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Hallmark Mysteries: Mysterious Small Town Hijinks Ensue - General Discussion

Message added by formerlyfreedom

Please keep the discussion here to Hallmark Mystery Movies - discussion of general Hallmark movies or news should be done in the Hallmark Movie Channel topic. Thank you.

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On 8/30/2021 at 11:18 PM, Kitty Redstone said:

My guess it's because HMM has to get ready for the Christmas movies that start to air in October (!)

Blech!  Not to be bah humbug, but the only Christmas movies/specials I can tolerate are the classics - It's A Wonderful Life, White Christmas - heck, even A Charlie Brown Christmas.  )With everything going on in the world with the economy and inflation, Christmas may well indeed be cancelled this year!)  

I did try a few HM Christmas movies last year and just.....no.  The designer coats and matching gloves/scarves, a picture perfect tree in the window of a picture perfect home on a picture perfect street owned by the main character who runs some boutique that barely has any customers, but can afford said picture perfect clothes and house, running into a picture perfect guy smack in the middle of the street carrying the essential empty to-go coffee cup and doesn't even pretend there's hot liquid in it about to spill all over, people walking around all over town dressed picture perfect as well carrying wrapped gifts in their hands.  Again...blech.  I just don't (or can't) relate.  Show me people in their sweats, hunkered down by their fire with messy hot chocolate, cookie baking in a messy, flour-strewn kitchen, a dog knocking over the tree, kids shaking wrapped gifts to figure out what they got, tired parents crashing with a glass of wine on the couch and corking off, scraping ice off their cars after a storm.  I don't know....more real stuff.  I know, I know......these movies are an escape from reality, but they are just so unrealistic that I long for a bit of real reality

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On 9/7/2021 at 11:58 AM, ctlady said:

Blech!  Not to be bah humbug, but the only Christmas movies/specials I can tolerate are the classics - It's A Wonderful Life, White Christmas - heck, even A Charlie Brown Christmas.  )With everything going on in the world with the economy and inflation, Christmas may well indeed be cancelled this year!)  

I did try a few HM Christmas movies last year and just.....no.  The designer coats and matching gloves/scarves, a picture perfect tree in the window of a picture perfect home on a picture perfect street owned by the main character who runs some boutique that barely has any customers, but can afford said picture perfect clothes and house, running into a picture perfect guy smack in the middle of the street carrying the essential empty to-go coffee cup and doesn't even pretend there's hot liquid in it about to spill all over, people walking around all over town dressed picture perfect as well carrying wrapped gifts in their hands.  Again...blech.  I just don't (or can't) relate.  Show me people in their sweats, hunkered down by their fire with messy hot chocolate, cookie baking in a messy, flour-strewn kitchen, a dog knocking over the tree, kids shaking wrapped gifts to figure out what they got, tired parents crashing with a glass of wine on the couch and corking off, scraping ice off their cars after a storm.  I don't know....more real stuff.  I know, I know......these movies are an escape from reality, but they are just so unrealistic that I long for a bit of real reality

God, me too! Those movies will rot your teeth and give you a tummy ache. I feel the same about their romances. Blech. 

Some reality and fewer clichés (and YES, I mean clichés, not tropes)  would make for MUCH better movies in this day and age.

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2 hours ago, rainsmom said:

Wait, I'm confused. I thought we were getting the new Mystery 101. No? Not this year?

Answering this question by referring to a previous post, that I've included below.  Seems reasonable to infer that it will be awhile, if it hasn't even been written yet!

On 8/12/2021 at 2:15 AM, Cherpumple said:

FYI, the Deck the Hallmark podcast interviewed the main writer of Mystery 101 (John Christian Plummer) this week and it was really interesting. He didn't spoil anything, but said that he added the cliffhanger to the recent movie at the request of the network (they loved the previous movie's soft cliffhanger of "oh no, my uncle is missing!" and asked him to ratchet things up a notch). He didn't have a detailed story idea in mind when he wrote the ending, and is currently writing the next movie, so it's anybody's guess how things are going to go.

