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Jeopardy! Season 36 (2019-2020)


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I spent most of the show wishing that Valerie would stop trying to be so polite and also using the full name of the category. I knew that boards would not have been cleared and that gripes me. I got Jane Austin, Howling, and ixnay. I’m 0/2 on FJ. I saw the show (Ed Sullivan), but just couldn’t settle on an answer. I was with @saber5055 in the Bonanza territory. 

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15 hours ago, PBnJay said:

I should have stay as a lurker since my first attempt at Final Jeopardy is a big zero so far. And I'm usually pretty good at Bible topics. I did get all 12 answers on the extra Jeopardy questions quiz on the website though.

Plenty of us have had zeros for multiple days (and occasionally weeks). Don't re-lurk. You're part of us now.

13 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

Aw, no one knew Jane Austen.

I was hoping the English woman would win. 

I'm not fond of Austin (sacrilege, I know), but I managed to get the answer because the wording struck me as Austen's style.

I like Valerie a lot. For some reason, despite the fact that I've heard tons of British accents (I mean, it seems like more than half the actors are from the UK), I fell in love with Valerie's voice and accent and wanted to keep hearing it. It was very soothing, somehow.

12 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

I was just rooting for Valerie to get a couple more answers to make it competitive but I liked all the contestants so enjoyed the game.  

FJ was an instaget, something about the date always sticks in my mind and I associate it with the very nice lady who used to take care of me back then - she decided my 4 year old self needed the first Beatles album because her teen age kids liked it.  I still have the beat up vinyl album.

It was for me too. Despite the fact that I didn't see the Beatles (we were posted abroad in January of that year), Ed Sullivan was our Sunday family viewing, and I vaguely connected the date with the Beatles.

11 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I feel like such a dumbass because I read the FJ clue as The Fugitive finale had more viewers than THIS SHOW'S FINALE in 1964. Sunday night, so Bonanza. But that went longer than 1964. What about Gunsmoke ... I don't think it or Bonanza had a final episode, shows didn't do them back then, plus Gunsmoke ran longer than '64 ... so I came up with zilch.

Yeah, it went on long enough that Miss Kitty was basically Grandma Kitty.

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FJ was easy for me... right after I scratched the Bonanza thought... and brought back wonderful, yet bittersweet memories of Sunday night dinners as a child. (We often gathered with close friends/family... always roasted meat or poultry, fresh farm veggies, and real whipped cream on the pie of the day; we had to eat buffet style as there were too many people to sit around a huge harvest table.) That particular Sunday night was profound as we were all anticipating the Beatles' performance, and anxious to have the dishes done before 7 pm. I wasn't a teen yet - but close enough that I remember those hormones flooding through me when Paul or George had the camera on them. I say bittersweet as all of the 'parents' (including mine) have passed away, as have some of the kids who sat huddled on the floor watching those amazing British boys.

British Valerie had totally different hormones racing... I enjoyed her accent, even when she seemed to pour it on a bit thickly; however, her speed seemed set on tortoise as opposed to Jason's hare pace. I like it when they clear the board!

Jason is great and I forgive him daily for reminding me of what'shisname (Nicolas Cage) and a boy who tried to kiss me pre-hormone phase (yuck!)... I also forgive him daily for not betting more, especially when he's correct.

So great to see Alex back and hear his head-scratching comments, like "so-and-so has a lot of catching up to do in Double J!" As if they didn't realize... dunh. Oh, Alex, you can be such a bonehead sometimes, and I love ya for it. LOL

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On 9/10/2019 at 9:38 AM, Mindthinkr said:

It was wonderful to see Alex hosting and that he looked well. I hope it wasn’t stage makeup and he really has the color of good health.

When I read this, I giggled because our tv has something wrong with it and the red tone seems to be missing... i.e., everyone looks green! I commented when Alex walked onto the set that I hoped he looked better in real life than he did on my tv.

The only good thing about having too much green is that food commercials are so unappealing.

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5 hours ago, PaulaO said:

Loved the Pig Latin category.  It even mentioned the The Three Stooges.  Ixnay on the ottenray.  Jason is quietly awesome, but I wish he’d go full on James and bet big on the DDs.

Agree on both counts. I recently rewatched (for the umpteenth time) the 1938 short "Tassels In The Air" which features the pig latin gag. And Jason getting the early DD with $1800 and then wagering $1000 drove me crazy!

