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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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7 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

I've been wondering about that and my guess is that she had an injury and told them about it in advance. You can see how low her right kicks were especially compared with her left, and how low her right leg was in the jump split. That could be a groin or hip issue. This is just a theory, I am not stating this as fact.

Yes youre right that would explain low kicks but that doesn't explain missing entire chunks of moves or being behind or ahead of the music. 

I went down a youtube hole and did find some videos of Jalyn dancing from several years ago. And while she is a very clean technical dancer, at least back then, she didn't have really a wow factor. Like yes, lovely technique, not the BEST flexibility. 

 One thing that to me makes Victoria interesting to watch is I find her expressive when she dances. She's clearly feeling something and you see the joy when she dances. Whether you call it acting or emoting...she does that. And I can see why a panel would be drawn to her. She has nice lines, her leaps are always high, her turns....are her weakest point. She can turn but falls out a lot. She's tall, high kicks and she does look like she's having a blast as she dances. That makes someone pop. 

So I can see why judges would be drawn to Victoria. Also beyond the getting cut thing last year,  she HAS dealt with some considerable mocking online non-stop for a year, some of which goes beyond valid criticism of immaturity to bullying, like the stuff about her weight. We can say that the nepotism sucks but once that line is crossed, we at least need to be honest and say that she has been treated not great on the internet and on social media. Some deserved but some really over the line. That sucks.  So has she been through a lot? Not more than many who have dealt with serious illnesses and such but more than most especially at her age. So I can see what Kelli may mean by 'all that she has been through'. And hey we don't know the extent of it, maybe it got really REALLY ugly...like death threats and stuff. People online can be absolute monsters. 

However, Daphne making it over Jalyn is what truly baffles and will continue to baffle me. 

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On 7/2/2019 at 8:18 PM, ShellyB said:

Amy, Maddie, Heather, Tess, Gina, Lexie, Rachel A, Amber, Ashlee,  Bridget, Caroline, Cianna, Daphne, Hannah, Rachel W, Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria 

9 minutes ago, Busy said:

Does anyone have the complete list of who did make Show Group?

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Somebody refresh us please to what exactly is ‘all that she’s gone through’ with The Vickster? Not making a part time dance team and acting a fool for a reality show with a small audience on a cable channel hardly anybody gets? 

Big picture, girl ain’t been through any shit she hasn’t dropped out her own ass. 

I think of all the people her same age who are deployed, have been sick, lost family members, struggle to have food, homes, can’t afford college, got pregnant, had major break ups etc.

I think of some of my own family members who had to leave everything behind except the clothes on their backs to escape dictators and political collapses (Cuban on dad’s side, some more distant Colombian). 

I think of patients who are her same age and had wrecks, strokes, military injuries, had the shit beat out of them over domestic issues and have to learn to walk and feed themselves again.

just about when I think ok let’s give VK a break and see if she has grown up more in a year and kept weight, this BS about ‘what she’s been through’ makes me want to vomit. Like just pull her from auditions and up the private rehearsals she’s already got the past off season and quit acting like there’s anything but favoritism to the whole process.

I miss the DMD. At least with Mallory you knew up front she was a cold hearted bitch who thrives on drama and was never fair. That’s honesty the DCC won’t admit. 

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This whole situation with Victoria could of been avoided from the beginning. Starting at tryouts last year, I believe that Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte should not have been allowed to judge Victoria (at tryouts/showgroup) due to a ‘conflict of interest.’ All three ladies are (close) friends with her mother and have known Victoria all her life. To avoid ALL the issues that have come up on this board....and, because you are an elite cheerleading squad, the fair thing would have been to have all those who have a close relationship with her, to leave the room when Victoria tried out. Similar to when Cassie tried out her 5th year. Cassie had a knee injury, and due to her injury, Judy was asked to leave the room while the other judges decided if she should be allowed to return for her fifth year.  This would of greatly helped this situation in my opinion. The judges (in a fair world) must not have any relationship with Victoria or Tina and they must be allowed to make their own decision on whether she’s training camp ready...and show group ready. Then, no one can accuse anyone that there was any form of nepotism towards her.  This situation has not only caused anger, and hatred towards Victoria, but may also cause low/poor morale on the squad. ANY girl, who is trying out for DCC, is going to want the judges to judge each person fairly! 

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38 minutes ago, Pksbena1 said:

To avoid ALL the issues that have come up on this board....and, because you are an elite cheerleading squad, the fair thing would have been to have all those who have a close relationship with her, to leave the room when Victoria tried out. 

