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NeNe Leakes: "Bloop!"

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Pollock, as Showthyme stated, NeNe has had plenty of warnings before a lien was placed on her assets. Each year, you are sent paperwork at the first of the year, and you must file your tax return by April 15. If you don't pay your taxes, you get a notice that you must pay them by a certain date. Or else. She knew she owed the money but decided not to pay it. She may or may not have an accountant, and if she does, that accountant may have filed to pay them later or in installments (I think you can do that), but the IRS will only wait for so long. Heck, Gregg may have been doing their tax returns. LOL

It's not that she was being dishonest, she was just being lazy and thinking she was above the law. Gets 'em every time!

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Guess she's not as rich as she thought.

On 8/18/2016 at 9:57 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

I'm (hood) rich, bitch.   Think about how much she made to owe 824?  Sheeeeiiiii for that kind of cash, she needed to have an accountant living in Bryson's empty room.


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On 8/18/2016 at 8:20 PM, Iguessnot said:

Too busy buying Hermes plates, Range Rovers and other outward signs of wealth instead of hiring a good CPA and making sure Uncle Sam gets his cut before spending lavishly.


On 8/20/2016 at 4:14 AM, Pollock said:

Is the IRS so complex to get in the US that a lot of people have that problem? I'm really asking, no snark, I'm not american and reading regularly on TMZ that whomever is being warned by the IRS, it strikes me as a little bit odd. I mean, all the celebrities to whom those tax liens are sent can't be all dishonests? Or their accountant scamers?

Or am I super naive on this to think there is good faith on their part and that they just didn't get it because it's incomprehensible? Do regular and honest people like you here happened to receive those too?

The thing is that NeNe's income has been slowly ticking up for the better part of a decade. She shouldn't be in this situation so late in the game.

  1. She should have been working with a decent CPA or tax professional for at least the last 5 years or so. 2010 was when she separated from Gregg. The divorce was finalized in 2011. We all know that taxes and financial considerations were the chief motivation for that divorce. It is sheer stupidity if she somehow didn't think to reorganize her finances when she and Gregg remarried. She needs to have a CPA working closely with her management.
  2. She also probably should have formed a corporation that could receive payment for her services (I'm rusty on the details because the last time I can recall reading up on this subject was a corporations class in law school. Many entertainers and athletes form corporations that get paid the entertainer's or athlete's salary. The corporation is taxed lower than the highest personal income rate of nearly 40% and entertainer or athlete works for the corporation and has other benefits that I can't recall).
  3. She needs to be on an allowance. As many dead celebrities prove time after time, the quickest way to solve the estate's solvency problem is to stop the spending. Dead celebrities don't spend. NeNe spends too damn much. First, she's new to wealth (we'll call it that even though she's not getting paid in any way that would make me think she's wealthy) and doesn't get that this might not last too long. Second, she's always been covetous and jealous. She's getting paid between 2 and 3 million a year for right now. She probably only 3 or 4 more years left of earning that much a year. Third, I get no sense that she's invested any of her money in stocks, bonds, or other investments. She's running all over the universe trying to prove her hustle. She doesn't get that really rich people tend not spend their money stupidly and try to earn their money as passively as possible. I remember that whole house that she had furnished in LA. She should have been a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment at the most. But her spending is killing her.

I'm surprised the one attorney in Atlanta, Randy Kessler, wasn't able to advise her better. Maybe he only does family law.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Second, she's always been covetous and jealous

Which is why she'll be broke in no time. I agree with all of your points, she is one of these people who had a bunch of money thrown at her all of a sudden and she thinks life will always be like that. I predict she'll be broke before she knows what hit her.

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On 8/20/2016 at 5:14 AM, Pollock said:

Is the IRS so complex to get in the US that a lot of people have that problem? I'm really asking, no snark, I'm not american and reading regularly on TMZ that whomever is being warned by the IRS, it strikes me as a little bit odd. I mean, all the celebrities to whom those tax liens are sent can't be all dishonests? Or their accountant scamers?

Or am I super naive on this to think there is good faith on their part and that they just didn't get it because it's incomprehensible? Do regular and honest people like you here happened to receive those too?

Yeah girl, it can get pretty complex because everybody's obligation is dependent upon the regulations that apply to whatever their specific income source(s) are.   The IRS is a legitimate pain in the ass about making sure those regulations change almost annually, to the government's benefit and it's our responsiblity to keep up with changes to the code.  So if you buy a boat, own a house, adopted a baby, sold stock, became a landlord, hell if you have piggybank, you damn near need a tax attorney to make sure you're meeting your obligation.   For anyone who's ever had a legal job in America, it's not incomprehensible at all.  Non self-employed taxpayers have an amount of federal taxes deducted from their pay that estimates what they'll owe the government at the end of that earnings year.   The goal is to deduct an amount beyond what you think you'll owe so that you're not only not surprised by a bill, but are entitled to receive that overpayment back. Piggybacking on what Hunterhunted said, Nene has absolutely no business getting caught out there.   Her pay increases though sharp were incremental.   It's multiplication, her deductions needed to keep pace.   But she did what a lot of people do to keep more of their money up front.     At a certain income level, you make too much money to be entitled to a refund, so the deductions are just about keeping your obligation from being y'uge.   The sheltering options hunter mentioned are also not secrets, she could've gotten some advice from her friend Trump about how to avoid paying taxes at all and where to hide the cash. 