He did say that for any fans who are despairing at the shocking turn of events, he is a big fan of the "it's always darkest before the dawn" trope. Anyway, he seemed like a cool guy, with decent writing chops (he was a creative director of a Shakespeare theater group before working for Hallmark) and I think we're in good hands. Here's the link, if you want to listen to the whole interview (it's about 42 minutes long).

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OMG I was watching the new mystery on my cable company's computer interface rather than on the TV, and it cut out right at the key part at the end!  I switched over to the TV as fast as I could, but I know I missed some stuff.  I heard Andy tell Melanie something about Mr Birch killed Tony...why?  And then who killed Birch?  What did Andy try to frame that kid for doing?  Did Andy do anything else wrong besides try to frame the kid? Was Tony the one running the drugs through the service shop, and where did Tony get all that cash?  Aaarrrggghhh!

3 hours ago, rainsmom said:

Wait, I'm confused. I thought we were getting the new Mystery 101. No? Not this year?

No. Jill’s pregnancy would have prevented them from filming another in time to get it on the air this year. She was 6 or 7 months pregnant when they filmed the last one. 

9 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

OMG I was watching the new mystery on my cable company's computer interface rather than on the TV, and it cut out right at the key part at the end!  I switched over to the TV as fast as I could, but I know I missed some stuff.  I heard Andy tell Melanie something about Mr Birch killed Tony...why?  And then who killed Birch?  What did Andy try to frame that kid for doing?  Did Andy do anything else wrong besides try to frame the kid? Was Tony the one running the drugs through the service shop, and where did Tony get all that cash?  Aaarrrggghhh!

Mr Birch killed Tony because he discovered that Andy and Mr Birch were laundering drug money through the car shop and the Twila center. He threatened to tell the police if they didn’t stop. But then Tony took the money for his wife. The drug gang killed Mr Birch. Maybe because they didn’t get their money?  That wasn’t really explained. Andy found the body and was worried it would trace back to the shop, so he tried to implicate Ryan. He was arrested for drug running/money laundering. 

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Didn't see this anywhere, but Jill Wagner had her baby....a little girl.  Sounds like she didn't have an easy delivery.


Also, an interesting article by Kristopher Polaha re 9/11



Edited by LegalParrot81
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7 hours ago, Seelouis said:

But then Tony took the money for his wife. 

Thanks for filling in the holes for me!  One follow-up....why did Tony take the money for his wife? 

And what a d*ck that Birch guy was to take the center that was in honor of his dead wife and to launder drug money through it.

Edited by LuvMyShows

So...no opinions on the actual show, especially since it was a new 'franchise'?  I'll take a shot:

  • I was not familiar with Rochelle Aytes before.  Her acting style is fairly stiff and unexpressive....I always felt like I was watching someone acting, although her character seems to be a nice enough person.
  • I did like how they took care of the introductory exposition so that we would know who is who.
  • Tony's wife reminded me, in appearance and voice, of Aurora's friend Sally.
  • I liked the detective, but I didn't feel like he carried himself in the authoritative way that Melanie said he did.  Even wooden Rick Fox carried himself with more authority.
  • IIRC, we never found out who was in the van following her, so I guess that means more episodes in this franchise?  And speaking of the van...it was kind of weird how when that publisher woman showed up at Melanie's house and spooked her, and Melanie asked her something about the van, the woman didn't ask any questions like "what van?" "what are you talking about?"  She just said something like "I wasn't in the van" as though she knew what van Melanie was talking about.

I'm always excited for new mystery movies, but the last two like "brand new" ones just didn't keep my attention as much as the others. Maybe because it's all new characters? But I feel like the first Mystery 101 or the first Martha's Vineyard Mystery had me interested from the start.... so not sure what the change is with this one and that hotel one.   I do think I like thise one better than the reporters at the hotel (sorry! Can't think of what it was called!)