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5 hours ago, PaulaO said:

Loved the Pig Latin category.  It even mentioned the The Three Stooges.  Ixnay on the ottenray.

An hour of Stooges runs here on Sunday, and it's must-see tv for me. They are more hilarious now that I'm older. When I was a kid, Stooges were on in the afternoon after school, and it got so we kids were banned from watching them since they were a "bad influence" on us. So what that we all practiced Curly's moves and Moe's eye poking and fist hitting on each other, why was that so bad?

We also talked Pig Latin in grade school. I had totally forgotten about it. Does anyone still talk PL? I think parents invented it so they could say things in front of the kids that we wouldn't understand.

"Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk ... soitenly!"

There is a nice commentary from Sean Melody, who played Tuesday's game, and replies from others who have appeared on the show in yesterday's


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21 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

FJ was easy-peasy.  I was 12, so the perfect age to be a Beatles fan.

I have a good friend your age who is still a huge Beatles fan. She and her family always watched the Sullivan show. When the Beatles came on in February '64, she fell on the floor and started crying and screaming. After it was over, she and her best friend, who had had a similar reaction, got on the phone and started all over again, recounting it. Their mothers shooed them off their respective phones and had a conversation that started out with, "What just happened?"

So thanks to Kathy, I got FJ.

I loved Valerie's voice -- it reminded me of Mrs. Banks in Mary Poppins -- but she was dreadfully slow.

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Am I the only one who wanted Alex to ask Jason about his nerdy hobby? 

Tons of genre 🍷🍷🍷🍷

3 LA shoutouts to moi - in my mind anyway: zydeco, Blue Dog (George Rodrigue was from S La & we have 2 Blue Dog prints), & Exxon Baton Rouge

I guess Literary Ladies is the new Women Authors? Good to know. 

As soon as the Pig Latin category was introduced I hoped for a 3 Stooges clue. That was one of their funniest shorts IMO.

TS I got were ixnay, Jane Austen, sweat. FJ was an instaget. A friend of mine's mom was in the Ed Sullivan audience that night, and can be seen in the archival footage. 

22 hours ago, whinewithwine said:

 I have seen Paul three times in the past 10 years. ....never gets old.

 He's great in concert. 

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FJ was an instaget.

I think the only TS I got was Thank You for Your Service.

I did fairly well in the first round, but I did horribly in double jeopardy.  Those were not my categories at all.  And, unfortunately, I didn't think shuttle would be specific enough so I think I said either Challenger or Columbia.  And I said regis instead of regina.  

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Not quite an instaget FJ for me tonight, though it should have been.  I got stuck on "gem" and started with diamonds, but eventually got to emeralds and rubies and got FJ in the nick of time.

I also got blacksmith and Cuzco, then got distracted by something shiny for a few minutes, and missed the middle part of the game.  I'm not only out of practice for playing along, I'm out of practice for paying attention!  Or maybe it's the whole "runaway game" thing again, and I'd rather see some competition.

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14 minutes ago, suebee12 said:

You might be having a bad week but tonight all I could think of was you.....how many times did James' name come up? Every time, I thought, Ah, @lb60 can think about James again!!!!

So much this! Although maybe @lb60's bad week is because of all the Jeopardy James déja vu. Trebek was irritating me to no end today with all his Jeopardy James talk. At least my neighbors are far enough away no one can hear me telling him to STFU. I suppose we are going to hear about him every day now, all season long.

It's the Season 36 drinking game. Maybe I'll start early and pass out so I don't have to hear Trebek's fangirling.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

FJ was an instaget.

I think the only TS I got was Thank You for Your Service.

Same here. I got FJ and Thank You For Your Service, though that was a confident guess.

For some reason, instead of blacksmithing, I said smithing.

I thought it was odd for Alex to do a BMS when Carolyn said "The Jury" for a book title. BMSs don't really apply, imo.

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I suppose we are going to hear about him every day now, all season long.

I suppose you're right. They are already advertising the appearance of James on TOC, which I think is in November.

I'm so happy to have J! back, I didn't even mind the guy on the end swaying. Well, not too much.

No one mentioned the Pope's beanie from yesterday's game. WTH! The category was beans! I'm afraid I've begun shouting at the TV again---except, just like the Denver Broncos, they won't listen to me!

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9 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I thought it was odd for Alex to do a BMS when Carolyn said "The Jury" for a book title. BMSs don't really apply, imo.

Frequently, I answer as though I'm playing Hollywood Squares. The joke answer comes first, which, in this case, was "The Bill."

