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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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16 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I don't understand what the point would be of telling them now, unless they're trying to prepare them for the backlash they'll be facing when they get out, and giving them a small chance to redeem themselves. (Given today's vicious climate, that's not totally a bad idea.)

Still, the main damage has already been done. It's too late for the Jacks to NOT kick out 4 minorities in a row. 

Maybe it's not even true, of course. It could just be wishful thinking. 

CBS has seen a huge strong backlash on all social media about this Season's cast and numerous articles that have been way less than favorable.  Way more than in previous years I'd say.  But rather than try to intentionally get them to change their behavior by telling them what is being said and how they are being perceived they should have handed out some punishments, or penalty noms or heck even booted them for some of the violent comments we all have heard them make, imho.  

In BBUK and AU they'd do the 'punish the whole house' for the wrongs of some behaviors.  Like putting them on 'rationing' with staple foods only, turning off the hot water, limiting their use of electricity.  Could you imagine the hue and cry that would go on if they did that sort of thing here?  It certainly would bring on some real peer pressure too, lol.  

Edited by LuvizBlind
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32 minutes ago, LuvizBlind said:

CBS has seen a huge strong backlash on all social media about this Season's cast and numerous articles that have been way less than favorable.  Way more than in previous years I'd say.  But rather than try to intentionally get them to change their behavior by telling them what is being said and how they are being perceived they should have handed out some punishments, or penalty noms or heck even booted them for some of the violent comments we all have heard them make, imho.  

In BBUK and AU they'd do the 'punish the whole house' for the wrongs of some behaviors.  Like putting them on 'rationing' with staple foods only, turning off the hot water, limiting their use of electricity.  Could you imagine the hue and cry that would go on if they did that sort of thing here?  It certainly would bring on some real peer pressure too, lol.  

And guess what? It might persuade them to vote out the instigators instead of being in awe

1 minute ago, zorak said:

Jackson:  "I have no appetite.  I literally have no appetite."  Has Hell frozen over?

They’ve been told what viewers are saying. It’s obvious now.

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11 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jackson:  "I have no appetite.  I literally have no appetite."  Has Hell frozen over?

He was throwing up yesterday in the HoH bathroom and someone (Jessica? Probably. Jessica is always trying to be up in his business) figured that he had food poisoning.

So, it took a week and a half but the 16 hour table chicken finally came back to haunt him. That or the Ghost of Raven.

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The rumor is that it is a new member of production who is changing things up this season to let them know about what America is saying about them. I don't really have a problem with it, per se, but it shouldn't be this secret shit. They should just do what Love Island did and post a couple of comments about them from social media and have them guess who each comment was about. 

IF they're going to reveal it to them, that is. I don't think it necessarily changes the dynamic of the game too much to let them know that people think that they're racist assholes, but it DOES change the game in SOME fashion and so it is noticeable enough that they shouldn't try to hide it and have it be like Cartman in that episode where he thinks he is a "ginger" and decides that all non-gingers must die but then Kyle tells him that they just dyed his hair red while he was sleeping and then Cartman suddenly changes his behavior dramatically right away. 


That's really what some of these house guests sound like with this new setup. "Yeah, haha, rice pudding! Good one, Jack!" "Oh man, you guys, that really wasn't cool what Jack said about rice pudding. I had no idea that that was a racist comment, but when I found out, I made sure to tell him that we don't think that way and that's not okay to say." 

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9 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

The rumor is that it is a new member of production who is changing things up this season to let them know about what America is saying about them. I don't really have a problem with it, per se, but it shouldn't be this secret shit. They should just do what Love Island did and post a couple of comments about them from social media and have them guess who each comment was about. 

Interesting... though I am curious if Vegas pops up in the near future and says something...

