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"The View": Week of 4/29/2019

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Hmmm - not the first time MM has been in time out.

LOL - MM was tweeting like mad during that time and binge watching shows. I tweeted her husband why he wasn't taking care of his new wife (the second). I was blocked, lol - worth it.

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You're leaving a tasty trail, but I can't put the pieces together.

MM was timed-out before?

MM was tweeting while she was ill?

Second wife?  Was there a first?

Spill the tea, please.

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7 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Wonder if the ladies will bring up Dershowitz friendship with that Jeffrey Epstein guy & accusations of under-age sex?  

Oh, I wish Ana was going to be there....she’d be all over that! She’s mentioned Epstein numerous times. 

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The reason I know NutMeg was not sick?  Whoopi tried to mention if nonchalantly and then Joy reiterated it, which seems like overkill.  She was not sick.

Here's where I have a problem. One can't know if MM was sick or not, none of us does.   Both Whoopi and Joy confirmed it.  I prefer to stick to facts as spoken. until proven otherwise. They could all be lying, or be telling the truth.  We'll never know.  Buy to say she wasn't sick takes me to a place that I'm not comfortable with.  Sickness comes in many forms.

Edited by xingu
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I have health issues, and the last thing on my mind is twittering when I am not well. I might snooze or watch tv - but not at all interested in tweeting or chatting with people.

Especially for 2 days like MM did on time out, imo.

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1 hour ago, xingu said:

Here's where I have a problem. One can't know if MM was sick or not, none of us does.   Both Whoopi and Joy confirmed it.  I prefer to stick to facts as spoken. until proven otherwise. They could all be lying, or be telling the truth.  We'll never know.  Buy to say she wasn't sick takes me to a place that I'm not comfortable with.  Sickness comes in many forms.

Fair point.

I don't believe for a second that she was sick.  She may have needed a mental health day or two.  That would not surprise me or anyone else that watches The View.  These may even have been prescribed mental health days.

Thus, Whoopi and Joy were correct, NutMeg was out sick.

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9 hours ago, xingu said:

So MM claims Beto "abandoned his wife and children."  Wow, that's a new low even for her.  

she could barely say “ Beto” without spitting!  It kind of reminds me of the way she says “Obama”.  

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I'm sure EL James is a nice lady, but I'm not interested in her crappy books. (No offense to her fans.)

Meghan's misuse of a word/phrase of the day: persona non grata. 

Edited by Haleth
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OMG, Meghan - finish a friggin' sentence already!!  Talking about Mayor Pete, the word salad coming out of her mouth was ridiculous!  

Oh, and Haleth - I agree.  I read the Fifty Shades trilogy, and the writing, imo, was just so bad (aside from the subject matter).  It was cringeworthy.  By the time I got to the third book, I think I skipped 60% of it, just to get to the end.

Edited by njbchlover
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16 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

OMG, Meghan - finish a friggin' sentence already!!  Talking about Mayor Pete, the word salad coming out of her mouth was ridiculous!  

Megan has to always be contrarian no matter what. Of course LGBT people face hardships in this country. The issue was White Male privilege.  Mayor Pete could pass for a straight man. I wonder if he was flamboyant, how people on the left and on the right would react to him. So, he has benefited from being perceived as a straight White male. 

Whoopie as always missed the point of White privilege.  She rambles and makes no sense. 

I thought Abby and Joy got it.. I loved that Joy spoke about Whites who are not well off who do not see how their Whiteness has helped them in life.  

Edited by Apprentice79
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See, I don’t think Abby really got it about white privilege. She kept focusing on not apologizing for “who you are” instead of just acknowledging the privileges that being white affords you. No one cares if you’re not sorry about being white, Abby. She and Meghan came off so tone deaf in that convo, unsurprisingly. 

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Just now, deannanikki said:

See, I don’t think Abby really got it about white privilege. She kept focusing on not apologizing for “who you are” instead of just acknowledging the privileges that being white affords you. No one cares if you’re not sorry about being white, Abby. She and Meghan came off so tone deaf in that convo, unsurprisingly. 

