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S09.E23: Reunion Part 2

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5 minutes ago, sunshine23 said:

Just finished watching and must say, this hour had more action than the

2. Camille - I may be in the minority but I LIKE Camille. At least she's not afraid to call them out for being the mean girls, for having to invite them due to production, for attacking LVP, etc. True, she did talk out of both sides of her mouth, but she was right when she said they ALL talk about each other behind their backs.

So you like Camille calling them out for being fake while being fake herself? She lied over and over about her motives with wanting to be around them all season and had no problem faking it thinking she was gonna be a housewife again. Then when shit hit the fan she tried to throw everything and the kitchen sink out trying to save herself. She’s beyond fake who could be friends with her or trust her she can lie and smile right to your face with a dagger behind her back. She’s not calling out her own hypocrisy this season and only wanting them around for camera time while lying saying she was wanting to be their friends. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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48 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

I do believe Camille when she says she only invited everyone to her birthday party and wedding for production. She wanted that diamond back. 

Yep.  What made me laugh is that a few seconds later she was calling Dorit phony and acting hurt about how they bitched about her in the van after coming to her wedding! 

So if she only did it for production reasons, she can't get insulted when the girls are doing their jobs as well at that wedding. 

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Just now, tranquilidade said:

I know Camille is fake like the others but for some reason I enjoyed her tirade.  What's wrong with me?

Hey, who said crazy isn't entertaining?

1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Thank the bravo gods for Camille....without her this season and reunion would've been beyond boring. She was all over the place.....yelling at everyone, zipping her dress off....getting names wrong....going after everyone. Thank you Camille. You deserve all the diamonds in the cast. 

The way you described it sounds so funny, but that's exactly what happened. I thought she was quite mean overall this season, but the hot mess of it all did make for a more interesting reunion I suppose. Towards the end and in the previews, it's almost disturbing though, like she's having a breakdown. Either that or there are some crocodile tears so we have sympathy for her. 

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

Considering LVP manipulated Camille to do her dirty work regarding Taylor, it’s pretty stupid for Camille to be up her ass now.

(btw I watched that episode today - Camille outed Taylor’s abusive husband and he made Taylor pay for it. LVP pretended to befriend Taylor, without owning up to her part. Soon after, Taylor left her husband and he killed himself.)

See I don’t think that example really tracks. In the clip you see Camille being pretty aggressive during that revelation. I do believe they may have discussed the issue among each other cause it’s so serious and discussed how it could be brought up but I don’t think Lisa wanted Camille to just randomly drop the bomb the way she did.  I think that’s why till you see LVP denying it cause I don’t believe for one second that Lisa wanted it brought up in that way. Camille was practically scolding Taylor about something else and used Taylor’s abuse as a way to explain to Camille the things they “don’t” say... I’m not 100% clear on how that went down but Camille did not bring up that information in a nurturing way. So I don’t blame LVP for saying “oh no no my dear I never meant for you to wield it at her in that type of setting, I did not tell you to do that”

  • Love 24
43 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I have a different take on Camille.  I think the women all have an agreement to not say certain things about each other on camera.  Camille comes out and just spills all the tea; and the woman are all like OMG.  Denise said she doesn't scream at her kids, when unseen footage showed otherwise.  

The Atlanta and New York Housewives go off on each other, while Beverly Hills doesn't, that's why this franchise is boring to me.  No tea.

Camille said that Denise "curses" at her kids.  Denise admits to screaming after saying it calmly 50 times.  

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2 hours ago, Rhetorica said:

I came in this season after puppygate and the beginning of the lvp drama.  So did Dotitt really give the dog to a kill shelter? And what's up with Teddi's role?  These women exhaust me... 

This is the worst season and the worst cast. Long story short, Dorit gave away an adopted dog, Teddi schemed to shame Dorit with LVPs employees but ended up alone in her effort so she blamed LVP, LVP was sick of talking about it and quit. Honestly, I'd recommend going back to season 1 and watching up to season 8. Skip season 9. 

