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Porsha Stewart: Least Likely to Become a History Professor

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HAHAHA!! In her dreams. I've never seen any large numbers for her except when she was married to Kordell. She was seen using an EBT food stamp card at Kroger as recently as fall of 2013.

Is there a pic or a link to a pic? Or is this just gossip?

Yeah, "upscale" is the word I think of first when I see Porsha.

But "Stupid" is not a magazine yet.

She can't be too stupid. She picked a great agent who got her on the cover of a magazine that has also been graced by the First Lady of the United States.

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She admitted using it. But says she was shopping for someone else. I want to know who in Porsha's circle is on food stamps?


In my town, if you use an EBT card, you first have to show ID to prove it's yours. Otherwise, they'd be stolen all the time. She used it, admitted it.... her story of shopping for someone else doesn't fly.

If she's so rich, she could be buying a friend their groceries with her money, and helping them out so they could save their EBT balance. But she didn't.

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She admitted using it. But says she was shopping for someone else. I want to know who in Porsha's circle is on food stamps?


In my town, if you use an EBT card, you first have to show ID to prove it's yours. Otherwise, they'd be stolen all the time. She used it, admitted it.... her story of shopping for someone else doesn't fly.

Ok so gossip then. Thanks.

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How's it gossip if she and her camp admitted she used it?

There's not one direct quote in that story. Her camp is vague and there's no way to know if this camp contains actual friends/family or some enemy that wants to further gossip about her.

Had I known the standard for truth was so low, I would have posted some real good tea on Kenya and Claudia a long time ago. :D Just saying.

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She may not even know about that site. I perused it and it looks like a bargain basement page six. A bunch of made up stories, guesses, and gossip. I had never even heard of it before today. I doubt they have a big readership. Not even worth responding, IMO.

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The fact is, folks, that we're experiencing alchemy here: People can actually turn cow manure to gold. Porsha became a player when she pulled that hair. Everybody, but everybody, hated Kenya. I cheered. I'm as non violent as the next, but I did.

She makes my head spin; not quite the pious Spoiled Bougie Princess married to a prince she seemed. There's a there there; just not sure where it's located.

Still, the voice, the clothes, the pouting, the cleavage, the hair -- that kewpie doll thing just spells "stupid" to me. Wildly prejudiced.

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I searched the net and every site that carried the story got their information from rumorfix. No one has any substantiated proof that she actually was seen using the card.

Snopes says it only a hearsay rumor and no one has any proof nor has she actually admitted to such.

Edited by Aging Goth
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I saw that earlier. Is he a good guy? I don't know much about sports so I have no clue who he is, or if he will be good for her or bad for her.

I don't know, unless he plays for the Falcons and I can ask some of my friends who follow them.

ETA: I missed that he plays for the Buffalo Bills. Which are in New York. Not Atlanta. Better brush up on your geography, Porsha.

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A lot of folks still act like Porsha is some type of idiot.  I think not.  Even when blindsided by her sudden divorce, she picked herself up and got busy making money, getting jobs, selling and promoting the clothes on her back and hitting the talk show circuit.  All the while, she even got her peach back.  People say she is just following behind Nene.  She is.  She learned.  She learned well.

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Yes, she has started making great business decisions lately; however, her own mouth has proven that she's dumb.  I know several people at my own job who are great at what they do, but it doesn't change the fact that they are idiots when it comes to everything else.

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Porsha has a business manager, PR person who is the one responsible for getting her these jobs. Send in a demo tape of her work on the show, on the Ricky Smiley show, photos from her modeling shoots... I'd hire her without talking to her if I wanted a beautiful woman to represent something I was selling.

I don't think she's an idiot. But anyone who doesn't know what the Underground Railroad is, given her family, is not very smart.

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It wasn't just that one, Aging Goth. There were quite a few others caught on film during RHoA, but no telling how many in real life. Remember her talking about her "comportions"?

"Guilty until proven guilty"

"Malice content"

"Fraudulent slip"


It got to the point where I'd wait each week to see what she'd say next. She's entertaining, I'll give her that. And no one is saying she isn't accomplished. If I had her looks and a good PR person, you'd be seeing me on the cover of Food & Wine or Bon Apetit, and with my own cooking show. :)

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It wasn't just that one, Aging Goth. There were quite a few others caught on film during RHoA, but no telling how many in real life. Remember her talking about her "comportions"?

"Guilty until proven guilty"

"Malice content"

"Fraudulent slip"

Not saying she didn't fall over her words but that does not make her a moron by no means.  She at least owned up to her word vomit and moved on to bring herself up.  My old boss who graduated as valedictorian of her college used to literally destroy the English language do to where she came from and how her family said things.  it was just as noticed as Porsha's word salad but no one saw her as stupid because she showed them she was intelligent in other ways.  So has Porsha.  She owned the fact that she falls over her words sometimes but being on Dish Nation has enabled her to work on that.  But she is a very serious business woman and always thinking of ways to boost her brand. so....  No she isn't stupid simply because she falls over some words or mushes up her history.

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And she still got her peach back LOL.

Porsha's a bit of a village idiot, but she has drive and has always seemed good hearted. The only time I recalled she displayed an evil streak was when she arrived late when meeting Cynthia.

Production tricks. They give different call times to start drama. I thought this was widely known.

