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"The View": Week Of 3/18/2019


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6 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Funny moment in the beginning of the show.  Talking about the awards they are nominated for, Abby talks about how they are so grateful for the hair and makeup people "who make us all look great."   And Meghan nods her head, along with that ridiculous twisty-bun on top of her head, kind of disproving the "make us all look great"  thing. 

Stealing Pebbles Flintstone's look. What NERVE. 

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On 3/18/2019 at 5:43 PM, Bridget said:

Maybe it's the English teacher in me, but was I the only one who was horrified to read MM's tweet due to the glaring grammatical error?

She used "Saturday's" instead of "Saturdays."

I just can't with her to begin with, and then her dumb ass Columbia educated self (ahem, ahem) can't even figure out when to lose an apostrophe in a Tweet that's meant to be a mic drop moment?

Where the hell was Ben and why didn't he spell check her post?

Luv :(  it, but your :(  fightin :(  a loosin :(  battle.

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I liked the response McCain's adopted daughter gave to Trump on Twitter. He did not *give* McCain the funeral, gimme a fucking break. All he did was play golf and refuse to hang the flag half-mast right away because the McCains didn't want him anywhere near the funeral. 

Say what you want about Meghan but her crack about Trump ignoring his own family was spot on. Trump spent more time tweeting about McCain than he did about his son Baron's birthday. Poor kid doesn't stand a chance of turning out decent.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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2 hours ago, UYI said:
8 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Funny moment in the beginning of the show.  Talking about the awards they are nominated for, Abby talks about how they are so grateful for the hair and makeup people "who make us all look great."   And Meghan nods her head, along with that ridiculous twisty-bun on top of her head, kind of disproving the "make us all look great"  thing. 

Stealing Pebbles Flintstone's look. What NERVE. 

Or "Pepper's" from American Horror Story  (fabulous hair/make-up on actress Naomi Grossman)


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41 minutes ago, WonderWuman73 said:

I was relieved to see the Maddie Corman appearance was moved to today’s show instead of Friday (which I am attending live) that was so uncomfortable and disturbing to watch.

I can't understand why women stay with sex offenders.  Her husband claims to not have molested any children but viewing and distributing child pornography IS victimizing a child.  "I would never harm a child but I love to watch children be abused".  Bullshit!!  Once these woman realize that the man in their lives are sexually aroused by children, they should protect their children and leave.  That is what a good mother does because to stay in the relationship endangers the children.  Put your children ahead of your need for a man.

4 minutes ago, atlantaloves said:

Wonder woman:  I am living for your full report! We want every single teary eyed detail! 😭


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On 3/20/2019 at 8:13 PM, SuzieSioux said:

I think you're right in the context of that particular show. My point was more that I feel they have also been tongue-bathing him so much for so long (as has been so well put by others here) that I personally am not able to give it up for either of them, even if it's a situation where he or Meghan may deserve it. Meghan has been so awful and they have overdone the John McCain love so much that I can't feel much sympathy anymore. And considering how much power that family has already and how awful they've been to others, I really don't feel too bad about that.

I wasn't referring to feeling sympathetic toward Meghan or the McCain family.  Their focus was on Trump and how out-of-line he was to make those comments about Senator McCain.  Or about anyone who has served this country in any capacity.  No other President (at least in modern history) has ever publicly spoken that way about anyone, and Trump is relentless.  That's what they were talking about.  I don't feel especially sorry for the McCain family either, but I do share the outrage about Trump that was expressed by Joy & the others.  I think we can acknowledge that McCain was not perfect and still be disgusted by Trump continuing to strip away the dignity of the presidency by bullying and attacking.  IMO the focus was on Bad Boy Trump, not Perfect Boy McCain.  And I think feeling sorry for the family or not feeling sorry for the family is secondary, as are the political leanings of Joy & the others (which you mentioned in the post I replied to).  The focus was clearly on Trump and his over-the-top inappropriateness.  

(Is "inappropriateness" a word?)  🙂

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On 3/20/2019 at 8:34 PM, Jewlmc said:

I'm no fan of Meghan's, but she's not making that orange twit disparage her DEAD father. 

Of course it's going to be a hot topic, as it's pretty big news. Personally, I'm impressed she's not weeping and shrieking. If it were me, they'd still be surgically  removing my foot from the POTUS ass.

