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1 hour ago, ChristmasJones said:

I know it happens to varying degrees on all reality shows, but this show, more than some others, feels "enhanced" to me - in the sense that I believe these folks have strange relationships, but they are coached to amp it up for the cameras, and make it seem much more dysfunctional than it actually is.  I don't know why it stands out more for me on this show than others... maybe they're all equally manipulated.

I think this show, especially this season, is 100% fabricated. I believe each and every interaction and “conflict” we see is staged. 

So it’s not really fun for me to comment on “can you believe so-and-so did this-or-that”.

The only thing I can’t believe about this show is that TLC continually finds new people eager to degrade themselves for this high-tech-traveling-circus-freak-show. 

My only consolation is in knowing that TLC hates these people as much as I do, and that the poor bastards don’t realize it. 

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Sunhe/Angelica: Their entire bit this episode should have been called "stink eye scenes across a table". Jason has way too many connections with his ex's, IMO. 

Kathy/Cristina: thanks for making me crave hot dogs and crap. Not much storyline here if all they've still got is them arguing over staying downstairs for 6 months.

Mary/Brittani: I agree with previous posters that Brittani has a very "flat effect", especially in her speech. And that entire scene with the party prep looks like "Adventures in Botox". Everyone's forehead was taught! 

Sarah/Laurie: all I have here is that the daughter needs to give her Mom some breathing room and find some friends or hobbies, and Mom needs to back off with the marital demands. And for a severe Diabetic wasn't Mom slurping what looked like a Pina Colada?

Cher/Dawn: this is such fabrication. Her husband is a Dr. and they're letting her labor her first pregnancy this long at home without getting checked? I call BS with all of that. Something tells me most of that was filmed outside of the hospital.

Marcia/Alena: Glad I got a break from puppy kisses and chasing this time!

  • Love 3
51 minutes ago, snarkish said:

Kathy/Cristina: thanks for making me crave hot dogs and crap. Not much storyline here if all they've still got is them arguing over staying downstairs for 6 months.

Those scenes stood out to me, because I’ve never seen such blatant product-placement in a basic-cable reality show.  “Oh, did you know the Sonic App does THIS?”

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, snarkish said:

Cher/Dawn: this is such fabrication. Her husband is a Dr. and they're letting her labor her first pregnancy this long at home without getting checked? I call BS with all of that. Something tells me most of that was filmed outside of the hospital.

I was thinking it was probably filmed after the birth!  None of it seemed real.

  • Love 5

Because it’s Friday afternoon and I’m bored, I decided to look up the Nevada Rules on Divorce.

The Form for a Joint Petition with No Children (which I’m assuming is what was signed), only requires a Notary and NOT a witness. 

I thought it seemed odd to need a witness since that would be redundant of the Notary. 

Just another layer of bullshit. 

  • Love 8
On 6/11/2020 at 4:16 PM, DiamondGirl said:

I was thinking it was probably filmed after the birth!  None of it seemed real.

Yeah, but did you see the part where Cher was on her bed trying to throw up and she burped? That seemed so real. 

29 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

That mother who announces that her daughter has loose skin around her stomach and wants a tummy tuck and will pay for the surgery...WTF?  

They take a shower together. I wonder what boyfriend/husband thinks about that?


"We're all tucked in nice and tight." "Mommy loves you!" Vomit. 

Gee, I wonder why Miguel isn't rushing to propose right this second.


I got a great guffaw out of the thought of my mom sitting my now-husband down on a "date" to pressure him to propose already. I would've found the nearest oven in which to stick my head.

Edited by the-grey-lady
  • LOL 3
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OMG!  Who stands up and announces that their daughter has loose skin from a weight loss surgery in front of her friends at a party.  Woman is an idiot, it was all about her wanting attention.   I thought Sunhe and Angelica were weird, these two are giving them stiff competition.   The one in Florida who is in bed with her boyfriend but has her mother on the phone "tucking her in" needs to take a good look at herself before she expects this guy to give her a ring.  I missed Kathy and her daughter this week, they are funny.    I like Marcia and Alena the best, obviously weird too but don't annoy me like the others.  

  • Love 6
On 5/28/2020 at 10:35 AM, snarkish said:

Not a lot I can say regarding Dawn and Cher because my ears bleed whenever they speak. Can't wait to see the matching outfits with the baby...maybe Dawn will coordinate with matching headband bows and ruffled ankle socks. 

