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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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37 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

Basically, if you put all male lobsters in a pot they will work together to try to get out. If you put female lobsters in a pot, the individuals will kill each other trying to escape 🙄🙄🙄 

2019-07-20 13.06.06.png

Edited by P2C2E
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Nick puts off such a scumbag pervert vibe. He's legitimately creepy. Also does he realize he doesn't have the body to be walking around shirtless. 

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And Stennis Space Center is in Mississippi....

Space Centers are one thing, but NASA has research facilities all over.  And though they are obsolete, there are emergency Space Shuttle landing strips (mostly active or decommissioned SAC bases with loooooong runways) all over.

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9 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I've never seen an episode of The Challenge (for the simple reason that I didn't watch its MTV antecedent shows and don't understand the concept*)

Halting, then you're missing the highly entertaining episode each season where they have to compete in a trivia or spelling challenge and the host LOLs at them as they get the answers wrong and get dumped off of something high as a consequence.

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32 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

Head shaving is too easy for these famewhores. How about the winner cannot speak or appear on camera for 48 hours (and must take either Christie or tommy with them).

I vote for solitary confinement or handcuffed to Jack for 48 hours.  

Edited by LGGirl
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28 minutes ago, missyb said:

BigBrotherJunkie 👁 #BB21‏ @89razorskate20 3m3 minutes ago


BigBrotherJunkie 👁#BB21 Retweeted Taran Armstrong

Nick has now mentioned that he doesn’t want to win HOH or he will to protect Bella! And he goes on to say he’d put Nicole up and possibly Jess! Guess he’s no longer wants to go after the 6!

Nick, Nick. You look like such a wanna be when say  things like this. You  just swalloed hook , line and sinker what Tommy was feeding you.

Nick...you put up Nicole for these people and they all got mad that you "forced" them to treat her like shit so they kept her. Now your brilliant move to appease them is...put Nicole up again?

Dude, didn't they teach you in your therapist school that doing the same thing over and over hoping for different results is the definition of insanity? 

(Note...I too attended therapy school and I know this isn't the real definition, but still...)

Edited by Sketcher
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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Tommy wants to get Sam out, so I think he was simply lying to Sam. 

Tommy thinks Sam is his biggest enemy...for some reason. I still don't get it, actually. 

I get it. Tommy thinks he (Tommy) is a pretty cool guy. Lots of people were talking about how funny Sam is, how easy it is to talk to him, how he is good at making people feel comfortable AND that they could see him winning the game. Tommy knows that if he goes up against some of these others he has a good chance of staying. He’s afraid to go up against Sam so he wants to get rid of him. 

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33 minutes ago, missyb said:

BigBrotherJunkie 👁 #BB21‏ @89razorskate20 3m3 minutes ago


BigBrotherJunkie 👁#BB21 Retweeted Taran Armstrong

Nick has now mentioned that he doesn’t want to win HOH or he will to protect Bella! And he goes on to say he’d put Nicole up and possibly Jess! Guess he’s no longer wants to go after the 6!

Nick, Nick. You look like such a wanna be when say  things like this. You  just swalloed hook , line and sinker what Tommy was feeding you.

Caution: scenarios!

normally I don’t indulge in the “what if” type thing, but here I go. Remember that snackson wanted to go try to pull nick back in, but jack and Christie stopped him (anal was there, but whatevs). Now then, let’s say jack wins veto (and the structure of the house is indeed strong enough to withstand the massive ego quake.) Christie doesn’t use the power..but what’s this? Cliff continues to play HIS OWN GAME (pause for the indignant gasps) and puts up Tommy, which is delightful on its own.  And now we have a cold, hungry, horny, diarrhea-plagued, desperate snackson on the block getting all the more paranoid when he learns that tommy was able to make the nick move that he had wanted to do. What could that mean? These bitches must be conspiring against me!!! Please please please give me THAT crazy bastard! 

You know what? Hold my beer, ima manifest this right now.  

Edited by CringeWatcher
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5 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh man!  That handcuffed punishment was the best.  I loved how who-ever-it-was tried to model good personal hygiene to MacRae every chance she got...

My favorite was Britney and Brendon's time together.

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I’m sooooo nervous. Who will Veto? Will both Christie & Jack both use their powers? Will all the work Cliff has done be for naught? Someone talk me off the ledge. I can’t take it if Jack or Jackson don’t leave this week. Help!!!!

