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S09.E10: Are You Committed?

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44 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Well, Iris. We have all been holding on to our precious gift for many years. Maybe not 27 but we sure as heck didn't start having sex right out of the womb. Dumbass. 

Oh, and I officially hate Matt. 

YES to that.  And I didn’t even get a gold medal.  Iris and Deonna are ridiculous, and Greg and Keith are gems.

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Amber told Matt she'd like him home by 2:30 a.m.? Amber, please don't be so lenient!!

What is wrong with him? He acts like he's either stupid and unaware, and naively inconsiderate.

Or he's a cheating, lying, two-faced scoundrel.

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Matt’s schedule

630am Morning sex with Amber

7am Breakfast with Amber

730am-229am Executive Time and Taking Care of Business, Strumming and crooning

230am Sex with Amber

245am Sleep

630am Lather, rinse, repeat

Edited by humbleopinion
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So, Keith & Iris: I think the "sexy time" with the paint is 'too little, too late' for those two. Iris would have to prove to Keith that she's the best BJ expert he's ever known for him to stay with her "till death do us part". 

Greg & Dionna: I was really touched by what Greg shared with her about his father and mother's relationship, especially when he said he would never want to break Dionna's heart like his mother's was. I believed him --but Dionna didn't respond to that in any kind of normal way. All she did was say that she knew that story must have been hard for him to share with her. After seeing that, I've become very pessimistic for their chances of long-term success.

Jamie & Elizabeth: Both were wishy-washy about staying together. But if either one of them had any sense at all, they would already have split up.

Matt & Amber: I hadn't realized quite how slimy Matt is before this. ...And he's not just an awful singer (like Beth said!) -- he's a terrible actor, too! I can't believe he tried to BS Pastor Cal, pretending "everything was going just fine"...  Obviously, those two should no longer be together.

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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The crux of Jamie and Elizabeth's toxicity is that each one wants the relationship to revolve around him- or herself. If there's any truth to the saying that in marriage, one person is the flower and the other a gardener, then two flowers means nobody is getting watered or fed.

Jamie goes completely off the rails when Elizabeth doesn't flatter and puff him up, while it kind of doesn't occur to poor spoiled Elizabeth that feelings besides hers even exist.

Her superficial rules like "bring me flowers every week" and "don't follow me into rooms" are indicative of her reductive and juvenile way of thinking. Jamie following and yelling at you is a symptom, Liz, not the disease.

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4 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Jamie's ire was rising EVEN IN THE PEACE TALK. "I don't want to be demeaned." What?? What did E say that was "demeaning"? 

She was setting a boundary of ...if she goes into a room and closes the door to compose herself, then he needs to respect that and not open the door and come in.  He agreed I think.

But then she referred to the past, and said what happened last time was crazy, out of control.

  So the underlined part is what Jamie was talking about, like she was insulting him/his behavior.

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What the hell was the point of the “recommitment”? They already signed a contract. They want to get paid (or in Matt’s case a free place to live). It’s just a stupid CYA for the show after the shit show last season with a Luke so they can say “Hey viewers, see, we do care about these people, and we would never force them to stay with someone if it’s a bad situation!” What malarkey! There was probably a producer right off to the side giving death glares if anyone looked like they were going to bail......

I love Deonna and Greg. I just do. 

I can’t stand Jamie. He has made Elizabeth seem like the sane one. What a creep.  They do not belong together, or possibly with anyone else either.

Matt is the dumbest person ever on this show. And an asshole. But mostly dumb. He can barely string together one cohesive sentence. Also, how stupid was he to think nobody was going to call him on his behavior. TWICE! He didn’t even come up with a decent lie! And he thinks just saying “oops, my bad” is going to fix it! Dumb, I tell ya! 

Amber is now running neck in neck with Kate for most pathetic MAFS participant. Grow a spine girl!