Hey I’m not knocking that. I miss twinning with my daughter, but, she’s 28 and ya know boundaries. But I’d like to once triplet for a pic with her and my long awaited granddaughter. But, my daughter is the queen of boundaries so I’m forced to watch them twin from the sidelines.😢

Im still floored by Sunhe volunteering to be a witness then saying she had to take the papers home to review. Bitch, no you don’t, a witness is there to witness a signature and same as a notary need not know the contents. I know this for a fact as I work for an attorney and deal with this every day. When she told them she may never sign Angelica should have turned to Jason told him to get the ex and notary back and she’d witness. She would never say that in front of her mom, but, she should. If one of our clients came to us and told us something like that happened I would beg my boss to let me reprint the docs for free or I would pay for them myself. luckily my boss suffers fools less than i do.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, LucyEth said:

OMG!  Who stands up and announces that their daughter has loose skin from a weight loss surgery in front of her friends at a party.  Woman is an idiot, it was all about her wanting attention.

I think Mary intentionally undermines Brittani. Not only with that announcement, but when she told Brittani that the guy she likes blocked her number in the middle of her party. That shit could've waited.

I'm amending my ranking of the mother-daughter relationships to put Laurie and Sarah at #4 most fucked up. Laurie is using her illness to manipulate Sarah and Miguel into getting married, which is really selfish. Any marriage that starts because the couple was browbeaten into it doesn't have a happy ending. Though I suspect Laurie only cares about the wedding and not the marriage.

Part of me feels bad for these boyfriends/husbands, but, well, they picked em and they knew what they were getting into. If it's such a burden, break up with them. At least Christina's husband can hold his own against Kathy. 

Edited by MerBearStare
  • Love 5
16 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Who throws a formal banquet because their daughter graduates from prison guard school?

Someone who has figured out that's the only graduation her daughter will ever have?  I think she dropped out of high school because of illness and bullying (or am I writing their scripts?).

11 hours ago, LucyEth said:

The one in Florida who is in bed with her boyfriend but has her mother on the phone "tucking her in" needs to take a good look at herself before she expects this guy to give her a ring.

YEAH!  I know your girlfriend is beautiful (although we have not seen her without make-up and her mother), but you can do better.  RUN FOR THE HILLS and keep going until you're in another state.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Kayz Opinion said:

Someone who has figured out that's the only graduation her daughter will ever have?  I think she dropped out of high school because of illness and bullying (or am I writing their scripts?).

YEAH!  I know your girlfriend is beautiful (although we have not seen her without make-up and her mother), but you can do better.  RUN FOR THE HILLS and keep going until you're in another state.

That looked more like a wedding banquet than any sort of graduation party I ever went to, people wearing sequins and formal clothes. 

  • Love 2

Sigh...this show is sliding downhill like shit out of a goose. Somehow last season seemed more tolerable. I had my first super awkward/cringe moment where I had to fast forward, due to:

Brittani/Mary! OMG, the speech about the tummy tuck. You could hear crickets in the audience and could tell everyone wanted to crawl under the table (and finish their shrimp cocktail they kept showing). The girl is NINETEEN. She's already had gastric surgery (which, to me, is too young to have that surgery...but what do I know), and now you want to remove skin? So she can look like a deformed mannequin like Mom?? And I agree with PP's, Mary should have saved the Zach drama for AFTER the damn party, not twittering around trying to get his number, badgering already -overly-nervous Brittani all night, and announcing the being blocked during the festivities. TACK-eee! These two have got to go. Run Frank, run! And let the Botox wear off your forehead.

Angelica/Sunhe: Sorry, power-trippy Sunhe, you not witnessing the damn papers is not going to stop anything. This storyline is getting old and boring. NEXT!

Sarah/Laurie: I am so fixated by the pitch-black "Coraline" eyes of Sarah, I sometimes fade out during these two. I'm on the fence here though. I kind of agree with Sarah, if their "dreams" were to each own a home and get married, they fulfilled Miguel's and it's only fair that they fulfill Sarah's. However, I don't think Laurie is exactly at death's door that they need to rush the nuptials so much. My husband is Diabetic, and when he heard Laurie's glucose level he was like, "When do you remember mine being that low during or before a meal...especially after a drink??" 

Marcia/Alena: go-cart riding as an introduction to driving? Are they planning her college graduation party at Chuck E. Cheese as well? As someone barely 4'10" tall myself, I had the hardest time reaching those pedals in those carts, and if they put a full helmet on me like Alena, I wouldn't be able to see or drive the damn thing either!