Though the partner at the auto shop was suspicious from the start, maybe because they tried too hard to make him not suspicious? Or he's an actor we've seen in other movies and more familiar faces in side roles is always a red flag? But I was waiting for the reveal that he was involved. They tried to set up some red herrings, but then seemed to leave some of it hanging. Did they ever get to the bottom of the sister not giving the mom her medication thing? Was it part of a scam to sell the house? I feel like they just sort of left that part unresolved unless I missed it, or they think it was resolved enough when she wasn't the killer?

Hopefully the cast will grow on me more if we get more of this series. At least she is an investigative reporter and has some reason to be researching/looking into things... though I would like another series like the Gourmet Detective where the lady is the detective/police again... 

On 9/13/2021 at 4:10 PM, Seelouis said:
On 9/13/2021 at 4:07 PM, LuvMyShows said:

Thanks for filling in the holes for me!  One follow-up....why did Tony take the money for his wife? 

Because he had pancreatic cancer and wanted to provide for her if he died. 

Wow - they ripped that scenario right out of Breaking Bad


On 9/14/2021 at 9:27 PM, LuvMyShows said:

IIRC, we never found out who was in the van following her, so I guess that means more episodes in this franchise?  And speaking of the van...it was kind of weird how when that publisher woman showed up at Melanie's house and spooked her, and Melanie asked her something about the van, the woman didn't ask any questions like "what van?" "what are you talking about?"  She just said something like "I wasn't in the van" as though she knew what van Melanie was talking about.

To me the weirdest part of the thing was this van was this conversation (I'm paraphrasing)

Melanie:  Can you trace this Massachusetts license plate for me?

Jake:  Sure.  Hey!  It's a fake plate!!

Melanie: Oh, ok.  

Jake:  Do you want me to do something about it?

Melanie:  No, I'm good.

So just because she says it's fine he doesn't even put out an APB for a van that's driving around his town with fake plates.  Shouldn't he be the least bit cautious?

On 9/15/2021 at 12:30 AM, roctavia said:

Did they ever get to the bottom of the sister not giving the mom her medication thing? Was it part of a scam to sell the house? I feel like they just sort of left that part unresolved unless I missed it, or they think it was resolved enough when she wasn't the killer?

Has anyone here had experience with a relative going into assisted living/nursing home, especially a relative with memory issues?  Those places are expensive.  I'm not sure why everyone thought that selling the mother's house would be able to finance the coffee shop inside of the Twila center.  The proceeds from the sale of the house would have to go for the mother's care.

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27 minutes ago, ShelleySue said:

Has anyone here had experience with a relative going into assisted living/nursing home, especially a relative with memory issues? 

My dad.  He didn't have memory issues (was pretty sharp and had a great long term memory up until he passed at 93), but he was weak in the lower body and prone to falling so he first went into an asst. living facility near my sister in SC after my mom passed.  He loved it there - sat at the 'guys' table and was happy as a clam watching TCM in his apt all day.  He was never a social guy so he was content with this.

The cost is dependent upon the amount of care needed - level 1 being you can can fend for yourself, drive, work, etc.  level 5 is pretty much bed bound. He was level 3 - the biggest concern was the urinary tube that needed to be cleaned and changed frequently as he was prone to infection.  I believe at the AL facility he was paying around $5k/mo - that included everything (rent, utilities, meals, 24/7 care) but his phone.  Fortunately, my dad got social security and 2 pensions (one from work one from the army) so his monthly fixed income was more than enough to meet the fee.  He also had money in the bank from when my parents sold their house in FL to move to SC to be closer to my sister (as they didn't want to come back up to CT) as they were getting wobbly in their elder years.  Plus, my mom was a saver so they had well over $100k in the bank so money wasn't an issue

When the laws in SC changed to where the aides could no longer change my dad's tube (it needed to be done by a skilled nurse) that my sister had to move him to a skilled nursing facility.  It was a beautiful place - and cost close to $8k/mo. for the level of care he now needed.  Again, my dad had the money to cover the overage every month. 