We viewers have watched for years as Kelli has spouted about standards, excellence, “world-class” etc. to justify being intolerant - seemingly mean and unreasonable on occasion - in the name of what’s best for the brand.  So I completely understand why watching this colossal shift with the handling of VK gets a lot of people fired up.  But truthfully, this hypocrisy is nothing new.  Judy's position greased the wheels for her daughter to push plenty of boundaries without seemingly having any of the consequences that any non-insider would have had.  And Charlotte only has any significance in this world because her daddy owns a damn football team?!  So I guess it really shouldn’t surprise any of us that Kelli would use her position to benefit her best friend’s daughter (who she genuinely seems to adore), and that the other two would never call her on it.  

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1 hour ago, Pksbena1 said:

Cassie had a knee injury, and due to her injury, Judy was asked to leave the room while the other judges decided if she should be allowed to return for her fifth year.

I thought Judy sat out deliberations every year when it came to Cassie.

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2 hours ago, Pksbena1 said:

This whole situation with Victoria could of been avoided from the beginning. Starting at tryouts last year, I believe that Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte should not have been allowed to judge Victoria (at tryouts/showgroup) due to a ‘conflict of interest.’ All three ladies are (close) friends with her mother and have known Victoria all her life. To avoid ALL the issues that have come up on this board....and, because you are an elite cheerleading squad, the fair thing would have been to have all those who have a close relationship with her, to leave the room when Victoria tried out. Similar to when Cassie tried out her 5th year. Cassie had a knee injury, and due to her injury, Judy was asked to leave the room while the other judges decided if she should be allowed to return for her fifth year.  This would of greatly helped this situation in my opinion. The judges (in a fair world) must not have any relationship with Victoria or Tina and they must be allowed to make their own decision on whether she’s training camp ready...and show group ready. Then, no one can accuse anyone that there was any form of nepotism towards her.  This situation has not only caused anger, and hatred towards Victoria, but may also cause low/poor morale on the squad. ANY girl, who is trying out for DCC, is going to want the judges to judge each person fairly! 

I agree with you except they’re not even trying to be fair or honest. They don’t GAF over absolute fairness and never have. It’s just way more open and shoved in our faces with VK. They really should’ve just hid her through auditions like they have other actually good dancers, Holly A, Caroline, Khalyn, etc. Well that if VK would actually let herself be hidden. She prob couldn’t shut her mouth if she tried even without those horse teeth.

Sorry I wanted to give her a chance this time but booting Jalyn off show group and ‘what she’s been through’ have completely turned me off even wanting to defend her entitled self.

9 minutes ago, Laurawithcats said:

For me only, it isn't only the nepotism. It's that TPTB actually expected me to buy the Bull S*** they were selling. That VK was this amazing dancer, the greatest ever as per Kitty who deserved chance after chance despite committing DCC violations that would have gotten any other TCC axed and barred. They threw years of credibility to the curb for a bff daughter. Stop treating me as though I'm stupid. At least own this crap. After years of being a loyal viewer, of turning on the Dallas Cowboy games to glimpse the cheerleaders, they insult me with last years VK drama and making one excuse after the other for her. They would have been better off if they'd owned their favoritism from the start. But this is the same lie they attempted to force feed me last year. Tbh, I'm absolutely disgusted, more, much more w/Kelli, Judy, Kitty and Charlotte than Victoria. I don't care if she has gotten better. The only reason she was given a 2nd chance is bc her mother is TK. I would fully expect there to be a Kelli talking head about how Victoria has grown, tough year, come back stronger, we'll see where she falls, what the other judges think, right before deliberations. Maybe after being handed training camp Kelli calls her into the office to make a show about being tough on VK.  When in effect it means zero, she's already on the team. I have such a difficult time understanding that Kelli, a woman who's entire life is the DCC, the DCC is her baby would jeopardize her reputation and the reputation of the DCC for her friend. Kitty is actually a bit more of a suprise. Her fawning over VK was eye opening and gross. She would never have done that for any other TCC candidate. 

TPTB need to stop, just stop insulting their viewers with this Bull Crap. 

All this x 10000000000. Couldn’t have said it clearer or better. Own the nepotism, stop trying to prove it isn’t there and force her on us. 

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1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

Well--there is always the fact to consider that Victoria did not make the team last year, in spite of the (by some--I wouldn't know) perceived nepotism, favoritism, lying, bribes, threats, etc. etc.

