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Season 40: Speculation and Spoilers

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If Danni comes back (either way, actually, whether she goes back into the game, or is finished), for the love of God, feed the woman; I don't care if she uses fire tokens, or if she wins a reward, or if they happen to leave a pizza for her to find, like an immunity idol. It physically hurts me to see her so thin. It isn't healthy, & it is really uncomfortable. 

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Posting this here because some posters at Sucks and Reddit believe you can see Natalie in the challenge (at the 20 second mark, going up the stairs).  I had to watch it a few times and pause it at the right time to catch it.  But I do think she's returning, as spoilers predicted.  That would likely explain her sudden edit uptick on the edge and being called a challenge beast by the others out there.  Anyone think Natalie might actually pull off a win?

I'm also thinking Jeff's "the battle isn't over" in the previews probably isn't some twist of a second person returning.  But if that were to be the case, they are clearly gone by this challenge.

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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

Posting this here because some posters at Sucks and Reddit believe you can see Natalie in the challenge (at the 20 second mark, going up the stairs).  I had to watch it a few times and pause it at the right time to catch it.  But I do think she's returning, as spoilers predicted.  That would likely explain her sudden edit uptick on the edge and being called a challenge beast by the others out there.  Anyone think Natalie might actually pull off a win?

I'm also thinking Jeff's "the battle isn't over" in the previews probably isn't some twist of a second person returning.  But if that were to be the case, they are clearly gone by this challenge.

Yea I agree so I'm def going with the Zeke spoilers more than the Sir Vivor ones:

Zeke says:




Michele likely 0 votes



Sir Vivor had Sarah at 6 in a crazy TC, but had Sophie 5th and Nick 4th and neither are there in anymore. Michele/Kim/Tony.

While 3 idols can get played at 6 in a crazy TC I just have to trust Zeke more at this point since all 6 of her people are in and 3 of Vivors people are not.

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Natalie has 2 idols right?  So if she wins immunity, maybe she plays one for Michele, Ben plays his, Tony plays his, which would leave Sarah and Denise.  I'm trying to think how Denise would go over Sarah, unless they think that Denise would be harder to beat in the final 3.  But maybe its a Cirie situation.  Somehow everyone is safe but Denise.  I would find it unlikely for a bunch of idols to come out next week, however, especially since Probst's teaser doesn't really highlight any exciting happening.  In the preview, Tony's talking about Ben being paranoid, and we see him pleading with Sarah-maybe he wants to blindside Ben and Sarah thinks its a bad idea?  I can see different scenarios how Ben/Denise go next and, if its true, that Sarah/Tony wind up in the F4 fire. 

While I have a hard time believing winners would vote for someone who spent practically the whole game on EOE, even though Natalie seems well liked, I'm not entirely ruling it out that she wins.  If the F3 is Tony/Natalie/Michele, I could honestly see it going either way.  If Tony screws Ben over, which I would be curious to see what leads up to that, then that could be another vote on the jury he maybe won't get if its a bitter group. 

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I believe the Natalie, Tony, Michele final 3 spoiler. I think a lot of idols are going to come into play at the 6 to 5 TC. 

I wonder if Tony wins immunity at 5, guaranteeing a spot in the F4. I can’t imagine them not taking him out otherwise. 

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23 hours ago, nkotb said:

If Danni comes back (either way, actually, whether she goes back into the game, or is finished), for the love of God, feed the woman

She was the same way on her original season.  Seemed far too thin to be healthy.  I guess she's got that mix of a slim build and a fast metabolism that keeps her body fat low.

being able to see the outline of her abdomen muscles is striking tho

Kim is kind of the same way, I think, with the added bonus of being 9 feet tall.

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7 hours ago, nutty1 said:

I believe the Natalie, Tony, Michele final 3 spoiler. I think a lot of idols are going to come into play at the 6 to 5 TC. 

I wonder if Tony wins immunity at 5, guaranteeing a spot in the F4. I can’t imagine them not taking him out otherwise. 

They had 2 shots in the last episode and didnt do it wont be surprised if he makes F3 easily with these fools 

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23 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:

She had to give one to Tyson 

Okay, I couldn't remember if she could get that one back or not.

So there are 3 idols in play at the final 6.  If Michele wins immunity, that could explain how Denise goes before Ben.  Unless Denise sides with Natalie and Michele and votes out Ben, and then somehow Sarah/Tony manage to survive until the final 4.  Although it still makes zero sense why they'd target Ben over Tony and Sarah.  And if Ben is stupid enough to let other idols come into play, but not play his, then he deserves to get voted out. 

ETA: SU has said on Sucks that Michele does end up losing.  Since he was wrong about the end game, we'll see if he's wrong here.