I missed Tuesday's show - Condo board meeting - so I missed the Pig Latin category. Did Ginger Rogers' PL version of "We're In The Money" come up? My late mom had that memorized and she could do it perfectly.

11 minutes ago, saber5055 said:
10 hours ago, peeayebee said:

For some reason, instead of blacksmithing, I said smithing.

While I don't remember the wording of the clue, the definition of smithing is "the act or art of working or forging metals, as iron, into any desired shape."

So I rule you correct. You may add a TS to your score.

I was going to say the same thing.

It took me a bit to get from plain states (hovered on Little House on the Prairie for a second) to gems to The Wizard of Oz. When the middle contestant (?) wrote "the Wonderful Wizard of Oz" and was deemed correct, I though, oh well, I forget a word in the title, so I'm wrong. Then the champ put "The Wizard of Oz" and was also deemed correct.  Seems to me one of them should have been wrong, if they were going for the title of a book (which they were, weren't they?)

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6 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Then the champ put "The Wizard of Oz" and was also deemed correct.  Seems to me one of them should have been wrong, if they were going for the title of a book (which they were, weren't they?)

Here's what Andy posted on yesterday's TheJeopardyFan.com about FJ:

"L. Frank Baum wanted his classic 1900 children’s novel, The Wizard of Oz, to be titled The Emerald City. However, according to the Afterword of a 2009 reprint by Collector’s Library, the Hill Company, the original publisher of the book, was superstitious against titles including the name of precious metals; they refused to publish the book until the name was changed. Eventually the book became known as The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; many reprints now omit the word Wonderful from the title, to the point that even the Encyclopedia Britannica article specifically gives it as an alternate title."

I was stuck on "Little House on the Prairie" for my answer since the clue specifically said THE WORKING TITLE of this book. Who knows what the "Little House" working title was, it could have been "The Diamond Gold Prairie." I didn't think past that, so never would have come up with the Oz book. /failure/

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The first TS was blacksmith. I said farrier. @saber5055, do you think that would have been deemed correct? 

Add me to the list of people who are sick of all the James references. Enough. 

On one TS (Jig) I got mentally stuck because I was in Polka land. 

I did well overall, until FJ. Now I’m 0/3. I seemed to have lost some of my Jeopardy ju ju. 😕

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

While I don't remember the wording of the clue, the definition of smithing is "the act or art of working or forging metals, as iron, into any desired shape."

So I rule you correct. You may add a TS to your score.

Thank you! Good for me!

1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

"L. Frank Baum wanted his classic 1900 children’s novel, The Wizard of Oz, to be titled The Emerald City. However, according to the Afterword of a 2009 reprint by Collector’s Library, the Hill Company, the original publisher of the book, was superstitious against titles including the name of precious metals; they refused to publish the book until the name was changed.

Well that's bizarre.

6 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

On one TS (Jig) I got mentally stuck because I was in Polka land. 

I was stuck in polka land, too.

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

The first TS was blacksmith. I said farrier. @saber5055, do you think that would have been deemed correct? 

I thought of you when farrier went through my mind, even though I knew they were looking for blacksmith. (It would have gotten a BMS from me to you.) A good friend who is a farrier is also a blacksmith. He shoes at all the major training barns and at the big shows, then creates metal objects to sell when he's not shoeing horses. I bought one of his spice spoons. I'm too poor to buy his weather vanes or coat racks!

More than one farrier has made me a horseshoe-nail ring while they were forging shoes for my horses. So, IMO farrier is an occupation that crosses over into smithing.

Edited by saber5055
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8 hours ago, saber5055 said:

"L. Frank Baum wanted his classic 1900 children’s novel, The Wizard of Oz, to be titled The Emerald City."

Huh. It never dawned on me that there were two gems prevalent in the story. I went right to ruby slippers when arriving at the answer.

My own trivia is that my childhood piano teacher, Romola Remus, played Dorothy in the first, silent-screen film version of The Wizard of Oz.

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Not my best game. The only TS I got were For Your Service (guess) & minuet (Jason's missed DD). Surprised that Frank didn't get a BMS to provide Nicholas II's ordinal. 

FJ was easy thanks to 1900, plains state, & gems.

20 hours ago, lb60 said:

I'm having a spectacularly bad week.

If it makes you feel better (& I'm sure it doesn't 😜 ) I pre-guessed Winnie the Pooh for FJ in honor of your pantsless avatar. 