2 minutes ago, sunshine23 said:


6. Teddi - BORING. but she has crawled up Kyle's ass because it means she'll still have a diamond next season

I'm not convinced she'll be back. She seems universally hated. 

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6 minutes ago, Door County Cherry said:

Yep.  What made me laugh is that a few seconds later she was calling Dorit phony and acting hurt about how they bitched about her in the van after coming to her wedding! 

So if she only did it for production reasons, she can't get insulted when the girls are doing their jobs as well at that wedding. 

And how deeply hurt she was that Lisa didn't attend!

Lisa, as in one of the "any of them"s that she didn't want attending her wedding.



I thought it was pretty rich to hear Kyle tell someone to stop riding the fence. Kyle herself is the biggest offender of any franchise in that regard. IMO.

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1 minute ago, Maire said:

Andy must really be pissed at Lisa for not showing up because he had all the clips and comments against her on the tip of his tongue.

He must have really struggled with how to hold her accountable for bailing on the show and reunion...LVP still has a show with Bravo and she's extremely popular, but he seemed to take the gloves off.

  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

So you like Camille calling them out for being fake while being fake herself? She lied over and over about her motives with wanting to be around them all season and had no problem faking it thinking she was gonna be a housewife again. Then when shit hit the fan she tried to throw everything and the kitchen sink out trying to save herself. She’s beyond fake who could be friends with her or trust her she can lie and smile right to your face with a dagger behind her back. She’s not calling out her own hypocrisy this season and only wanting them around for camera time while lying saying she was wanting to be their friends. 

Take away that blonde hair and what have you got?  An “old lady face”.  She got 50 mil from Kelsey, and every week has some nasty thing to say about him.  Sour grapes much?  I wouldn’t trust her with a secret as she spills out nasty things about everyone.  Relentless.

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3 minutes ago, sunshine23 said:

Yup! They're all fake!!!! I hate to spoil the secret but the only "reality" in this show/franchise is the "real" in the title.  If they're going to show Camille being fake, show the others being fake as well. At least Camille called them out on their fakeness (real word?) and meanness. She may have gone off the rails a little, but I agreed with her message. She only said what most of us have been saying here.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Its nice to see the others get their comuppance.

I only wonder if she'll be back because she's being BFF with Kyle and Kyle will fight for her.

But the difference is she was caught and trying to save her ass she wasn’t trying NOT to be fake she actually outed herself. So she’s calling them fake while trying to cover her fakeness 

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2 minutes ago, sunshine23 said:

I only wonder if she'll be back because she's being BFF with Kyle and Kyle will fight for her.

I think Kyle loves being on this show too much to stick her neck out for anyone. I don't doubt Kyle would lie to Teddi and say she fought for her, but no way would she risk her relationship with Bravo for anyone.

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1 minute ago, Yours Truly said:

Okay so are we really gonna pretend that we don’t know what losing one’s temper looks like?? No really? Instead Camille is on something. All that bitch looked was mad and getting more and more frustrated. I hate the gaslighting Denise was pulling. “OMG what is wrong with her? Is she on something?”

No bitch she’s just mad. Seems pretty clear to me.. 🙄

And as for Camille saying her invitations had to do with production while it was a bit messy it was her way of knocking down Dorit saying stuff like “then don’t be fake about trying to be my friend and invite me to share important dates in your life” So Camille just broke it down and pretty much said “oh please bitch, that’s  not me being fake you know damn well part of that decision has to do with filming so pretending to believe that’s me trying to be BFFs you is rich..” 🙄

But then they show Camille actually telling dorit that she wanted to be her friend so which is the lie? 

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Okay so are we really gonna pretend that we don’t know what losing one’s temper looks like?? No really? Instead Camille is on something. All that bitch looked was mad and getting more and more frustrated. I hate the gaslighting Denise was pulling. “OMG what is wrong with her? Is she on something?”

No bitch she’s just mad. Seems pretty clear to me.. 🙄

And as for Camille saying her invitations had to do with production while it was a bit messy it was her way of knocking down Dorit saying stuff like “then don’t be fake about trying to be my friend and invite me to share important dates in your life” So Camille just broke it down and pretty much said “oh please bitch, that’s  not me being fake you know damn well part of that decision has to do with filming so pretending to believe that’s me trying to be BFFs you is rich..” 🙄

I would agree except she began to rip her dress of in the middle of the room.