In other news... Jessica was upstairs with Kat and Holly doing masks and started reading the directions in Spanish, because... Jessica... then apparently read something surprising, then said, "Hey guys remember when I was reading the instructions in Spanish and and I was all like what?" Because... Jessica.  Hey ya'll, remember that one time in BB21 when we were all like, "Who cast these people?" and everyone else was like, "What?!"  I just can't with her.  I'm trying to watch this crap, but it's just not good.  Or entertaining.  

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Jackson:  "It breaks my heart that someone could sit here and say I'm disrespectful to women." Kat, Holly, and Jess are in there with him telling him he's not a bad guy.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Jackson:  "It breaks my heart that someone could sit here and say I'm disrespectful to women." Kat, Holly, and Jess are in there with him telling him he's not a bad guy.

Boy, how is he going to feel when confronted with the video of him being disrespectful to women. 

Oh, wait. He'll do what they all do: claim that we don't see everything that happens so we can't understand the whole truth to the story. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Boy, how is he going to feel when confronted with the video of him being disrespectful to women. 

Oh, wait. He'll do what they all do: claim that we don't see everything that happens so we can't understand the whole truth to the story. 

He'll be fine once he hires Jess as his PR rep. "Ladies and gentlemen, it had been SO long since I had worked out. I just had to scream at Holly for making me wait to fuck her while she was dealing with what looked to be a sexually transmitted disease."

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9 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

He'll be fine once he hires Jess as his PR rep. "Ladies and gentlemen, it had been SO long since I had worked out. I just had to scream at Holly for making me wait to fuck her while she was dealing with what looked to be a sexually transmitted disease."

Jessica: "So, like, in a moment? My, like, client will be here to, like, make a statement or something? So, like, if you could all, like, take your seats? That would be, like, super awesome. HOLA, MI FAMILIA!"

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Jackson can’t understand how someone would think he’s disrespectful to woman. I’m guessing production gave him the heads up and now he’s trying to do damage control because he knows the shit will hit the fan when enters the real world in September. I guess he’s been like this for so long and was never told otherwise. 

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Jackson is really lucky that Kat wasn't all that into him and is fairly easygoing and has a sense of humor about things, including being dumped on BB before the feeds even come on. He fucked her, treated her like crap, dumped her, then bragged on the feeds about fucking her and trying to ghost her. Can you imagine doing that to the S18 girls like Nicole Franzel or Zakiyah? Or Kaitlyn and Bayleigh from last year? Or BB14's Danielle Murphee? Or Amanda? Or actually, any girl with the "normal" amount of expectation that a guy who jumps into bed with you should treat you with a certain level of respect.

But Kat is just a sample size of 1. What bothered me more was him pressuring Holly to have sex when she told him about the rashes, the doctor's orders to abstain for at least 3 days, and to let her have that medicated lotion that she was using. That's when he really turned into a raging douchebag for me.

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14 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

What bothered me more was him pressuring Holly to have sex when she told him about the rashes, the doctor's orders to abstain for at least 3 days, and to let her have that medicated lotion that she was using. That's when he really turned into a raging douchebag for me.

But it was a personal problem for him, @Growsonwalls. He wasn't being disrespectful, selfish and inconsiderate; it was an issue that required dealing with ASAP as possible.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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3 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

But it was a personal problem for him, @Growsonwalls. He wasn't being disrespectful, selfish and inconsiderate; it was an issue that required dealing with ASAP as possible.

Well the next time a fuck buddy of mine declares himself out of commission with a rash in his junk, I'm going to use that line. "Fuck me, because it's a personal problem that needs to be solved ASAP!" 

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Holly admitted that she didn't even use the medicine provided to her and the rash cleared up all on its own! And all I could think of was that Jackson's Old Spice deodorant covered junk probably killed off whatever was festering down there. 

Old Spice: It's the new Windex. 

Edited by Callaphera
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So apparently Holly and Kat were venting about Analyse earlier. They were saying that she is a big flirt and that she flirts with Jack, Jackson, Nick, and even with Christie. I was reading about this on twitter and most of the comments were, "They're just jealous because Analyse is so beautiful."

