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S03.E03: Two Haileys And A Baptism


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Haleigh, other Hailey is not your friend. She's genuinely enjoying this, which is really shitty of her. And, as ridiculous as these girls are, seeing Haleigh cry about how her body has changed, and she's not as attractive anymore broke my heart. 

How does she have 9 tattoos at 16? Is there nothing else to do? 

I'm over Chloe and Max.

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

Rilah's mom said, "'I know she wants to spend time with Anthony.  I moved an hour away.  For that reason.  Not only for that reason but part of it.  They just got themselves into this situation and I'm not going to work around them.  They have to work around me."

This mom needs a special time out with Choe's mom and McKayla, because none of these people are capable of making any good decisions.  If you move your pregnant 16 year old daughter away from her boyfriend ( and possibly even more importantly) her boyfriend's parents, then what do you think is going to happen when she needs help with the baby?  Unless you are prepared to put your daughter and grandchild out in the street, this is really going to end up making your life much more difficult.  You are going to get roped into providing free babysitting,  and your daughter will hate and resent you no matter how much free child care you provide, and you won't be able to ask Anthony's parents to help with the child care when Rilah gets overwhelmed.  

Jessica please stop trying to manipulate the situation to make Max out to be the bad guy.  The thing with people like Max is that if you just give them enough rope, they can hang themselves.  When you do completely unreasonable things it just makes him look better by comparison (after all, he's just a kid and kids make stupid decisions, but what is your excuse for doing something so manipulative and controlling as stating that Max's family cannot speak to your family at a baptism?)  This nonsense reminds me of the Roseanne episode in which Becky was complaining because Mark was fixing cars instead of spending time with her.  Roseanne said so  basically you're upset because he's working to support your family?  Don't make me defend Mark!  I don't want to have to defend Mark!  And the worse your behavior is, the more likely it is that everyone watching will be more defensive of Max, even though he's a worthless douchebag who stole from an elderly person. Please stop making us defend Max because none of us want to defend Max!

That was complete nonsense. It *is* his child. He's a douche but there is no reason to act as though they don't belong there. Jessica, you are a controlling bish. Yes, I'm sure people who wish you a good day are just "trying to start something" you smug fart.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 18
11 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I don't know their backstories so i'm only going on what I see per episode.

Chloe's mom seems like a raging bitch.  I get that she has boundaries but her level of delusion is off the charts.  There needs to be some compromise.

I don't like Matthew or Hailey.   And Hailey's mom with her goofy laugh and Oh Well attitude is grating.   You move him into the house and know they are having sex and all you offer is Use Condoms and Go back to your rooms?   Good grief.

How old is Hailey 2?   She already has 9 tats and a titty tat?   I thought these were 16 year olds.  Cripes these kids do shit nowadays without any thought.

Get off my lawn.  And I'm not even that old.   Idiots!

That is precisely what I thought. How does an underage teen have 9 tattoos? I am side eying Hailey 2 so hard. Girl. You did not have to send a picture of your boob tat to your best friend's boyfriend! Hailey 1, take a step back. You were seriously going to hide in the trunk of your friend's car to "catch" your stupid, spotty, snaggletoothed, cowlicked, grubby boyfriend--doing what?

These girls. My god, they're just babies. Dumb, stupid, dramatic, attention seeking babies.

Jessica is the biggest baby of them all though! That snotty little smirk! Gah! Like it or not, it's Max's baby too.

  • Love 21

Max acts entitled and arrogant.  I see he gets it from his dad. Dad, if you’re going to say Jessica rules the family, she is the matriarch not the patriarch.  No brains. I feel sorry for Ava. Chloe doesn’t seeem like too bright a bulb either. I don’t think Jessica is wrong in this situation. I wouldn’t want Max in my home. I missed last week but I bet the instruction to Chloe was to tell Max they don’t want any drama at the baptism. Chloe then interprets that as don’t talk to my family. If chloe would keep her big mouth shut, there would be waaaaaay less drama.  I haven’t seen the baptism scene yet so will reserve judgement on that for now.  Ok just watched the baptism. Jessica was so wrong!   They should have had Max and Dad up front in a diff section and allowed Chloe enough time to take pics with them. Dad Max saying I’ll make sure I tell Ava how badly they treated us is just as childish. Both sides are wrong. I’m sure Max will end up in prison and that will solve the problem for good.   