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12 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

This is a very unpopular opinion, but I feel bad for Teddi.  Everyone is always calling her out, numerous times for the same infractions.  Most of the ladies have really let her have it over the past few seasons.   No wonder she feels insecure about her place in the group. 

I’m with you - hope she comes back!

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

But then they show Camille actually telling dorit that she wanted to be her friend so which is the lie? 

1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

But then they show Camille actually telling dorit that she wanted to be her friend so which is the lie? 

Camille said she was trying and I get that. You can try and make progress then something happens that makes you revert back to your original misgivings.. That what Camille has said throughout the season. She’s tried and they’ve gotten along on occasion but then Dorit would do something that would turn her off but then again there’s that pesky detail that requires filming together so to me it just looked like Camille was just trying to get along with her as best as she could throughout the season but then DRAMA and then all bets are off. 

I mean these equations aren’t really that hard. 💁🏻‍♀️

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1 minute ago, Beachdreamer said:

I would agree except she began to rip her dress of in the middle of the room.

How else is Camille supposed to rip off the microphone pack that's taped to the inside of her dress so that she can toss it down on the ground in a proper reality TV reunion storm off huff? That's, like, Storming Off Set 101. Kyle and Teddi may not understand what a "performance persona" is but I bet even they know that. 

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56 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I just read last week that he was heavily in debt because of her and her lifestyle and her (cough, cough) dancing career, or whatever it is she calls it.

See, I always thought a "career" was supposed to help pay the bills, not put you in debt. If she had an ounce of talent, perhaps it wouldn't be so damn expensive.

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8 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Camille said she was trying and I get that. You can try and make progress then something happens that makes you revert back to your original misgivings.. That what Camille has said throughout the season. She’s tried and they’ve gotten along on occasion but then Dorit would do something that would turn her off but then again there’s that pesky detail that requires filming together so to me it just looked like Camille was just trying to get along with her as best as she could throughout the season but then DRAMA and then all bets are off. 

I mean these equations aren’t really that hard. 💁🏻‍♀️

She wasn’t trying she was being fake she didn’t want any of the housewives at her wedding but made one a bridesmaid? You dislike dorit so much yet tell her you like her then let it slip you were faking the whole time? She came on wanting air time. She talked shit about dorit behind her back then had the nerve to say let’s be friends come to my wedding. Camille is fake the whole season her being “friends” with these girls was fake she wanted to be on tv so she jockeyed her position to get that air time and being on whatever the hell she was on tonight let it slip she was faking the whole friendship thin with them ALL season. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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45 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

So you like Camille calling them out for being fake while being fake herself? She lied over and over about her motives with wanting to be around them all season and had no problem faking it thinking she was gonna be a housewife again. Then when shit hit the fan she tried to throw everything and the kitchen sink out trying to save herself. She’s beyond fake who could be friends with her or trust her she can lie and smile right to your face with a dagger behind her back. She’s not calling out her own hypocrisy this season and only wanting them around for camera time while lying saying she was wanting to be their friends. 

I honestly don't know why Camille wants to be a Housewife again. She's not a likable personality at all. The only time she was when she was being fake for the cameras and had hired Howard Bragman to repair her image.

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1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She wasn’t trying she was being fake she didn’t want any of f the housewives at her wedding but made one a bridesmaid? You dislike dorit so much yet tell her you like her then let it slip you were faking the whole time? She came on wanting air time. She talked shot about dorit behind her back then had the nerve to say let’s be friends come to my wedding. Camille is fake the whole season her bein “friends” with these girls was fake she wanted to be on tv. 

Reality TV anyone??? 

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Kelsey is beyond nasty to her. They share children yet he wants to erase her from existence, wants her to change her last name, cheated on her, set her up on a reality show just so he could cheat on her and later leave her on national tv, couldnt even contact her after the house she shares with their children burned to the ground. She deserves to be as sour as she wants towards him.