 I don’t want to hear the word virgin ever again. My sweet Jesus, enough is enough! My hubs and I had a good laugh listening to robot Viviana telling Iris to experiment with body glitter. Apparently the robot is not aware that Iris doesn’t even want a coat to touch her bedding - I don’t think glitter is going near her sheets. The hubs also noticed that she had a tarp down where they were licking that goo off each other. A tarp! 😂 Even though she’s a pill, I still am hoping they stay together. In the immortal words of Sargent Pepper, they look sexy together......

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Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. He conveniently forgets that HE was the one who caused the big argument, because he couldn't take it that Big Red wasn't complimenting him---yet---while looking at their wedding day photos.

Okay, yes, she might've thrown him a bone with "And don't you look sharp in your tux?!" But did he tell her she looked beautiful? I can't bring myself to watch again. 

In any case, Jamie's FURY was completely disproportionate to the perceived offense. So IMO he doesn't get to tell Elizabeth that SHE now needs to watch HER language. He WAS out of control!

Moreover, Jamie likes setting verbal traps for Big Red. He "wanted to talk" and got angry when she mentioned his parents' divorce. He "wanted to talk" about the wedding photos and got enraged when she focused "too much" on herself.

NOW Jamie the Conversationalist asks Elizabeth to agree to set aside a weeknight....to TALK.

Maybe he believes that "if only my parents had discussed their concerns more,..." 

But just maybe Jamie needs arguments to feel alive.

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Ohhhhkayyyy. I think I got it. They want to make it look like they're giving them an opportunity to get out of a shitty relationship that isn't working, when we want experts/producers/SOMEONE to step in & END a toxic marriage. But, they can't. Not only because of contracts & whatnot, but because that's so NOT reality. Who hasn't stayed in abusive relationships or tolerated bs until... That's how people are. Ultimately, it's up to the people in the relationship, even when courts are involved. It's so easy for us to say what others should do, even if we haven't in similar situations. We just get to watch & learn & hopefully avoid it. 😂😂 I appreciate the lessons this show teaches me.

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Jamie was seething and NipsyLiz was smart to decline Jamie’s offer to “talk”

You can see it in his body language.....full of pent up anger and frustration.

The production crew should suggest Beth leaving with them....his “talk”with the “expert” just made him angrier.

Jamie is not to be trusted....thinking Beth brings out the worst in him and he is not a good person.

The c word showed how nasty Jamie is willing to fight and hurling it during an argument is despicable and indefensible.

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Poor Keith looks exhausted.  I think the loss of his grandma and dealing with this BS marriage is taking a toll on him.

Iris thinks being a virgin makes her some sort of magical unicorn when all it does is make her inexperienced.  Everyone is inexperienced about something, but the others are acknowledging it and trying to do things differently, like Deonna and showing affection and even Big Red is trying to be forgiving.  But Iris refuses to change anything about herself because she think she is a special magical unicorn.  Someone needs to get real with Iris about this.  It’s perfectly fine to wait for someone special, it is not fine to make sex some unobtainable “prize”.

Elizabeth is a mess and I would never be friends with her, but at least she is semi-decent to her spouse.  Jamie goes for the jugular for every perceived insult.  It’s interesting he fights this way and refuses to talk about his parents’ marriage.  I wonder how toxic things were in his childhood home.  He needs some real therapy if he thinks you can love someone and treat them this way and expect them to stay.

In the beginning I thought Deonna and Greg were boring, but now I like their segments the most.  It’s nice to see at least one couple genuinely like each other and have fun.

Matt said he was committed while shaking his head “no” and stupid pastor Cal doesn’t even call him on it.  Amber needs to be on her own for awhile.  She has serious abandonment issues and needs to work through them (feel like I’m the 100th person saying this on these boards so no idea why the stupid experts didn’t pick up on this).

Edited by Booger666
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Jaime is such a pathetic example of a man wanting a woman only for sex that is bordering on offensive cliche. Whatever anyone else thinks of her looks, I have a feeling that Jaime is extremely attracted to her and might think that she is the hottest woman he has ever been with. He realizes she might not totally feel that way about his chubby Nosferatu physique and is punishing her for it. Jaime’s idea of her using sex as a weapon is her not having sex anytime he wants it. 

