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David T. Cole
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I think John Diggle would be cool as an alt-Narrator for Arrow.  Plus, I like his rumbly voice.


On Code Black, an episode with Dr. Taylor, the administrator, as the Narrator could be fun. He's snarky-grouchy. I'd like to see Taylor really go to war for the er folks. It could be brilliant.


Of course, an episode of Empire with Becky giving us the narrative could be wondrous!


An episode of Blindspot, narrated by Patterson, Because Case/ Spy Reasons, is in trouble and trying to save herself could break the boards here.

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Beauty and the Beast : Under The Sea:  Mostly because I'm tired of the same wolf/vampire/demon make-ups; I would like to see fish/sea creature-based make-ups. Mer-folks would be a given. Also, the humans can live in plasti-glass cities that handle the pressure at that depth.  Also, riling up the current B&B fans would be slightly deflected because it's about a different set of characters. Rick Cosnett can dump Quantico, use his wonderful actual voice and be a mer-man who falls in love with a human. Alternatively, he can be "The Beauty".

Edited by Actionmage
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"Hannibal Smith": Feran Tahir; he has an air of authority and a Telly Savalas twinkle in his eye now and then.

Templeman "Faceman" Peck:  Anna Camp; the character is now named Temple "Face" Peck, but still the same.

"Howlin' Mad" Murdock: Judy Reyes; she married into the Murdock name, otherwise, just as off-the-bubble as Original Recipe Murdock.

B. A. Baracus:  Maybe Dave Bautista? ( Naw, he's got Marvel Movie Money coming.) Mark Henry of the WWE?

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I'm so glad you all agree that iZombie is great this season. I liked it last season too, but it was a sort of slow build, and really kicked into appointment TV for me in the last three episodes or so. I'm so impressed at how they made me fall for characters like Peyton and Major when I found them totally lifeless (haha) in the beginning.


Also, yeah, Ravi is the real dreamboat in the cast.







This! 1000 times this.  


Though I can't have been the only one who was screaming "KISS!  KISS YOU BEAUTIFUL FOOLS!"  during the Ravi and Blaine fight scene last week.  

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"I'm not dead if you never see the body." Words to live (die) by.

I loved the discussion of various superhero shows. I think Arrow started off strong and this season is a nice return to form after questionable last season.

Not only was the game time really fun but I want to see some of those mashup shows. Great podcast!

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gpgurl "I'm not dead if you never see the body." Words to live (die) by.


"And even then, you can be mistaken" (Bene Geserit proverb)


And yes, it's "Cleek" not "Click" (at least going by the French pronunciation, since it's, you know French). And then there's "niche"... but I'm going to appear like a fuddy duddy Brit if I continue like this (though that appearance would be at least 50% accurate)

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Does anyone else just get sent to a previously article on a Fear The Walking Dead featurette when they click on both of those show notes? Appropriate considering the topic, I suppose...


Yes, the links redirect to the Fear The Walking Dead post for some reason. You can see the YouTube addresses in the links though.

20/20 Vanished: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSImUC77S70


And it's refusing to let me add a second link for the other video, I give up after 4 edits.

Edited by vendredi3
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I remember people hating the Franks brother episode and not discovering that until I got on Twop the next day. My friends and I loved it. The disinterest from the gang, "boy you don't look a day over 15", the confusion over good ole days, how oblivious Frank seemed to be about the lives he's ruining. I just find it funny. Not the best but not terrible by any means. It's worth it for the nonac theme though. Crying in my car on the way to work.

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I only half-watch Agents of SHIELD these days (my husband watches it and I am often in the room--Sarah, you talk about this sometimes and are good at coining phrases--got any ideas for that practice? Spouse-watch? Osmosis-watch?), but I agree with Monty that the show needs to excise 30% of its cast. My feeling whenever I "watch" is that the former centers of the show--Skye and Coulson--were very poorly chosen, as those are two of the least dynamic and appealing options. But now that there IS no real center, it only draws more attention to how blah some of them are. I'd leave Bobbie, May, Fitz, Simmons, Mack, and maybe Ward as recurring. Send the others off on a special mission, forever.


I also appreciated everyone's thoughts about Arrow--you got it all right. Glad you watched an ep this season and not last, because it's so much better this year. And Joe, Colton Haynes's Arrow character isn't nearly as fun as Jackson, so you didn't miss much. On the other hand, he still looks like that, so....

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Oliver Queen (Arrow) for  Education Connection!  "I dropped out of four colleges, but now, after five years on an abandoned island and losing my multi-billion dollar family business, I have the time to go back to school!"


Tom Carvell extolling the virtues of Vagisil Feminine Wash pH Balanced, Light & Fresh would tickle me to pieces. It'd be so wrong, yet so right. I kind of want turkey and John & Priscilla shaped bottles for Thanksgiving. I keep thinking they could just recycle his TV ads' audio over the video.  Maybe Fudgy the Whale can be a guy's wash?


Headless Horseman( Sleepy Hollow) for Belsomra ( Sleep cat/Wake dog)!  [Voice over] "Don't lose your head over lack of sleep." [Headless shrugs.]


Ichabod Crane (Sleepy Hollow) for Willy Wonka's Gobstoppers. "What? I can still talk around this piece. It doesn't stop your gob!"

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Because he has been used much less than last season, maybe Donal Logue ( Det. Harvey Bullock, Gotham) could be replaced by an Irish Settler? They're both ginger and are happy to run down perps, no doubt. That way Donal can be on a show that doesn't mis-/underuse one of it's stronger talents.

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Grosse Pointe Blank is a total delight. Dark yet sunny comedy about a professional assassin having a career crisis.  I'm sure it's streaming somewhere.  And I don't think it's ever been a TV show, although it would potentially be a good one.

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mistook a TV movie for a network comedy, but then I'm not alone in that.


With Getting On showing healthcare can be done smartly, healthcare workers in a retirement village/housing development. Something between Waiting For God and Getting On, a dramedy.  The focus is on the folks who run the place with recurring residents as helpful/ mischievious/et. al.


Maybe a happily married couple that creates comics? She writes, he does the art. Other regulars are their inker buddy and their couples neighbors who live "regular" lives. Their editor can either be like Carlton the Doorman and be relegated to a voice on speaker phone or can eventually be a name guest star. If the former, you can get different folks in every season just for fun. No, they don't have kids and are at peace with that .Bonus, no one asks them if they are going to do so. It can be called  Arts & Crafts?

Edited by Actionmage
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An hour long drama set at a California winery. An upstart in the field, going up against an established competing winery. The main focus is on the staff-- dealing with tourists who visit the winery and competitors-- maybe even some sabotage centered on prestigious wine competitions.

Gorgeous scenery, pretty people, lots of booze, come on. It writes itself.

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OMG Sarah, thank you so much for recommending that episode of Foster's. It was genuinely hilarious. I had watched the show when it originally came out, but had never seen that episode. I have a brother who is 3 years older than me, and can see a lot of our dynamic in the relationship between Cheese and Bloo, especially when we were growing up. He still goes from wanting to strangle me to being super protective of me.

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I assumed the same thing about Whishaw's character in London Spy. In retrospect, the title of the show is sort of a spoiler for the twist at the end of the first episode.


For Americans, BBC America have the rights, but haven't said when they'll be showing it. I imagine it will be at least somewhat censored too.

Edited by ApathyMonger
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