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S10.E11: Leaving Las Vegas

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8 minutes ago, neh said:

My septic system works just fine with a dishwasher and a household of five poeple. I also grow great looking roses in the septic field!😀

It's definitely a "to each, their own" thing, but I would never buy a home that didn't have city water and sewers. I'm not dealing with wells and septic systems, nope, no thank you!

  • Love 6
On 4/9/2019 at 10:40 AM, Kyanight said:

 I doubt he has sex that often any more.   And I will just toss this out there - do you ladies in monogamous relationships have sex every single night of the week... every night of the month - of every year?  lol     In a polygamous relationship, you can sleep next to each other and not have sexual relations.  In fact, as you get older it is MORE likely you will sleep beside each other more often than you have sex.   

Agree with this!  especially after 20+ years with someone.  He's been with Robyn the shortest amount of years so I'm guessing she gets the most D.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, MV713 said:

Agree with this!  especially after 20+ years with someone.  He's been with Robyn the shortest amount of years so I'm guessing she gets the most D.

Well.... he's had two broken noses and numerous contusions, scrapes and cuts from that wicked chin of hers, so that might have cooled down somewhat through the years.

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2 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

It's definitely a "to each, their own" thing, but I would never buy a home that didn't have city water and sewers. I'm not dealing with wells and septic systems, nope, no thank you!

Ah, but it has been wonderful to not have water/sewer bills, and that chlorine smell in the water. As you say, to each, their own.

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2 hours ago, MV713 said:

Agree with this!  especially after 20+ years with someone.  He's been with Robyn the shortest amount of years so I'm guessing she gets the most D.

Heck, even King Dimitri over on Seeking Sister Wife told his queens they wouldn't be getting the D every night! 

I know very few married men who don't claim to be deprived in that area, poor things. 😛

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I read on another forum that a poster had surmised that Kootie & the Gang were no longer welcome in LV because the HOA on the cult-de-sac (their unfortunate neighbors) were sick as hell at all the CHA-OS (remember that ep?) resulting from all the businesses the Brown Clowns run out of their McMansions (MSWC, LuLaNo, LIV, etc.) and the traffic from the film crew, not to mention the UPS/other delivery vehicles creating disturbances galore on their street.  

I still think Robochin (thx @Kyanight) decided on Flagstaff because of Day-Un.  Their exile in LV ran out its welcome.  Boo Hoo.  Persecuted right the fuck outta there!

Has massive Viagra dosing caused Kootie to lose what little brain he has?  What a dick.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

I'm reposting my recap here, after I accidentally posted it in the wrong thread.

Spoiler tag for length.

  Reveal spoiler

Previously on “Sister” “Wives”…

Kody explained to his concubines that he wanted to move as quickly as possible RIGHT NOW START PACKING BITCHES, and then was all “Whoa, Nelly,” about how fast the whole move –- the one he suggested and demanded -- was going. Former #1 Wife Robyn found Kody’s constant mood swings fucking annoying, and I was right there with her. Kody admitted that the fambly spent all their money on the singingk land, and had none leftover, so that’s why the move must happen RIGHT THIS DAMN SECOND, screw the traumatized children, ‘cause the Browns are broke. Christine reminisced about moving into the builder-grade boxes (aka homes), remembering a two-year-old Truely, who’s now old enough to see right through the bullshit. My spellcheck finds the spelling of young Ms. Brown’s moniker truely appalling. Despite the fact that no one wants her around, and hasn’t in years, the fambly worried that Meri might not want to come along, and she insisted, with her typical flat, dead-eyed stare, that she was FINE JUST FINE ABOUT MOVING CAN’T YOU SEE HOW FINE SHE IS, and the other chucklefucks bought that ‘cause they don’t really give a shit. Kody whined about leaving his beautiful Vegas homes, which made me wonder if the last few seasons of this show were some kind of fever dream, because I sure don’t remember anything beautiful. Oh, and Kody managed to lose a few of his kids. Robyn admitted that sometimes the fambly consisted of the “dumbest people ever,” and I have to say Robyn is selling the Browns short. Sometimes, my ass.