Tyra looked just fine sitting in the car chewing on her gum like a cow. Mom you had a kid. Can’t you see she’s not really sure in labor??? Me thinks Tyra is a bit of an attention whore.

Hayley2 what a bitch! She enjoyed telling her bf about the snap chat. She’s def been encouraging him. OrigHayley should dump them  both  

As someone posted above. No Mckayla. That’s a plus. 

Edited by nytonc
  • Love 8

I think Max and his father are smarmy as fuck but Jessica is absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe there's not one person who will tell her the truth. Even if she hates Max and will never, ever forgive him for knocking up her idiot daughter and having a criminal mind, he should have been allowed to participate in the baptism and freely take photos, even if silently. And what kind of priest/minister allows her to behave in such an un-Christian manner in his house of prayer? 

Where does the girl who keeps having false labors live? An hour away seems very far, especially when you don't know if she'll deliver fast or slow. 

The two Hailey's and Matthew. Just eww. Hailey #1, Hailey #2 is not your friend. I wish you had some other friends to tell you that Matthew is the scum of the earth and not even cute. Give that baby up for adoption and keep it moving. He sure the fuck won't care.

The mother who moved her daughter an hour away: Who does she think is going to be helping with middle of the night feedings and diaper changes? Also, she keeps talking about the boy finishing school. What about her daughter finishing school?

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, nytonc said:

Max acts entitled and arrogant.  I see he gets it from his dad. Dad, if you’re going to say Jessica rules the family, she is the matriarch not the patriarch.  

I thought he said patriarch on purpose to imply Jessica's husband is not the man of the house and that Jessica wears the pants in that family. Maybe I'm giving him too much credit. In general,  I am on Jessica's side. Max is a punk and I would ban him from my house too but the Have a Nice Day comment seemed very innocent to me.

Are Max & Chloe still in a dating relationship  ?  I mean on the show, not in realtime. If they are, it will be over soon based on the baptism alone.

Hailey2 and the loser bf - ugh I cant even watch H1 literally sobbing that this bum is not attracted to her anymore. And then after all this with him hitting on H, H1 APOLOGIZES to him !!! 

Rilah looks 40.

  • Love 8

"In general,  I am on Jessica's side. Max is a punk and I would ban him from my house too" 

I agree that Jessica has every right to ban Max from her home (especially since he is on probation for stealing property from a  friend's home).  But Max is the father, and unless he abuses Chloe or the baby, is so high as to be incapacitated (like Ryan from Teen Mom swerving all over the road) or is arrested for a violent act, he should have the right to attend family functions and everyone needs to be polite and interact civilly.  Allowing Max to participate isn't because we think Max is a good person, but because otherwise the kid is going to grow up and be furious that his mother/mother's family drove his dad away.  Good god, this is all on television and someday this poor kid is going to grow up and see all of this.

And Haley II, stop smirking at the camera while telling your pregnant friend about her baby daddy hitting on you.  It's not a good look.  As someone noted above, Haley I needs to run away from both of those losers as quickly as possible.  

Edited by kitkat343
  • Useful 2
  • Love 16

W-wait, that was Hailey's house, that 1,200 square foot looking box that Matthew moved into and the kids were sneaking into each others' bedrooms and Hailey's mom never knew?  Guuurl.  I was picturing some 4,000 square foot colonial when I first heard this story.  Also, if the kid has got to be living under your roof for some reason, you can do what the teachers did when my high school class took an overnight trip--cover the bedroom doors with duct tape so they will make a huge ripping sound if someone opens the door after "lights out."

This is a real question for anyone from the ob-gyn community, or anyone who knows about pregnancy:  Why didn't the doctors just induce Tyra when she wanted to have her baby?  I thought doctors liked to do that, because it took less time and was less expensive.

Tyra lives by Russellville, KY, which is very close to the TN state line on the western side, for the poster who was interested in where she lives.  Hey, she should take a road trip to see Hailey, who is based out of Louisville, because Tyra apparently has no friends, and Hailey has the shittiest friends in the world.  Oh, wait, I take it back, I forgot that Matthew invoked The Smily Face defense in his talking head.  Apparently there were smiley faces in the texts that Hailey2 was sending Matthew, and if only Matthew had not erased those texts, he would be absolved.  Because clearly Hailey is crazy for being upset that her boyfriend and soon to be baby daddy was openly flirting with her best friend and offering said best friend a surprise when said friend had been encouraging it.  Matthew, Matthew's asshole friend and both Haileys--I have something to tell you that can rock your world:  there can be more than one guilty party.  Sometimes there are even several guilty parties.  That is called "conspiracy."  It's ok, you're all really smart.  I'm sure you'll learn.