OK, here's my unpopular opinion. I do not think Analyse is pretty. I think her looks are very overrated and I'm tired of reading everywhere that everyone is just jealous, or it's okay if she stinks because she's hot anyway, or she's one of the most beautiful girls to ever be on BB.


Glad I got that off my chest. And, no, I'm not just jealous. As a matter of fact I'd rather have my face than hers. I'll take her body, though. 

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Well if (and it is a big fat if at this point) that rumor proves true and they told the Sick Six something of what America thinks of them then BB is officially dead.  The whole point is to keep them entirely isolated from the rest of the world.

Yeah production cheats and manipulates the game all the time but this would be crossing the very last line left that made the show even remotely interesting.

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7 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

So apparently Holly and Kat were venting about Analyse earlier. They were saying that she is a big flirt and that she flirts with Jack, Jackson, Nick, and even with Christie. I was reading about this on twitter and most of the comments were, "They're just jealous because Analyse is so beautiful."

OK, here's my unpopular opinion. I do not think Analyse is pretty. I think her looks are very overrated and I'm tired of reading everywhere that everyone is just jealous, or it's okay if she stinks because she's hot anyway, or she's one of the most beautiful girls to ever be on BB.


Glad I got that off my chest. And, no, I'm not just jealous. As a matter of fact I'd rather have my face than hers. I'll take her body, though. 

I agree, really the only two women in the house right now that I find attractive are Nicole and Kat (Though Kat eating scabs is pretty damn gross.).  It's funny I was saying that to my buddy the other day (The same one who said Analyse couldn't stink because she is hot) that I found Kat and Nicole attractive.  He agreed with me on Kat, but he said I was blind if I thought Nicole was hot.

I mean I don't know, maybe Nicole is plain compared to other "hotter" women but I always like the nerdier girls.  I am a big sucker for a woman who wears glasses and no that is not some freaky fetish...at least I hope it isn't.  It would be a weird one if it was.

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6 hours ago, Scout Finch said:
7 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Well now I have "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" stuck in my head for probably hours.  Thanks, Cliff.  Thanks everybody.

Tony Orlando is all, “Whatevs. Just knock three times on the ceiling if you want me.”

OMG.  With all this yellow ribbon song talk, all I could think of was "I think that 'knock three times' song from Tony Orlando would be more appropriate for the BB house. " Isn't that one about sleeping around?

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On 7/24/2019 at 9:02 PM, Dance4Life said:

I had a super vivid dream about this cast.

Long read...ugh! 🤣

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Super weird but I had a huge dream about BB.

Seems like I went in as some kind of ‘Host’ ‘All Stars’ persona.  They knew who I was but I was meeting them for the first time.

 Seems like  I was doing skits with them so there was ‘Production prep work’ to be done with the HGs.

This is what I remember from my dream. ( Not all HGs were in my dream) Just the ones I am mentioning.

-Holly seemed to be a huge narcissist bitch.  She was down for everything because she wanted a lot of airtime.

-I told Holly I was surprised by her camera-whoring enthusiasm.  Since there was very little of Holly shown  during the episodes BB aired.  During the first weeks of BBAD she never even made an episode.  Holly  totally flipped out and became enraged at Production.

-There seemed to be a pecking order regarding the rooms.  There were 3 main rooms. There was a big room everyone slept in ....but most complained because it was super cluttered.  It also sucked to be around other people’s less desirable habits and behaviors.  But, HGs felt they needed to be in there for the sake of socializing. But, they hated the room and constantly bitched about it. 

-The other room was smaller but it was a tight group of friends.  The mood seemed cheerier and friendships more genuine. In this room I remember Tommy talking to me about it. (I was getting a tour of the house it seems) Tommy was very nice to me.