Title sequence: Meri thinks the lifestyle makes each of them better, and I’m afraid they’d all be serial killers without polygamy; Janelle wouldn’t “want anything else” because she doesn’t have the capacity to want anything at all; Christine wanted a family, and didn’t realize that you can have one in a monogamous marriage; Robyn thinks that all “shoulda been together from day one,” which we already knew because she’s hell-bent on pretending she was there from day one; and Kody is still pretending he has love to multiply.

We’re treated to sweeping vistas of the Las Vegas desert, with nary a tree in sight. Kody and Janelle have invited the Brushes over for dinner, though Kody admits he really just wants to see Axel. Janelle reminisces about how nice it’s been to have all the wives/kids right next to each other, even though the women interact as little as possible, and then admits that things will not be so idyllic after the moves, since the new homes are miles apart. Flashback to the Lehi house: I’d forgotten how many of Kody’s Kids are actually blonde! The family Brush arrives, and silver-tongued Caleb savors the air-conditioning. Janelle informs the viewer that she loves Axel more than life and says he’s her “world.” She’s also wearing too much eye makeup. In case you’d forgotten, Flagstaff is more expensive than Vegas, but Janelle reminds Maddie and Caleb that they could move there anyway, in case they’re unaware of the concept of moving. Maddie never ever wants to move to Flagstaff, and she acutely notes that everyone in the fambly, save Robyn, gets bored easily, so she doubts Flagstaff is their final destination. Kody claims their fambly’s many moves have been opportunities to advance his career, though he offers no specifics about this supposed “career.”

It’s the last day in Vegas. Despite a move occurring the next damn day, the houses are still stuffed to the brim with crap. Kody insists on wasting some of the remaining packing time by conducting some boneheaded fambly meeting, in which the perpetually disorganized patriarch tries mightily to institute a stupidly complex moving plan that he swears will require only an hour at each house. Kody likes to buy large quantities of meat, which is a perk known only to polygamists, and now the fambly has to worry about toting 600 pounds of meat along with them to Flagstaff. TOMORROW. Kody whines about having to listen to multiple opinions, which, correct me if I’m wrong, is one of the hazards of having four wives.

Never has a commercial break been more welcomed. I plan to savor these Kody-free minutes.

We’re treated to a moving montage, because nothing is more riveting than watching sweaty people load boxes. Gabe asks Janelle if the new house is furnished, because they’ve apparently discussed nothing about this move that is now some 12 hours away. Janelle is annoyed by Gabe’s perfectly reasonable questions, and then she reveals that Gabe has packed nothing. He has no idea why they’re moving, still, and he notes accurately that Flagstaff is more expensive, so Kody’s “save money” excuse is bullshit; he calls his parents hicks, in contrast with him and his siblings, who are “city slickers.” Janelle says she doesn’t want to hurt Gabe’s feelings, and turns right around and calls him worthless when it comes to the move. Despite Janelle’s entreaties, nagging, and passive-aggressive guilt trips, Gabe edges out the door to meet a friend, promising to return immediately. Two hours later: Gabe still isn’t back, and Kody complains about Gabe’s attitude while his other, more complaint sons, load the moving truck. Meri is fine with the move, SHE REALLY IS, but she’s not excited about the coming fambly separation. Robyn is conflicted about the move. Christine admits the fambly are idiots, but don’t let allow yourself to think that that such a revelation will change anything about the Browns’ decision-making, because as Kody says, “failure here is never an option.” Oh, Kody, of course it is.

IT’S MOVING DAY, and as befits our intrepid heroes, nobody is ready to do much of anything, especially not to leave by 10, which was the original plan. Kody needs help from each of his kids, but none is forthcoming, and Gabe is apparently…on the streets of Vegas? No one knows. Meri is still pissed about not going to Chicago with Mariah and Audrey and having to move with her own beloved fambly instead. Kody whines about being the only man in a plural family, and I yell at the TV to helpfully remind him that HE CHOSE to be the patriarch. Robyn admits they’ve done this the hard way but entirely fails to understand that this is a freaking pattern for these loons.