Where the hell was Hailey's mom when all this shit went down?

With Rilah, I am taking  my suspicions that I should have had about Max and transferring them onto Anthony (once bitten, twice shy)--if this were last season, I would have said Rilah's mom is an evil bitch for moving them to Deltona, but......why doesn't Anthony have a car?  He is 18.  I had a car when I was 16 because I was working since the time I was legally allowed to work onward, so I could therefore afford it and I didn't have to ask my parents.  So that raises a red flag.  Then Rilah's mom said Anthony plays video games all day.  No refutation.  They broke up in the past and he's not even sure the baby is his.  Rilah's mom also said there are a lot of little kids at Anthony's house and every time Rilah is there, she tells her mom she's miserable.  Maybe getting on the road is the right thing after all.  Just an hour away.  If homeboy wants to get his life right and fly straight, he can make this work.  If not, not.  Damn Max, you made me side with the overbearing moms, which I hate doing.

Max, honey?  You were not partying too much "before" your daughter was born; you were partying and got arrested for credit card fraud when you went out and got drunk and used your friend's grandma's credit card without her authorization after Ava was born.  Jessica said you had been arrested before to your face (she said it was in November) and you never denied it.  You had (have?) a pill addition and you left the hospital under suspicious circumstances while your daughter was being born, which tells me you were out scoring.  So this wasn't an isolated incident.  Miss me.

I have another question, because I really don't know:  can the baby be baptized twice--once for the mother's side and once for the father's side--or does that defeat the purpose?  Sorry I'm asking.  I should have known thoroughly what a baptism was all about from Max's stellar exaplanation last night. My subjective recap of Max explaining a baptism looks like this: Max (lips covered in sores) "a baptism is, like, when a baby...like...gets...welcomed into the church...so the church, does, like stuff with it because it's new and it's a baby."  Oh, well, then!  That answers everything I wanted to know.  If you can do a baptism twice, have one for each side.  It's not just that Max knocked Chloe up--he's a drug user and a criminal.  Let Max's dad reach into his own pocket for a baptism if he doesn't like the one Jessica paid for.

Having said that, does it get much more petty that Jessica was shocked (!) and appalled (!) that Max's dad made a friendly, noncommittal remark to her niece? What did he say, "nice to see you"?  The bastard!!

Edited by LibertarianSlut
  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

This is a real question for anyone from the ob-gyn community, or anyone who knows about pregnancy:  Why didn't the doctors just induce Tyra when she wanted to have her baby?  I thought doctors liked to do that, because it took less time and was less expensive.

I am not an OB, nor do I play one on TV, but my take is that maybe the doctors at Tyra's hospital are (rightly, in my opinion) opposed to inducing labor unless its medically necessary. Induction makes for longer, more painful labors, with more complications and more use of things like forceps and vacuum extractors. It is far better to let nature take its course. If your body is not ready to give birth, I can't see that pumping Pitocin into it is a good idea. 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
  • Love 21

I cannot stand Jessica! Here's a thought. You and your mother were both teen mother's. How about you teach your daughter about birth control and how to not get pregnant and break the cycle? I'm sorry, but I hate her whole attitude of Max got my daughter pregnant. It takes 2 people to get pregnant. Your precious daughter is just as much to blame. She willingly had sex with Max knowing they were not using birth control. I wonder why no one in her family is willing to say anything to her?

In our church, you can only be baptized once. It is really not that expensive, less than $100.

  • Love 16
26 minutes ago, kitkat343 said:

But Max is the father, and unless he abuses Chloe or the baby, is so high as to be incapacitated (like Ryan from Teen Mom swerving all over the road) or is arrested for a violent act, he should have the right to attend family functions and everyone needs to be polite and interact civilly.

It was said end of last season, I believe by Jessica, that he "put his hands on Chloe".   It's only a matter of time before she becomes a battered wife & the kid is being abused as well - Max is scum & doesn't deserve to be a father. The apple doesn't usually fall far from the tree & what I've seen of his father so far is making me think they both need to be gone.