I think in most cases when a parent has to go into a state run facility, their assets need to be completely divested (I believe it's referred to Title 19) in order for the state to pay for everything. (I don't know if there are any laws about the state covering costs at a private run facility)  

But....there is a look-back period, meaning if someone sold their house to where they made a $100k profit on it and the next year they go into a state run AL or skilled nurse facility, the state can 'look back' at their assets/income in the last maybe 3-5 years (each state is different) and can recover the funds they put out .  That is why a lot of people 'divest their estate' or quit claim their home, etc. to their children before they even get to this point so if they do have to go into a state run facility, the state can't seize their assets as payment because nothing is in their name

Now....this is from what I've gone through - I'm not an attorney and don't know if any laws have changed or even if I remembered the nitty gritty details correctly, but this is the bare bones gist of the situation.


5 hours ago, ctlady said:

Now....this is from what I've gone through - I'm not an attorney and don't know if any laws have changed or even if I remembered the nitty gritty details correctly, but this is the bare bones gist of the situation.

You were lucky that you had the resources, but most people aren't able to do that.  In the movie one one character (I've forgotten names already) -- the victim/dead guy who owned the garage, was worried about taking care of his wife after he died and his sister (Mary Sue? Mary Anne? Peggy Sue?) -- the food truck owner were both having financial troubles. I would think that if their mother had enough assets that she didn't need the proceeds of the sale of her house to pay for assisted living they could have asked her for financial assistance. But, of course they are fictional characters, so who knows.

Something I forgot about until a few minutes ago (maybe I'm the one who has memory issues)  . . . There was a commercial for the fall movies and there were a few scenes that looked like Signed, Sealed, Delivered (including one that looked like RIta having a baby) but the movie isn't in the app under Fall Harvest.  Did anyone else notice that?

Edited by ShelleySue
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I thought the last movie was way too convoluted.  Too many things going on and all (most) explained in the last 2 minutes.  And, like others, I wasn’t sure what was going on with the coffee truck sister.  

The final scene bugged me, as well.  Cop and his son(?) leave reporter gal’s house and walk into the street.  Cop fails to look in both directions before doing so, thus failing to see the van that has been stalking reporter parked right down the street.  A van that wasn’t hidden at all. 

The show reminded me a bit of the Martha’s Vineyard mysteries, right down to the overarching “big bad” storyline, which I hate.

Finally got around to watching Redemption in Cherry Springs, was not impressed. What really annoyed me was it felt like Hallmark was going "look at us, we are WOKE!" "we haz diversities!" Not only were the leads black, but the victim was South Asian, & the victim's wife was Asian. That's more diversity in one movie than all the other mysteries combined. The mystery wasn't even that interesting, it was too convoluted, & they didn't even answer every question. Do they plan on having more movies (which I guess are going to be named individually?) with a van following Melanie around?

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On 9/17/2021 at 3:52 PM, ShelleySue said:

Something I forgot about until a few minutes ago (maybe I'm the one who has memory issues)  . . . There was a commercial for the fall movies and there were a few scenes that looked like Signed, Sealed, Delivered (including one that looked like RIta having a baby) but the movie isn't in the app under Fall Harvest.  Did anyone else notice that?

I don't remember seeing that, but you got me curious, so I looked around and found that SSD movie #13 will premiere on HMM on Sunday Oct. 17 at 9 pm.  I've put the plot summary in a spoiler:


In the newest film, as Shane and Oliver prepare for their wedding, they must pause to help a young boy fighting leukemia reunite with his long lost friend. Their search is complicated by Shane’s mother who arrives with her own plan for their wedding. Meanwhile, Rita and Norman navigate the challenges of trying to start a family, but a new employee in the Dead Letter Office may deliver the answer.


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On 9/18/2021 at 3:03 AM, GaT said:

Finally got around to watching Redemption in Cherry Springs, was not impressed. What really annoyed me was it felt like Hallmark was going "look at us, we are WOKE!" "we haz diversities!" Not only were the leads black, but the victim was South Asian, & the victim's wife was Asian.