Christine is multi-tasking: cutting a watermelon and yelling at her kids. None of the wives have spoken to any of the others, so none of them has any idea what’s going on. Sounds like a recipe for a successful move! Christine’s girls note that Christine’s expectations regarding time are somewhat unrealistic. I think they’re being far too kind about Christine’s myriad delusions. Meanwhile, Robyn needs Breanna to watch Ariella and pack her own room at the same time. Christine can’t find her car, which could be anywhere, never to be seen again. Since the fambly is moving, Robyn cries, which seems to be her thing. Kody, wearing a wide headband straight out of 1982, strategizes moving the all-important meat. A car alarm is going off, annoying the entire cul-de-sac, and after a whole bunch o’ Browns have backed down the driveway, Kody complains again about having to load one last trailer all by himself like a big boy, and  Meri wanders into the cul-de-sac holding a little dog and is shocked to find that some of her fambly has already left for Flagstaff, which should tell you everything you need to know about Meri’s current fambly status.

At this point, I’m not sure I’m going to make it. I’m glad Mr. Grey and Little Grey aren’t here to see this and ask questions like, “What the Hell are you watching?” and “Why are you crying, Mommy?”

Kody tearfully announces that the move he’s championed, planned, and forced upon his family is happening too damn fast, and he wants to stop and remember how magical their original move was, how majestic and special it was to move in the middle of the night to get away from supposed persecution. We suffer through a musical montage of Vegas moments, including that godawful commitment ceremony when Kody made all of the fambly friends stand in 150-degree heat to watch him and the poorly-dressed wives sign a sheet of paper. And on to Flagstaff at last. I was worried we might not make it. Christine notes that Robyn’s new rental is stupidly large, but Christine feigns happiness for Kody’s favorite wife. The wives worry that the neighbors think that all of the Browns are moving into one house, but the joke is on them if they think the Browns would ever lower themselves to share a kitchen! Poor, unsuspecting new neighbors show up and are subjected to Christine’s screaming, aggressive brand of friendliness. Since Kody hasn’t yet arrived, we don’t have to watch him flip his straw broom of hair and yell about how he has four wives. Thank heavens for small favors.

In the usual uncomfortable semi-circle, the wives explain that it’s totally shocking to outsiders when they explain they’re a plural family, because apparently nobody in Flagstaff has a TV or access to the Internet. Back in Flagstaff, Kody plays the patriarch and forces each of his kiddos to properly admire Robyn’s new house, and many of them note how ridiculously large it is. Meri is still holding a dog for…reasons. Robyn envisions her new house as the fambly gathering spot, and I don’t see Meri rushing in to stake her claim, so Robyn’s mansion it is.

The young couples (Maddie/Caleb, Mitch/Aspyn) have to take off, so the older Browns say goodbye. We’re treated to a morose shot of Axel toddling down Robyn’s driveway into the horizon. Kody says bye to Axel with a one-handed hug and then…brace yourself…sobs in Caleb’s arms. No really, he does. Production tortures the viewer with a lingering shot of Kody’s scrunched-up, red face. Caleb swears they’ll visit often, which I’m 99% sure he says to get Kody to quit hugging him. Mitch and Aspyn must also leave at some point, but they are not subjected to Kody’s histrionics, which means they are 1. less favored, and 2. lucky. Kody second-guesses the decision to move, AGAIN (you know, the move he made a freaking Power Point presentation about!), and then he makes an announcement: the fambly is no longer in exile. They can’t finally announce to the world, preferably via a long-running television show, that they are a plural family. At last they can be honest about their lifestyle. It’s been a long time coming.

Oh, and there’s more crying, complete with running mascara, and Meri’s eye boogers, but Kody remains stoic, because his soulmate, Caleb, has already departed, and he has no tears left.

Thank you for a laugh-filled synopsis.  I really enjoyed it.  We have some great posters on this board, and I look forward to devouring it with gusto.  Picture Mariah or Janelle eating their prized avocado toast, and that's me reading here!