Edited by LadyChatts
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7 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

So there are 3 idols in play at the final 6.

Potentially.  There's two for sure; one each for Ben and Tony.

If Natalie (or Rob or Tyson) returns, then there's 3.

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16 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

So there are 3 idols in play at the final 6.  If Michele wins immunity, that could explain how Denise goes before Ben.  Unless Denise sides with Natalie and Michele and votes out Ben, and then somehow Sarah/Tony manage to survive until the final 4.  Although it still makes zero sense why they'd target Ben over Tony and Sarah.  And if Ben is stupid enough to let other idols come into play, but not play his, then he deserves to get voted out. 

I guess it all depends on what happens during F6. I would think that Tony or Sarah would need to win immunity in order to be safe because I'd like to think that everyone would target those two right away.

So, let's say Sarah wins immunity. Tony uses his idol, Ben uses his, but they decide to go after Denise instead of Michele because Denise has a better resume. I could see Michele not winning immunity but also not going just due to threat level. 

I could also see a scenario where Ben goes before Denise because Denise wins immunity and they decide to blindside Ben or something by telling him that it's Michele or Natalie. Though, you bring up a good point as to why they'd target Ben, if he DID go in sixth over Denise. Hence, back to Sarah or Tony winning immunity instead, as these people would be dumb to not target the duo ASAP. 

But...then again, Ben and Denise think they're in a final four with Tony/Sarah so they could very well think that way. 

And then there's the issue of F5 and how the last remaining of Ben or Denise go instead of Sarah or Tony. Which is why I lean toward Ben leaving in 6th, because it's possible that Natalie/Michele decide to take out Denise in 5th instead of Ben in 5th. Which is why I could also see Tony saving his idol for F5 and using it on himself/Sarah (whoever is in immediate danger) to get out Denise (since Natalie would also likely use her idol there instead of F6). 

Essentially, there are a lot of scenarios but I think Natalie/Michele will be working with each other, either way.

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10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh, well...it looks like Natalie is the EOE returnee, after all (look at the very top of the orange/red slide):



Yeah, CBS had a preview with this clip that I posted, but they took it down once everyone realized you could see Natalie.


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I could be wrong but I noticed that Rob said something along the lines of, "Tony's running things" during one of the more recent episodes.  Which I think has me leaning towards a Tony win.  Granted this is far more speculation on my part, but I just think that with Rob's huge sway over the jury that might mean a Tony win should Tony get to the finals.  Which I am perfectly fine with.  I mean I would rather have a Denise win out of the people still in the game (Not counting EOI) but Tony would be my second choice.

I really don't want to see Natalie win, I despise Natalie.


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Jeff will be reading the votes from his garage.  I’m actually wondering if this is going to be live.  I saw on some other Survivors SM accounts that they were setting up there, too, so they could do the finale remotely.  In addition, on my channel guide for tonight, it just had Survivor listed for the whole 3 hours; in the past, the last hour always said Survivor Reunion Show.  I know we aren’t getting an actual reunion show, but I thought that was interesting.  I’m expecting a lot of long, drawn out interviews in between the show to make it stretch as long as possible.  

Im hoping Tony pulls off a win, but I still think it’s a little too obvious he wins.  I do think he deserves it, though, as he’s played what I think is the best game out there.  I’d be okay with Michele or Sarah winning.  I don’t want Denise or Ben, but since I think this is a mediocre season, I guess it’d be fitting to get a mediocre winner.  I do think Ben has zero chance, however.

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I'm OK with a potential Tony win.  You simply cannot deny that he was 100% in this game from the get-go.  He didn't just lay back and fly under the radar to suddenly surge at the end.  Tony hustled the whole way through.

I think his social game is strong too.  He's such a goof, and he seems to have relaxed from the paranoia of the past which made him so unlikeable.  He's still intense, but it is a competitive intense, not that paranoid psychopathic intensity he displayed in the past.

Maybe it is the magic of editing, and he's the same Tony of old, just being shown in a better light this time.  Which begs the question:  Did I hate him then because I was manipulated to, and do I like him now because I was manipulated to?

Boston Rob was right, Tony really is running the game.  He's had to scramble a time or two, but in the end, he prevailed.  I'm OK with a Tony win.  Not ecstatic, but OK.  Certainly out of whoever is left, for sure!

Sigh.  A Yul win would have been perfect.  But....as Big Brother has shown me year after year....apparently I can't have nice things.

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^ Yeah, this. I've never been enamored of Tony, probably never will be, but as this season has continuously deflated week by week, so has my enthusiasm for some players, as has my disdain for others. (Well, not Ben, but he ain't winning.) So whoever takes the crown: okay, fine, whatever. Next!

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Sigh.  A Yul win would have been perfect.  But....as Big Brother has shown me year after year....apparently I can't have nice things.