Hood rich.   Winning a $10M lottery, buying a $6M house and going broke because you invested in depreciating assets (see also mtv's cribs) and now you don't have money left to pay the property taxes.    Meanwhile Warren Buffet lives in the same unremarkable yet lovely brick-front house he's had for the last 60 years.  

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1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:


Hood rich.   Winning a $10M lottery, buying a $6M house and going broke because you invested in depreciating assets (see also mtv's cribs) and now you don't have money left to pay the property taxes.    Meanwhile Warren Buffet lives in the same unremarkable yet lovely brick-front house he's had for the last 60 years.  

They don't even "buy" a house. They probably utilized some stupid balloon mortgage at a lousy rate so all they have are payments, payments and more payments and nothing solid to their name. I never could figure out why Nene didn't buy some kind of house at the beginning, yet when she decides to leave RH she buys a ridiculously expensive house with her earning potential going forward rather questionable.

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NeNe and Gregg don't need a huge house. It's not like they  have staff working there. And their deadbeat son lives elsewhere, right? A nice modest home that's one story, so Gregg doesn't have to climb stairs, with a couple of spare bedrooms, an office, a pool,  is all they need.

I just saw on FB where Todd Chrisley owes more than $590K in back taxes. There must be something in the water in Atlanta.

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5 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

NeNe and Gregg don't need a huge house. It's not like they  have staff working there. And their deadbeat son lives elsewhere, right? A nice modest home that's one story, so Gregg doesn't have to climb stairs, with a couple of spare bedrooms, an office, a pool,  is all they need.

NeNe has always been so insecure. She places her own value on material things. Didn't she get evicted from one of those McMansions she rented when she was just earning BRAVO money? Obviously she hasn't learned anything on how to manage her money. And that husband of hers is an idiot. Just along for the ride.  I knew she would go broke, it's just sooner than expected. 

She will continue to deny, deny, though. Just let someone ask her about her financial situation and watch her start yelling and screaming....

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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

NeNe and Gregg don't need a huge house. It's not like they  have staff working there. And their deadbeat son lives elsewhere, right? A nice modest home that's one story, so Gregg doesn't have to climb stairs, with a couple of spare bedrooms, an office, a pool,  is all they need.

I just saw on FB where Todd Chrisley owes more than $590K in back taxes. There must be something in the water in Atlanta.

Nene said she wasn't even cleaning the smaller houses they were renting, so why would they acquire a large house that will need extra help to do what she won't. And with Gregg seeming to be in the early stages of dementia, I don't know why she would take on such a heavy financial burden.

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She doesn't get that really rich people tend not spend their money stupidly and try to earn their money as passively as possible. I remember that whole house that she had furnished in LA. She should have been a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment at the most. But her spending is killing her.

I'm surprised the one attorney in Atlanta, Randy Kessler, wasn't able to advise her better. Maybe he only does family law.

Maybe Randy tried to advise NeNe but she didn't listen. We all know how hardheaded she can be.

And yes, that's exactly how the rich stay winning. Unfortunately, it's a common tale with new money people. Mostly athletes. They grow up dirt poor, get into a high tax bracket, and proceed to act the financial fool. The prodigal son ain't got shit on them.

I always said that if I was ever blessed to be rich, I'd be the cheapest rich person. I'd still shop at thrift stores, clip coupons, and spend wisely. Either buy an apartment or a modest home. No one needs a mcmansion. Then again, I was/am privileged. I was taught how to save/learned from other people's money woes. NeNe needed to pay close attention to Kandi. Kandi lived in the same house since she was 17. She only upgraded once she married, and she paid cash.

But this is what happens when you try to keep up with the Jones's when you're one degree removed from being a Jenkins.

Edited by Sheenieb
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The easiest way to avoid the IRS if you are self-employed is to simply take half off the top every time you get a check and send it to the IRS. Anyone who has been raised to be financially conservative or that has an even halfway decent FA or accountant takes this approach . Unfortunately, for folks who have not, they treat the IRS like they were the light, cable, or phone company or the local repo man. That approach is "they'll have to find me or cut my shit off before I'll pay them". What most regular people don't get is that the IRS is gangster. If you don't pay, they start assessing fees and penalties pretty quickly, and you can go from owing $200k to $400k in no time. When it gets really ugly they will show up at your place and take everything that can be sold (leaving behind literally only your dirty drawers) in order to satisfy your debt.  Clearly she never read Confessions of a Tax Collector, because if she had, she would know that this is not the group to mess with.

