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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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I m so looking forward to when Nicole or David is crowned as favorite houseguest.

But, they really, really need to vote of who is the most hated houseguest (It might be and 8 way tie, sorry Sam.p, I meant a 9 way tie)

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I’m glad Nicole is giving it to Bella but it might not make the air show. It might not fit AG storyline of a strong Nicole. Because we all know AG likes to tell the truth on BB.

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1 minute ago, Stats Queen said:

I m so looking forward to when Nicole or David is crowned as favorite houseguest.

But, they really, really need to vote of who is the most hated houseguest (It might be an 8 way tie, sorry Sam, I meant a 9 way tie)

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17 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm really glad I'm not actually watching any of this because I know it would infuriate me; it already infuriates me reading about it.

I wish I had time stamped Nick telling Bella to shut up. You would have liked that!

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

I don't know if this is real but Holly and Analyse don't seem entirely comfortable with this Nicole bullying anymore.

They said last night that on a personal level, they feel bad. But for their game, they need to just let it happen.


Tommy, Christie, and Jack in the storage room are saying that they know Bella is dumping this shit on Nicole to cover her own ass.

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Ohhhh, Christie is now rallying that she is not going to take someone who is willing to take a shot at them. They believe Nicole about Bella being the liar and snake. 

Christie is not voting out Nicole. Jack said I won't either. 
She won't keep someone , Cliff, who has vocally said he will go against the couples.

There is life for Nicole !! Small but there. 

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I wouldn't get too excited about Christie turning on Bella. This was her and Tommy's plan all along - this is just the first time I've heard Jack involved. There was always hope for Nicole. Cliff has been Christie and Tommy's target for this week since this all began.

Edited by Callaphera
clarified a bit
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Well, Bella or Sam better not win HOH next because Bella or Nick need to leave next week. I am so done with both of them, and it sounds like every single person is done as well (and for good reason).

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Um, we have Kitteh Cam. 

I put a sad face on because I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts (as usual). Thanks for watching this for me! Hate to see/read the kitty cam ...

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Just now, IndyMischa said:

Late ish veto? 

Either that or Grod is coming over the loudspeaker to tell them all to cool it because the #stormArea51BigBrotherHouse posts are heating up on the Tweeter.

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I read earlier that it was so hot where the house is located that they were trying to schedule Veto after it began to cool down but before BBAD was to start.

That kitten that wants out to play with the other one is kinda sad. Let him out to play, too, jerks.

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Just now, Christina said:

That kitten that wants out to play with the other one is kinda sad. Let him out to play, too, jerks.

Right? It doesn't help that he looks like my 15 pound monster of fluff and anxiety, just in kitteh form. I feel the same way watching that little tuxie paw through the cage for freedom as I do watching Nicole cry.

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38 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ooh, Tommy/Jack/Christie talking in the storage room about how they're not okay with Bella's bullying anymore.

DR probably clued them in. They are production favorites. 

I absolutely love that Nicole told Bella she was uneducated. 

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Okay, there is absolutely no reason anyone should sit through all 10 (!!!) parts of the Nick/Nicole/Bella... discussion (with bonus Tommy, Holly, Kat, and a random appearance by an end table) BUT if you really do want to see parts of this discussion, watch Parts 7 and 8 because that's when Nicole has no fucks to give and starts bringing the heat to Bella. 

Blessed are the 'clippers (in this case and once again, ParadigmBoxer on r/BigBrother) because there's no fucking way I could have the stomach or patience for this:

Part One: https://streamable.com/bn3gq
Part Two: https://streamable.com/2sef4
Part Three: https://streamable.com/vz27k
Part Four: https://streamable.com/zv2zu
Part Five: https://streamable.com/ln1mm
Part Six: https://streamable.com/dj50n
Part Seven (where Nicole levels up in her bad-ass skill): https://streamable.com/6nbuy
Part Eight (where Nicole continues having a backbone): https://streamable.com/91f62
Part Nine: https://streamable.com/n9erk
Part Ten: https://streamable.com/c3f1r

CBS I cares. So please, for your mental health, step back if you need to. Besides it's very repetitive after awhile. But Parts Seven and Eight are worth it. 