Cher/Dawn: I had to guffaw this episode at the facial expressions by Jared. His wide eyed laughter reminded me of The Joker. And I was right in my post last week, the matching outfits have begun! I agree with him that they need alone time with the baby to figure out the parenting gig, but part of me secretly wished my own Mom had been like Dawn, waiting on me hand and foot after the birth of my children and wanting to help out a lot. 

  • Love 1

Brittani is a future serial killer.  In my experience, fat kids develop a personality.  She doesn't have one, besides creepy.  And yeah, she was really young, and in my opinion, not fat enough, for surgery.  It used to be you needed to lose like 100 pounds on your own before a doctor would seriously discuss it with you.  

I love my mom.  I'm comforted if she scratches my back, or strokes my hair.  And while I'm comfortable enough to shower with her in like a locker room situation, we're never hopping in a regular tub together, nor am I letting her help me insert anything into my ass.  

I also loved her complaint that boys only wanted her for sex now she'd lost the weight.  As a still fat girl, trust me, at 19 they want sex if you have a pulse.  And that is negotiable.  But also where having a personality helps.

  • Love 9
22 hours ago, snarkish said:

Marcia/Alena: go-cart riding as an introduction to driving? Are they planning her college graduation party at Chuck E. Cheese as well? As someone barely 4'10" tall myself, I had the hardest time reaching those pedals in those carts, and if they put a full helmet on me like Alena, I wouldn't be able to see or drive the damn thing either!

I think Alena is a spoiled brat.  She wants to continue being pampered and catered to by her mother, who of course caused this but is getting older and seems exhausted by it all.  She knows Alena can do more for herself if she will commit to it.  

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Brittani is a future serial killer.

She would need accomplices:

  • Someone to plan the kills.
  • Someone to drive her.
  • Someone to do it all because she "just can't."
  • Someone to duct tape her mouth so she doesn't tell Mommy.
18 hours ago, Kangatush said:

In my experience, fat kids develop a personality.  She doesn't have one, besides creepy.  And yeah, she was really young, and in my opinion, not fat enough, for surgery.  It used to be you needed to lose like 100 pounds on your own before a doctor would seriously discuss it with you.  

She wasn't merely a "fat kid."  She has a birth defect...a syndrome that causes  of problems with early puberty, excessive growth/weight, and (probably) psychological difficulties. Because she was such an odd BIG girl by age seven, classmates bullied her and were always cruel.  If the surgery helped her lose 100 pounds, one would think she had been "fat enough."  For me, there are MANY acceptable excuses for Brittani's outlook, personality, and childlike behavior.  For her mother?  I can't think of one.

  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, Kayz Opinion said:

She would need accomplices:

  • Someone to plan the kills.
  • Someone to drive her.
  • Someone to do it all because she "just can't."
  • Someone to duct tape her mouth so she doesn't tell Mommy.

She wasn't merely a "fat kid."  She has a birth defect...a syndrome that causes  of problems with early puberty, excessive growth/weight, and (probably) psychological difficulties. Because she was such an odd BIG girl by age seven, classmates bullied her and were always cruel.  If the surgery helped her lose 100 pounds, one would think she had been "fat enough."  For me, there are MANY acceptable excuses for Brittani's outlook, personality, and childlike behavior.  For her mother?  I can't think of one.

I'm not saying she had it easy, or that none of her issues are legitimate.  To me, she still has a serial killer affect.  Especially next episode when she's tossing threats at her not step dad.  People who casually use the word evil to describe others tend to be a little nutty.  

And Bariatric surgery used to be only for the extremely morbidly obese.  Because it is an extreme, life long commitment with loads of serious side effects.  If you walked into a doctor's office weighing say 225 (easily 100 pounds overweight for many women), seeking Bariatric surgery, they'd tell you to go to the gym.  

  • Love 3

To be eligible for bariatric surgery, you must be between 16 and 70 years of age (with some exceptions) and morbidly obese (weighing at least 100 pounds over your ideal body weight and having a BMI of 40).

I don't know Brittani's height or FORMER weight, so I guessed: 

  • Height: 5 feet, 4 inches
  • Weight: 245 pounds
  • Your BMI is 42, indicating your weight is in the Obese category for adults of your height.
  • For your height, a normal weight range would be from 108 to 145 pounds.
  • Love 1

I think Mary likes the drama and conflict between Brittani and Frank, otherwise she would tell Brittani to knock it off. 