Yes, but any other girl who dared to gain 11 pounds, lied, carried on like she did, would have been cut much earlier. Even with the nepotism clearly already shown - it became indefensible in the end.

Also another example - Kitty would recommend they cut veterans for half that weight gain in previous seasons, who had proven themselves already - why would TCC Victoria “deserve the respect” to lose it when Vets with tenure and otherwise good standing don’t?

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2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

Well--there is always the fact to consider that Victoria did not make the team last year, in spite of the (by some--I wouldn't know) perceived nepotism, favoritism, lying, bribes, threats, etc. etc.

True but Voldemort came back even worse with the nepotism this year. 

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1 hour ago, Pksbena1 said:

This whole situation with Victoria could of been avoided from the beginning. Starting at tryouts last year, I believe that Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte should not have been allowed to judge Victoria (at tryouts/showgroup) due to a ‘conflict of interest.’ All three ladies are (close) friends with her mother and have known Victoria all her life. To avoid ALL the issues that have come up on this board....and, because you are an elite cheerleading squad, the fair thing would have been to have all those who have a close relationship with her, to leave the room when Victoria tried out. Similar to when Cassie tried out her 5th year. Cassie had a knee injury, and due to her injury, Judy was asked to leave the room while the other judges decided if she should be allowed to return for her fifth year.  This would of greatly helped this situation in my opinion. The judges (in a fair world) must not have any relationship with Victoria or Tina and they must be allowed to make their own decision on whether she’s training camp ready...and show group ready. Then, no one can accuse anyone that there was any form of nepotism towards her.  This situation has not only caused anger, and hatred towards Victoria, but may also cause low/poor morale on the squad. ANY girl, who is trying out for DCC, is going to want the judges to judge each person fairly! 

I would agree with you, except that my understanding is that the DCC dance world is crazy small, and most of the girls who try out are connected somehow.  I feel like it doesn't make sense to try to sit people out when there isn't really a fair way to do it across the board.  I think it would be far more to the point that there should be conscientious perspective-taking about the objective standards expected from each of the girls, which seemed to me to be what has been lacking in relation to VK in particular.  I hope she gets the benefit of some more Jenn A.-style professional objectivism (IIRC, "that is not how a DCC acts"), because it's satisfying, and because it's constructive and truthful.  

That said, as VK-focused as the last season was (and as the board has been, myself definitely included), I hope the other girls get a lot more attention.  I'm really interested in the team dynamics and individual personalities, as well as specific aspects of the dancing. For instance, who is the rockstar dancer that maybe struggles with flexibility, and what does she do to compensate for it?  Are there specific dance sequences that some girls especially love (or loathe)?  (Silently wailing "pleeeeaaaaaasssseeeee come back" to our insiders).

I really loved the sections from last season with Meredith where she was so frank about the difficulties she had as an aspiring dancer in NYC...I was rooting for her then and I'm rooting for her now (even though I could see what the judges meant about her flat affect during interview last season).  I also loved the sections with Mackenzie Lee from back in the day where she was working so hard to get to be more flexible.  I love seeing the girls as dancers but I also really love hearing about their personalities, and getting to "know" them and root for them....it's the reason I love the show, so I'm hoping we get to see as much of that part of it as they're comfortable sharing.

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13 hours ago, DCCFanInKy said:

@ShellyB can you tell us a bit about "Rookie Week" like what they do during those rehearsals?  Is it the entire week that Kelli, Judy and the Vets are out of rehearsals? Thanks in advance 🙂

Rookie Week is just rookies working on DCC style. This week it has been kick technique with Shelly Mc. K & J are on vacay. 

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It will be interesting what is shown and not shown on this year’s show.  I am all for anyone who comes back stronger, like Maddie and Erin!  They were gracious and humble. 

Speaking of grace,  did VK, after being cut, really not go to the family meet the team last year? After all, she does live in the area.  That would have shown maturity and grace. I hope she was there!

Is show group always 18?  I thought it was smaller.  

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Jalyn was my favorite rookie last year. I really hope the sg audition is covered and a reason for her not making it is given. I also hope she does not quit nor get cut from the final team.

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10 hours ago, Mercurialsteph said:

Yes youre right that would explain low kicks but that doesn't explain missing entire chunks of moves or being behind or ahead of the music. 

I went down a youtube hole and did find some videos of Jalyn dancing from several years ago. And while she is a very clean technical dancer, at least back then, she didn't have really a wow factor. Like yes, lovely technique, not the BEST flexibility. 