I didn't get that vibe.  I mean, how different can it be from Morning Show Mysteries who have black leads?

Speaking of which - any word on the next MSM movie?  I checked on IMDB and there's nothing in production past Murder Ever After  And I'm sure I'm in the minority who happened to have liked Rick Fox and miss him

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I just watched One Summer. I think it was on this past weekend, but I had taped it. It was pretty good. I kind of like Sam Page’s scruffy look. And I may be mistaken because I was zipping through it, I didn’t see Sam’s character kiss the budding love-interest even one time! (I know he was still grieving his wife).


   ON 9/17/2021 AT 3:52 PM,  SHELLEYSUE SAID: 

Something I forgot about until a few minutes ago (maybe I'm the one who has memory issues)  . . . There was a commercial for the fall movies and there were a few scenes that looked like Signed, Sealed, Delivered(including one that looked like RIta having a baby) but the movie isn't in the app under Fall Harvest.  Did anyone else notice that?

I don't remember seeing that, but you got me curious, so I looked around and found that SSD movie #13 will premiere on HMM on Sunday Oct. 17 at 9 pm.  I've put the plot summary in a spoiler:


FYI:  The entire series of movies/hour-long episodes will be shown this coming week.  The hour longs will be run in order 3-5 pm EST  M-F with the movies starting Thursday with the rarely shown Signed Sealed Delivered for Christmas at 7 pm EST and the original one at 11 am Saturday followed by the rest Saturday until 11 pm in a marathon and Sunday.


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4 hours ago, ctlady said:

Lord, I hope not! 

Me, either.  I thought HMM would make up for 2020 with lots of new mysteries this year, but they didn't.  As it is, I already feel neglected as a viewer by this channel; the 24/7 holiday movies only makes it worse.

I'm probably getting my hopes up for nothing, but HMM's advertising for the holiday movies is a bit different this year.  In the past they've emphasized the 24/7 aspect and they're not doing that now. At least not yet.

  • Useful 1

Ugh.  Welp, I guess my annual boycott of HMM is on after all.  And it will begin even earlier than last year.  When I get the urge to watch Christmas movies in December (not July or October or November), it will be on other channels since this one doesn't value me as a viewer.

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On 10/4/2021 at 3:27 PM, ehall1052 said:

I just watched One Summer. I think it was on this past weekend, but I had taped it. It was pretty good. I kind of like Sam Page’s scruffy look. And I may be mistaken because I was zipping through it, I didn’t see Sam’s character kiss the budding love-interest even one time! (I know he was still grieving his wife).

Eh, I didn't think it was good or bad.  It was just...there. What I did think was strange was how Sam's character didn't bother checking with the government of whoever owns the lighthouse before he restored it. Liability (hello! like when Sam fell through the rotting stairs!) would be an issue. 

The part I also didn't care for was even though the daughter said she didn't want to do open mic, they basically sandbagged her into doing it. Where did they (the cafe owner and her son) get the idea that she did want to do open mic but was just shy...? The scene played like they thought they knew her mind better than she knew it herself. [And of course, since it's Hallmark, it worked out]

And you're right @ehall1052, I don't think the two main characters did kiss, but that's OK for me since I didn't sense too much spark from his side of things. 

No comments on last night's new SDD movie?  I thought it was pretty good, but it had been so long since the last movie that it took me a while to actually get into it.  I got a little confused following the teddy bear plot, but in the end it was nice how the firefighters were there to cheer on the boy.

IRL, if a nice couple at your work offered to have you move into their house and basically help you rear your upcoming baby, after only knowing you about two weeks, you might be pretty suspicious!  I liked how they were able to show the aspects of Shane's mother that drove Shane crazy, but also show how she had a good heart.  Are they going to try to hook up Shane's mom and Oliver's dad?

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19 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

No comments on last night's new SDD movie?  I thought it was pretty good, but it had been so long since the last movie that it took me a while to actually get into it.  I got a little confused following the teddy bear plot, but in the end it was nice how the firefighters were there to cheer on the boy.