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I tried to watch the feeds last night and today, but it was so gross I couldn't. I really wish they'd get the edit they deserve for being such raging douchecanoes. I wish Nicole didn't have to spend time with these assholes.

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Tommy used the word “misconstrution.” I’m pretty sure that isn’t an actual word. For those keeping track is the word “literally” being used in a heinously incorrect manner, as in “I am literally tearing my hair out over that bitch”?

Edited by TimWil
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6 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Tommy used the word “misconstrution.” I’m pretty sure that isn’t an actual word. For those keeping track is the word “literally” being used in a heinously incorrect manner, as in “I am literally tearing my hair out over that bitch”?

Like, the real, like, literally. Not, like, the, like, figuratively literally. Like. Literally.

Real talk: yes. Not as often as the word "like" is thrown around (if I had a nickel for every time...). Once in awhile they use literally correctly but I think that's a "a stopped clock is right twice a day" thing. 

Edited by Callaphera
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19 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Streamable links! Get your streamable links here! Just in case any non-live feed watchers wanna see for yourself what all the fuss was about today plus flashback times for the feedsters if they want to take the hit straight to the dome:

Ovi talks to Jack/Christie/Tommy after they tell him to scram because game talk (2019-07-12 5:26 pm BBT): https://streamable.com/j4sv8

H8ful + Sam talk about Nicole in the HoH room and form the super alliance The Nasty 9 (okay, it's Unde9able but fuck them, amirite?) (2019-07-12 6:32 pm BBT)
Part One: https://streamable.com/rnfa5
Part Two: https://streamable.com/xjxw4
Part Three: https://streamable.com/ly0qs

David takes on Christie and Jack re: Ovi and the No Game Talk (2019-07-12 7:19 BBT): https://streamable.com/vwvbe

Christie and Tommy steamroll Nicole (2019-07-12 11:07 pm BBT)
Part One: https://streamable.com/pbs0v
Part Two: https://streamable.com/3swsz
Part Three: https://streamable.com/40e60

Wanna break your heart a little? Here's Kat being an awesome person consoling a crying Nicole (2019-07-12 11:26 pm BBT):
Part One: https://streamable.com/5te81
Part Two: https://streamable.com/3rbj9
Part Three: https://streamable.com/6kmia

Watch Tommy mediate Bella steamrolling Nicole and then running like a little bitch when Nicole tries to speak (2019-07-13 12:18 am BBT): https://streamable.com/ejudy

Nicole turns her sadness into anger with Kemi for a postmortem on the Bella rant (2019-07-13 12:28 am BBT): https://streamable.com/up32m

Watch Tommy's postmortem on the Bella rant with Christie and Jack (2019-07-13 12:39 am BBT): https://streamable.com/t47y4

Shoutout to ParadigmBoxer on r/BigBrother for clipping all of that. 

thanks for these.   god, I hate these fucking people!

Nick is right, there are sociopaths in the house - but Nicole is not one of them.  

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33 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Tommy used the word “misconstrution.” I’m pretty sure that isn’t an actual word. For those keeping track is the word “literally” being used in a heinously incorrect manner, as in “I am literally tearing my hair out over that bitch”?

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

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3 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

I literally miss the days of "type thing."

Just go over to MTV, he's on the Challenge now and he is just as big of a bitch now as he was then.

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Most of the houseguests are in the bathroom talking about the veto and Nicole is alone in the bedroom.  Doesn't look like she even played. 🙁

Edited by zenithwit
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You guys.

Sam: "She goes: 'We hear everything you guys say about us', she walked away and then said 'So stop talking shit'."

Holly: "She said 'We hear everything you say about us so stop talking shit about us'."

I love you, Kaitlyn. 

And yes, it was a puzzle comp.

Edited by Callaphera
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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

You guys.

Sam: "She goes: 'We hear everything you guys say about us', she walked away and then said 'So stop talking shit'."

