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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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18 minutes ago, GuiltyJohn said:

That conversation never happened. 

I don’t expect her to make final 36 this year. She will never make show group again no matter what she does. 

 So this is a Tara situation??? For real??? 

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4 minutes ago, NMDD43 said:

I may be remembering this wrong, but was it posted on here that MTT has a new production team this year? 

Just thinking out loud here, but if so, I wonder if K & C cleaned house because of the narrative the producers created last season (ie. showing the footage of VK being an ass and all the favoritism from Kelli and co. versus not showing any of it). I always had the feeling last year that the producers went a little rogue bc of some of what they aired. Or maybe they missed the memo (or just didnt care?) that they were to only represent VK in a positive light but instead zoomed in on her jiggly belly and runny mascara. They could have literally featured anything or anyone else but chose to air VK's awkward and immature office visits,commentary, etc. Basically what I'm saying is that they didn't feature her or TPTB in an ideal way and maybe that pissed K off enough to hire a new production team? I don't know. Kelli seems petty enough to go to such drastic lengths to protect her Kalina spawn.

Also, I always thought John Gault was part of the production team. He only showed up for the summer (filming) and then abruptly disappeared pretty much once TC wrapped. Maybe they got wind of it, didn't appreciate the leaks, then brought in new people for this year. Could partially explain why this summer has been so annoyingly quiet.

Well certain people also named John are leaking now...a lot. The fact that Jalyn, one of their TOP dancers did or said something so "bad" that TBTB have demoted her from showgroup and he feels that she will be cut is a BIG deal. I knew it. I knew when of all of a sudden Jalyn started to be pushed to the back recently something was up. 

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45 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Victoria was one of the girls who performed in all of the Show Group bookings (even at the expense of some girls who've been on Show Group longer or were better performers) and got ALL the best or most highly sought after appearances.  After all, she's "had such a tough time of it over the past year".  Too bad this site doesn't have a sarcasm font or that section in parenthesis would have been written in said font.

If I'm remembering what was said correctly, Tara had made some comments about Victoria and those comments got back to TPTB who then cut her because of the comments.  Supposedly, the comments were likely less than flattering (and probably said out of stress, being upset, frustrated or something similar) though the reason for her cut was being distracted/not performing as a vet/weight/etc.  I don't know of any specific page, but someone with a better memory might be able to explain it more clearly than I.

Kitty was in on it too. Kitty told K&J they should cut Tara for being plain or something about her hair but that was Miranda too. Kitty talked crap about a few girls last season and tried to push Victoria during that whole “she (VK) deserves to be on the team”.   

I will never forget seeing a crying Miranda when they told her Kitty said she had grandma hair.

I also believe VK then tried to get Madeline in trouble with the whole “moving her TCC locker” BS. 

And the root root of all these problems is VK so tell how this girl is NOT the toxic one .

I fear for Jaylin. 

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1 minute ago, Mercurialsteph said:

Well certain people also named John are leaking now...a lot. 

Yep. The name is a bit of a coincidence lol. 

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The tragedy in all this is that I am sure IF Jalyn makes it back, and right now it seems that maybe be in serious jeapordy this will be her last year. If what she "did" {in quotes because having an opinion isn't a sin...in most places} is so bad that no matter how she performs she'll never earn her spot on SG back or be one of the top girls she was posed to become, they will either tell her not to return or she'll leave on her own. I am sure she WILL leave on her own if this is what is happening. And that's a freaking shame. She could have been a rockstar dancer if not THE rockstar dancer in two, maybe three years when the senior top dancers like Amy, Maddie, Gina retire. I see those girls doing five years but definately not more. She really was poised to be a top girl  along with Caroline, Cianna, Bridget, Rachel W, Daphne {assuming she gets better}, even Erin and Madeline M. They really are losing someone amazing. For ridiculousness. There's no need to go to these lenghts just...let her on the squad and keep it cool. 