17 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

I think Jason was a bit annoyed by it as well, at one point he replied “Not like James!”

I like James, but it is a bit much. I don't blame Jason if he were annoyed. 

9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Man, today is Thursday, who remembers Tuesday? 😛

Well, considering I kept thinking today was Wednesday...

7 hours ago, peeayebee said:

Thank you! Good for me!


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I knew that.  About Jason and the calendar.  I think it was a trivia question on something I was playing once.

I got the TS of assisted living.

I, too, misunderstood the clue and just thought they wanted the two words, but it didn't much matter because I said Smithsonian Institute.   Which I thought was a darn good answer.

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7 minutes ago, rubaco said:

Under the heading of "You learn something new every day," the first letters of July to November spell out Jason. Cool.

That is cool -- I never even thought about it before!

FJ was another instaget for me tonight, although I added "Smithsonian" to the name, because I've always heard it that way -- Smithsonian Air & Space Museum.

Having all the photos and musical snippets in the country music category made those clues far too easy.  I know next to nothing about country music, but still ran the category. 

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44 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

If you're going to add anything to Air and Space Museum, it's National Air and Space Museum.

National Air and Space Museum

Well from that link, the full name is Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Since the two contestants were awarded points for 'Air and Space Museum' I'm going to go ahead and give myself and @Browncoat a point for 'Smithsonian Air and Space Museum' 🙂 I have also always heard it referred to in that way.

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Well my losing streak and FJ continues. I knew it had something to do with the Smithsonian, but I couldn’t pull it out of my brain. I did get assisted living, Patsy Cline, and filly (Ha...thought of you Saber on that one). I was happy to see that Jason did a true DD in the second round and got the answer of phalanges correct. I wondering why I’m having all the blocks on FJ. Guess that my brain had too much rest this summer or I’ve been preoccupied worrying about Alex returning. 

Well, due to the fact that it was raining somewhere in Iowa, I lost every single channel this afternoon. Jeopardy went from pixellated blue squares to a floating "You've lost your channel" box. I didn't hear one complete clue or one complete answer. I spent the half hour moving the antenna fractions of inches to get two words to come in before the floating box reappeared.

I did look at FJ earlier and it was an easy answer, a no brainer since I've been there and seen the Spirit of St. Louis and Apollo 11 ... and the Enterprise ... The Smithsonian.

Go figure they wanted the official name of that individual building.

Thanks a lot for passing along your bad mojo ju ju, @lb60. Glad YOU had a good day. /snark/

Edited by saber5055
13 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Well from that link, the full name is Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Since the two contestants were awarded points for 'Air and Space Museum' I'm going to go ahead and give myself and @Browncoat a point for 'Smithsonian Air and Space Museum' 🙂 I have also always heard it referred to in that way.

No - that link shows that the National Air and Space Museum is one of 20 museums the Smithsonian Institute  oversees. It's name is not the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

The 20 museums the Smithsonian Institute oversees

1 hour ago, rubaco said:

Under the heading of "You learn something new every day," the first letters of July to November spell out Jason. Cool.

1 hour ago, Katy M said:

I knew that.  About Jason and the calendar.  I think it was a trivia question on something I was playing once.

The JASON thing was a Jeopardy! clue many, many years ago - like 25 or so. It may have been a final J! question; but I remember it because my beloved, now-departed boss talked about it at the time. 

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54 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I did get assisted living, Patsy Cline, and filly

What was the clue for filly? I did get a glimpse of the pic of Patsy in between the tv picture breaking up and disappearing, but didn't know it was a TS. I would have rocked the country music category, being a hill jack at heart. Figures.

55 minutes ago, Driad said:

A decade or two ago, I was able to spend three days at the Air and Space Museum.  At that time it was possible to see the whole museum in three days.  It would probably take longer now.

Because you're older and your walker doesn't have wheels?

Bwahaha ... I crack me up.

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Again I liked all three contestants tonight but was hoping for a more competitive game.  Felt sorry for Eric with his Boss Hogg answer and for Jeff misreading the FJ clue but they both seemed to take it in stride.  

I haven't been there for years but I loved Air and Space back in the day.  I worked in my Congressman's office one summer while living in the dorms at GWU - I used to hit a lot of the museums on the Mall on the way home in the evenings.  I remember seeing all the films at Air and Space without the crazy summer crowds.

Just played J!6 for today - Williamsburg turning up in round one and William and Mary in Double.  Go Tribe!

Edited by Grundoon59
Played J!6
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