Edited by Rlb8031
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7 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I have heard that as well if you send money preemptively or let them roll over any refund they are more lenient if you fuck up on a form. 

@cooksdelight I meant did nene work or doing anything of relevance after stripping before she got the show. 

She slept with Gregg......  LOL

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Actually, she did go into acting just before she got the nod for RHOA.  She did a few bit parts in a couple of movies and a TV show.  From her book, she started stripping when she escaped her abusive boyfriend and left her regular job so he couldn't find her.  She stated that the stripping job was a way to work without being out in the open.

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She stated that the stripping job was a way to work without being out in the open.

LOL!!! I'm sorry, but that's way, way out in the open as you can get. Working in an office building somewhere with security would have been the way to go. But I doubt she has typing or telephone skills. Beyond talking on her glittery iPhone.

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41 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

LOL!!! I'm sorry, but that's way, way out in the open as you can get. Working in an office building somewhere with security would have been the way to go. But I doubt she has typing or telephone skills. Beyond talking on her glittery iPhone.

When you're a stripper you're paid in money, work nights, and there's usually a big ass man guarding the door.  Even if Nene were able to find a job in a secure building, half the security guards in my big ass city are either obese old men, women under 25, and old ass people who don't care about their job anymore. I'd feel safer with the big man holding the door.

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Ya'll know I don't bat for Nene but I was just coming to say how shrewd a move I think this was.    A couple years ago a woman with a restraining order against a violent ex husband was stabbed to death in front of our (her/my) office building.   He knew her schedule, she'd altered it slightly to arrive at work an hour earlier than normal, by 7am.   Nobody knows how long he'd been waiting because it was dark when he started, but he waited.   The building lobby is floor to ceiling panoramic glass.   Building's opened 24/7 and manned by security 24/7.    This was outside/curbside, by the time security got to him and he'd been restrained, she was gone.    Nene changed one of the things her ex knew for sure, added a big burly dude at the door and an entrance that (maybe) could've been seen from the stage.    Not to say he couldn'tve gotten to her at home but that might've involved quitting his job.  This whole convo sounds crazy, I just meant to say it was a super smart move on her part.

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I was reading her bio and he must've doe a number on her as she had to sneak her and her son out of the apt they shared, call to say she was not going back to her job and hide across town at a friend's house (that he didn't know) until she could find a safe place to work.  How many women would have even thought to do what she did to keep her and her son safe.

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On 9/9/2016 at 9:41 AM, cooksdelight said:

@Aging Goth, is there a link somewhere online to her book? I'd like to read some of it. I tried finding info on the restraining order and came up empty. But I did find this little gem. 


I found information on it on her site and brought the book.  It is a very interesting read and does show some insight on why she covets the rich life so much and why she truly loves Greg.  It point out that Greg "saved" her from the life she was living.  She has no regret to being a stripper but it wasn't the life she wanted.  It was something she had to do at the time.  here a link to one of her books

Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Lessons on Love and Life Learned the Hard Way Hardcover – August 11, 2009  https://www.amazon.com/Never-Make-Same-Mistake-Twice-ebook/dp/1439167303/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1473681154&sr=1-1&keywords=nene+leakes+book

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On August 18, 2016 at 8:57 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

I'm (hood) rich, bitch.   Think about how much she made to owe 824?  Sheeeeiiiii for that kind of cash, she needed to have an accountant living in Bryson's empty room.

If she didn't file at all (and that's not clear from the press reports), then the IRS figure is based on income reported to them with nothing other than standard deductions taken out.  Presumably she has/had expenses to offset some of the income (did she take acting lessons? That might be deductible for a self-employed "actress" for example).   There are so many ways for the actual rich to limit their taxes, it's mind boggling that this happens so often to celebrities and athletes.

You would have to be pretty stupid to not file, but then again........one of the articles I read said her husband hadn't paid off a 4 year old tax lien.

wonder when the State of GA will get around to filing its own tax lien?

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I feel for her on that. I was in an abusive relationship as well. No one ever thinks when they fall in love or get married and idealistic they'll be beat. That changes a person forever. And when you leave -hide -rebuild - situations change, scars fade- even after you'll always....deep down never be the same.  

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25 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

She has a stage act?  Doing what?

I think she's doing stand up comedy now.  I remember she was at BB King's in NYC.  I saw a huge line going into see her...not me.

Edited by Neurochick
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3 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

ooh sounds like a salty jobless bitch. 

Guess Broadway and Ryan Murphy aint calling no more. 