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Now they're all talking about how cute Fessy and Analyse's babies would be.  Can you imagine if those two got together what their conversations would be like?

You know how two really unattractive people can sometimes have a shockingly gorgeous child? Mini Fesslyse could solve nuclear fusion. 

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15 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

What are fried savory balls?

They’re made from the powdered slop base, a load of seasonings, and then fried in oil. Same with the slop cookies except vanilla extract, sugar, and topped with powdered sugar, cinnamon, or whatever, after they’re baked. 

As HNs, they’re limited to slop so the hamsters get creative because while it’s nutritionally sound, the taste isn’t all that (and they’ve said the taste gets funky the longer it’s chewed). 

As an aside, Snackson has mentioned 1/4 cup = 240 calories (“that’s more than 1000 calories/cup,” according to math whiz Tommy; and yes, Snackson corrected him). 

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2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

She's responsible for her alliance being in danger when they could have sleptwalked through the next few weeks. But no, she had to blindside and evict Cliff even though he had a 25% chance of coming right back!

I haven't seen Christie get any blowback on that, though.

2 hours ago, zorak said:

Christie's really working Jess saying that going forward, for her personally, it's not about sides and numbers, it's about whose back she wants to have.  And of course, Christie named Jess as one of the people she'd want to be on her team.

Christie, in the role of Derrick, is auditioning Jess as her Victoria. Now even more clueless.


So, I think Nick desperately wants to be part of the cool kids gang. He is willing to beleive in Tommy and Christie to do so. 

Sigh. Is it better to go out 9th as a Cool Kid or go to the Finals with  the Outsiders/Nerds?  Nick deserves all the scorn. How pathetic.    

53 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

 Now then, let’s say jack wins veto (and the structure of the house is indeed strong enough to withstand the massive ego quake.) Christie doesn’t use the power..but what’s this? Cliff continues to play HIS OWN GAME (pause for the indignant gasps) and puts up Tommy, which is delightful on its own.    

Oh I would LOVE to see Christie get out of that hole.

If Jack wins veto, he's absolutely going to expect to use her power. There's no way around that one now. 

Edited by vb68
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7 hours ago, Ellee said:

I'm still thinking that Sam is really playing the game.  I don't know. 

Any chance his comments/actions are directly related to the other person/party involved?  The fact that Kemi/David are rooting for Sam makes me think so.  On the other hand .... I could be the one fooled. 

I guess we will see.  Especially after this week. 

ETA:  Ovi has good words for Sam too.   Ok ... what did the three of them see that we are not?

I think it's not a case of what they saw that we didn't, it's what we saw that they didn't (but may have now, as I've heard that Kemi has walked back her nice comments about Sam). I can't speak for Sam v. Ovi or Sam v. David but I did see a lot of the Sam v. Kemi stuff. And it would literally (the real literally) be Dueling Feeds: Cameras 1 and 2 would be Kemi saying how much she liked Sam, how she thought he was a nice guy, how it sounded like his wife sounded awesome and she couldn't wait to meet her when they were all out of the house. And Cameras 3 and 4 at the same time would be Sam telling members of H8ful/Nasty 9 about how Kemi is a bitch and he can't stand her, how his wife will think she's a bitch and will never want anything to do with her, and isn't it funny? HAHAHA not. 

If Sam's wife is as cool as they all say she sounds, he's definitely getting the biggest Disappointed Wife look in history. 

5 hours ago, zorak said:

Christie said her Have Not bed was so comfortable and she was serious.

That would be because Christie was futzing around, moving mattresses and piling stuff up last night while BB spammed the "Stop that!" button and Christie supposedly ran into the DR and when she came out, was allowed to keep her comfy bed. So.

(full disclosure, that happened when I had shut down the feeds for the night so I only know what I was reading elsewhere last night)

3 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Christie, in the role of Derrick, is auditioning Jess as her Victoria. Now even more clueless.

As the President of the Queen Veronica Victrola Vuvuzela Victoria Fan Club, how very dare you. She was my very favourite thing about BB16 and I will not stand for her legacy to be tarnished by the likes of Jessica.

Shoutout to the crow that tried to fly away with Victoria when she was three! To paraphrase a Raven line, Caw, motherfucker! Caw!

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Kat:  "What if it's Rockstar's daughter's birthday today?"

