the episode wasn't a total loss. Instead we get Shep's pregnant cousin for filler. I can't muster up any interest in her, sorry. Walking around the baby nursery talking to her mom on the phone is not exciting enough for me to give a crap about her. Allllllllll the footage they film and this scene wasn't cut? Wow. A dismal season for sure. Since when did Madison and Kathryn become friends? Since when does Kathryn have any friends? The marriage between Madison and the mormon will never work, it it even happens at all. He lives in California. She said they plan on living bi-coastal. That never works. Somebody will have to move. She has a son, he will be in school. She can't go prancing around back and forth from coast to coast and he will most likely get tired of that. Besides....he's mormon and she's....a Ho. I was proud of Paige standing her ground and telling Craig the "friend" relationship with Naomi is not going to work for her. No going out for drinks, dinner, or hanging out when your girl is out of town. Grow up, Craig before you end up like Shep. Olivia has alot of patience to sit there on their date and listen to Austen go on about Madison. What a classless slob he is. She won't put up with much more of that and how much more obvious can it be that Austen is totally not over Madison.
  7. This franchise is a boring fail but the housewives are stunningly beautiful. Better looking than any other HW franchise.
  8. Watching her boy husband take charge with the party planner telling her how the decor should be was laughable. He looks and sounds like a 15 yr. old. That's the best Ms. rich bitch snob Diana can do?
  9. I don't know but Barry is a very unfortunate looking man. Kim the frump with the downturned lips is no great beauty, either. How they managed to birth such good looking kids is a mystery. Genetics are a funny thing.
  10. Oh, shit. She's back. Tamra saves Orange County. Yeah, right. Interesting to see how fake it's all going to be with Tam and Heather feuding and the standing feud with Tam and Shannon. Of course there will be huge ratings because Tamra has fans and people will want to see her in action. Personally, I don't think Tamra is going to save anything. This franchise was dying on the vine the last season she was there. All her drunken making out with Brawnwyn, falling out of chairs at restraurants and flashing her tits was too much for most of us. She needed to be fired and the show needs to be cancelled. It's run it's course.
  11. Flagg is really showing his ass. On IG he is constantly showing pics of his new boyfriend who looks like a teenager and quoting "The Love of my Life". Aside from disrespecting Bobby who was also the love of his life (so was Colton), Josh falls in and out of love every few years. I just can't take him seriously any longer and it's too bad because I really liked him. Bobby is the one that is choosing to handle the breakup with class. Flagg is getting alot of negative comments on that last post referring to "The Love of his Life". If there is another season it's going to be a fail. Who cares to see the Josh's and Tracy fall all over each other with the new boyfriend sprinkled in for good measure. Yuk.
  12. This is exactly what happened. She did spoil the children. Amy was miserable because Matt made all the business decisions for the family and how he wanted to run the farm, disregarded any input from Amy, renovated the house the way he wanted it and treated Amy like an employee not a partner. In return and in her frustration Amy said (on the show) that the kids were her territory and Matt had no say. She took over raising the kids. Zach and Jer lived like animals and Amy let them. I remember their bedroom being a disgusting pig pen with them sleeping on a mattress on the floor, no sheets on the gross mattress, plates of dried up old food, yes, empty soda cans everywhere, too, and dirty clothes thrown all over the room. You couldn't even walk in there. They never helped clean up the house even though their friends were always there making a mess. It was their party house because there were no rules. Matt complained about Zach and Jer but it didn't matter to Amy one bit. He also complained because Amy never cleaned, the kitchen was always trashed. They were both so mismatched and spiteful to each other. It's all on tape and it was uncomfortable to watch them go at it. Neither one of them was better than the other. Jacob was completely ignored because Amy was too busy coddling her only dwarf son and Molly is the only one that realized she had to get the hell out of there, get herself a good education and make her own life. She loves her family but at a distance. I hope this was the last season because there is nothing more for these people to show us. Except ZiTs fawning all over their kids and new baby. How exciting. Sorry for the long winded post but this last episode infuriated me with listening Matt and Amy blaming each other for all that went wrong in that family.
  13. I've been to Blue Ridge many times. It's a cute little mountain town just 2 hrs north of Atlanta. Nothing more. Marlo acts like she planned a trip to the freakin' French Riviera. The house is awesome and I'm sure BRAVO researched and rented it for them. Marvelous Marlo had nothing to do with it. Can't stand this phony bish. Keep reading her for filth, Kenya!