 One thing that to me makes Victoria interesting to watch is I find her expressive when she dances. She's clearly feeling something and you see the joy when she dances. Whether you call it acting or emoting...she does that. And I can see why a panel would be drawn to her. She has nice lines, her leaps are always high, her turns....are her weakest point. She can turn but falls out a lot. She's tall, high kicks and she does look like she's having a blast as she dances. That makes someone pop. 

So I can see why judges would be drawn to Victoria. Also beyond the getting cut thing last year,  she HAS dealt with some considerable mocking online non-stop for a year, some of which goes beyond valid criticism of immaturity to bullying, like the stuff about her weight. We can say that the nepotism sucks but once that line is crossed, we at least need to be honest and say that she has been treated not great on the internet and on social media. Some deserved but some really over the line. That sucks.  So has she been through a lot? Not more than many who have dealt with serious illnesses and such but more than most especially at her age. So I can see what Kelli may mean by 'all that she has been through'. And hey we don't know the extent of it, maybe it got really REALLY ugly...like death threats and stuff. People online can be absolute monsters. 

However, Daphne making it over Jalyn is what truly baffles and will continue to baffle me. 

People online can be way more cut throat than anything she’s experienced in the dance studio. Is she my favorite person? No, but she doesn’t deserve death threats.

also, Daphne may have a stamina issue if she’s having an issue re: weight. TOTAL SPECULATION; I KNOW NOTHING, but if she’s struggling with weight and not eating much, her stamina could be affected. An injury could also be the problem, especially with the low kick on the right. Seems more like Daphne was given the pass opposed to Victoria.

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People, if you don't start paying attention to the red mod note above that reply box, this topic will end up being locked for the holiday. Talk about the contestants, not whether you think they're being talked about too much by other posters.

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1 hour ago, tteek74 said:

People online can be way more cut throat than anything she’s experienced in the dance studio. Is she my favorite person? No, but she doesn’t deserve death threats.

also, Daphne may have a stamina issue if she’s having an issue re: weight. TOTAL SPECULATION; I KNOW NOTHING, but if she’s struggling with weight and not eating much, her stamina could be affected. An injury could also be the problem, especially with the low kick on the right. Seems more like Daphne was given the pass opposed to Victoria.

Honestly looks like both were.

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8 hours ago, Busy said:

Does anyone have the complete list of who did make Show Group?

Didn't see anyone reply to this for you

Amanda (TCC)
Kelcey (TCC)
Rachel A 
Rachel W 
Victoria (TCC) 

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I'll be interested to see if they show the (undoctored) announcement of Victoria making show group.  I've been told that it was a very awkward moment with many stunned and disgusted faces.  In contrast, Victoria didn't seem the least bit surprised.

Edited by SmpIsimon
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7 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

I'll be interested to see if they show the (undoctored) announcement of Victoria making show group.  I've been told that it was a very awkward moment with many stunned and disgusted faces.  In contrast, Victoria didn't seem the least bit surprised.

In the past it showed them calling a few names.  Then all of a sudden all of them had already been called.  I do look forward to this season!   Have to get ready to hear hubs telling me I must have wanted to be a cheerleader when I was younger. 

Seriously, I hope all these ladies realize how fortunate they are to "follow their dream."   I had to get a job.

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46 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

I'll be interested to see if they show the (undoctored) announcement of Victoria making show group.  I've been told that it was a very awkward moment with many stunned and disgusted faces.  In contrast, Victoria didn't seem the least bit surprised.

Heard that as well.  Also heard Jalyn was devastated.  I have doubts we'll see that though.

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On 7/2/2019 at 3:48 PM, M1977G said:

I feel like I need Chandi and Kat to make the team. That is all. They both are so gorgeous, and the DCC seriously needs to up their roster of cheerleaders of color.

QFT.  Quoted For Truth.  I hope TPTB read this post.  Some NFL squads have double digit women of color.  I don't believe the DCC auditions lack quality or numbers as it pertains to minorities.  I believe it is preference by K & J and maybe C.  That's a problem.

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maybe, just maybe we will see a similar conversation with VK in Kelli's office like Dayton got last year. Maybe K&J will sit her down and say "We will not tolerate that kind of behavior again and we don't care who your mother is- you will not tarnish our brand" kind of thing. I'm willing to give the show/TPTB the benefit of the doubt that something like this will happen. I personally think (even if it's scripted) this would go a long way with viewers who are fed up with the favoritism bull. 