I know Kesley did her wrong, but Camille took it a little far sticking it to him for my tastes. She should show more respect for the father of her children imo. She said a lot of humiliating things about him. She has a pattern of going below the belt-talking about personal things like their sex life, his privates, LVP's breath this season. She has every right to be sour, but I think the reason he refuses to have anything to do with her is because she was not only hateful when it happened and the pain was fresh, she continued to be hateful many years later. Camille didn't behave in a way that suggested she wanted an amicable relationship with him. If she had just been open about what he did to her and the pain he caused, we would have all been 100% on her side about it. When she gets so nasty, some of us start to feel more for Kelsey. 

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Just now, Keywestclubkid said:

She wasn’t trying she was being fake she didn’t want any of f the housewives at her wedding but made one a bridesmaid? You dislike dorit so much yet tell her you like her then let it slip you were faking the whole time? She came on wanting air time. She talked shot about dorit behind her back then had the nerve to say let’s be friends come to my wedding. Camille is fake the whole season her bein “friends” with these girls was fake she wanted to be on tv. 

I totally agree. How can Camille be so outraged at the ladies talking about her after her wedding when she didn't even want them their in the first place? If I were Kyle, I'd be really hurt that I a bridesmaid at someone's wedding who didn't even want me there.

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1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She wasn’t trying she was being fake she didn’t want any of f the housewives at her wedding but made one a bridesmaid? You dislike dorit so much yet tell her you like her then let it slip you were faking the whole time? She came on wanting air time. She talked shot about dorit behind her back then had the nerve to say let’s be friends come to my wedding. Camille is fake the whole season her bein “friends” with these girls was fake she wanted to be on tv. 

Isn't that what they all want? 

Hey, Camille came on with some hustle. I can respect that more than throwing the same person under the same bus over and over and over and over. And then meeting up for lunch six months later to do it one. more. time. 

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I don't think Camille was out of control when she was trying to get rid of her mic and had to open the back of her dress to do it.

She knew she was gonna keep running her mouth and she wanted to do it privately. Not a big deal.

But it was a perfect example of being your own worst enemy because that footage will be thrown in her face Forever. 

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39 minutes ago, Dutchgirl said:

He must have really struggled with how to hold her accountable for bailing on the show and reunion...LVP still has a show with Bravo and she's extremely popular, but he seemed to take the gloves off.

The ratings for BH have been good without her.  And she ended up getting a real bad edit for bailing.  I am so done hearing about Puppy-gate.  It was time for her to go.  The cast does need a shake-up and a shorter season where things aren't dragged on and on.

Edited by tealeaves
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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Isn't that what they all want? 

Hey, Camille came on with some hustle. I can respect that more than throwing the same person under the same bus over and over and over and over. And then meeting up for lunch six months later to do it one. more. time. 

But Camille would happily do that would definitely go to lunch 6 months later and eat with a shit eating grin she played herself into a corner and this episode over played her hand and showed just how fake she was all along. She burns herself without meaning to screaming I wanted to mend friendships that’s why I wanted her has a bridesmaid then in the next breath saying the only reason any of you were there is because of production which was it? Camille isn’t being real all the sudden she was flustered and got caught in a lie and let it slip her real motives. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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2 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I know Kesley did her wrong, but Camille took it a little far sticking it to him for my tastes. She should show more respect for the father of her children imo. She said a lot of humiliating things about him. She has a pattern of going below the belt-talking about personal things like their sex life, his privates, LVP's breath this season. She has every right to be sour, but I think the reason he refuses to have anything to do with her is because she was not only hateful when it happened and the pain was fresh, she continued to be hateful many years later. Camille didn't behave in a way that suggested she wanted an amicable relationship with him. If she had just been open about what he did to her and the pain he caused, we would have all been 100% on her side about it. When she gets so nasty, some of us start to feel more for Kelsey. 

I wonder if Camille is subconsciously taking out the anger she feels towards Kesley on the other woman. It's clear that both of them can't seem to let go of their negative feelings towards each other, even though they both are now married other people.

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