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10 hours ago, Ohwell said:

So now Keith is supposed to lick your fucking arm.

Stop licking Keith.  Just stop.

But the way Keith was licking her arm and nibbling on her thigh shows me he has some good mouth skills. Yeah.

Have Keith and Iris ever had a conversation alone or with the experts about what their partner likes physically, or what Iris feels comfortable giving or receiving in terms of affection? These two need to get down to specifics instead of throwing around vague terms like "taking my virginity" and "sexual immaturity."

The sex expert (Vivianna?) should have given homework, not just suggestions. Take a shower together, sleep together naked---and don't initiate any other sexual contact. These are real activities that marriage counselors assign to couples. Forget the stupid dice game, which the producers knew Iris was going to hate. I'd hate it to, if I had to play it on-camera.

--But I forget. This show isn't trying to provide real marriage counseling. The experts want to throw around cliche'd jargon all while hoping the couples continue to have drama. 

I don't know what's happened to Keith and Iris. From the beginning of their marriage, they had chemistry and seemed attracted to one another. But NOW they seem like strangers, more than when they first got married. Something has gone wrong. Is it as simple as Iris not wanting to have sex with Keith? 

10 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Deonna!  Git that!

When Deonna and Greg both talked to the experts about her not being able to express herself well verbally, and how she didn't know how to tell Greg how she felt about him, my mind jumped to the Five Love Languages. Didn't all of the couples learn about these? Or was that another season? 

Essentially, it boils down to know what acts personally make you feel most loved by another person, and knowing what your partner needs to feel loved. For me, it's words of affirmation--I need to my partner say--or write--supportive, kind things to me. For others, their most important need is for physical affection. For some, it's receiving gifts, or spending quality time with their partner, or acts of service. 

What is Greg's love language, Deonna? Whatever it is, do that. 

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3 minutes ago, topanga said:

don't know what's happened to Keith and Iris. From the beginning of their marriage, they had chemistry and seemed attracted to one another. But NOW they seem like strangers, more than when they first got married. Something has gone wrong. Is it as simple as Iris not wanting to have sex with Keith? 

I think he’s had it knowing she will be a handful.

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I missed the beginning so I have to watch again but from what I did see there was too much directed drama in this episode. Of course nobody wanted out or was advised to end it, even though Jamie and Elizabeth are scary together. Seriously. With these two the verbal could quickly escalate into physical. 

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9 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

It’s perfectly fine to wait for someone special, it is not fine to make sex some unobtainable “prize”.

My best friend waited until she was 24. She had had bad luck/made bad choices with guys in her teens and early 20s and didn't want to lose it with any of them. Then when she met her now-husband, she slept with him on their third date. She definitely didn't see it as a prize or a gift - she was actually kind of annoyed, particularly because once she got to be around 20, men were like "A virgin? Um, wow, OK," and weren't into it. She wasn't waiting for marriage, although she did end up marrying the man she lost it to (four years later).

She also wasn't so damn precious about it, and she was able to talk about sex and sexuality without sounding like a damn child.

1 minute ago, topanga said:

Essentially, it boils down to know what acts personally make you feel most loved by another person, and knowing what your partner needs to feel loved. For me, it's words of affirmation--I need to my partner say--or write--supportive, kind things to me. For others, their most important need is for physical affection. For some, it's receiving gifts, or spending quality time with their partner, or acts of service. 

Mine are quality time and acts of service. It really makes a difference - I don't necessarily think a couple needs to have the SAME love language, but they should be able to speak the other's love language. The only couple that looks like they're even TRYING to sort that out is Deonna and Greg. Amber doesn't even require Matt to live with her, Jamie and Elizabeth are a Lifetime movie, and Iris and Keith are a mess.

Just now, Soup333 said:

With these two the verbal could quickly escalate into physical. 

I have no trouble believing that Jamie could get violent. I could easily see him yelling at Elizabeth while he punches a wall or something. He has a simmering ire that's pretty scary - and sometimes he's kind of smirking while he's talking shit to her, like he enjoys it. Elizabeth is spoiled and shallow and dim, but Jamie is scary.