The tour sold out. Clearly people want to see Nene. The thing I like the most about Nene is that more than most other housewives, she recognizes that she's the product. She knows that you can write books or make all the booze, clothes, jewelry, or whatever that you want, but no one is buying any of that shit if they don't like the person selling it.*

There were complaints about the show on Ticket Master. People didn't think it had enough jokes. I think if she had called it something else (like not a comedy show), people's expectations might have been different. Henry Rollins has done these spoken word tours that are probably similar to Nene's show. His tours have some jokes, some stories, and some Q &A. If it had been called the Tea Time with Nene Tour, people would have been a lot happier with the shows. You would have expected some gossip and shade and probably some funny stories too. If she also managed to tell a decent joke or two, it would feel like the cherry on the sundae.

*The caveat being unless the product is good and actually competitive. 

Historical aside: Mark Twain had a speaking tour that is a lot like what Nene is doing. It was some jokes, funny stories, and some Q & A. He went on tour because he, like Nene, was massively in debt and needed the money.

Edited by HunterHunted
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LOL no idea there was a "tour" going on. anyway, for those who care, here are the reviews on Ticketmaster (mostly poor) of two of her shows. I don't know how many she actually did or will do but I stand by my comment of Broadway and Ryan Murphy not calling anymore. Seems like folks are not impressed with what she had to offer. If she had a talent, a la Henry Rollins, then maybe she would have more material than hatefulness and bloops.

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No surprise she's filed for bankruptcy. She spent money on stupid stuff, didn't manage her finances at all.



She owes around a million in taxes, the bankruptcy filing was 1996 so she's still responsible for paying those taxes. I guess she probably wishes she hadn't burned all the bridges she has with people who tried to help her.

Edited by cooksdelight
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Too bad she wasn't more careful. Out of all of this franchise's housewives, she did seem to do the best job at branding herself.

In the end, it doesn't matter how much you are making, or how much you have, if you aren't careful and don't live within your means, it will come back and get you in the end.

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16 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

LOL no idea there was a "tour" going on. anyway, for those who care, here are the reviews on Ticketmaster (mostly poor) of two of her shows. I don't know how many she actually did or will do but I stand by my comment of Broadway and Ryan Murphy not calling anymore. Seems like folks are not impressed with what she had to offer. If she had a talent, a la Henry Rollins, then maybe she would have more material than hatefulness and bloops.



So forgettable

Howard Theatre

 - Washington , DC

 - Sun, Nov 6, 2016

Posted 11/09/2016

by Disappointed8889

This Fan's Reviews

This was the worst show that I had ever attended. No scripted material just off the cuff heckling of the audience members and Q&A about HWOA. Not what I paid for or expected. Nene seemed to have no direction of where the show was going or any control over it. A total waist of time and money!

Favorite moment: Going to the restroom

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10 hours ago, AndySmith said:

Too bad she wasn't more careful. Out of all of this franchise's housewives, she did seem to do the best job at branding herself.

In the end, it doesn't matter how much you are making, or how much you have, if you aren't careful and don't live within your means, it will come back and get you in the end.

This.  That bankruptcy article says she turned down $2.5M for Season 9 of RHOA.   I'm blown.   Who the hell else is courting you to do nothing but be your silly ass self for two million dollars and 5 months of "work"?

12 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Too bad NeNe dissed Tyler Perry back when she couldn't reach him on the phone -- remember that? She would have had a solid career teaming up with him in one of his shows or movies.

Man I totally missed this, so I went to see if there was some more gristle about it.    Look lol!  My work server doesn't like this but if ya'll can see this video please tell me if it's as delicious as the writing sounds. 


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This.  That bankruptcy article says she turned down $2.5M for Season 9 of RHOA.   I'm blown.   Who the hell else is courting you to do nothing but be your silly ass self for two million dollars and 5 months of "work"?

Really bad decision for her. While she out of all the Housewives from all the different franchises has been able to maximize her exposure outside of the franchise the most, lets keep things real. Without this show keeping people afloat in the public eye, there isn't much of a post-Housewives career waiting for them. The best they can hope for is a spin-off on Bravo (see Kim Z from Atlanta, Lisa VDP from BH, Caroline from NJ). The best thing for any of these women is to stay on their shows for as long as they can try to build a brand then sell it off the way Bethany did. And shit, even she came back to her show after leaving!

In the thread for the first episode of season 9, I pointed out that Kandi was the richest of the Atlanta series, and by a wide margin. But love or hate her, Kandi isn't just the richest, she also seems the smartest with her money. She know what she can and cannot afford and lives within what she has. I do wonder how long Kenya, Porsha, and Shiree think they can afford to live in these huge mansions, especially once the show is done and gone. All of these women, Nene included, need to follow Kandi's lead and learn to be more careful with their money and try to spend on what they can afford. And if you can't afford it? Suck it up and accept it.

Edited by AndySmith
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