Exactly. And I wish Whoopi didn't co-sign that mess by saying, "we're all hindered in some way."

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8 minutes ago, deannanikki said:

See, I don’t think Abby really got it about white privilege. She kept focusing on not apologizing for “who you are” instead of just acknowledging the privileges that being white affords you. No one cares if you’re not sorry about being white, Abby. She and Meghan came off so tone deaf in that convo, unsurprisingly. 

I haven't watched yet but I don't apologize for being a white woman.  I do however recognize i have benefited from being white.  But do I use that to my advantage?  Consciously I do not.  But I have no doubt Meghan and Abby just take for granted things will always fall their way.

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How the F did MM make a story about the pope and people not gossiping, about her three processed blond hair. She was irritated that hairstylists get the stereotyped as liking to gossip. She knows this because it takes 3 hours to get her hair did. And she and her guy talk politics.

No one was talking about haistylists. 

I've been watching Joy as MM talks, she's so over her.  When MM was screeching about hugging Biden,  Joy had a look on her face 😏 hilarious. 

For those that haven't watched yet look for it. It gave me the giggles. 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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18 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

I haven't watched yet but I don't apologize for being a white woman.  I do however recognize i have benefited from being white.  But do I use that to my advantage?  Consciously I do not.  But I have no doubt Meghan and Abby just take for granted things will always fall their way.

That is what the right has done when the issue of White privilege comes up, they make it seem that people of color are trying to shame White people for being White. The right is really good at twisting things to deflect and distract from the real issues..

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Abby can STFU.  If someone rakes Joe Biden over coals for things he has done they deserve Trump?  Fuck you Abby.  If I want to question whether Biden was inappropriate I will.  Doesn't mean I won't vote for him if he is the candidate but I am entitled to consider all the candidates and their past behavior.

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1 hour ago, Coffeewinewater said:

How the F did MM make a story about the pope and people not gossiping, about her three processed blond hair. She was irritated that hairstylists get the stereotyped as liking to gossip. She knows this because it takes 3 hours to get her hair did. And she and her guy talk politics.

No one was talking about haistylists. 

I've been watching Joy as MM talks, she's so over her.  When MM was screeching about hugging Biden,  Joy had a look on her face 😏 hilarious. 

For those that haven't watched yet look for it. It gave me the giggles. 

That's exactly where I am now, and Joy's face says it all!

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1 hour ago, Alexis2291 said:

Exactly. And I wish Whoopi didn't co-sign that mess by saying, "we're all hindered in some way."

There's another point I was waiting for someone to make, and that is that too many people feel or are told that they have to be twice as good as a white person at a job. That's something that a white person takes for granted and doesn't think about. 

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Meghan made some sort of comment (about the gossiping) like - is this really that pressing of a subject?   Like talking about the lessons the Pope is trying to teach isn’t worthy of Migraine McCain.(m not sure who used that one last week, but- I love it!!)   Also, sorry, but you and your hairdresser talking politics for three hours a week?   It’s half-truths- in short, it’s gossip

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9 minutes ago, Jewell2 said:

Also, sorry, but you and your hairdresser talking politics for three hours a week?   It’s half-truths- in short, it’s gossip


Whether or not they talk politics, having to spend 3 hours a week (wtf) doing Meghan effing McCain's hair sounds like one of the worst possible things to ever happen to a person.  That  poor, poor, man.  He probably spends the entire appointment muttering 'I hate my life' under his breath while she rambles on and on.  And on. 

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5 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Why is it such a common misconception that white privilege suggests that white people don't suffer hardships? At the root of it, white privilege isn't intended to diminish the hardships that any white person may face, but to acknowledge that their hardships are not in any way related to the colour of their skin, unlike other races who deal with explicit and systematic racism. You don't need to be ashamed or apologetic for being white in order to acknowledge that.

Perfect post. I wish I could like it 1000x..