This season Chloe decides to move in with loser Max; she's an idiot who is digging her own grave & that of her child's as well.

  • Love 8
26 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I am not an OB, nor do I play one on TV, but my take is that maybe the doctors at Tyra's hospital are (rightly, in my opinion) opposed to inducing labor unless its medically necessary. Induction makes for longer, more painful labors, with more complications and more use of things like forceps and vacuum extractors. It is far better to let nature take its course. If your body is not ready to give birth, I can't see that pumping Pitocin into it is a good idea. 

I have three small children.  My ob was adamant that his practice doesn't induce unless medically indicated because it leads to higher c-section rates.  

"t was said end of last season, I believe by Jessica, that he "put his hands on Chloe".   It's only a matter of time before she becomes a battered wife & the kid is being abused as well - Max is scum & doesn't deserve to be a father. The apple doesn't usually fall far from the tree & what I've seen of his father so far is making me think they both need to be gone."

So sorry - I totally forgot about that.  You are absolutely correct.

Edited by kitkat343
  • Useful 1
  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, BravoAddict72 said:

In our church, you can only be baptized once. It is really not that expensive, less than $100.

Oh thanks for the info.  Ok, well that takes care of that then.  If the adults--the real adults, like Jessica, her husband and Max's dad--can't get on the phone and say "we'll pay half, you pay half for the baptism, Chloe can bring her in, Max can bring her out, both sides have ten minutes for photos, we are having a reception at our home afterward, and we're so sorry, but we don't really feel comfortable having Max in our home because of the guilty plea to the stealing, but if you want Ava next Sunday for your own family celebration, we can certainly work that out." ?

If that type of conversation cannot happen civilly, I think it's time to get a court involved.  Since it seems like Jessica is mostly getting her way right now, I would think Max or Max's dad would initiate the court proceedings.  

You don't just have to lay there and take it.  I mean, it's not like they're filiming a television show and they need victims and villains for drama's sake.  Hey, wait...

(BTW, I hate Jessica too.  I just think she turned out to be right about Max.  And Chloe should 100% be taken to task for allowing herself to get pregnant.  She's not a victim.  I can't stand (grand)moms who want to crowd out the boyfriend so they can have exclusive control over the baby.  It's very antisocial.  Kids need their fathers.  More than they need grandparents, in most cases).

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, nytonc said:

I don’t think Jessica is wrong in this situation. I wouldn’t want Max in my home. I missed last week but I bet the instruction to Chloe was to tell Max they don’t want any drama at the baptism. Chloe then interprets that as don’t talk to my family.

No. Jessica literally told Chloe to tell Max and his dad that they can't TALK to anyone in her family. She is incredibly arrogant and petty. I hate her way more than Max. 

  • Love 14
51 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

With Rilah, I am taking  my suspicions that I should have had about Max and transferring them onto Anthony (once bitten, twice shy)--if this were last season, I would have said Rilah's mom is an evil bitch for moving them to Deltona, but......why doesn't Anthony have a car?  He is 18.  I had a car when I was 16 because I was working since the time I was legally allowed to work onward, so I could therefore afford it and I didn't have to ask my parents.  So that raises a red flag.  Then Rilah's mom said Anthony plays video games all day.  No refutation.  They broke up in the past and he's not even sure the baby is his.  Rilah's mom also said there are a lot of little kids at Anthony's house and every time Rilah is there, she tells her mom she's miserable.  Maybe getting on the road is the right thing after all.  Just an hour away.  If homeboy wants to get his life right and fly straight, he can make this work.  If not, not.  Damn Max, you made me side with the overbearing moms, which I hate doing.

Is Rilah’s Mom moving for a better job?(or something along those lines). If so I don’t blame her- her responsibility is to provide for her child and soon to be grandchild, it’s an hour, not the moon. If Anthony wants to be around he will be. He can come visit on the weekends when he’s not working to provide for the baby.

Rilah honey you ARE a single Mom  if you’re not married/partnered and you’re a mom, you’re a single mom.

I also agreed with Rilah’s mom about the one week there and one week here. These are not grown adults sharing custody- these are two teens who want to impose on OTHERS. If the kids do end up wanting to be a couple, let them get their own place in a year. I also agreed with her concerns about Anthony’s mom’s boyfriend. I wouldn’t want my teenage daughter (and baby granddaughter) spending the night in the home of a strange man I didn’t know. I’ve heard too many horror stories. 