-The smaller semi private room had been taken over by a female HG.  She was a HUGE diva and would not allow anyone else to sleep in there.  Production....allowed it because this female HG was also suffering from a sudden illness. She needed a lot of quiet time to nap frequently.  I got the impression it was pregnancy.  When I looked in the room it was dark and a female was under the covers sleeping.  It seemed like Kat to me.  (Or, even Holly) 

-This tv project I was supposed to be working on required a HG to assigned me ‘my part.’ Seemed like we were acting out a skit on female characters.  I never got my character and went looking for this HG.  As other HGs were already working on their skits.  This HG acted like a total bitch to me.  About how she told me my character. (She did not) This character’s name was ‘Araminta.’ She yelled and cussed me out. Called me a liar. Told me to Fck off and stop trying to make her look bad on TV.

This HG seemed to be Jessica. While I was walking towards Production area some HGs told me that she (Jessica) was very unlikeable and nobody cared for her.  They said she was loud and lazy.  And, that during the ‘live shows’ she put on a fake nice persona. 

By the time I got to Production....

Holly was in there shouting at the Producers why she was not dominating the episodes...?  Holly said, ‘I didn’t come here to be a commoner.  I was promised I was going to be the Star of the Show.

(This is what I remember and my husband woke me up)

 Analyse was in my dream, too......’as a pretty brunette’....but, I cannot recall my interaction with her. I think she looked on while ‘Jessica’ shouted at me with a sympathetic sweet face. And, made nasty faces at Jessica.

This is totally awesome!  The most vivid BB dream I ever had was when I was sitting at a sidewalk cafe with Jordan Lloyd and we ended up making out.  (This is before she and Jeff were married.)  Nothing serious, it just seemed to happen.

This is odd, as I've never really been attached to Jordan.  At least, not consciously.

Not even a patch on the dream in which I was dating Taylor Swift and we were being chased by bad guys who wanted to steal giant blocks of ice by towing them behind motorcycles.  No, apparently they'd never heard of the concept of "a refrigerated truck or train".  I didn't question it in the dream, just wondered what was up with that when I woke up.  (Taylor and I got away safely, you'll be glad to hear.)

I don't recall very many of my dreams…which is probably for the best.

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1 hour ago, green said:

Well if (and it is a big fat if at this point) that rumor proves true and they told the Sick Six something of what America thinks of them then BB is officially dead.  The whole point is to keep them entirely isolated from the rest of the world.

Yeah production cheats and manipulates the game all the time but this would be crossing the very last line left that made the show even remotely interesting.

They told the HGs in BB15 about how the racism was coming across. This is pretty similar to that. 

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1 hour ago, BK1978 said:

I mean I don't know, maybe Nicole is plain compared to other "hotter" women but I always like the nerdier girls.  I am a big sucker for a woman who wears glasses and no that is not some freaky fetish...at least I hope it isn't.  It would be a weird one if it was.

Specs appeal. A lot of people dig it. I've gotten compliments on my (imo stylish) retro-y nerd glasses on more than one occasion, from guys and gals alike. Totally not a weird fetish thing.

I think glasses fit Nicole, personally. She's got a personality that works with them.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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Poor Analyse was complaining earlier to Christie about how she feels like she's being used by Jack (it takes two to tango, honey). Please note that this was after the fifth documented "shower" they've had together and pair that with Analyse saying that she's never in her life had an orgasm during sexy fun times. 

So now we know why Jack's ex is an ex and that sex ed has failed one or both of them. 

Oh and for the record (or the 97th time he's said it this season), Jack likes Analyse, he thinks she's beautiful and wonderful and all that - but Christie is the person who he gravitated to. The person who understands him. The person who feels him. The person that is there for him. And Tommy, too, but mainly Christie. 

Edited by Callaphera
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On 7/25/2019 at 5:34 PM, Dance4Life said:

You wrote. He just wanted to be the “Scary Black Dude”.....  who could survive in a game that hasn’t been easy for black men to do well in. 

Are you African American???