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11 minutes ago, NMDD43 said:

I may be remembering this wrong, but was it posted on here that MTT has a new production team this year? 

Just thinking out loud here, but if so, I wonder if K & C cleaned house because of the narrative the producers created last season (ie. showing the footage of VK being an ass and all the favoritism from Kelli and co. versus not showing any of it). I always had the feeling last year that the producers went a little rogue bc of some of what they aired. Or maybe they missed the memo (or just didnt care?) that they were to only represent VK in a positive light but instead zoomed in on her jiggly belly and runny mascara. They could have literally featured anything or anyone else but chose to air VK's awkward and immature office visits,commentary, etc. Basically what I'm saying is that they didn't feature her or TPTB in an ideal way and maybe that pissed K off enough to hire a new production team? I don't know. Kelli seems petty enough to go to such drastic lengths to protect her Kalina spawn.

Also, I always thought John Gault was part of the production team. He only showed up for the summer (filming) and then abruptly disappeared pretty much once TC wrapped. Maybe they got wind of it, didn't appreciate the leaks, then brought in new people for this year. Could partially explain why this summer has been so annoyingly quiet.

John Galt disappeared before the season ended. 

You have to love the irony of using the name "John Galt" if you have ever read "Atlas Shrugged"

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4 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

Kitty was in on it too. Kitty told K&J they should cut Tara for being plain or something about her hair but that was Miranda too. Kitty talked crap about a few girls last season and tried to push Victoria during that whole “she (VK) deserves to be on the team”.   

I will never forget seeing a crying Miranda when they told her Kitty said she had grandma hair.

I also believe VK then tried to get Madeline in trouble with the whole “moving her TCC locker” BS. 

And the root root of all these problems is VK so tell how this girl is NOT the toxic one .

I fear for Jaylin. 

I just minutes ago rewatched the episode with Miranda crying!  K says “this just shows you how much pressure these girls are under”.

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This sucks about Jalyn. Seeing this stuff, I hope she's one that will spill the tea and rat them out about what really went on if she gets cut, or retires after this year. I really hope she stays on and slays it, but then give us all the scoop! Haha 

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8 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

I also believe VK then tried to get Madeline in trouble with the whole “moving her TCC locker” BS. 

Just re-watched the ep where Kitty is saying Madeline could be a problem.

And we still have other posters giving us the scoop.

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9 minutes ago, MTTFan said:

John Galt disappeared before the season ended. 

You have to love the irony of using the name "John Galt" if you have ever read "Atlas Shrugged"

That was mentioned last year too.  Now I am off to Wikipedia:)

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4 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

That was mentioned last year too.  Now I am off to Wikipedia:)

FYI the name of the character is wrong in Wiki -- its John Gault and a second character in the book is Henry "Hank" Reardon.

What Wiki won't tell you is that there is a running question in AS - "who is John Galt?"  You have to read the book to find out why.

Turning the question to DCC, there was a rumor that JG was a combination of TWO people, not just the one.  I can kind of buy that theory because there was a lot of insider information spilled about a particular situation that only the people involved in and/or close to the incident would know.

4 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

Will never forget the 3:14am iHop photo.  And here we thought it meant a celebration of sorts. 


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6 minutes ago, MTTFan said:


After Tara was cut, the rest of the vets took her out to IHOP.  It was one of those long filming nights and that is why they were there so late.  Actually, they were there a lot last summer and we were trying to get someone to get a job there as a waitress to "overhear" conversations:)

Edited by scorpio1031
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7 minutes ago, MTTFan said:


The night Tara got cut. The entire team waited for her and afterwards went to iHop. It was 3:14 in the morning.  Just about every girl posted the table picture on their Instagram. 

Edited by JerseyGirl
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4 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

After Tara was cut, the rest of the vets took her out to IHOP after practice.  It was one of those long filming nights and that is why they were there so late.  Actually they were there a lot last summer and we were trying to get someone to get a job there as a waitress to "overhear" conversations:)

I remember now -- ty.