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1 minute ago, xwordfanatik said:

I read on another forum that a poster had surmised that Kootie & the Gang were no longer welcome in LV because the HOA on the cult-de-sac (their unfortunate neighbors) were sick as hell at all the CHA-OS (remember that ep?) resulting from all the businesses the Brown Clowns run out of their McMansions (MSWC, LuLaNo, LIV, etc.) and the traffic from the film crew, not to mention the UPS/other delivery vehicles creating disturbances galore on their street.  

I still think Robochin (thx @Kyanight) decided on Flagstaff because of Day-Un.  Their exile in LV ran out its welcome.  Boo Hoo.  Persecuted right the fuck outta there!

Has massive Viagra dosing caused Kootie to lose what little brain he has?  What a dick.

 Yeah, I don't think it was the chouse. (Chaos.)  They had their own little corner of the world away from everybody else - but never say never.  

One of my sons applied to C.U. in November of 2018 for the Fall of 2019.  He JUST heard a month ago that he was accepted (middle to end of March.)  That would make complete sense that Dayton applied - and was accepted last Spring.  Robyn started panicking, and she and Kody discussed the situation and decided they needed to go there as a family.  The rest is history - family meeting where most everyone (especially the kids) were shocked except Robyn - the mad RUSH to move ASAP because of course they had to move there before school started for Dayton - and the fact that they didn't drive anywhere else for a tree visit to see if ANYWHERE else would be suitable - and more affordable!

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, Sandy W said:

I find it very interesting that there doesn't appear to be a strong father/son bond between Kody and any of his older boys.  The older girls all seem to be trying to forge an optimistic "daddy's girl" relationship that they have been yearning for since childhood.  This all seems relative when you consider that each child is only one of eighteen and the boys have taken a realistic viewpoint, where the girls are idealistic. 

I have seen  more shows on plural marriage than I want to admit.  Okay, I don't mind admitting it here, but I certainly won't mention it at the next family gathering.  One thing I have picked up on is that boys really are not welcome in the plural families and those communities  after they are 16 or so, because the older men are competing with them for the girls that are 16 and up.  I realize the Browns have existed away from the poly culture during the Great Las Vegan Exile, but their family background is polygamous so maybe the Brown boys feel the push to get away (even if it is unconscious on everybody's part).  Maybe instead of calling it an "institutional memory" it is more like a "familial memory."  Obviously, it isn't a real problem for the guys where they have been living, but I am sure they have heard stories.   I do think family background seems to influence them more than we see;  Aspyn is married to someone whose extended family is living plural, and I think Taco Tony and Caleb also have polygamy in their family backgrounds at some point.   Hope this makes sense as it is a bit rambling.

  • Love 10
26 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

One of my sons applied to C.U. in November of 2018 for the Fall of 2019.  He JUST heard a month ago that he was accepted (middle to end of March.)  That would make complete sense that Dayton applied - and was accepted last Spring.  Robyn started panicking, and she and Kody discussed the situation and decided they needed to go there as a family. 

Except that 2-3 weeks ago on the show, Robyn let it slip that she & Kootie had been talking about moving since December, probably before Day'un applied to non-LV schools.

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Except that 2-3 weeks ago on the show, Robyn let it slip that she & Kootie had been talking about moving since December, probably before Day'un applied to non-LV schools.

Around here most kids either have applied or know where they're applying by December.  So it sounds like Robyn and Kody began planning the move when Day'un was narrowing his list and they planned to go where he did even if they weren't 100% sure of the destination at that point.  

  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

 Yeah, I don't think it was the chouse. (Chaos.)  They had their own little corner of the world away from everybody else - but never say never.  

Okay maybe I'm confused about the cul-de-sac but I thought there were other houses besides the Brown's.

In fact iirc a poster on another site mentioned something about several houses and that other households were upset with the continuous commotion and traffic through the gate.

