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  2. No WONDER the Chinese community in North America used to think salad dressing and mayo were more or less the same thing. It’s the salad cream. I think some dim sum restaurants still call it salad dressing (but it’s slowly changing around here since we CBCs are often scratching our heads! Plus non-Chinese communities have dim sum as well).
  3. We better get some milage out of Sad John Lithgow, dammit! Make those speeches long, folks!
  4. That was honestly funny 😄
  5. LOL at the Timothee Chalamet "head shot." And Conan's, too.
  6. Oh now I WANT the acceptance speeches to run long so we can see all the headshots.
  7. That John Lithgow look might just do the trick!
  8. I love John Lithgow.
  9. It's something of a catch 22. If you come to work sick and infect a bunch of people, you're going to hear it. Yet, as you say, there are certain situations where you just can't call in sick - like your first week on the job. It's a lose/lose proposition.
  10. I didn’t like it when I was younger. I only like mayo in spinach dip, where it’s mixed with sour cream, amd everything else. I only like one specific potato salad, too. I hardly ever eat it. I also love sour cream in tacos, and I dip taquitos in hot sauce, and sour cream.
  11. I believe that once someone wins they should be excluded for at least 4 years!
  12. Is this the first award ceremony to reference to controversy over Karla Sofia Gascon? Jimmy Kimmel is going to get it!
  13. Either Kylie didn't get the bike joke or she's not allowed to smile. Good thing Timmy's got a sense of humor.
  14. I loved the Ralph Fiennes joke.
  15. "I'm having fun" yeah Conan you are lol and it shows.
  16. So far, Conan's monologue is amazing.
  17. Honestly, here it's in sauerkraut soup, how or why I have no idea:
  18. Ralph Feinnes LOVED the Ralph vs Rafe joke.
  19. I only watched part of the interview, but she did say that she was saved at age 5 or 6 (being too young to even comprehend what that even meant). But that she didn’t really find God until she was 14 or so. That may have been the time when she finally realized what it meant, and Joe helped her along the way. I didn’t see any lying.
  20. Thanks, and I'm surprised with that 5 month delay.
  21. No wonder I didn't get it. I haven't seen that one.
  22. I have a set of great grandparents from Poland and this is true even on to the third generation!
  23. I hope Sona and Matt got to at least hang out backstage.
  24. 4x Oscar Viewer Conan O'Brien 😂
  25. I'm right there with you. Half-way through Friday's episode, I turned it off. There wasn't a single thing I cared about. Tate and Holly get on my nerves. Haven't liked "Doug" since he showed up at Christmas--he's so bland. Cannot stand Paulina with her huffing and puffing. And now Rafe's storyline has gone off the rails. I took a break during the devil possession madness, so I may skip this month and check back when the new writer's material begins. (Swore off CBS soaps when they cancelled my ATWT so didn't plan on watching Beyond the Gates but decided to record it. Watched the week's episodes yesterday and it runs circles around Days as far as --- well everything.)
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