All of these children want adult privileges without adult responsibilities. If you want your own house, to come and go and you please, and live with your sex partner you need to finish school and get a JOB. 

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I wouldn’t want my teenage daughter (and baby granddaughter) spending the night in the home of a strange man I didn’t know. I’ve heard too many horror stories. 

All of these children want adult privileges without adult responsibilities. If you want your own house, to come and go and you please, and live with your sex partner you need to finish school and get a JOB. 

Yass!  I hate to use anything said by Dr Phil, but Anthony's mom's boyfriend is a "non-biological male" to Rilah (and her kid, as you stated).  I wouldn't let her stay alone in the home with him unless he was perhaps confined to a bed with tubes coming out of him or something. 

I don't believe Rilah's mom is moving for work. When we were watching, my husband even asked me if I think she's keeping her job in Orlando and I said probably not, because babies have to be born in Deltona too, right?  (The mom said she worked in an ob-gyn office).  I think it's specifically to get her daughter away from either Anthony, Anthony's family, or both.  I don't think she's totally wrong, because it seems like there's something bad brewing there that they're keeping off camera.

They keep a lot of things off camera.  Everything with Max was kept off camera until the very end of the season.  I distinctly remember feeling like that Hailey/Hailey scene was being reenacted last night at two separate times (probably not the part with the boys, but the part with just the girls seemed artificial).

I thought of another reason that Anthony raises a red flag for me--they intoduced Rilah in the second hour of the season opener and she was doing a talking head with Anthony and I could have sworn she said that she met when they were in eighth grade.  She said she saw him and thought he was hot until she saw him in profile (which is a really shitty thing to say, and that's why it stuck with me).  If she's 16 and he's 18, why were they both in the same grade together?  It sounds like someone either skipped a grade or got left back, and I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one.  Getting left back is not in and of itself an indication of stupidity or immaturity, but it sure ain't a sign of a mature father-figure coming to a theatre near you!  

  • Useful 1
  • Love 8
51 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I thought of another reason that Anthony raises a red flag for me--they intoduced Rilah in the second hour of the season opener and she was doing a talking head with Anthony and I could have sworn she said that she met when they were in eighth grade.  She said she saw him and thought he was hot until she saw him in profile (which is a really shitty thing to say, and that's why it stuck with me).  If she's 16 and he's 18, why were they both in the same grade together?  It sounds like someone either skipped a grade or got left back, and I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one.  Getting left back is not in and of itself an indication of stupidity or immaturity, but it sure ain't a sign of a mature father-figure coming to a theatre near you!  

It could be one has an early birthday, and the other has a late birthday with Anthony being held back. I started kindergarten at 4years old, I had kids in my class an entire year older than me for a little while. She could be almost 17 and about to graduate with him having an entire year left. 

  • Useful 2

Both Max & his father are entitled asses.  If his father was an actual adult without his own issues he would've told his son that this problem with the kid's mom's family is his own doing. Max is a criminal & was physically abusive, yet the father is pissed about how THEY'RE being treated - that's the BS here.

On that note when he said "Have a nice day" he said it softly into the air not facing anyone in particular. They probably didn't even hear him - it was a passive aggressive move so he could throw it out there to be a victim again.

I don't like Jessica or her behavior either, but due to his own behavior I don't feel Max has any right to feel bitter or angry, & his father is just enabling it - even throwing fuel into the fire. They should both be looking at their own problems & fixing them if they want any relationship with the child as she grows. Instead the father tells the camera he's going to live long enough to tell the child about her grandmother's behavior, in other words, manipulate her.

I would not trust either one of them with that child. It's not too much to keep reiterating the fact that Max "put his hands" on Chloe, & since he obviously learned a lot of this from his dear old dad who is enabling his entitled ass, I would not it put it past either one of them to be sexually abusive as well. Chloe has no protective instincts either, which is troubling.

It's going to be tough to even watch this crowd in particular the rest of the season.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 9

I either forgot or didn't hear them say Max put his hands on Chloe, but that's bad, along with all the other stuff, so yeah, that's going to be hard to watch.

Then we have dog-abusing McKayla and Caelen, so they're hard to watch.