IRL, if a nice couple at your work offered to have you move into their house and basically help you rear your upcoming baby, after only knowing you about two weeks, you might be pretty suspicious!  I liked how they were able to show the aspects of Shane's mother that drove Shane crazy, but also show how she had a good heart.  Are they going to try to hook up Shane's mom and Oliver's dad?

If you mean Signed, Sealed, Delivered, they're talking about it over on the main Hallmark Movie thread.

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On 10/16/2021 at 6:54 AM, norcalgal said:

Eh, I didn't think it was good or bad.  It was just...there. What I did think was strange was how Sam's character didn't bother checking with the government of whoever owns the lighthouse before he restored it. Liability (hello! like when Sam fell through the rotting stairs!) would be an issue. 

The part I also didn't care for was even though the daughter said she didn't want to do open mic, they basically sandbagged her into doing it. Where did they (the cafe owner and her son) get the idea that she did want to do open mic but was just shy...? The scene played like they thought they knew her mind better than she knew it herself. [And of course, since it's Hallmark, it worked out]

And you're right @ehall1052, I don't think the two main characters did kiss, but that's OK for me since I didn't sense too much spark from his side of things. 

This movie is based on a book.  I listened to it on CD from my library.  It was very well done, I “read it” at least twice on audio and then once the hard copy. The book had a longer story line about the daughter and unpleasant interactions with the snooty local girls.

My recollection from the book that is that the lighthouse was on privately owned property that belonged to the dead wife’s family so it was his to restore as he wished, along its the beach house they called “the palace”.

The movie was ok, I guess i’d Watch it again, if for no other reason that it’s the first time I found Sam Page to be smokin’ hot.

19 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

I looked, didn’t see it. The others are there to buy or rent. I’ll give it a more thorough search when husband isn’t hovering. 

I just checked (I have Xfinity) & you're right, it's not there, but it looks like it's going to be on again 11/23.

Edited by GaT
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On 10/24/2021 at 3:12 PM, GaT said:
On 10/24/2021 at 2:17 PM, chitowngirl said:

I missed the latest Signed, Sealed and Delivered and now I’ll have to wait until after the holidays!! 😡

Do you have OnDemand? I thought it was on there (but I could be wrong)

I don't know if it's my cable company or Hallmark, but if I don't watch the latest movie On Demand the day after it airs, then it disappears after 1-2 days

On 10/26/2021 at 5:24 PM, LexieLily said:

In the Hallmark thread @kirinan posted a link where Danica McKellar signed a multi-year deal to move to GAC. So will Matchmaker Mysteries get a new lead, or be shut down a la Garage Sale Mysteries?

It seems to me that Hallmark & GAC are somehow related. Lori Loughlin was big on the Hallmark channel, she was on their series "When Calls the Heart". She was supposedly fired when the whole college admissions scandal happened, but, she's in a new series on GAC called "When Hope Calls" playing the same character she played on "When Calls the Heart". The series is supposedly a spinoff of "When Calls the Heart", so the two networks have to be connected somehow for this to happen. So if Danica McKellar is going to be on GAC, I don't necessarily think it means she can't still be on Hallmark. Personally, I would prefer to get Garage Sale Mysteries back & dump Matchmaker Mysteries, because I never though Danica McKellar's acting was any good.

9 hours ago, GaT said:

It seems to me that Hallmark & GAC are somehow related. Lori Loughlin was big on the Hallmark channel, she was on their series "When Calls the Heart". She was supposedly fired when the whole college admissions scandal happened, but, she's in a new series on GAC called "When Hope Calls" playing the same character she played on "When Calls the Heart". The series is supposedly a spinoff of "When Calls the Heart", so the two networks have to be connected somehow for this to happen. So if Danica McKellar is going to be on GAC, I don't necessarily think it means she can't still be on Hallmark. Personally, I would prefer to get Garage Sale Mysteries back & dump Matchmaker Mysteries, because I never though Danica McKellar's acting was any good.