(btw: David already gave an interview and answered why he was crying)

Sorry about the delay (remember, I only read this thread after the fact).  I would have let this slide, but I see this isn't the only poster who misconstrued my OP, so I should clarify.

I did not mean that David wanted to portray himself as a "Scary Black Dude";  he certainly did nothing of that sort.  I meant that in a game where straight black males do poorly because the white HGs are too easily willing to (wrongly) view them as "Scary Black Dudes" (hence the sarcastic quotes), David might have felt an exceptional desire to succeed and overcome past instances of racism.  

I mean I don't know if David was aware of Amanda's attempts to brand Howard as a sexual harasser or Jacob calling Parker a "snake", but if he was, he might have realized that his road would be more difficult because of who he was.  And thus he felt extra pressure to defy those odds, and extra disappointment when he didn't…not so much because of any social failings but because he finished last (or tied for last) in both of the comps he competed in.

Or…he might not have.  This is nothing but spec.  And no, I haven't read his interviews.  (Or anyone's.) Although I'm not certain that his explanations would necessarily be completely true…he could be reluctant to bring up race if it hasn't already been an issue.

But JMO.  And apologies for any confusion, or anyone who took offense because I wasn't clear enough.  My bad.

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11 hours ago, mikewho said:

Just think of 'Single Ladies' and it will go away. Or any other song that was used to death at every wedding reception. Maybe 'Electric Slide'?

My own personal “white noise” song to drown out all others is “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida”.

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Quick hits from tonight:

  • According to Jessica (who was talking to Nicole), Sam called Nicole and Kat "bottom feeders". Note that Jessica isn't a bottom feeder because like all straight shooters - which Christie and Jessica are - she's riding the middle, I guess? lol, okay Jess, sure. 
  • Cliff is trolling Jackson by putting peanut butter jars in the fridge. I guess Jackson was complaining about how many jars of peanut butter were in the fridge at some point (even though, if I remember correctly, Jackson is the one that needs his peanut butter refrigerated) so Cliff added two more jars. Jackson saw two more jars of peanut butter in the fridge and had a mini moment of rage. Jack asked him if he needed a hug, Jackson laughed it off and left the room, and Cliff put two more jars of peanut butter in the fridge. BUT WHAT IF WE ALL PUT OUR SHAKER BOTTLES IN THE FRIDGE, KEMI?
  • Jackson believes that Analyse's problem (and reason for saying bad things about Jackson) is because... Jackson doesn't give her the flirty attention he thinks she wants from him? I - sure, buddy. Suuuure. Also Analyse reminds Jackson of all of his old girlfriends. You know the type, the ones that will be sliding into some other guy's DMs but freaks out when Jackson follows some rando chick on Instagram. 
  • Sam is mad because someone *coughJacksoncough* is drinking all the milk that the HNs use and he was considerate enough not to touch it while the others were HNs last week. Sam knows he can ask for more milk in the DR and he has but it's still not faaaair.
  • Nicole and Sam walked into the HoH room earlier tonight when Jack and Analyse were having "shower time". So that happened.
  • Sixth bullet point was reserved for the news that the 6 Sh66ters are going to... stop hanging around each other so they don't seem to be an alliance. Again. Like they decide every other day even though we know tomorrow all six of them will be in a room together and the "bottom feeders" will still be like, "Wow, so wacky how that keeps happening IN THIS HOUSE THAT HAS NO SIDES ON DAY 43."
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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

My own personal “white noise” song to drown out all others is “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida”.

I have some kind of music playing in my head every minute I'm awake. Right now it's "Do what you want" by Nellie Furtado, for no earthly reason. I've never figured out how to stop my constant earworms, or why I have them. 

For sheer mental torture, nothing can beat the 3 day train trip I once took from Winnipeg to Montreal, during every single second of which my brain played "Muskrat Love" by the Captain and Tenille. 