Someone said they drove by one day and were surprised to see the security gate propped open and several trucks and other vehicles further down in the cul-de-sac.... She said she was tempted to drive in but chickened out.... Lol

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Joan of Argh said:

Okay maybe I'm confused about the cul-de-sac but I thought there were other houses besides the Brown's.

In fact iirc a poster on another site mentioned something about several houses and that other households were upset with the continuous commotion and traffic through the gate.

Someone said they drove by one day and were surprised to see the security gate propped open and several trucks and other vehicles further down in the cul-de-sac.... She said she was tempted to drive in but chickened out.... Lol

Oh I have no clue!  In all of the photos I've seen, I just saw the four houses.  We have mini little culdesacs like that in our neighborhood where there might be just four - six houses.  But now that I think about it - I'm sure there were more houses and that they were probably sick of the hordes of people!

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Joan of Argh said:

Okay maybe I'm confused about the cul-de-sac but I thought there were other houses besides the Brown's.

In fact iirc a poster on another site mentioned something about several houses and that other households were upset with the continuous commotion and traffic through the gate.

Someone said they drove by one day and were surprised to see the security gate propped open and several trucks and other vehicles further down in the cul-de-sac.... She said she was tempted to drive in but chickened out.... Lol

At one time I thought it was their very own cul-de-sac, but someone posted a diagram of the layout.  It's shaped like a figure 8, with the 4 Brown homes clustered at one end and another group of 4 or 5 homes at the other end.  The gate is in the middle of the configuration.

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3 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

At one time I thought it was their very own cul-de-sac, but someone posted a diagram of the layout.  It's shaped like a figure 8, with the 4 Brown homes clustered at one end and another group of 4 or 5 homes at the other end.  The gate is in the middle of the configuration.

Ohhhh that's interesting... So is the security gate only for the Brown's?

I guess it would still be annoying with a constant stream of traffic in and out the gate.

Edited by Joan of Argh
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

This may be a better shot. Where I marked it are their 4 houses. I could see it being an inconvenience to neighbors, no matter where the film crew parked.


Excellent, so there's 5 other households effected by the Brown clowns comings and goings.

It appears that the security gate is for all 9 houses.

I know this much I'd be seriously ticked off if I lived in one of the other houses and returned home to find the security gate propped OPEN like the poster described! 

  • Love 4
38 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Around here most kids either have applied or know where they're applying by December.  So it sounds like Robyn and Kody began planning the move when Day'un was narrowing his list and they planned to go where he did even if they weren't 100% sure of the destination at that point.  

Yes, Dayton probably had more than one college that he was applying to/considering. He had to have B and C choices in case he wasn't accepted to his A choice.

5 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Excellent, so there's 5 other households effected by the Brown clowns comings and goings.

It appears that the security gate is for all 9 houses.

I know this much I'd be seriously ticked off if I lived in one of the other houses and returned home to find the security gate propped OPEN like the poster described! 

One of those other houses at the other end would be the one that Kody and some of the kids went to enjoy a dip in their pool one day when the wives were away.  They also mentioned that they invited the neighbors when they had the outdoor shenanigans for the commitment ceremony.  It was the least they could do, I'm sure the neighbors would have had no sleep anyhow with the Brown clowns dancing up a storm under Kody's festive lighting system

  • Love 3
59 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

This may be a better shot. Where I marked it are their 4 houses. I could see it being an inconvenience to neighbors, no matter where the film crew parked.


The fact that the vacant lots behind them still haven't sold in 7 years should have alerted the Brown Clowns that real estate in their area is not booming.

But the excessive heat in LV probably kills off the fleas that carry Prairie Dog Plague.

Edited by deirdra
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18 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:
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Previously on “Sister” “Wives”…

he calls his parents hicks, in contrast with him and his siblings, who are “city slickers.” 

I was trying to decide if he was serious or not.  I think he was, about his parents.  But if he was also serious about him and his sibs, then what it actually did was just show how unsophisticated and clueless he is, in spite of his valiant efforts to paint his parents as the only ones like that.  He's a kid -- albeit smarter than his parents, but still a kid -- who seems a bit full of himself. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I'm a tree fanatic so yes that area would drive me nuts.