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Pastor Cal dropped the ball with Matt. His “Where were you, man,” was too tame. Notice when he asked if there was another girl, Matt did not say yes or no but instead said that it was disappointing that Cal would ask that question. WTF does that mean? Why did Cal not push that issue. What was with the stupid faces Matt was making? Where were Cal’s balls during that questioning?

Amber said that it was not simply that he went out twice and stayed out all night. She specifically said that off camera he is a totally different person and that she rarely sees him at all. Of course, that makes her look even more desperate when she jumps into his arms like a giggly school girl whenever he graces her with his presence. Weak confrontation there, Cal.

Any man who calls their new wife the c-word a month after they are married deserves to be thrown to the curb immediately and the door closed on that relationship. Elizabeth will hear that comment over and over and over in her head for life. If he is okay with saying this now… Jamie was doing everything he could not to blow up again during their conversation. He doesn’t want to be demeaned? What? What did Elizabeth say that was demeaning? WTF was that? There are things about Elizabeth that he will never be okay with and he will stew on them until he explodes. Poor Greg can’t get any and Jamie is unhappy that Elizabeth only wants to do it 4 times a week rather than 5 or 6? 

Amber is an embarrassment. How she is going to walk back into that school building is a mystery to me. She’s a blubbering fool who has not advanced past the age of 12 and will take being kicked in the face and come running back to Matt every time. A wonderful model for her female students. 

Deonna just has to, you know, talk to him, “check on [Greg]” before she goes out or whatever and all will be fine. That will tell him that she’s thinking of him. And then here we go again later on the couch and her going on about her teenage heartbreak… She seems to use that event as a crutch whenever she doesn’t want to engage. And let’s say Deonna decides, “Okay, I’m going all in with Greg,” what exactly does that mean? Does it mean that this huge switch is going to appear and when it flips she won’t have a clipped tone with him anymore and will turn into this warm, emotionally open, I don’t have to win at all costs because I just love being with you person? Not buying that. And along the lines of the Iris virginity debacle, if Greg does something to royally piss her off is she going to pull out the, “See, I knew I shouldn’t have given my heart again, look what you’ve done,” line in order to make him feel like shit? This whole “Because of what I went through…” bit is seriously getting old. 

I don't care about Iris and Keith. Every scene they have feels so fake and scripted to me. 

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5 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

My best friend waited until she was 24. She had had bad luck/made bad choices with guys in her teens and early 20s and didn't want to lose it with any of them. Then when she met her now-husband, she slept with him on their third date. She definitely didn't see it as a prize or a gift - she was actually kind of annoyed, particularly because once she got to be around 20, men were like "A virgin? Um, wow, OK," and weren't into it. She wasn't waiting for marriage, although she did end up marrying the man she lost it to (four years later).

She also wasn't so damn precious about it, and she was able to talk about sex and sexuality without sounding like a damn child.

Mine are quality time and acts of service. It really makes a difference - I don't necessarily think a couple needs to have the SAME love language, but they should be able to speak the other's love language. The only couple that looks like they're even TRYING to sort that out is Deonna and Greg. Amber doesn't even require Matt to live with her, Jamie and Elizabeth are a Lifetime movie, and Iris and Keith are a mess.

I have no trouble believing that Jamie could get violent. I could easily see him yelling at Elizabeth while he punches a wall or something. He has a simmering ire that's pretty scary - and sometimes he's kind of smirking while he's talking shit to her, like he enjoys it. Elizabeth is spoiled and shallow and dim, but Jamie is scary.

For many men (and some women) physical intimacy is a giant part of their love language. Every time Iris cringes at sexual suggestions like a 10 year old Keith hears “ I find your sexual desires gross and I don’t really care about your happiness.” Keith has been very patient, particularly compared to someone like Jaime.  I hope Iris appreciates what a good man she has. It was a real punk ass move for the experts to marry him to a virgin. It puts him in an unfair position in an already almost impossible situation. 