Wonderful recap, Callephera. So to sum up the last 24 hours: peanut butter in fridge, not enough milk, Jackson's a jerk, suicidal bee. This is riveting stuff! How many weeks left? 

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On 7/25/2019 at 10:52 PM, Dmarie019 said:

Christie says no way is Jackson the first to do [pee himself in an endurance contest]. 

He is though, right??

Most famously, Dr. Will peed himself in the F4 endurance comp in S2, where he and Monica outlasted Nicole (who freaked out over the banner plane accusing her of having gotten inappropriate with Hardy).  Once Nicole was out, Will threw it to Monica.

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6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

They told the HGs in BB15 about how the racism was coming across. This is pretty similar to that. 

Did that have any effect?  I don't remember any changing of the vile behavior.

43 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I have some kind of music playing in my head every minute I'm awake. Right now it's "Do what you want" by Nellie Furtado, for no earthly reason. I've never figured out how to stop my constant earworms, or why I have them. 

For sheer mental torture, nothing can beat the 3 day train trip I once took from Winnipeg to Montreal, during every single second of which my brain played "Muskrat Love" by the Captain and Tenille. 

Wonderful recap, Callephera.  - such excitement!

Same here.  I listen to music all day and carry my iPod when I'm out so those annoying earworms are quickly replaced 🙂 

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8 hours ago, Blissfool said:

OK, here's my unpopular opinion. I do not think Analyse is pretty. I think her looks are very overrated and I'm tired of reading everywhere that everyone is just jealous, or it's okay if she stinks because she's hot anyway, or she's one of the most beautiful girls to ever be on BB.

Let me sit next to you, as I think the same thing!  She could be the most beautiful woman in the world but the fact that she's the owner of a tart lady part is what turns me off.

14 hours ago, Lamima said:

Just think of 'Single Ladies' and it will go away. Or any other song that was used to death at every wedding reception. Maybe 'Electric Slide'?

How about the godawful 'We Are Family'?  Jesus, I always want to machete someone whenever I hear it.

Edited by Vixenstud
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8 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I agree, really the only two women in the house right now that I find attractive are Nicole and Kat (Though Kat eating scabs is pretty damn gross.).  It's funny I was saying that to my buddy the other day (The same one who said Analyse couldn't stink because she is hot) that I found Kat and Nicole attractive.  He agreed with me on Kat, but he said I was blind if I thought Nicole was hot.

I mean I don't know, maybe Nicole is plain compared to other "hotter" women but I always like the nerdier girls.  I am a big sucker for a woman who wears glasses and no that is not some freaky fetish...at least I hope it isn't.  It would be a weird one if it was.

That's sweet....I think Nicole is attractive as well in a nerd-like way.

Actually, Christie is attractive; she just has an ugly soul.  Jess is cute too.

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8 hours ago, Blissfool said:

OK, here's my unpopular opinion. I do not think Analyse is pretty. I think her looks are very overrated and I'm tired of reading everywhere that everyone is just jealous, or it's okay if she stinks because she's hot anyway, or she's one of the most beautiful girls to ever be on BB.

Me with Angela last season lol. I think Analyse is stunning but her nonexistent forehead kinda ruins it. Sorry not sorry!

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8 hours ago, green said:

Well if (and it is a big fat if at this point) that rumor proves true and they told the Sick Six something of what America thinks of them then BB is officially dead.  The whole point is to keep them entirely isolated from the rest of the world.

Yeah production cheats and manipulates the game all the time but this would be crossing the very last line left that made the show even remotely interesting.

1000% agree.  You can't tell me that with all the psych testing and interviews the cast members go through to get on the show, not to mention production checking out the cast's social media and everything else, that the blatant grossness of this potential cast never came to light before they were chosen?  So if they were chosen anyway because they might be controversial (which makes for "good" tv), and production knew this and cast them anyway - not only should the cast not get warned about how they are coming across, Big Brother should absolutely be prepared for backlash, viewership decline and all the bad press they deserve.