1 minute ago, JerseyGirl said:

The night Tara got cut. The entire team waited for her and afterwards went to iHop. It was 3:14 in the morning. Every girl posted the table picture on their Instagram. 


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26 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

I just minutes ago rewatched the episode with Miranda crying!  K says “this just shows you how much pressure these girls are under”.

Miranda also said something like "please don't let what Kitty said change your opinion of me." The girls are scared to death of Kitty. 

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45 minutes ago, NMDD43 said:

I may be remembering this wrong, but was it posted on here that MTT has a new production team this year? 

Just thinking out loud here, but if so, I wonder if K & C cleaned house because of the narrative the producers created last season (ie. showing the footage of VK being an ass and all the favoritism from Kelli and co. versus not showing any of it). I always had the feeling last year that the producers went a little rogue bc of some of what they aired. Or maybe they missed the memo (or just didnt care?) that they were to only represent VK in a positive light but instead zoomed in on her jiggly belly and runny mascara. They could have literally featured anything or anyone else but chose to air VK's awkward and immature office visits,commentary, etc. Basically what I'm saying is that they didn't feature her or TPTB in an ideal way and maybe that pissed K off enough to hire a new production team? I don't know. Kelli seems petty enough to go to such drastic lengths to protect her Kalina spawn.

Also, I always thought John Gault was part of the production team. He only showed up for the summer (filming) and then abruptly disappeared pretty much once TC wrapped. Maybe they got wind of it, didn't appreciate the leaks, then brought in new people for this year. Could partially explain why this summer has been so annoyingly quiet.

Charlotte is the Executive Producer of the show, and has complete control of what content is shown. There is not a rogue production staff that put content on the show without her approving it. 

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5 minutes ago, TinyHands said:

Charlotte is the Executive Producer of the show, and has complete control of what content is shown. There is not a rogue production staff that put content on the show without her approving it. 

Wouldn't Kelli and Judy watch the dailies - the raw footage shot each day.  Or is it all one big surprise when the episodes air?  Remote in one hand, huge glass of wine in the other.

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as much as I do want to be respectful of everyone's privacy......I am straight up dying to know more about all the things.  Show group seems to be the center of quite a lot of dramatics, from last year with Heather, and now with Jalyn.

I really love jasmine tea (in case anyone wanted to know), but I don't get mad if anyone spills it 😄

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Charlotte appears to be a smart woman. What I don't understand is why she continues to ignore this situation. Someone must apprise her of the negative publicity to the organization this is causing. After the bad publicity last year, I would have thought she would have had serious reservations with keeping Kelli on-board as Director. If she's so concerned about the organization's image, she needs to do something.

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7 minutes ago, Leia1021 said:

Charlotte appears to be a smart woman. What I don't understand is why she continues to ignore this situation. Someone must apprise her of the negative publicity to the organization this is causing. After the bad publicity last year, I would have thought she would have had serious reservations with keeping Kelli on-board as Director. If she's so concerned about the organization's image, she needs to do something.

Charlotte is a very smart business woman. The ratings for DCC MTT have increased every year. They did so well they made the episodes and seasons longer. The ratings will likely follow the same pattern and be higher this season. Drama sells. Look at the Bachelor.

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2 minutes ago, TinyHands said:

Charlotte is a very smart business woman. The ratings for DCC MTT have increased every year. They did so well they made the episodes and seasons longer. The ratings will likely follow the same pattern and be higher this season. Drama sells. Look at the Bachelor.

But if the drama is caused by mismanagement by TPTB in the organization, that can't be a good thing, can it? (Good for CMT ratings but bad for the Cowboys' reputation).

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Just now, Leia1021 said:

But if the drama is caused by mismanagement by TPTB in the organization, that can't be a good thing, can it? (Good for CMT ratings but bad for the Cowboys' reputation).

What is that old saying?  "bad press is better than no press."