When hubby and I first married we lived in Calgary and trees were a precious commodity and few and far between... I grew up on the coast in BC where there's an abundance of old growth timber and heritage trees... I told hubby I wanted to move back to BC and build a house on property with trees taller than broomsticks lol

We now have heritage trees all over our yard and the entire street is lined on both sides with them. ❤

This is my backyard and I love it even though it's a little scary during high winds... The trees singk and not in a happy way  😦


Very nice! (Except for the scary wind!)

I couldn't imagine not seeing the leaves change in autumn - here in Connecticut the abundance of maple, oak. and birch trees catch fire in October and the sight is spectacular! We've got plenty of evergreens too.

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

Very nice! (Except for the scary wind!)

I couldn't imagine not seeing the leaves change in autumn - here in Connecticut the abundance of maple, oak. and birch trees catch fire in October and the sight is spectacular! We've got plenty of evergreens too.

Oh I bet that's beautiful, I'm crazy for trees especially dogwoods and pink are my fave.

I love maple trees too and I remember when canada was trying to decide on our own flag many years ago (we used to have British flag) people were squabbling because half the people wanted red maple leaf and the rest wanted green maple leaf.... We wound up with red.  

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1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

I've always wanted to visit New England.  Tell you what, @Gothish520, if you ever buy a B & B, like our dear Meri did, I'll be there!  Wouldn't it be fun if we could have a get-together of SW watchers there?  LuLaNo outfits optional.

1 hour ago, LilWharveyGal said:

OMG, I *so* wish we could all meet up in person! I'd even wear LLN to make it happen.

Haha, that would be awesome! I've seen tons of LuLaNo in the thrift stores around here, we could easily find some cheap duds for the party! 😄

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6 hours ago, Twopper said:

I have seen  more shows on plural marriage than I want to admit.  Okay, I don't mind admitting it here, but I certainly won't mention it at the next family gathering.  One thing I have picked up on is that boys really are not welcome in the plural families and those communities  after they are 16 or so, because the older men are competing with them for the girls that are 16 and up.  I realize the Browns have existed away from the poly culture during the Great Las Vegan Exile, but their family background is polygamous so maybe the Brown boys feel the push to get away (even if it is unconscious on everybody's part).  Maybe instead of calling it an "institutional memory" it is more like a "familial memory."  Obviously, it isn't a real problem for the guys where they have been living, but I am sure they have heard stories.   I do think family background seems to influence them more than we see;  Aspyn is married to someone whose extended family is living plural, and I think Taco Tony and Caleb also have polygamy in their family backgrounds at some point.   Hope this makes sense as it is a bit rambling.

I think I remember reading that Tony was a convert to LDS.  Caleb is Church of Christ, his father is/was a preacher.  Neither is from a plural background.

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Here's what I think happened regarding the move: Kody and Robyn decide to leave Las Vegas because she doesn't want her kids going to the high school. (Look at how "immodest" it made Maddie and Aspyn! omg!) They base their choice of new location on wherever Dayton gets in to college. They tell the show's producers. The producers devise the story line where they all must move on the same day, and feed Kody the line about "Where we go one, we go all" as a joke on Kody, who is not aware of its connotations with respect to Qanon (conspiracy theories about the US govt and a "deep state").  Moving at the same time = more drama and less dispersal of production resources.) I am sure there was a moving company involved at some point. And that the wives went back days or weeks later after the seaon wrapped, to clean up and remove items left behind in the haste of the filmed ("produced" move.)  

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On 4/8/2019 at 6:20 AM, Mardo2044 said:

I can't believe no one mentioned how Robin gets the big house!  I guess he really is treating her like 1st wife.  My other thought is he thinking of building one big house so he can go bankrupt and they can not take it away from him?  You are allowed to keep 1 house.  Just made me wonder...t

Each wife was charged with finding their own rental.  Robyn has need for the most space as well. She has 5 kids living under her roof.  Janelle has 2 kids living under her roof. Kristine has 3 kids, and Meri has 0.  It makes sense she gets a bigger house.  Meri who lives alone has a five  bedroom with four bathrooms for just her.  I don't understand the incessant complaining about the size of home Robin gets. 