Sorry for the bold and italics, LOL. But they can't have it both ways - put together a cast of people for controversy, and then warn them that that same controversy is rubbing the audience the wrong way.  I feel like if you're a decent human being and you see bad stuff happening, you don't necessarily have to confront it like Ovi did (although I am so glad that he did), but you can choose to not participate.  It's possible to choose NOT to join the disgusting herd mentality.  If you do choose to participate in racist, misogynistic, or general awful behavior, then go for it - but those people shouldn't be warned that what they are doing is gross.  They know what they signed up for.  The fallout for some of these people is going to be harsh but -- to quote the great Heather B from the original Real World - "they used what we gave them."


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5 minutes ago, Nashville said:

This is actually an adorable video. When I saw they had peanut butter chex I literally thought of Tyler always dipping chex into peanut butter lol. Also, the peanut butter chex are awesome so everyone try them if you haven't yet.

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14 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Me with Angela last season lol.

We are truly sisters from another mister Peachy, 'cause I said the same thing!  Angela was handsome at best with a peach fuzz mustache that I couldn't avoid.

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22 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

A while ago when I used to swing.  Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah  Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah 

Nope, nothing registered after that opener.

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17 hours ago, Nashville said:

‘Round her neck she wears a yeller ribbon,
She wears it in winter and the summer so they say,
If you ask her "Why the decoration?"
She'll say "It's for my lover who is fur, fur away.

— "Round Her Neck She Wears a Yeller Ribbon" - an Army marching song, © 1917 by George A. Norton.

Ahhh... brings back memories! Don't forget "A Yellow Bird" and "I wanna live a life of danger...", good times. 

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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:
  • Nicole and Sam walked into the HoH room earlier tonight when Jack and Analyse were having "shower time". So that happened

Sam told Analyse later and she was embarrassed. He told her, "we really didn't hear anything. I've heard Nick and Bella doing it. You guys must be boring."


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3 minutes ago, xKHANx said:

Ahhh... brings back memories! Don't forget "A Yellow Bird" and "I wanna live a life of danger...", good times. 

Actually, isn’t it a little bird - with a yellow bill? 😉 

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38 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

This is actually an adorable video. When I saw they had peanut butter chex I literally thought of Tyler always dipping chex into peanut butter lol. Also, the peanut butter chex are awesome so everyone try them if you haven't yet.

Yup - and next to this current crop of miscreants, Tyler comes off looking as innocent as a newborn.

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48 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Me with Angela last season lol. I think Analyse is stunning but her nonexistent forehead kinda ruins it. Sorry not sorry!

Man, Blandgela. I never got the appeal there. It was like people were talking about a different female. Different strokes, I suppose.

Analyse is cute despite the weird forehead, but girls like her are dime a dozen on California campuses. 

I haven't turned the feeds on for days but my significant other mentioned that Jackson is now showing signs of being bulimic. 

Edited by Cutty
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12 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Sam told Analyse later and she was embarrassed. He told her, "we really didn't hear anything. I've heard Nick and Bella doing it. You guys must be boring."


Okay, now I like Sam all over again. 🤣🤣🤣

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20 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Analyse is cute despite the weird forehead

If you say so; personally, Anal does nothing for me.*  

Physically Anal has a cute bod, but a (to me) totally neutral face - neither attractive nor unattractive - which frequently takes a Texas two-step towards the dark side when she attempts to affect a spoiled-baby-girl expression of irritation which stopped being cute sometime around age 5; guess she didn’t get the memo, though, because she’s still trying to work it in her 20s.

* Take that as you will.

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17 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Well now I have "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" stuck in my head for probably hours.  Thanks, Cliff.  Thanks everybody.

Edited by xKHANx
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1 hour ago, Vixenstud said:

How about the godawful 'We Are Family'?  Jesus, I always want to machete someone whenever I hear it.

I used to work in catering and I never understood playing Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" at wedding receptions.

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