Holly: "She said 'We hear everything you say about us so stop talking shit about us'."

I love you, Kaitlyn. 

And yes, it was a puzzle comp.

LOL They're talking about Kathryn?

I LOVE her.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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Christie is talking to Analyse and Holly in the target room about how she will not vote out Nicole no matter who comes down because she doesn't believe that Nicole was the biggest liar in the Nicole/Bella issue. Analyse and Holly are agreeing with her in this moment.

2 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

LOL They're talking about Kathryn?

I LOVE her.

BB20's Kaitlyn, who broke protocol and said, "I can't play favourites" but also dragged them a bit. 

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

BB20's Kaitlyn, who broke protocol and said, "I can't play favourites" but also dragged them a bit. 

... Now I'm confused how they know what Kaitlyn said?

Whatever, I love that crazy little ball of namaste also.

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4 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

... Now I'm confused how they know what Kaitlyn said?

Whatever, I love that crazy little ball of namaste also.

Kaitlyn hosted a puzzle comp Veto. Somehow throughout the course of her visit, Kaitlyn said that they were bigger than they looked on TV (because Tyler called them shorter than he thought), she was nice to Cliff but said she couldn't play favourites, and told them all that "they" (meaning the BB20 cast) can hear what the BB21 cast says, so stop talking shit about the BB20 people. 

Also Christie's angel number is 16 and she prayed and sniffed her armpits and had a sign that she wasn't going to win but admitted that she did talk shit about BB20's Kaitlyn at some point so that's probably why she didn't win because Kaitlyn's mojo outdid Christie's mojo or some new age-y bullshit.

But all that really matters is that Kat won a puzzle comp Veto hosted by Kaitlyn. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Jack and Jackson are down with keeping Nicole.

Jack: "They're trying to get rid of the one witness to all of their bad shit. And so did we." (um? Did the DR talk to him?)


Jackson: "We're six, they [Nick and Bella] are two."

I... I'm kinda rooting for Jack and Son at the moment just because I want to keep Nicole. 

Edited by Callaphera
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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Kaitlyn hosted a puzzle comp Veto. Somehow throughout the course of her visit, Kaitlyn said that they were bigger than they looked on TV (because Tyler called them shorter than he thought), she was nice to Cliff but said she couldn't play favourites, and told them all that "they" (meaning the BB20 cast) can hear what the BB21 cast says, so stop talking shit about the BB20 people. 

Also Christie's angel number is 16 and she prayed and sniffed her armpits and had a sign that she wasn't going to win but admitted that she did talk shit about BB20's Kaitlyn at some point so that's probably why she didn't win because Kaitlyn's mojo outdid Christie's mojo or some new age-y bullshit.

But all that really matters is that Kat won a puzzle comp Veto hosted by Kaitlyn. 

Good lord it's better than I was imagining.

They really need to stop bringing back people from BB20 though. All it does is remind me more than I'm reminding myself how much better last season was.

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Nicole is going to blow her chance to survive by enlisting Kemi's help. Another one who will bury herself. There is already a plan in place to save her and it is going t turn against her. 
This is a bad bad idea.

On another note, speaking about language, this is the first season I can remember  where the houseguest use the word regardless correctly. Haven't heard an irregardless once.

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2 minutes ago, missyb said:

Nicole is going to blow her chance to survive by enlisting Kemi's help. Another one who will bury herself. There is already a plan in place to save her and it is going t turn against her. 
This is a bad bad idea.

She is too impatient. Just chill for a bit.

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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Kat: "I'm so excited. Brett is going to be so proud." And then she broke the Veto necklace. 

She's going to lose her mind if Brett shows up to host one of these vetoes. I was hoping for him tonight.

Actually how much you wanna bet that Winston comes along too to pull a Rachel Reilly "Nobody comes between me and my MAN!"?

Edited by vb68
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Christie and Jack are talking in the HoH bathroom (at one point, he was shouting from in the can and she was shouting back from the shower). 

How long until Analyse starts whining about it?

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