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2 minutes ago, Leia1021 said:

But if the drama is caused by mismanagement by TPTB in the organization, that can't be a good thing, can it? (Good for CMT ratings but bad for the Cowboys' reputation).

Ratings brings in money.  Money talks.  And I don't think Jerry Jones would consider this a serious issue.  I mean, how long have the players been mis-managed?

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5 minutes ago, Leia1021 said:

But if the drama is caused by mismanagement by TPTB in the organization, that can't be a good thing, can it? (Good for CMT ratings but bad for the Cowboys' reputation).

The vast majority of viewers are casual watchers who don’t care/have no idea about any narratives other than what is shown on the show. Most viewers thought “Victoria gained a bunch of weight and was immature, so she was cut. Good for Kelli for putting excellence above friendship”. That’s not what I think, but we’re talking millions of viewers who don’t know the history, and all of these behind the scenes rumors.

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7 hours ago, Jess14 said:

The news about the helicopter crash is awful. Hopefully, Shaina gets the support that she needs during this time. 

As a Phi Mu alum I saw that there is a Candlelight vigil tonight for the girls.  I wonder if that would be an excused absence from training camp if Shaina wanted to go?  Also depending on what type of permission to film she signed if the accident might be part of her narrative during the season?

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3 hours ago, Leia1021 said:

Charlotte appears to be a smart woman. What I don't understand is why she continues to ignore this situation. Someone must apprise her of the negative publicity to the organization this is causing. After the bad publicity last year, I would have thought she would have had serious reservations with keeping Kelli on-board as Director. If she's so concerned about the organization's image, she needs to do something.

Maybe Charlotte is really a mean girl and is trying to make K&J and Kitty look bad....just my conspiracy theory, allegedly.....

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Just pure speculation here.....it was said earlier that allegedly Jalyn had no idea why she didn't make show group. If in fact that is a true statement, Jalyn must not have broken a major rule such as fraternization, multiple latenesses, etc. as she would have had a VERY good idea of why she didn't make the group.

Of course, she may have just said she didn't know to avoid those facts coming out, but it seems more likely that she was overheard saying something about about VK or another "popular" girl and it got back to Kelli. Naturally, Jalyn wouldn't know that she had been overheard or that someone ratted her out.

Not saying that this is what happened (I have no inside connections), but it is a possibility. I do hope she is one of the 36, but now I am worried about her standing in the organization.

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8 hours ago, MTTFan said:

Hey!  Here's idea, what don't they just rename the show this year "VK MTT? or  "DCCs descent into mediocrity"? or, how about this one "Mutiny on the DCFC?" 

I honestly don't think one person is going to drag the whole squad down into mediocrity.  They've taken women who haven't been the best because they were pretty or sexy and have survived.

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As far as KaShara leaving, this week MTT posted KaShara talking about her retirement. The las thing she said on the video is “I didn’t want to leave but it’s ok.”  Seems like she saw the train coming & decided to step off the tracks.

i seem to remember that the WHOLE team would get together for viewing parties each week. I wonder if they got together in small groups last year at people’s homes?

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4 minutes ago, cherryblossom said:

As far as KaShara leaving, this week MTT posted KaShara talking about her retirement. The las thing she said on the video is “I didn’t want to leave but it’s ok.”  Seems like she saw the train coming & decided to step off the tracks.

That's a tricky thing, though.  She says this and it sounds like something forced her out.  If she sounded happy about retiring, it could be taken as "it's such a toxic environment there she couldn't wait to get out."  There also could be some editing at play where she said something about never being ready to leave, and hence not wanting to.  I take a lot of what we see on the show with a grain of salt since we only see mere minutes out of hours and hours of footage.  This is actually what is making me less enthusiastic about upcoming seasons.

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17 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

The Star.....you have to kiss The Star

And touch it. That was the most cringeworthy scene ever. Touch the star.

😂😂😂 now my cats are glaring at me because I’m laughing. I imagine the star is madness of TCC and player  tears, alcohol, cow dung and bodycon dress fragments.