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6 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

What the hell was the point of the “recommitment”? They already signed a contract. They want to get paid (or in Matt’s case a free place to live). It’s just a stupid CYA for the show after the shit show last season with a Luke so they can say “Hey viewers, see, we do care about these people, and we would never force them to stay with someone if it’s a bad situation!” What malarkey! There was probably a producer right off to the side giving death glares if anyone looked like they were going to bail......

I love Deonna and Greg. I just do. 

I can’t stand Jamie. He has made Elizabeth seem like the sane one. What a creep.  They do not belong together, or possibly with anyone else either.

Matt is the dumbest person ever on this show. And an asshole. But mostly dumb. He can barely string together one cohesive sentence. Also, how stupid was he to think nobody was going to call him on his behavior. TWICE! He didn’t even come up with a decent lie! And he thinks just saying “oops, my bad” is going to fix it! Dumb, I tell ya! 

Amber is now running neck in neck with Kate for most pathetic MAFS participant. Grow a spine girl!

 I don’t want to hear the word virgin ever again. My sweet Jesus, enough is enough! My hubs and I had a good laugh listening to robot Viviana telling Iris to experiment with body glitter. Apparently the robot is not aware that Iris doesn’t even want a coat to touch her bedding - I don’t think glitter is going near her sheets. The hubs also noticed that she had a tarp down where they were licking that goo off each other. A tarp! 😂 Even though she’s a pill, I still am hoping they stay together. In the immortal words of Sargent Pepper, they look sexy together......

I think the show is trying something new like “get out now” or the stupid glitter routine.  They know already these couples are doomed.  They’ll probably give some couples a bonus to stay together a few weeks more so they wouldn’t look stupid for mismatching AGAIN.  These experts serve no purpose.

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11 hours ago, 2727 said:

As a palate cleanser, Deonna and Greg continue to warm my heart.

Deonna seemed shocked that anyone would think she wouldn't stay married. She just needs to learn to tell Greg that yes, she thinks he's sexy and yes, she's freaking smitten.

Greg's friends continue to be impressive in their caring and support.

Deonna is delusional. She is making a classic mistake of a woman who is used to being pursued by a specific man. He.will.get.tired. She is also underestimating the amount of women who are waiting for him to re-enter the wild and are ready to provide the emotional interaction he wants. 

She needs a really good girlfriend equal to Greg's friend who will lay it out for her. Deonna, you in danger girl.

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I said this in the social media thread but this "re-commitment day" is meaningless. They've always had the option to bail early. Miami Heather wanted out the day she got back from the honeymoon, and she did not waver (and good for her). She and Derek had to keep filming the show, but their marriage was over after a week. They filmed individually (it was a lot of them telling everyone in their lives that the marriage was over). The experts can't force anyone to stay married or break up. If there are financial penalties for splitting early, that's one thing (and again, you'd have to decide if it was worth it - to me, leaving/preserving my safety & self-respect after being called a c*nt would be worth losing money over), but it's not like the experts or the show can tie them down and force them to stay married, or forge divorce papers for them if they think they should leave.

1 hour ago, qtpye said:

For many men (and some women) physical intimacy is a giant part of their love language. Every time Iris cringes at sexual suggestions like a 10 year old Keith hears “ I find your sexual desires gross and I don’t really care about your happiness.” Keith has been very patient, particularly compared to someone like Jaime.  I hope Iris appreciates what a good man she has. It was a real punk ass move for the experts to marry him to a virgin. It puts him in an unfair position in an already almost impossible situation. 

Oh, I agree. My primary love languages are acts of service and quality time, but a sexless relationship is a complete non-starter for me. Expressing yourself physically is a big part of a successful romantic relationship.

Really, since Iris puts such a premium on her precious gift (eyeroll), she should be with a fellow virgin, maybe one she met at church who shares the same beliefs about waiting until marriage. This is unfair to Keith.

Edited by Empress1
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7 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

She was setting a boundary of ...if she goes into a room and closes the door to compose herself, then he needs to respect that and not open the door and come in.  He agreed I think.