  14. I'm so over Contessa and Scott. Always looking for a storyline. First, she wants to go away to study to be surgeon general some day. Then, it's trouble with Scott. Is he or isn't he cheating? Divorce. No Divorce. Now she want to be a fitness model and train for a competition. Why can't she just stick to doctoring at her new facility she shares with Scott? I think everything she does is bullshit for the camera. I can't quit awful Heavenly. He visit with Dr. Jackie had me LMAO. Yes, it's real. You get older, menopause, your lady parts dry up and you have no sex drive. Sucks.
  15. Nope. The only real friendships on the show were Cameran and Chelsie. They are besties off screen. Oh, and Cameran and her husband are buddy's with Patricia and maybe Whitney when he's in town.
  16. I'm liking Olivia. She wasn't about to take any of Venita's shit and had no problem putting her in her place. So far the most genuine of the entire bunch. Which of course means the other girls won't like her.
  17. He has said it many times on the show. He wants a big house. He also said he is tired of living in the DW, he has nowhere to put anything because it's too small an is becoming cluttered.
  18. It doesn't make sense to me that he planning on building a new huge monstrosity of a house for himself while he's talking about retirement. So he will still be living on the farm. Don't most people want to downsize when retiring? He talks alot of crap. I remember a while back he was on the outs with both Amy and Matt because he said they squandered all of his portion of the TLC money when they were supposed to have it in a trust for him. This was before the molestation allegations. Now we don't hear a word about his money. Amy and Matt must have made it right and given him the money to shut him up because he was making a big stink at the time.
  19. Of course Madison made the party about her. Why do they keep inserting Patricia at all of these functions? We all know in real life that would never happen. Her speech at the party was stupid. The producers are really trying to make Venita happen. I don't like her. Run, Taylor! Shep has no interest in taking the relationship any further than where it is right now. Does anybody give a rat's ass about Austen's parents selling the childhood home? The battery is in the historic part of Charleston. It's on the harbour and is beautiful. Patricia lives in that area.
  20. They were living with her at the big house before she moved and married Chris. I don't know what they are doing now. I'm assuming he's still a loser.
  21. Jacob is not making it. He was living in his van and traveling around with his wife, then they moved back to live with Amy. They have a baby now so I'm curious as to what they are doing.
  22. Don't forget she has alot of celebrity friends! Her kids are annoying rich kids. Her man fits right in with the kids. Why does Sutton insist on constant meetings to try to make Diana like her? Stop, already! You hate each other and that is what we live for! Erika, take your fucking sunglasses off when you are being read for filth. Where are your manners?
  23. Kim is such a hypocrite. She wanted to shield the kids from the big, bad world and Barry went along with it. Now she bitching about how he never gave her enough love and attention. Well, maybe she was too busy being the controlling shrew that messed up her kids and Barry was the one being ignored. That said, it was nice to finally see Barry laughing and Ethan smiling. Their meeting at the pizza place was nice and now I'm craving pizza. Micah wanting to be drinking buddies was cringey. He did ask her some good questions, though. Lydia needs to get on a good skincare regimen. She has pimples all over her face covered up with heavy foundation. Didn't mama Kim teach her anything?
  24. Finally! I've been waiting all season for the old Matt and Amy to show up. No more buddies lets spend time and vacations together. Sorry, Chris. Your love affair with Matt is just about done. Damn, Amy is back to being good ole' bitter Amy. If I hear "this is sad" one more time from her. She's more upset about the sale of the land then her kids are. Get. Over. It.
  25. If he wants a cool fade haircut he should go to a professional that actually knows how to do it. But we all know Insipidian is not cool. But...he's tall! Garricks Danielle is cray. I can't get over how much she physically changed since Bert. Low cut shirts and dresses, titties always on display, dyed her hair blond, added extensions, lost weight so she's no longer the "big" one. She feels intense competition with Bert. Also, Bert has all her paperwork approved, everything is ready to go and she's telling them she will go pick everything up in two weeks.! Bish has no intention of ever coming to the US. Has she been studying English at all? Yeah, no. Could Steve's wife (sorry, don't know her name yet) be any more miserable? That sad sack crying face is too much. Just leave, already.
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