But in the end, it's their brand. Their circus. But seriously- if you want drama CMT, make it happen. One little preview of what appears to be VK getting her ass chewed, and ya might just see a jump in ratings...

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I’m sad for Jalyn. I really like her. It was so hard to get to know the rookies last year, but she stood out to me because 1) Kelli/Marshall? completely messed up her hair at makeovers 2) she performed with pink eye! (Yikes!!!) 3) she was very clean with her dancing.

I feel like this will be her last year now, and I hate that because she had such great potential.  

I really hope some of the ones who are true standouts don’t leave after this year, but I’m worried a lot will. 

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On 7/2/2019 at 9:21 AM, Donna S said:

So telling the truth is now “toxic” ?

Just a thought here, but unless the girls signed a confidentiality agreement, there is still the right of free speech in this country.  

Regardless, the fact that Kelly had to tell the girls this will only add to resentment and toxicity in the locker room.  

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10 minutes ago, tteek74 said:

I’m sad for Jalyn. I really like her. It was so hard to get to know the rookies last year, but she stood out to me because 1) Kelli/Marshall? completely messed up her hair at makeovers 2) she performed with pink eye! (Yikes!!!) 3) she was very clean with her dancing.

I feel like this will be her last year now, and I hate that because she had such great potential.  

I really hope some of the ones who are true standouts don’t leave after this year, but I’m worried a lot will.  

I would hope that she continues to work hard this year, and then comes back next year ready to defend her spot on the team, regain her spot on SG and prove that she could be a possible GL.

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I can see that there would be a confidentiality clause in the contracts that the girls, any employee of the DCC and the contracts that the CMT crew would sign and that clause could be stretched to some degree, but, given the "tentacles" of the DCC organization in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, to make every single one of the people who MIGHT possibly have inside information about Training Camp sign a confidentiality agreement AND not talk about Victoria or anything in Training Camp not only would be a logistical nightmare, but it might not even be legal.  So it's likely not going to happen.  

As for the people who pass along inside information being more toxic to the organization than everything Victoria, Kelli, Kitty and the rest did last year (and this year from the sounds of things) is frankly laughable.  People don't need to say a word about what's going on when everything is on camera (even if it's edited to a degree).  The footage is there.  It was even edited to be favorable to the organization to some degree.  If what we saw was as bad as it was, I wonder what was left on the cutting room floor.  Now THAT would be interesting.  

I'm done with Victoria, Kelli, Kitty and the rest of the organization until something happens and entirely new blood is brought in with new ideas and little to no connection to the people currently running it but with the same respect for history and tradition.  If that happens, I'd be interested to see what goes on.

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16 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

People don't need to say a word about what's going on when everything is on camera (even if it's edited to a degree).  The footage is there.  It was even edited to be favorable to the organization to some degree.  If what we saw was as bad as it was, I wonder what was left on the cutting room floor.  Now THAT would be interesting.  

That is what I want to see made into a show!!

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2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

In the past it showed them calling a few names.  Then all of a sudden all of them had already been called.  I do look forward to this season!   Have to get ready to hear hubs telling me I must have wanted to be a cheerleader when I was younger. 

Seriously, I hope all these ladies realize how fortunate they are to "follow their dream."   I had to get a job.

There are several on the team who have “careers”. Brennan, Heather, Briana, Taylor J, Jessika (when she was on the team) all come to mind. Just think it’s important to give credit to those who are doing both.

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Ok, not a VK fan... but, I’m not a VK hater.   This is not going to be a popular opinion.  I’m actually starting to feel bad for her.  

I don’t think Jalyn got left off show group to allow VK to become a show group member.  I think we need to quit assuming this.  There are many new show group members.

Has VK possibly been given another opportunity to dance on this very visible dance team?  Yes, possibly.  Is she the one to be blamed, called names and torn apart?  I can’t blame her for something her mother probably orchestrated and Kelly is allowing (and most likely Charlotte too!)

She’s 19 (right?) and she likes an occasional milkshake.  Didn’t we all at that age?  The weight gain was one of many things that caused her not to make the team last year.  But should we be rubbing her nose in it.  Hopefully she has learned from those mistakes.

I cannot imagine someone treating my daughter the way she gets treated here.  I want to see if she deserves her place before judging what happens.  

She was obviously not grown up enough to deal with it last year.  Let’s see if she’s ready this year before passing judgement.