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I can't stand Porsha. I hate seeing her, hearing her. I have to change channels when she comes on.

Thanks Satan Andy, for bringing her back. Maybe I'm supposed to learn tolerance and patience? Not happening

I like her.  She's usually always happy and smiling and having fun...unless someone messes with her, and even if they do it doesn't seem like she holds grudges.  She'll just go to the next gathering and if they are there she still tries to enjoy herself.

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My irritation with Porsha has less to do with her and more to do with her family that let her get to be this age and be a pretty idiot. I think they were all so certain that she was going to be a trophy wife that they never challenged her to use her brain.

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I can't stand how she refuses to apologize for anything. Yes, I think she was being slightly shady, but Cynthia definitely overreacted. That doesn't change the fact that she felt some type of way and it wouldn't have killed Porsha to acknowledge that. She knows what it's like to be on edge due to a divorce situation, and she could have even done a half ass, 'I'm sorry if you felt...' She still never offered an honest apology for putting her hands on Kenya.

She's just dumb, immature, and trashy, imo.

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Like I said in the ep. thread, she's got a hair-trigger temper and will punch your lights out over the smallest thing. I think she's history after this season, if she even makes it to the end. And I bet the woman will press charges, doesn't matter if the cops were called or not.

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So how will the blame game be laid out this time for Porsha acting like gutter trash? What excuses will be used to reason away the fact that, once again, she is a thug criminal who likes to assault people?

Get rid of her already. She doesn't add anything to the show besides thotthug, dumbass behavior.

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So how will the blame game be laid out this time for Porsha acting like gutter trash? What excuses will be used to reason away the fact that, once again, she is a thug criminal who likes to assault people?

Get rid of her already. She doesn't add anything to the show besides thotthug, dumbass behavior.

Yes, you are right.  She should show more class like Cynthia and just kick someone in the stomach or act like Kenya and just bully someone and then play the victim.

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Yes, you are right. She should show more class like Cynthia and just kick someone in the stomach or act like Kenya and just bully someone and then play the victim.

None of that excuses the fact that this is her THIRD physical altercation with as many different people in as many years. It's not everyone else's fault all the time, and shame on whomever taught her this is ok. She has shown a pattern of violent behavior. If it was some random person in the criminal justice system (where batterers end up), surely 3 strikes mean something and all would not be forgiven. Do you think the judge cares if people think Cynthia is classless or Kenya plays victim? I wouldn't want to take a job with a person who thinks it's acceptable to fight coworkers, nor with an employer who allows it. If it was Kenya pulling hair or putting fingers in faces, having to be held down by three grown women, then two grown men, would there be as much attempt to finger point and blame others? I say NO with surety.

Children in elementary school know enough not to attack and get in others' space. I hope this most recent victim presses charges.

Edited by sunsheyen
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I think most would agree that Cynthia overreacted, but it boggles my mind to suggest that she was more at fault for that fiasco on the boat than Porsha was. That thug was looming over her in a very threatening manner, getting right up in Cynthia's face...and we all know her propensity for violence. What was Cynthia supposed to do? She wanted to get that raging animal the hell away from her!

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I re-watched the scene and I'm just not getting intentional violence from Cynthia. I think she saw someone coming at her and she kicked out. She overreacted, but it looked to me like she was worried Porsha was going to hit her (which, let's face it, wouldn't be out of character). 

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It's not Porsha's fault. It's Kenya's fault for making so her mad over a year ago she couldn't help but react when her friend did something to piss her off.


It's never Porsha's fault, which is why she never learned to say "I'm sorry."

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I can't stand how she refuses to apologize for anything. Yes, I think she was being slightly shady, but Cynthia definitely overreacted. That doesn't change the fact that she felt some type of way and it wouldn't have killed Porsha to acknowledge that. She knows what it's like to be on edge due to a divorce situation, and she could have even done a half ass, 'I'm sorry if you felt...' She still never offered an honest apology for putting her hands on Kenya.

She's just dumb, immature, and trashy, imo.

  ... and Porsha wallows in it gladly.

Porsha is going to have to seriously consider going into MMA- another fight with another "friend"  http://allthingsrh.com/porsha-williams-gets-in-physical-altercation-with-a-friend/

Porsha attacked someone b/c she didn't like the man who was with her guest? Oy!
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But how long does one brain fart have to over shadow her accomplishments?


For as long as she remains on the show? Ramona Singer is a millionaire. She still says dumb shit, and people make fun of her for it. For as long as Porsha stays on the air or in the public eye, she's gon' get these jokes about her stupidity.


My irritation with Porsha has less to do with her and more to do with her family that let her get to be this age and be a pretty idiot. I think they were all so certain that she was going to be a trophy wife that they never challenged her to use her brain.


Yup. I guess it's working out for her? It's amazing what a 28" Brazilian wavy, bomb contouring, and a smidgen of booty injections* allow for. 


It's not Porsha's fault. It's Kenya's fault for making so her mad over a year ago she couldn't help but react when her friend did something to piss her off.


It's never Porsha's fault, which is why she never learned to say "I'm sorry."


Pretttyyyyy much!



*Yes, a smidgen. Porsha wasn't toting it several seasons ago the ways she's toting it now. 

Edited by Mozelle
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