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12 hours ago, GuiltyJohn said:

That conversation never happened. 

I don’t expect her to make final 36 this year. She will never make show group again no matter what she does. 

Inquiring minds would like to know more on this @GuiltyJohn 🤔 Probably not a popular opinion but I’m just not really a Jalyn fan so just genuinely curious.

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7 hours ago, cherryblossom said:

As far as KaShara leaving, this week MTT posted KaShara talking about her retirement. The las thing she said on the video is “I didn’t want to leave but it’s ok.”  Seems like she saw the train coming & decided to step off the tracks.

i seem to remember that the WHOLE team would get together for viewing parties each week. I wonder if they got together in small groups last year at people’s homes?

Kash said over a year ago she was retiring.  If I'm not mistaken she said in her second year she'd only be there 4 years if she made it back.  She never intended on staying.

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11 minutes ago, klopie said:

Looks like Meredith is in Florida. Has she been cut?


They are off for the long weekend.  She had not been cut before this week and Judy and Kelli are both on vacation and not there so I doubt she's been cut without them.

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16 hours ago, GuiltyJohn said:

That conversation never happened. 

I don’t expect her to make final 36 this year. She will never make show group again no matter what she does. 

The Dayton conversation never happened? 

WTF? So that was purely for show. and WHY! Were they wanting us to hate Dayton? Hate Kelli? Love Victoria? It did the exact opposite it that's what the goal was. I think it made us all feel for Dayton, made Kelli come off as an ice cold bitch, and VK, bless her heart, did all she did to herself and not sure anyone felt sorry for her, drippy mascara and all.

As for Jayln, I've always had the feeling she never drank the Kool-Aid. Not surprising TPTB would so easily toss her to the side. They don't deserve her. 

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14 minutes ago, Christineelgene said:

I got my copy of the swimsuit Edition of the Star today.  I have to say that Daphne’s photos are gorgeous.  

It’s amazing what photoshopping  can do. They made her look healthy and not anorexic as she looked in the original photos. I just got mine today and all the girls look great. 

Edited by Cruisegirl
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16 hours ago, TinyHands said:

Charlotte is the Executive Producer of the show, and has complete control of what content is shown. There is not a rogue production staff that put content on the show without her approving it. 

Kind of weird she would knowingly approve the VK/favoritism footage since it made everyone involved look terrible. Maybe she thought it would be received differently? Or maybe she is a total bitch who doesn't give AF.

Edited by NMDD43
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1 hour ago, TennInTexas said:

The Dayton conversation never happened? 

WTF? So that was purely for show. and WHY! Were they wanting us to hate Dayton? Hate Kelli? Love Victoria? It did the exact opposite it that's what the goal was. I think it made us all feel for Dayton, made Kelli come off as an ice cold bitch, and VK, bless her heart, did all she did to herself and not sure anyone felt sorry for her, drippy mascara and all.

As for Jayln, I've always had the feeling she never drank the Kool-Aid. Not surprising TPTB would so easily toss her to the side. They don't deserve her. 

I think they meant that the conversation did not happen this year in TC with VK. 

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17 hours ago, GuiltyJohn said:

That conversation never happened. 

I don’t expect her to make final 36 this year. She will never make show group again no matter what she does. 

Jalyn? REALLY? WTF changed with her from last year to this year?

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I think we're going to have a lot of girls decide "one year, and done" because of the VK situation. A lot of very, talented young women who could have made DCC stellar if they stayed longer than one season. And a lot of vets, too.

Edited by Muckypup61
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So just so I am up to date on all the latest, the reason Jalyn did not make Show Group was not because danced poorly or did not meet standards last year, but because she gossiped publicly about Victoria or another popular girl, despite having been told numerous times there would be repercussions for said behavior. So my choices in deciding what to believe are (1) she had a bad audition, (2) she is unprofessional, or (3) she is an idiot.

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