Yul would have been in my ideal final 3.  I don't know who else would have, except that pretty much all of the EOE castoffs would have made the merge, and anyone not named Tony and Sarah would have been pre-merge.

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On 5/8/2020 at 11:30 AM, anthonyd46 said:

This is still the strongest rumor to me 

They verifed this guy to live in KC etc plus I could see it edit wise as she keeps saying it's a marathon not a sprint so I could see Natalie coming in too strong and messing up the table maze.

This spoiler in which someone from KC is believed that there was a 99.99% chance that Danni was coming back from Extinction is rather curious at this point.  Wish I could have been a fly on the wall when this person saw Natalie win her way back.  

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I love reading this thread once the season is over. All the fun I missed. I'll never forget Mike White sneaking pot onto the David vs Goliath set, and potentially being disqualified. Good times. Or the one innocuous post back in like, late August before season 38: "hey, I hear some random guy comes back from EoE and wins." Ha ha, that can't be true ... or can it?

And I'm so happy I cut out of here early before the real spoilers came. When I was last here, Kim was still the winner. (and now I know where all that "Adam is a pre-merge boot" stuff came from)

I guess the "Ethan is a diabolical mastermind who goes deep" was a unique foiler from YouTube (a diabolical mastermind ... of love and positivity!)

Thanks for being so diligent and keeping the spoilers out of the main forum. Love you guys!

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Yeah, I watched your bony asses going into this thread and then tried to avoid picking up any clues that spoiler-fiends might innocently drop. Holy cow, this time there were some serious clumps of intel... glad I didn't accidentally click on this thread midseason. Usually the spoiler thread is a bit more like the preview thread when I come in end of season to check it out.

Tony won! Thank god. (Some dud spoilers re that, I note!)



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4 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

This spoiler in which someone from KC is believed that there was a 99.99% chance that Danni was coming back from Extinction is rather curious at this point.  Wish I could have been a fly on the wall when this person saw Natalie win her way back.  

Yea I would like to know more of this story. Wendell was way ahead even had a ball in. Danni nowhere to be found.

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7 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Yul would have been in my ideal final 3.  I don't know who else would have, except that pretty much all of the EOE castoffs would have made the merge, and anyone not named Tony and Sarah would have been pre-merge.

My ideal final three would have been Kim, Yul, and Denise.  Those were four of my favorite winners (Had Earl been there then my top four favorites would have been in the game).

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I'm disappointed that all the good spoilers ended up being false.

I was thinking that if they ever have another season (which I sorta kinda hope they don't lol), I won't read spoilers. I feel like maybe the spoilers ruined this season for me. But then I was spoiled for DvG and I still loved it. And I wasn't spoiled for tons of seasons (I only started reading spoilers a few seasons ago) that I thought sucked. So, maybe it's not the spoilers lol.

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12 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm disappointed that all the good spoilers ended up being false.

I was thinking that if they ever have another season (which I sorta kinda hope they don't lol), I won't read spoilers. I feel like maybe the spoilers ruined this season for me. But then I was spoiled for DvG and I still loved it. And I wasn't spoiled for tons of seasons (I only started reading spoilers a few seasons ago) that I thought sucked. So, maybe it's not the spoilers lol.

This is actually why I read spoilers.  It doesn't ruin my enjoyment (except expecting Ben to totally get blindsided, waiting all season for that, and then he just bows out).  I would have been super depressed this season seeing all the old schoolers getting picked off and wondering when/if it was going to end (and getting my hopes up one too many times about Adam going, but of course by the time he did go I wanted him to stay).  

In terms of one of the spoilers this season not coming true (maybe anyway), there were the spoilers regarding Danni that SU gave us-none of them turned out to be true, except we don't know about the "diabolical Danni" and whether that happened.  She did something on SM today (I'm assuming IG), and someone at Sucks threw in the highlights.  Apparently Danni was accused of going through Jeremy's bag, which was a lie, and that Jeremy was told by Ben that Danni was the one who orchestrated Natalie's boot (also a lie), which caused Jeremy to go off on her.  She said her weird edit the episode she got booted was related to people accusing her of going through Jeremy's bag.  So I'm wondering if maybe that's what all that was about.  I figured it wouldn't add up to much lol  I have to say, the more I'm reading post-game from people, the more I'm looking at people differently, and not in a good way (Natalie and Jeremy for one).  It was also posted on Sucks that people wanted to give Michele votes and have her come in second, but they didn't want to risk Natalie winning. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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So Fiji has a fan on flights there from the US until July 1st so if that holds up thats cutting it really close as the season wouldn't end till about August 20th or so. If it gets delayed again chances of taping there and being ready for wall seem almost impossible.

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