I mean, Kat is the recruit of all recruits but damned if she didn't do her homework before she came in the house. I respect that. (And yes, it is Rockstar's Daughter's birthday today.)

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I wonder if the comp is hide the veto. That's usually early in the day. If so feeds are going to be down for a looooooong time. 

Edited by Cutty
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1 hour ago, sphoebus31 said:

I love Britney. "Help Me".  Thanks for posting this.

I’ve been using this waiting time wisely by listening to Taran Armstrong’s in-depth interview with Britney on his podcast. I don’t think I learned a hell of a lot I didn’t already know but Britney is one of my all-time favorites. I think she’s just one charming gal. I laughed out loud when she described how, upon returning home after BB14, she found out the DVR had been broken and only a limited amount of episodes was on it. And so she went on YT to watch the other ones and her husband gave her no end of grief for it. She says “He didn’t give two craps about my reality career. He’s very supportive but not interested in it AT ALL.” I love her.

Edited by TimWil
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All right, I've run all my errands - which really just means that I went to Michaels and then bought an overpriced frappuchino at Starbucks and both of those are a five minute walk away so go me for adulting? But my point is: the feeds can come back anytime now and Cliff better be wearing that Veto.

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3 hours ago, Ellee said:

It's too soon ..... but I have to ask.

Which houseguest is going to be the most embarassed?

Analyse of the Tart Lady Parts would be mortified to learn of her new title and origin of said title, I'd think.

3 hours ago, zorak said:

Kat:  "What if it's Rockstar's daughter's birthday today?"

Now they're all talking about how cute Fessy and Analyse's babies would be.  Can you imagine if those two got together what their conversations would be like?

I already suffer from chronic headaches, thanks.

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3 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh for crying out loud.  NASA is everywhere.  Because of my work, I get temporary NASA credentials that allow me access to the facility I need for my work.  I am inordinately and nerdly proud of that, and I actually have them pinned to the wall above my desk at work.  I wanted to be an astronaut so much when in was little.  This is as close as I came, and I'll take it.

Cliff lives very close to the JSC. He's surrounded by the space program.

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Just now, Michichick said:

Bummer! So will Christie use her power? I hope not.

I sure hope not,  but the way she was talking earlier, it sounded like she wanted to use it to get Bella out of the game.

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Just now, Michichick said:

Bummer! So will Christie use her power? I hope not.

I have no idea. 

It all depends. She might be pressured to use it, but I hope she doesn't just because. I hope she makes a deal with Cliff for her and Tommy to keep themselves off the block.

I hope Cliff puts up AnalySis, in that case.

Team Fun Feeds.

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It depends if Christie trusts Jackson to put up Bella. 

I do feel like Christie WILL use her power, which means Bella or Sam or Nick will likely be leaving this week. Probably Bella, by the sounds of Jackson already planning to shit talk Bella.

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Well, thats ok. Now Christie has to use her power or Jack will still be on the block, probably next to Tommy. Both powers will have been used. IF she uses it.

Now is the time for Holly and Sis to make a stand. They both want Jack out ( in truth). Can they do it ? Probably not.

But, Christie can swear that Cliff said he would put up Bella, so she didnt use it and he puts up Tommy. LOL

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Christie is really dumb if she uses her DP. She may never get the chance to get rid of Jack again. 

If I was Cliff, I would make a deal with her: don’t use the DP and I will put up xxxxx. 

Then I would put up whoever I wanted! Like Christie herself! 

Haha. I would never last in this game. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, good news is that Jack could go home.

Bad news is that, if the power is used, Kat will have to decide between Jack and Bella. 

Jackson wants Bella out bad so he'll make sure Kat votes to get Bella out.  Kat just said to Holly that she's voting out Bella.

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Just now, zorak said:

Jackson wants Bella out bad so he'll make sure Kat votes to get Bella out.  Kat just said to Holly that she's voting out Bella.

All because Nick and Bella are too stupid to play nice with the nerds. 

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So we're depending on Cliff to replace Jackson with someone who, assuming that Jack stays, will shake things up by leaving. Not someone who will leave with barely a ripple, leaving the status quo to resume, if Jack or Jackson wins the next HOH. Am I right in this assumption? 

ETA. Oops. Forgot about the powers. This is too 3D chess for me right now. (My Black Russians aren't helping.) 

Edited by Melina22
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