But then she referred to the past, and said what happened last time was crazy, out of control.

  So the underlined part is what Jamie was talking about, like she was insulting him/his behavior.

This is what happens when you marry someone you don’t know.  Even tho you go out with someone for a couple of years, there are still some surprises. Keeping company and living together are two different things entirely.  All these exercises and dice games don’t do a damn thing.  I wonder how many times Pepper was married, divorced, or whatever.  She has all the answers.

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9 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

She was setting a boundary of ...if she goes into a room and closes the door to compose herself, then he needs to respect that and not open the door and come in.  He agreed I think.

But then she referred to the past, and said what happened last time was crazy, out of control.

  So the underlined part is what Jamie was talking about, like she was insulting him/his behavior.

Last night Elizabeth's behavior and words reiterated my observation during the "vanilla sex" episode that she is limited in vocabulary and possibly reasoning ability. 

I don't think she actually understands how to say "I need you to not charge into a room after me because it makes me feel stressed and anxious." instead of "Stop acting crazy!". So, when Jamie and his weird stare tell her he feels insulted, she's like "okay, don't be out of control." Inability to accept responsibility plus, limited vocabulary and emotional intelligence are a bad combo for these two.

Edited by red12
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12 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Really, since Iris puts such a premium on her precious gift (eyeball), she should be with a fellow virgin, maybe one she met at church who shares the same beliefs about waiting until marriage. This is unfair to Keith.

If Iris had takers in this category, she wouldn't be on the show.

I do appreciate that Dr. V called Iris on the fact that one can, in fact change their virgin status if they want. She keeps depicting her virginity as an essential feature of her personal make-up like eyes and fingers.

The problem with her being with another virgin who is as naive as she portrays herself is he wouldn't know where to begin to try and please her and she can't tell him what to try.

Keith is absolutely in an unwinnable game here and I feel for him. If he appears to opt out of the virginity gauntlet, he's not committed. If he has sex with Iris and still does not want to remain with her, he's an asshole who "took" her precious gift.

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35 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

Pastor Cal dropped the ball with Matt. His “Where were you, man,” was too tame. Notice when he asked if there was another girl, Matt did not say yes or no but instead said that it was disappointing that Cal would ask that question. WTF does that mean? Why did Cal not push that issue. What was with the stupid faces Matt was making? Where were Cal’s balls during that questioning?

Amber said that it was not simply that he went out twice and stayed out all night. She specifically said that off camera he is a totally different person and that she rarely sees him at all. Of course, that makes her look even more desperate when she jumps into his arms like a giggly school girl whenever he graces her with his presence. Weak confrontation there, Cal.

Any man who calls their new wife the c-word a month after they are married deserves to be thrown to the curb immediately and the door closed on that relationship. Elizabeth will hear that comment over and over and over in her head for life. If he is okay with saying this now… Jamie was doing everything he could not to blow up again during their conversation. He doesn’t want to be demeaned? What? What did Elizabeth say that was demeaning? WTF was that? There are things about Elizabeth that he will never be okay with and he will stew on them until he explodes. Poor Greg can’t get any and Jamie is unhappy that Elizabeth only wants to do it 4 times a week rather than 5 or 6? 

Amber is an embarrassment. How she is going to walk back into that school building is a mystery to me. She’s a blubbering fool who has not advanced past the age of 12 and will take being kicked in the face and come running back to Matt every time. A wonderful model for her female students. 

Deonna just has to, you know, talk to him, “check on [Greg]” before she goes out or whatever and all will be fine. That will tell him that she’s thinking of him. And then here we go again later on the couch and her going on about her teenage heartbreak… She seems to use that event as a crutch whenever she doesn’t want to engage. And let’s say Deonna decides, “Okay, I’m going all in with Greg,” what exactly does that mean? Does it mean that this huge switch is going to appear and when it flips she won’t have a clipped tone with him anymore and will turn into this warm, emotionally open, I don’t have to win at all costs because I just love being with you person? Not buying that. And along the lines of the Iris virginity debacle, if Greg does something to royally piss her off is she going to pull out the, “See, I knew I shouldn’t have given my heart again, look what you’ve done,” line in order to make him feel like shit? This whole “Because of what I went through…” bit is seriously getting old. 