Hailey and Matthew officially went in the "hard to watch" category for me last night when she was crying and he was sitting there in profile and you could see his jaw involuntarily twitching in anger.  It doesn't sound like much, but it made him look really unstable to me.  

We don't really know Rilah yet, so is the "morally bankrupt by omission" Tyra the only one not officially hard to watch right now?  Oh no!

Is it me or was last season significantly more balanced?


As far as whether someone skipped a grade/got left back, it's such a minor point so I'm not going to belabor it, but...why would anyone more than a year apart be in the same grade unless someone was left back or someone skipped a grade?  There's a cut-off right?  I think it's after 12/1 for most schools.  So I can see where there would be kids who are 364 days apart (one student born on 12/1 and one born on 12/2), so I can understand why people would be one age removed from each other, but not more than one year unless someone got left back or someone skipped a grade. I was probably a pretty smug little jerk as a kid, and I remember when I was in third grade I saw that one girl had a birthday in the same month as me, but our birth years were two apart, and I was like, "hmm, something is rotten in Denmark with this."  I turned out to be right in that particular case. FWIW.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I either forgot or didn't hear them say Max put his hands on Chloe, but that's bad, along with all the other stuff, so yeah, that's going to be hard to watch.

Then we have dog-abusing McKayla and Caelen, so they're hard to watch.

Hailey and Matthew officially went in the "hard to watch" category for me last night when she was crying and he was sitting there in profile and you could see his jaw involuntarily twitching in anger.  It doesn't sound like much, but it made him look really unstable to me.  

We don't really know Rilah yet, so is the "morally bankrupt by omission" Tyra the only one not officially hard to watch right now?  Oh no!

That's why I said them "in particular" because the abuse thing pisses me off more.  And Jessica  was the one to say it end of last season. Anyway, yes, really am watching all these couples hand over eyes with little finger opening to peek at the wreck...

  • Love 3

WHAT is all that shit around Max's mouth?? Sorry I just can't look at him. Chloe and her family are team petty to the Nth power. They put Max and his dad alllll the way in the back. Not to mention they cannot be spoken to 🙄 I can't believe she actually said they came to start something  because his dad said have a nice day. 

Rilah seems a bit....slow. Also, she looks 25.

Friend Hailey is a sneaky lil something or other. She didn't even bat at an eye about Pregnant Hailey crying. The little skeezer. That fake ass forehead she offered up is fooling no one. So then I see the boy and I'm liiiiiiiiike 😳

  • Love 9

I’m no spring chicken, old enough to be Tyra’s great great grandmother (hehe), and nothing much surprises me anymore,  but two girls fighting over Matthew? Two girls who think his mouse-like face is appealing? Hard to grasp that.

Meanwhile, I didn’t really pay attention to Anthony and his mother in their talking head because I was totally distracted by her crazy ass eyebrows. Those things were scary.

I’ll go out on a limb and suggest that Tyra’s mother has belted down a number of adult beverages in her 38 years. 

  • LOL 9
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16 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I distinctly remember feeling like that Hailey/Hailey scene was being reenacted last night at two separate times (probably not the part with the boys, but the part with just the girls seemed artificial).


I'll go further and say the part with the boys was also re-enacted. Nothing about those scenes struck me as remotely candid in any way. Plus, it's TLC. I think they only film these fools for two days, figure out what "interesting" things happened when the cameras weren't there, make them re-enact it, and then cobble together an entire season out of it.

I had to laugh at Hailey2 telling Hailey1 that there were no boobs in the tattoo pic she sent to Matthew. Yeah, still NOT OK when the tattoo (appears to be) in the middle of your [not pictured] boobs. And seven tattoos at the age of 16? Nice parenting there.

I think a lot of the problems these kids have all starts with their parents who all appear to behave like older "friends" instead of actual parents. While Chloe's mom seems to be trying by laying down some house rules, her "house rules" only seem to be those made by a petty teenager. 

And what's with Max's dad bringing his large, takeout coffee into a church? I'm an agnostic and find organized religions disdainful, but I would never bring a drink with me into a house of worship. Show some respect, goon.

I've found Matthew ridiculous and a little bit pitiful, but somehow a tiny bit funny (yikes) until this episode. "Bitches be crazy, especially the one I knocked up" = um, no. First of all, having been cheated on by my then-husband and finding out when I was 8 months pregnant, I am perhaps a bit heated on this topic, but nothing she did, even trying to 'trap him', was crazy. And the complete non-response and then anger while she sat there crying? Boy, that took me back. Fuck him!

