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  2. Same here, relating to the feeling from when my father unexpectedly died from a heart attack. I teared up at the end of the show and I'm tearing up again reading the posts here. Funny how a tv character can effect you like that. Good writing and good acting because the characters felt like the people I grew up with, I would have been about Missy's age back then.
  3. Heather Dubrow is not a heavy drinker by any means, and Tamra Judge drinks when she films the show like Jen Pentranti mentioned (because I'm sure she is careful not to add calories in her every day life), that's why she gets drunk easily. I searched about Kelly Dodd, and DUIs, but I didn't find anything that happened relatively recently.
  4. Those basic cable rules were network imposed, usually related what advertisers were willing to tolerate or what they thought the advertisers would tolerate. There really was no reason why they couldn't use more curse words.
  5. I love Thaao, more for the actor himself than his characters, though I pretty much love Tony and Anna any time, all the time. I'm really, really, REALLY going to miss him, and by extension, Anna, portrayed by Leann Hunley. Their presence was erratic, rarely anymore truly important to the storyline, but such a delight and such a relief from all the sturm und drang of whatever storyline they were dropped into. Without them, who's going to visit the Dimera wine cellar to actually get a bottle of wine?? Not happy here.
  6. Her outpatient "rehab" is a joke, and I'm not sure she even completed it (it was supposed to be 9 months), or wanted to. She can leave the show if she claims there is a lot of pressure, but we know she won't because she didn’t after her husband's cheating, and her divorce humiliation, and then John dumping her. The paycheck for minor cast members is minimal. He loves the celebrity status like Shannon said.
  7. Dang, really? Get rid of the bangs and give her a whole new hair color (and a nose job?) and she's unrecognizable to me. I didn't even think she looked similar enough to grab his attention from the sidewalk, let alone lead to an obsession... ETA Where do they find these adorable foster babies?!? First Nia, now Tyson? Daaaamn.
  8. PK has been checked out of that marriage for a long while. His weird (and, frankly, sus) reaction to her PTSD was just the latest clue. He always struck me as a cold, arrogant, and controlling dick. Dorit herself can be exhausting, so combine that with PK’s chill and the writing is eventually on the wall. Really looking forward to her dramatics next season because she is the only woman in the universe who has gone through a separation/divorce, and life is hard. I am sorry for the kids, though.
  9. Jen and Ryan got engaged about three weeks ago, I'm sure in order for the engagement to coincide with the season finale (filming just ended for S18). Her spot on the show was not secure, as more women (at least two, maybe three including Alexis Bellino) were invited to film. https://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/rhocs-jennifer-pedranti-and-ryan-boyajian-are-engaged
  10. I thought it was toilet paper, wondered if that could suffocate him, and then wondered if it would really dissolve completely. Also, would the water have washed Ashton's fingerprints off the wheel of the golf cart and the beer bottles. He wasn't exactly careful about what he touched. Why did Ashton have to tell him all the details about keeping double books, helping the clients avoid taxes, and then boast about his wealth? Why not just say that certain clients require discretion, and that it's safer for everyone if they never speak of them again? Then the son-in-law wouldn't have anything to really divulge when he got drunk. But then there wouldn't be a story. Nora's mother was certainly cool as a cucumber about Ashton doing away with Nora's future husband, although she could hardly have expected him to murder the guy herself. She made it seem like he had hired people to off other troublemakers in the past. I wonder if she was from one of these crime families. Capri (the stripper) also seems like a loose end, much like the antique dealer who obtained the replacement Cupid for Retta (the matchmaker) a few episodes ago. Have these amateur murderers never watched television crime shows? It seems to me that he's a good guy. His lieutenant resents being passed over for the job, which he thinks happened because the powers-that-be wanted a Black captain "for the optics." So he's taking bribes in the Captain's name. How he thought the Captain would never suspect anything, I don't know.
  11. They definitely have stories about the South Park movie. For example: https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/ps-this-is-my-favorite-memo-ever
  12. Judging from Ryan's IG, he went to trips to Vegas, and golf trips, and flew private, but otherwise his lifestyle is not extravagant, eg. he owns an average house. This was most probably not filmed for the show because filming ended recently, but I'm sure we will see an update. I don't doubt she is with him because she knows he has some money. She claims she is broke according to her divorce proceedings, and she had to borrow money from Ryan. She is also renting the house she lives (for $12,000 a month). They are also fans of Jason Aldean who they saw at least twice relatively recently (I didn't bother to look lower on his IG grid). https://realityblurb.com/2024/02/07/rhoc-jennifer-pedranti-reveals-her-surprising-monthly-income-in-divorce-docs-claims-her-savings-are-nominal-and-she-borrowed-money-from-boyfriend-ryan-plus-her-custody-re/
  13. That makes sense--thank you! It also dawned on me that I might have been thinking of how basic cable seemed to have a one fuck per season rule about 10-15 years ago. Or at least AMC did because I remember Mad Men and Breaking Bad showrunners talking about being very artful in how they used it each season. LOL
  14. Kyle wasn't being fair to Amanda. She didn't say she was leaving Loverboy , just that she wanted/needed something else. I understand that. I love how Lindsay twists things, or what was said, when she's speaking to the other women. The boat ride looked fun, but Paige needs to step back from West imho, she can be a great friend to Ciara, without laying out options to West. I feel sorry for Jesse, finding a lump. It's terrifying when you've gone through cancer, and what that entails.
  15. Sigh. To all those who hate RW, I salute you because I hate posts bitching about Gail's cleavage. But here we are! At RW and with Gail's rack. I personally didn't notice her cleavage tonight, which to my mind means they were pretty restrained. But also, as a gal with a similar build, I'm tired of people making such a big deal about it. She's got what the lord gave her, and finding the balance between covered and dowdy is very exhausting. Sometimes, the world will just have to cope with being polite and not judging a woman's body for existing. Anyway, it was fine. I think that's my reaction to the season overall. It's FINE. The contestants are FINE. The challenges are FINE. It's not worth getting particularly worked up about, but it's not worth super praising either. I enjoy it when I'm watching it, and then it just sort of drifts away in my memory. It's FINE.
  16. So, at the bottom it says "Comments on this post have been limited." which makes sense because there's no way she'd just leave open comments. But then first comment I see - that's been up for 7 hours - says "Run Jana, RUN!!!!" Who is leaving that up there???
  17. Today
  18. Castle has suddenly been dropped by Lifetime. I don't know why. It's been replaced by Grey's Anatomy.
  19. Rai

    The Dish With Kish

    Stephanie is so short and Kristen is so tall, and there's like a whole person's length between them. I really have come to enjoy the Dish with Kish. I wish (heh) there was a way to bring Kristen's host energy from this show into the main Top Chef show. If they ever do find another host though, I hope they continue doing the Dish with Kish. It's a lovely way to look back at the show's history for fans and also do something up-close cooking.
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