I don't care about Iris and Keith. Every scene they have feels so fake and scripted to me. 

You are so right about Deonna and Greg.  Greg doesn’t want to be checked on before she goes out.  He wants to be on top of her and have some sex.  She wants him her way, which is no way for him.  Greg is ready to explode.  I think she doesn’t like sex at all, whatever the reason, and didn’t belong on this show.

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24 minutes ago, red12 said:

Deonna is delusional. She is making a classic mistake of a woman who is used to being pursued by a specific man. He.will.get.tired. She is also underestimating the amount of women who are waiting for him to re-enter the wild and are ready to provide the emotional interaction he wants. 

She needs a really good girlfriend equal to Greg's friend who will lay it out for her. Deonna, you in danger girl.

Totally agree with this and his is why I hope Greg bails. I'm just thinking about when I got into relationships in the past and if a guy was closed off, clipped, told me that I could not use certain words, said no to a high five and was otherwise smug, I'd know petty quickly that it was not going to work. I would not chase or beg him to change his ways or play a guessing game, "Hmm, I wonder what he wants me to say or do," and then dealing with the faces that come when one guesses wrong. Nor would I sit and listen to "Well, I was hurt in high school so that's why I'm like this..." I'd say, "See ya," or maybe, "Call me when you grow up." Greg is so far above this juvenile nonsense.

7 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

She was setting a boundary of ...if she goes into a room and closes the door to compose herself, then he needs to respect that and not open the door and come in.  He agreed I think.

But then she referred to the past, and said what happened last time was crazy, out of control.

  So the underlined part is what Jamie was talking about, like she was insulting him/his behavior.

I deleted the episodes but didn't Pepper visit them after the last fight and specifically say, "There are two bedrooms here. Do not walk out the door. If you need space, just go into a room and close the door," or something similar? They were both agreeable to that solution but now Jamie freaks out about it and wants to force her to talk to him when she's incredibly upset. 

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I watched the beginning. I had missed that Matt had stayed out AGAIN. I don’t even know what to say. Amber, he DOES NOT WANT THIS. 

Keith “Blue Balls” Manley. Smh. I feel for him. I think Iris will end up in the friend zone, if she’s not already there.

Jamie is a seemingly nicer but more sinister version of Ryan “I’ll kill you” Denino. E is a lot to handle but she doesn’t deserve a life of walking through a verbal minefield so she doesn’t piss him off. 

Greg continues to win. His story about his mother reminded me of my own mother. She basically did the same thing after her divorce from my father. She never opened herself up to be hurt or loved again. I hope Deonna isn’t on that same path. 

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3 minutes ago, gumbo said:

I feel like the previews get crazier and crazier

I hate that they bury them inside the Marrying Millions show. I record that one as well but have not watched the last few. I just can't get into that show and FF through and hoping to catch where the preview of this show is is just too time consuming for me.

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Iris honey you need to give it up if you want to keep Keith. He needs some loving and if you keep holding that aspirin between your knees, he's going to probably find it somewhere else. Just a clue since you're a newly married woman. Oh you're a virgin... well who would have known? Not like we haven't heard it a dozen & ten times!

Can't believe Preacher Cal didn't keep drilling Matt when asked where he was or if there was someone else. Maybe I missed it. Amber you need some help... maybe to kick Matt's A double S to the curb!

Elizabethwithbarelyadress... what's your game? You're a married woman honey... don't be showing your "bits" on National TV like that. Goodness gracious... didn't your daddy teach you better?

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10 hours ago, karenbrady said:

Hi! How do you reply to another poster's comment?

See those quotes under your post? You can click on the regular quotes and it will immediately take you to a box with that message quoted so you can reply. The one with the + sign allows you to quote multiple posts and respond to them. If you use multi quote, just click the plus thing on every post you want to quote and later when you hit Reply, they will all be in there.