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:


I'll go further and say the part with the boys was also re-enacted. Nothing about those scenes struck me as remotely candid in any way. Plus, it's TLC. I think they only film these fools for two days, figure out what "interesting" things happened when the cameras weren't there, make them re-enact it, and then cobble together an entire season out of it.

I had to laugh at Hailey2 telling Hailey1 that there were no boobs in the tattoo pic she sent to Matthew. Yeah, still NOT OK when the tattoo (appears to be) in the middle of your [not pictured] boobs. And seven tattoos at the age of 16? Nice parenting there.

I think a lot of the problems these kids have all starts with their parents who all appear to behave like older "friends" instead of actual parents. While Chloe's mom seems to be trying by laying down some house rules, her "house rules" only seem to be those made by a petty teenager. 

And what's with Max's dad bringing his large, takeout coffee into a church? I'm an agnostic and find organized religions disdainful, but I would never bring a drink with me into a house of worship. Show some respect, goon.

It kind of depends on the church.  Our church actually serves coffee before the service and is fine with people taking it into the service.

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13 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I’m no spring chicken, old enough to be Tyra’s great great grandmother (hehe), and nothing much surprises me anymore,  but two girls fighting over Matthew? Two girls who think his mouse-like face is appealing? Hard to grasp that.

I feel like I need a lineup of every other boy in their town. I just cannot wrap my hand around it. 

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Totally agree with whoever said the girl whose mother moved her away looks 25. I kept thinking the whole time that she looked way older than a high schooler should.

Also, Max's father is a bad dad and an asshole, but to his credit, while sympathizing with his son, he did say, essentially, "but you did do some fucked up shit." 

  • Love 11
26 minutes ago, ghoulina said:
13 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I’m no spring chicken, old enough to be Tyra’s great great grandmother (hehe), and nothing much surprises me anymore,  but two girls fighting over Matthew? Two girls who think his mouse-like face is appealing? Hard to grasp that.

I feel like I need a lineup of every other boy in their town. I just cannot wrap my hand around it. 

Remember though that lame diaper party Matthew and his friends had? Of all of those boys, Matthew was the least inbred looking of the bunch. Low bar, yes—but high enough, it seems, for wherever it is they live.

22 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

It could be one has an early birthday, and the other has a late birthday with Anthony being held back. I started kindergarten at 4years old, I had kids in my class an entire year older than me for a little while. She could be almost 17 and about to graduate with him having an entire year left. 

My son just turned 10, and a kid in his class had his 11th birthday a few weeks ago, so they were "2 years apart" (9 and 11 for 2 weeks).  We started my son in school in a different town, so maybe that is how that happened - different rules for starting kindergarten in different areas?

  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

My son just turned 10, and a kid in his class had his 11th birthday a few weeks ago, so they were "2 years apart" (9 and 11 for 2 weeks).  We started my son in school in a different town, so maybe that is how that happened - different rules for starting kindergarten in different areas?

Yeah. My bday is in October, I started school at 4. Some kids went to school where the cut off is Sept 1, and they were 5 when school started, and thus for a few weeks we were 2 years a part (me still 4, them just turning 6)- although we were in the same grade and graduated the same year.

But it sounded like Rilah was almost done with high school (would be done before the baby was born) and Anthony had another year left. I would not be surprised if Anthony had been held back. What are Rilah’s plans with school/working after the baby comes? Will she get some kind of certification online? How is she going to earn a living?

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

What are Rilah’s plans with school/working after the baby comes? Will she get some kind of certification online? How is she going to earn a living?

Those are rhetorical questions, right? Thinking ahead is not something these silly girls know how to do. And if they do have a plan, it’s probably unrealistic and idiotic.

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
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On 8/19/2019 at 10:45 AM, LibertarianSlut said:

I have another question, because I really don't know:  can the baby be baptized twice--once for the mother's side and once for the father's side--or does that defeat the purpose?  Sorry I'm asking.  I should have known thoroughly what a baptism was all about from Max's stellar exaplanation last night. My subjective recap of Max explaining a baptism looks like this: Max (lips covered in sores) "a baptism is, like, when a baby...like...gets...welcomed into the church...so the church, does, like stuff with it because it's new and it's a baby."  Oh, well, then!  That answers everything I wanted to know.  If you can do a baptism twice, have one for each side.  It's not just that Max knocked Chloe up--he's a drug user and a criminal.  Let Max's dad reach into his own pocket for a baptism if he doesn't like the one Jessica paid for.