Every time I hear the story of Frank's "cheating," I'm like:


Also, Christianity isn't exactly ok with masturbation, yet both Mary and Brittani, "Christian women," have vibrators, which they apparently have no problem talking about or showing each other. So if they consider pornography so awful, why is masturbation not equally awful? 

Edited by MerBearStare
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, MerBearStare said:

I think Mary likes the drama and conflict between Brittani and Frank, otherwise she would tell Brittani to knock it off. 

Mary is just eating this shit up. Maybe that where Brittani get her sociopath side from. Mary just keeps sipping her drunk and looking away and at no time does she defend her relationship. No "Look, he made a mistake, but he admitted it and we're trying to move part it, but your bullshit isn't helping. Let us worry about our marriage." HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID, BRITTANI. Stop talking like he doesn't. He admitted it, he's trying to move the relationship past that, STFU with the judginess.

Frank, just run. Nothing you are getting from Mary can be worth it.

And I'm just done with Sunhe and Angelica. The time to throw a passive-agressive hissy fit over the divorce and the ex's stuff was 1.5 years ago, not now. Now he's addressing everything. Accept it or don't.

Edited by CoyoteBlue
  • Love 6

Sunhe is very scary and very unlikeable.   She has complete control of Angelcia.  The bath scene was disturbing.  Their relationship is very creepy.  It is like the daughter is her servant or something even weirder.  Brittani and Mary also need help.  I don't think Brittani is right in the head, not sure how she got to be a corrections officer.  She has a scary look in her eyes.  Mary is a bit dumb.  Frank needs to walk away from those two.  I continue to like Kathy and Cristina, they are the most normal.  I thought the other ones in Florida were not so bad until the teeth smelling incident.  WTH!  

Next week and future episodes look interesting.  Alena seems upset with Marcia and Cher's husband finally says something to put his mother in law in place. 

  • Love 9

As a mother of a grown son, some (most) of these mothers are so self-centered, it’s exhausting.  They do not have their own lives.  They are arrested in development.  They are narcissistic.  It’s embarrassing and they don’t even realize it or don’t care.  Let’s do a follow up show to see how many of the husbands are banging other women, because of “mom”.  That’s where it’s going to lead to.  The men who are so patient with their partners mothers should get a purple metal of honor.  Jesus.  These people have no lives.  But I love the show 😂

2 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

Ah, nothing like starting out your day snuggling in bed with Mommy, having a nice wholesome convo about vibrators.

I can't believe I just typed that. Ick.

Frank should run fast and far. He's going to wake up with a horse's head on his pillow.

Agreed.  Nothing is worth being near that crazy.  Same with Jason.  Sunhe tries to be some discount Disney villain.  I did love that he just got another witness for the divorce though.


  • Love 8

Wait a minute...wait a minute. I am currently watching this crap, of Mary and Brittani in the bed fondling vibrators together, and Mary then goes on to attack Frank for masturbating??? I can't with this wacked threesome anymore. FF'ing to the next pair!

And, for what it's worth, I saved my kids baby teeth too. They do NOT have a smell! Well, maybe if you left them in an open container to rot like Laurie is doing they might, but I doubt it would be a very good scent!

  • Love 4

Mr. Angeltoes wandered through the room while I was watching this.  Let's just say he didn't think much of it.  I believe he said,"What's this country coming to that this kind of shit makes it onto TV?"  This from a man that watches one of those reality fishing shows where every other word is bleeped out because none of them can make a complete sentence without throwing in a swear word.  Drives me nuts to hear it because it's a constant beep, beep, beep.

  • LOL 1
On 6/21/2020 at 11:01 PM, MerBearStare said:

I think Mary likes the drama and conflict between Brittani and Frank, otherwise she would tell Brittani to knock it off. 

Every time I hear the story of Frank's "cheating," I'm like:


Also, Christianity isn't exactly ok with masturbation, yet both Mary and Brittani, "Christian women," have vibrators, which they apparently have no problem talking about or showing each other. So if they consider pornography so awful, why is masturbation not equally awful? 

Also we learn that Frank and Mary are not legally married, isn't that something a Christian woman would make sure to get married in a church?

  • Love 2
On 6/15/2020 at 5:09 PM, LucyEth said:

OMG!  Who stands up and announces that their daughter has loose skin from a weight loss surgery in front of her friends at a party.  Woman is an idiot, it was all about her wanting attention.   I thought Sunhe and Angelica were weird, these two are giving them stiff competition.   The one in Florida who is in bed with her boyfriend but has her mother on the phone "tucking her in" needs to take a good look at herself before she expects this guy to give her a ring.  I missed Kathy and her daughter this week, they are funny.    I like Marcia and Alena the best, obviously weird too but don't annoy me like the others.  