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10 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Why is it such a common misconception that white privilege suggests that white people don't suffer hardships? At the root of it, white privilege isn't intended to diminish the hardships that any white person may face, but to acknowledge that their hardships are not in any way related to the colour of their skin, unlike other races who deal with explicit and systematic racism. You don't need to be ashamed or apologetic for being white in order to acknowledge that.

I want to share this on my Facebook page! 

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9 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Why is it such a common misconception that white privilege suggests that white people don't suffer hardships? At the root of it, white privilege isn't intended to diminish the hardships that any white person may face, but to acknowledge that their hardships are not in any way related to the colour of their skin, unlike other races who deal with explicit and systematic racism. You don't need to be ashamed or apologetic for being white in order to acknowledge that.

To my brain, this is probably the best explanation I have ever read.  Thank you.

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13 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Why is it such a common misconception that white privilege suggests that white people don't suffer hardships? At the root of it, white privilege isn't intended to diminish the hardships that any white person may face, but to acknowledge that their hardships are not in any way related to the colour of their skin, unlike other races who deal with explicit and systematic racism. You don't need to be ashamed or apologetic for being white in order to acknowledge that.

well done good job GIF by America's Got Talent
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9 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Why is it such a common misconception that white privilege suggests that white people don't suffer hardships? At the root of it, white privilege isn't intended to diminish the hardships that any white person may face, but to acknowledge that their hardships are not in any way related to the colour of their skin, unlike other races who deal with explicit and systematic racism. You don't need to be ashamed or apologetic for being white in order to acknowledge that.

Excellent post! 

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15 hours ago, bannana said:

Whoopi tried to mention if nonchalantly and then Joy reiterated it, which seems like overkill.  She was not sick.

Joy may have been implying that MM is mentally sick.

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58 minutes ago, Jewell2 said:

Also, sorry, but you and your hairdresser talking politics for three hours a week?   It’s half-truths- in short, it’s gossip

And because some of his clients are politicos, MM's hairdresser can now claim that he is "in politics".

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34 minutes ago, deirdra said:

And because some of his clients are politicos, MM's hairdresser can now claim that he is "in politics".

It did sound like Meghan said he is in politics and then said his clients are politicians.  She really can't articulate anything well.

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2 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

It did sound like Meghan said he is in politics and then said his clients are politicians.  She really can't articulate anything well.

When I waitresses I use to wait on a Senator that lives in our town. Also, all of the local village councilmen and a township supervisor.  I had no idea then, but I was in politics!!

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I thought it was funny when the topic was about "robots".  The need to humanize them is something we just do (people do it their dogs, cats, cars, etc.)  What I thought was interesting was when MM said that because people in Japan are personalizing their technology buddies, the population there will decrease by 100 billion - yes, she said billion!  When Joy tried to clear it up (she said something like, "100 billion? really?), MM just kept going and said it again.  No one else said anything.  Why couldn't MM stop and say, "Oh, I meant..."?

Although, Abby acknowledged her white privilege she didn't seem to understand how not being white affects the experiences of others - I don't think I'm saying this right.  I'll try again - As a Hispanic female I get treated just a bit differently compared to Abby.  I had to fight to get into college, she got in without a problem.  Has she ever been any place where she is looked up and down (for a few seconds) before she is helped? I have.  Has someone looked at her and assumed she could not understand them?  I have.  Has she ever been some place where she is made to feel uncomfortable on purpose?  I have.    So acknowledging is one thing, being aware and empathetic is another.  I think she and MM have the same problem regarding their privilege.

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7 hours ago, Haleth said:

I'm sure EL James is a nice lady, but I'm not interested in her crappy books. (No offense to her fans.)

Meghan's misuse of a word/phrase of the day: persona non grata. 

Actually, if you've read anything about James, she's a nasty piece of work with an ego that far surpasses her "talents"

Edited by Picture It. Sicily
I used the wrong word
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33 minutes ago, pinguina said:

I thought it was funny when the topic was about "robots".  The need to humanize them is something we just do (people do it their dogs, cats, cars, etc.)  What I thought was interesting was when MM said that because people in Japan are personalizing their technology buddies, the population there will decrease by 100 billion - yes, she said billion!  When Joy tried to clear it up (she said something like, "100 billion? really?), MM just kept going and said it again.  No one else said anything.  Why couldn't MM stop and say, "Oh, I meant..."?