You can also highlight a portion of text in a person's post and once you highlight it, a box will pop up that says Quote This. If you click that, you can reply and quote just that part of the message.

Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 10.11.12 AM.png

Edited by configdotsys
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10 hours ago, buttersister said:

Jaime creeps me out.

10 hours ago, buttersister said:

Jaime creeps me out.

Me too. He'll murder her in 2 years tops if they stay together. He is full of rage. We'll read about them for sure.

Edited by karenbrady
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10 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

See those quotes under your picture? You can click on the regular quotes and it will immediately take you to a box with that message quoted so you can reply. The one with the + sign allows you to quote multiple posts and respond to them. If you use multi quote, just click the plus thing on every post you want to quote and later when you hit Reply, they will all be in there.

You can also highlight a portion of text in a person's post and once you highlight it, a box will pop up that says Quote This. If you click that, you can reply and quote just that part of the message.

Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 10.11.12 AM.png

Thank you so much!!! I finally figured it out just as you were answering :-)

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12 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

See those quotes under your picture? You can click on the regular quotes and it will immediately take you to a box with that message quoted so you can reply. The one with the + sign allows you to quote multiple posts and respond to them. If you use multi quote, just click the plus thing on every post you want to quote and later when you hit Reply, they will all be in there.

You can also highlight a portion of text in a person's post and once you highlight it, a box will pop up that says Quote This. If you click that, you can reply and quote just that part of the message.

Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 10.11.12 AM.png

13 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

See those quotes under your picture? You can click on the regular quotes and it will immediately take you to a box with that message quoted so you can reply. The one with the + sign allows you to quote multiple posts and respond to them. If you use multi quote, just click the plus thing on every post you want to quote and later when you hit Reply, they will all be in there.

You can also highlight a portion of text in a person's post and once you highlight it, a box will pop up that says Quote This. If you click that, you can reply and quote just that part of the message.

Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 10.11.12 AM.png

Thank you so much!!! 

10 hours ago, answerphone said:

Amber told Matt she'd like him home by 2:30 a.m.? Amber, please don't be so lenient!!

What is wrong with him? He acts like he's either stupid and unaware, and naively inconsiderate.

Or he's a cheating, lying, two-faced scoundrel.

Or he's a cheating, lying, two-faced scoundrel. That part.

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13 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Amber still hasn’t learned that people will treat you exactly how you allow them to treat you.  Matt is winding down the clock out on the town with his boyz and this silly girl is waiting for him to come home and “hold her.”  Matt wasn’t ready for this nonsense from day one. 

I hardly believe Matt  is out with his boys. His girl but not his boys.

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1 hour ago, red12 said:

Last night Elizabeth's behavior and words reiterated my observation during the "vanilla sex" episode that she is limited in vocabulary and possibly reasoning ability. 

I don't think she actually understands how to say "I need you to not charge into a room after me because it makes me feel stressed and anxious." instead of "Stop acting crazy!". So, when Jamie and his bland stare, tell her he feels insulted, she's like "okay, don't be out of control." Inability to accept responsibility plus, limited vocabulary and emotional intelligence are a bad combo for these two.

They both are terrible at communicating what they actually want/need, and I think this is a big part of their problem. He gets annoyed about something, but instead of saying what is bothering him while it’s happening in a calm manner, he seethes about it or resorts to insults that have nothing to do with why he is angry or annoyed. She tends to do the same, or just makes a joke out of it, or storms off. None of these things is conducive to a good marriage. If they were to stay together, and I don’t think they should, they need major couples therapy to learn how to communicate because the “experts” telling them not to talk to each other like that is useless. They need to be taught how to talk to each other appropriately. 

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47 minutes ago, karenbrady said:

I hardly believe Matt  is out with his boys. His girl but not his boys.

Hell, Amber said that Matt was spending the night at his friend’s house when the friend was not home. That was probably a hook up with his real girlfriend. I have no idea why the women of Charlotte find this homeless/penniless doofus so appealing. Maybe it’s the height?

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