It looked to be a Catholic baptism, which for the baby removes Original Sin.  Can't really do it twice.   The baby-father's father said it was their church too, so once is it.

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, Honey said:

"Put his hands on..."  That is too soft a phrase for what it really is. He fucking HIT HER.  Why would Jessica lessen what it really is with that stupid expression?  If someone hit my Daughter I would be shouting loud and clear what he did.

Exactly - so why hasnt she done that? I belong to a facebook group that she does and she was on there the other night saying Chloe had played a big part in that incident 

  • Useful 1
18 minutes ago, Witchz said:

Exactly - so why hasnt she done that? I belong to a facebook group that she does and she was on there the other night saying Chloe had played a big part in that incident 

Victim blaming - no excuse for that behavior.

Even if she touched him first, he could've walked away/left. Men can do damage women cannot; again there's just no excuses.

And if this relationship is so volatile, all the parents should keep these kids far away from each other.

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On 8/19/2019 at 12:55 PM, Chris Knight said:

I thought he said patriarch on purpose to imply Jessica's husband is not the man of the house and that Jessica wears the pants in that family.

I thought exactly the same thing.

On 8/19/2019 at 1:44 PM, kitkat343 said:

 Allowing Max to participate isn't because we think Max is a good person, but because otherwise the kid is going to grow up and be furious that his mother/mother's family drove his dad away.  Good god, this is all on television and someday this poor kid is going to grow up and see all of this.

And Haley II, stop smirking at the camera while telling your pregnant friend about her baby daddy hitting on you.  It's not a good look.  As someone noted above, Haley I needs to run away from both of those losers as quickly as possible.  

I totally agree with this. I hate Max and think he is a lowlife that has brought quite a bit of trouble onto himself, however, he is the father of that kid whether Chloe or her parents like it or not. It just did not seem right to me that the father of the kid was left to sit in a row to the back of the church because Chloe's family said so. They can ban him from the house but as much of a loser that he is, he should have been up there with his kid.

23 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

WHAT is all that shit around Max's mouth?? Sorry I just can't look at him. Chloe and her family are team petty to the Nth power. They put Max and his dad alllll the way in the back. Not to mention they cannot be spoken to 🙄 I can't believe she actually said they came to start something  because his dad said have a nice day. 

I spent a good few minutes wondering that as well. It looked like he had a cold sore on the side but then all this redness around his mouth. It was gross. The whole "See? Max's father said 'Have a nice day' so they came here to start something." What?

I watched all three episodes today and this group is just awful. I feel terrible for Caelan because he cannot win. Mykala is a spoiled little bitch and she and her grandparents make me sick.

Matthew and the two Haileys: The second one was totally enjoying sharing that Matthew was texting her. It was sad to watch but this apparently is teenage life where they are.

I don't know the names of the other couples yet but the family with the generations of teen moms just makes me shake my head.

Asuelu on Before the 90 Days said people who use condoms are "slut people." Well, the people on this show are "trash people."

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Found out from another board there was an order of protection against Max. They said Jessica did an Instagram story & also directed people to the Unexpected FB page, I believe, for information on the assault. I didn't go to the page but from the little they said it involved Max smacking Chloe & breaking her phone so she couldn't call for help - horrible. 

TLC is painting Max & his goon dad out to be the victims which is so irresponsible.

Chloe is going to have a very bad life & create the same for Ava if she keeps on this road with Max. I have to wonder why she's attracted to an abusive criminal - I really think she should be in therapy.

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So why exactly do we not like Max's dad?  I can understand the dislike and hatred for Max, but why his dad?  Most parents will love their kids unconditionally and support them when they have no one else.  

His dad seems like a mild-mannered person who doesn't like confrontation and just wants everyone to be civil.  He has to listen to his son about not being able to see his daughter when he wants and be excluded from events involving his daughter.

And Max's dad doesn't even get to have a relationship with his granddaughter. I don't think we've seen or heard anything that warrants that, have we? 

If I were Max's dad I'd be pissed off too. 

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