That was hilarious, and Whoopi kept trying to say "Yes!" in the background to Joy as Joy was questioning it. It was a bit hard to hear, so it's only a rough transcript, but went something like:

Meghan: Listen, we're joking about this. Japan is facing a huge population problem right now...
Whoopi: That's right, that's right.
Meghan: ...literally, by - they're gonna lose 100 billion people by 2049...
Joy: 100 billion?!
Whoopi: Yes.
Joy: No.
Whoopi: Yes!
Joy: 100 bi-? I don't...
Whoopi: Yes!
Meghan: ...because so many people in Japan, they're not procreating, they're using...
Whoopi: Robots!
Joy: I don't think Japan has a 100 billion people.
Meghan: Just google it!
Joy: It can't be 100 billion.

I mean the entire world population is 7.7 billion! 😂😂.

Edited by SuzieSioux
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4 minutes ago, SuzieSioux said:

Meghan: Just google it!

That whole thing was hilarious, but I forgot about the Just google it! from NutMeg! Any normal person when being called out on a stat would pause and think about it, but NutMeg just kept on going.

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8 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:

What in the world is Whoopi talking about? Sure sounds like she's trying to minimize the real existence of white privilege.

I kinda understand what Whoopie and Joy were saying.  There are many poor white people. They don’t believe they are experiencing any white privilege since they are struggling to survive. It’s just white privilege comes in different forms.  

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5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Why is it such a common misconception that white privilege suggests that white people don't suffer hardships? At the root of it, white privilege isn't intended to diminish the hardships that any white person may face, but to acknowledge that their hardships are not in any way related to the colour of their skin, unlike other races who deal with explicit and systematic racism. You don't need to be ashamed or apologetic for being white in order to acknowledge that.

Exactly. It’s like black lives matter. There’s no implication white lives don’t. Debating racial issues can be so exhausting I don’t bother with coworkers anymore. 

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9 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

I loved that Joy spoke about Whites who are not well off who do not see how their Whiteness has helped them in life.  

This explains a lot of Trump's poor white followers who have a hard time finding jobs.  They think it is the top 1% of white males are the ones with white privilege.

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Japan has only 126.91 million.  It is crowded, so it makes sense to not have tons of kids. Robots are more obedient too.

Edited by deirdra
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Ok - is this just me? All the co-hosts except MM accept Biden's appearance greeting respectfully - but MM could care less about a major problem of his right now by (paraphrasing) I'll hug him on stage, off stage, anywhere.

Always about McMememe.

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I don't understand what Abby meant by saying that the #metoo movement will keep men from interacting with women socially at work or anywhere else. If a man is not going to grab, touch, kiss a woman without her consent, then, he has nothing to worry about.  It is not that difficult to understand. 

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Really Apprentice.

Abby has a friend! That has a start up in Silicon Valley (?!) They had dinner!

He can't have women around him.....blah, blah, blah something about glass between them. Rules out drinks with the work crowd or meetings alone.......

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12 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:

Based on the comments, I'm glad I didn't watch the show yesterday. Newt is a vile human being and I don't understand why he's getting any airtime...

I was expecting him to be worse and surprised I didn't change the channel.

E. L. James - speaking as a huge reader and a librarian - her first books were so poorly edited it was ridiculous.  How anyone got through them is beyond me.

Here is a quote from UK publisher - Critics have called her writing boring and clunky; Salman Rushdie said he had “never read anything so badly written that got published. It made Twilight look like War and Peace”. Writing in the New York Times, columnist Maureen Dowd called James “Brontë devoid of talent”.

Japan - Oh MM, the actual course of population for Japan is that they will lose 27 million by 2049.  Right now they sit at 129 million.

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