They’re not related in any way that would make it so actors with exclusive deals can cross over. Former Hallmark actors and shows are going to GAC because GAC’s new CEO (Abbott) is Hallmark’s former CEO who was fired after the Zola commercial controversy. If anything they are less likely to cross over due to existing animosity and very different philosophies.

Hallmark canceled When Hope Calls and Abbott decided to pick it up for GAC. Which makes sense because he’s the one who greenlit the series for Hallmark. It’s no different that a show going from FOX to NBC. 

However, since Matchmarker Mysteries is a pre-existing series she may still be able to make them depending on how the contract is written and if she already has movies in the works with Hallmark. 

10 hours ago, GaT said:

She was supposedly fired when the whole college admissions scandal happened, but, she's in a new series on GAC called "When Hope Calls" playing the same character she played on "When Calls the Heart". The series is supposedly a spinoff of "When Calls the Heart", so the two networks have to be connected somehow for this to happen.

Hallmark has its channels and a streaming app.  They also have a production company, Crown Media.  They often produce movies and shows that air on their cable channels. 

But they also will air things produced by other production companies.  They don't own those, though. 

When Hope Calls and When Calls The Heart are produced by an outside production company.  When Calls The Heart airs on their cable channel and When Hope Calls aired on their streaming network.  I'm guessing When Hope Calls didn't drive signups the way they hoped so Hallmark cancelled the series after a season.  Once that happened, the outside production company that owns the series can then shop it to other networks and Hallmark doesn't get a say in where it airs any longer. 

They're no more connected than Apple TV and Netflix are just because they both carry shows produced by the WB.

Edited by Irlandesa
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6 hours ago, ctlady said:

I'm guessing this belongs in this thread as it's advertised as a HM&M, but I'm looking forward to seeing North To Home

Not for me, but I hope you enjoy it. I just wish that the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel actually played a lot of "mysteries" & no "movies" 

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, GaT said:

Not for me, but I hope you enjoy it. I just wish that the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel actually played a lot of "mysteries" & no "movies" 

I thought it was odd at first that it was being advertised as such since it appears to be just a standard drama, but there seems to be 'secrets' involved amongst the sisters so that's why it probably falls into the mystery genre rather than the regular HM channel

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This news is a few days old, but I didn't see that anyone had posted it here yet, so I thought I'd share.

Two Possibly More Hallmark Mystery Series Cancelled

The Hailey Dean and Picture Perfect Mysteries are cancelled and the Gourmet Detective and Martha's Vineyard movies may follow suit. However, HMM has a new mystery starring Ryan McPartlin (who also wrote the movie) and Julie Gonzalo called "Cut, Color, Murder" premiering on Feb. 6th. I'm excited about this one since I like both Ryan and Julie. I always felt pretty blah about Hailey Dean, so no big loss there for me. I will be bummed if they don't do at least one more Martha's Vineyard Mystery to tie up Jeff's storyline about being shot in the line of duty though.

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23 minutes ago, BrainyBlonde said:

This news is a few days old, but I didn't see that anyone had posted it here yet, so I thought I'd share.

Two Possibly More Hallmark Mystery Series Cancelled

The Hailey Dean and Picture Perfect Mysteries are cancelled and the Gourmet Detective and Martha's Vineyard movies may follow suit. However, HMM has a new mystery starring Ryan McPartlin (who also wrote the movie) and Julie Gonzalo called "Cut, Color, Murder" premiering on Feb. 6th. I'm excited about this one since I like both Ryan and Julie. I always felt pretty blah about Hailey Dean, so no big loss there for me. I will be bummed if they don't do at least one more Martha's Vineyard Mystery to tie up Jeff's storyline about being shot in the line of duty though.

Darn - I like all of the above, except Hailey Dean (Kellie Martin leaves me cold).  Very bummed to hear this news.  I truly do not understand Hallmark's decisions sometimes.

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Message added by formerlyfreedom

Please keep the discussion here to Hallmark Mystery Movies - discussion of general Hallmark movies or news should be done in the Hallmark Movie Channel topic. Thank you.

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