If she treats her teammates poorly, she is not going to enjoy this experience, and you know what they say about karma... but, let’s see what happens first.

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1 minute ago, aimeelou625 said:

If she treats her teammates poorly, she is not going to enjoy this experience, and you know what they say about karma... 

To say she treats her teammates poorly is an understatement.  Just ask Tara or Jalyn.

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I’m confused... what did VK do to Jalyn?   

I saw what happened with Jinelle, and that was stupidity on her part.  She got called out on it, on air.

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4 minutes ago, aimeelou625 said:

I’m confused... what did VK do to Jalyn?   

I saw what happened with Jinelle, and that was stupidity on her part.  She got called out on it, on air.

There's a reason Jalyn didn't make SG.  

I'm honestly surprised nobody has quit TC at this point.

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2 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

There's a reason Jalyn didn't make SG.  

I'm honestly surprised nobody has quit TC at this point.

Did Brennan try out for SG?  Kind of wonder how she feels about all this?

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21 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

To say she treats her teammates poorly is an understatement.  Just ask Tara or Jalyn.

She seems to like the ‘favorites’ the people like Amy, Maddie etc. just from looking at Instagram 

16 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

There's a reason Jalyn didn't make SG.  

I'm honestly surprised nobody has quit TC at this point.

So the Jalyn situation IS like Tara last year??? Is she really in danger of being cut?!?

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5 minutes ago, Mercurialsteph said:

She seems to like the ‘favorites’ the people like Amy, Maddie etc. just from looking at Instagram 

So the Jalyn situation IS like Tara last year??? Is she really in danger of being cut?!?

There may be something to knowing how to play the game.  A good defense is a better offense.

Just sayin' 🙂

Edited by MTTFan
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36 minutes ago, aimeelou625 said:

Has VK possibly been given another opportunity to dance on this very visible dance team?  Yes, possibly.  Is she the one to be blamed, called names and torn apart?  I can’t blame her for something her mother probably orchestrated and Kelly is allowing (and most likely Charlotte too!)

If she's a willing participant, that is one thing.  If she were to tell off her mom, K&J&C and Kitty, and say I want to do this on my own, stop "helping" me, that is another.  At this point, I believe she is a willing participant.

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IF Jalyn is in jeopardy in any way but yet VK gets a free pass for the crap she pulled last year I quit this show and I hope they get dragged through the mud with any kind of controversy and ruin them. 

Get your crap together K&J 

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We're unlocking this topic now, with the understanding that from here on out there is a Zero Tolerance policy for trashing other Primetimer members and their opinions.

If you choose to disregard the six word instructions blasted in red right above where you type your comment, you'll have your posting privileges revoked.  End of story.

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Has a rookie who made show group ever ended up being cut from training camp? This question was posted in the Facebook group and someone claimed #metoo Taylor from last year had made show group, but I don’t remember her making show group  

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Just now, Jennv said:

Has a rookie who made show group ever ended up being cut from training camp? This question was posted in the Facebook group and someone claimed #metoo Taylor from last year had made show group, but I don’t remember her making show group  

I don’t think she made show group. I can’t recall anyone. There’s been some who have and cut the next year. Kaitlin La Grande and Hannah are two I can think of off the top of my head. Maybe someone else knows if there ever was during the season. Usually if they’re on show group, I always think that’s an automatic in.

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1 minute ago, ByTor said:

LOL @Jennv, I don't even remember "me too" Taylor making TC let alone SG.

lol, that blonde girl that got cut because during media training she claimed she had never heard of #metoo

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7 minutes ago, Jennv said:

Has a rookie who made show group ever ended up being cut from training camp? This question was posted in the Facebook group and someone claimed #metoo Taylor from last year had made show group, but I don’t remember her making show group  

I'm guessing she didn't make SG. IMHO some of the posters on the 2 FB groups don't always get their facts right.

I thought the question was asked/discussed here last year and a poster said Sunni Cranfill made SG in season 3 but was cut in TC. I don't know if that's true or not. However Sunni did come back and made the team in season 4 (I don't think she was in SG).

Edited by MrsEVH
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9 minutes ago, tteek74 said:

I don’t think she made show group. I can’t recall anyone. There’s been some who have and cut the next year. Kaitlin La Grande and Hannah are two I can think of off the top of my head. Maybe someone else knows if there ever was during the season. Usually if they’re on show group, I always think that’s an automatic in.

According to Judy it’s not an automatic in 


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