  • Love 2
On 4/8/2019 at 11:09 PM, NotinKansasanymore said:

Hmmmm. Anyone else catch when Kody said the only people who saw Robyn's rental beforehand,  was Kody, Robyn and Dayton? Guess the three of them took another trip to Flagstaff after Aspyn's wedding and looked at the rental house, since last episode Robyn stated that she rented the home without even seeing it in person.

Ummm. Saying goodbye to the homes forever? Meri and Robyn said that they had to go back and take another load of stuff, so I know they had to go back at least one other time to finish the entire move!

Once again TLC shows a clip of the tell all with Kody mentioning "girlfriend"  trying to entice viewers to watch. since Kody has tweeted and debunked the notion of a new girlfriend or 5th wife on twitter calling it tabloid poop, then we know he's probably talking about Gabe having a new girlfriend or something.

You know the tell all is going to be a real snooze fest if TLC had to clip that together cause they had nothing else with the tell all to entice us with.

That is something that producers do with reality shows. They show a clip of a what is to come and it is edited to make it sound like they are saying one thing when they are not saying that at all.  It is a trick to keep us interested and wanting to see the next show.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

 highHere's what I think happened regarding the move: Kody and Robyn decide to leave Las Vegas because she doesn't want her kids going to the high school. (Look at how "immodest" it made Maddie and Aspyn! omg!) They base their choice of new location on wherever Dayton gets in to college. They tell the show's producers. The producers devise the story line where they all must move on the same day, and feed Kody the line about "Where we go one, we go all" as a joke on Kody, who is not aware of its connotations with respect to Qanon (conspiracy theories about the US govt and a "deep state").  Moving at the same time = more drama and less dispersal of production resources.) I am sure there was a moving company involved at some point. And that the wives went back days or weeks later after the seaon wrapped, to clean up and remove items left behind in the haste of the filmed ("produced" move.)  

2 of Robin's kids have already attending the high school for 2 and 4 years so no that isn't why they moved.  

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Anlogle said:

Sorry, wrong quote.

I'm sure the clip with Kody saying "girlfriend" is total manipulation.  In the plyg world would they ever use that word?  He used to say he was courting Robyn, never that Robyn was his "girlfriend."  Since it implies that they aren't serious enough to actually be courting, I can't imagine the circumstances where that word would be appropriate.

  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, Anlogle said:

Each wife was charged with finding their own rental.  Robyn has need for the most space as well. She has 5 kids living under her roof.  Janelle has 2 kids living under her roof. Kristine has 3 kids, and Meri has 0.  It makes sense she gets a bigger house.  Meri who lives alone has a five  bedroom with four bathrooms for just her.  I don't understand the incessant complaining about the size of home Robin gets. 

Considering that the move to rentals is a temporary thing until the house(s) are built, it shouldn't have put Robyn out too much to have Aurorabreanna share a room.  Since Ariella (and maybe even Sol) co-sleeps with Robyn, she wouldn't need her own room either.

Meri, being Meri would not be outdone when she heard of Robyn's luxury rental but it wouldn't surprise me if she was kicking in her own money to subsidize her rent, she probably gets a tax write-off by claiming 2 or 3 of the bedrooms are for her LLNo business.  Robyn could put the saleable items of My SW Closet in a dresser drawer.

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24 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

Sorry, wrong quote.

I'm sure the clip with Kody saying "girlfriend" is total manipulation.  In the plyg world would they ever use that word?  He used to say he was courting Robyn, never that Robyn was his "girlfriend."  Since it implies that they aren't serious enough to actually be courting, I can't imagine the circumstances where that word would be appropriate.

Kootie actually did call Robo his girlfriend, when Christine was giving birth to Truely, #13.

He's an ass.  Of course, he still wants everyone to think he's hot enough to score #5.

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