I think Kathy and Cristina are the only watchable ones.  Marcia and Alena creeped me out when she licked her in the morning and they chase each other around the living room.  WTF is that?  Dawn and Cher's voices are cringe worthy and I can't listen to them.  If I was Cher's husband I would throw Dawn out.  She is a pain in the azz.  The whole show is a complete catastrophe.

  • Love 7

Normally I feel bad for Angelica, but she was a real piece of work tonight. I can't believe she had the nerve to tell Sunhe's fiance (totally blanking on his name) that he should leave his underage children so he can move to Vegas so that Sunhe doesn't have to leave Angelica, who's 32! Why the fuck do they think their relationship is so much more important than his relationship with his kids? And to be like "We told you we were close..." I would say I'm close to my mom because I talk to her on the phone everyday. Being close with your mom is entirely different than having a co-dependent relationship with your mom. These two crazy bitches deserve each other. Too bad they have to drag other people into their fucked up relationship.

Edited by MerBearStare
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  • Love 13

What the heck planet are we on? True, this show is already the Twilight Zone, or maybe Dark Shadows because of the emotional vampirism. But where on earth do a divorcing couple need a "resident witness" in order to finalize their divorce? Certainly if such a thing is real, they can do better than psycho Sunhe.

ETA:  I just saw upthread that some industrious soul (sorry, I forgot who) checked this out and found all they should need is a notary. Enough of the BS!

Edited by renatae
  • Love 6

I'm rapidly losing interest in this season. 

Angelica's face when Brett asked why it was okay for him to leave his young teens and her 32 year old self can't leave Mama...wanted to smack the layer of face paint off her. Sunhe is just clearly an unhappy, evil bitch. I don't think she's ever smiled on screen.

Meddling Dawn takes hovering Mama to an unheard of level. I am surprised she's not trying to relactate so she can help breastfeed. That poor consultant!

Alena needs to take private lessons. I already realize that when my 13 year old daughter is ready to practice driving that most likely I will NOT be a good person to keep her at ease behind the wheel, so I plan on letting her stepdad handle that or hire a professional! No need to transfer my nerves!

I wasn't even paying attention through the Frank/Brittani/Mary farce. I lost any interest in this threesome about 3 episodes ago.

I notice that they give one pair "a break" each episode, but I feel like Kathy and Cristina aren't getting as much air time this season? Those two are the reason I watch still. 

  • Love 7

Kathi and Cristina are hilarious -- they are super close, annoying to those around them, but they aren't weird -- no bathing together, no colonics, no chasing each other around the living room. They are "smothered" in a good way, well, at least a better way.

Dawn and Cher are ridiculous, but also not in such a scary way. Dawn is so insecure. She wants to be #1 in Cher's life. New child or not. I'm shocked she actually lives in Florida away from Cher. Their twinning (now tripling) is a little too extra but harmless. The lactation consultant visit was pretty funny. It's nice to see Cher indicate that her mom is too much sometimes. 

Sunhe is a horrid person. I can't stand her. Angelica proved to be a lot more like her mother than I thought. She's no victim. She plays right into this. Brett and Jason should run, and run fast. 

Brittani and Mary -- There is something not quite right with either of them. Frank should get his own place where he can watch porn and masturbate to his hearts content. This pair isn't worth it.

The other two -- tooth sniffer and the old mom who licks and chases her daughter -- they are both really odd ducks.  The manipulation that Sunhe, Mary and these two put upon their daughters. It's not right. 


  • Love 9
1 hour ago, jackjill89 said:

Sunhe is a horrid person. I can't stand her. Angelica proved to be a lot more like her mother than I thought. She's no victim. She plays right into this. Brett and Jason should run, and run fast. 

SunHe and Maxi-SunHe will continue as long as those TLC paychecks keep a-comin'. They're both despicable.  I FF right past Kathi and Cristina (thanks for providing their names).  The SunHes are next.   

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On 6/27/2020 at 5:53 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Also we learn that Frank and Mary are not legally married, isn't that something a Christian woman would make sure to get married in a church?

Everything was done properly...legal/formal wedding; all paperwork signed.  If we're to believe her, Mary simply refused to file it with the appropriate county(?) office.  In my county the couple doesn't file the paperwork; the officiant does: priest, minister, Justice of the Peace.

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