I still don't like her, but damn, I'm pretty sure she would rather not have her father be publicly shit on by a piece of garbage.


I have no problem putting aside my utter & complete extreme disdain for her, and concentrating instead on how awful Trump is.  

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19 hours ago, Haleth said:

Oh, but he is a good dad.

I'm sorry, but a good father would not enjoy watching another father's children being sexually abused. 

According to the police reports the child porn he shared involved a 6 year old girl, and the other file was a 12 year old. I do not understand why the hell the View put this woman on to promote her show so she and her perv husband can make money!

I actually contacted the network over my disgust of this promotion.

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14 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Miss Meggie said she didn't "enjoy coming here" every day to talk about her Father.  I beg to differ ... she luuuuvs it!!!

And I'm sure her first thoughts on this new hot topic was that it couldn't have come at a better time! The hatred for her has started to extend beyond just the View audience the past couple of weeks. She's going to wring out as much sympathy for herself as she can.

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5 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Seems to me MM is basking in this attention all over the news - and is not shrieking or crying - instead is a happy camper and laughing and joining in conversations she never did before. Hey- she even showed love for Ana that has given the most passionate speech about this.

Because Meghan gets to play the victim.  Oh poor Meghan Trump is picking on her dad. In her mind she is the heroine of this story.  Stoic daughter carrying on bravely.

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9 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

Oh man, I'm sorry but that gal who stayed with her husband who was perve and then wrote a play about it, SORRY.....I just can't. NOPE.☠️ BE GONE LADY.

What the Hell? I must have not been paying attention, she's still with him?  I'm surprised The View had her on. They have young children? SMH

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8 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:


I have no problem putting aside my utter & complete extreme disdain for her, and concentrating instead on how awful Trump is.  

And his sycophants in Congress who aren't standing up for their friend.

1 hour ago, Coffeewinewater said:

What the Hell? I must have not been paying attention, she's still with him?  I'm surprised The View had her on. They have young children? SMH

She said they have 2 teenage boys.

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1 hour ago, Coffeewinewater said:

What the Hell? I must have not been paying attention, she's still with him?  I'm surprised The View had her on. They have young children? SMH

Yep. If she wants to stay with him fine OK her choice but to write a play about it just seems icky (for lack of a better word) to me.  

They say the desire to molest children can't be cured. Can the desire to look at child pornography be cured?  Is he allowed to go online?

Edited by blondiec0332
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On 3/20/2019 at 11:19 PM, HaaCHOO said:

Just remembered to check this.  Yesterday Abby said to Prett Bharara regarding the Mueller investigation, "No matter what happens, you're going to have a big chunk that thinks it already is a witch hunt--and another chunk that thinks Trump's a Russian spy."   

A spy? Does ANYONE believe Donald J. Trump is a Russian spy?   A spy?  

What "chunk" has she been talking to?

Nancy Pelosi said those exact words publicly. Mind blowing. I know.

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1 minute ago, blondiec0332 said:

While I agree with Meghan about how society should not be obsessed about women's bodies and not fat shaming them I have no doubt if Meghan was skinny she would care a lot less about other women being fat shamed.

Megan only cares about a subject only when it affects her personally.   

26 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Mayor Pete is adorbs. 

The mayor is adorable and I would vote for him today.

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3 minutes ago, longobongo said:

I think he was explaining how his religious faith/beliefs influences his politics. No one is born with a political background, but they are, most likely, raised in some faith based environment. Therefore, that will influence how you view the function of politics and governing when you are an adult.  Even people who are raised agnostic or atheist will be influenced by the way they are taught to act and view the world as they are growing up. The real issue of separating Church and State comes into play when laws are made based purely on religious beliefs/dogmas/rules and forcing all people to follow those same religious beliefs/dogmas. Pete was mainly describing living by the "Golden Rule" which is not owned by any one religion. I am completely against the influence of evangelical "religious" beliefs in our world today. I am in favor of the "Golden Rule".  I think Mayor Pete is a breath of fresh air in our political world. I could however, live without knowing anyone is a "person of faith". I just need to know they are a "person of kindness".

Perfect post and I agree completely.. I have no problem with people of faith running for office, as long as you don't force your religious beliefs on others via legislation. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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34 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

While I agree with Meghan about how society should not be obsessed about women's bodies and not fat shaming them I have no doubt if Meghan was skinny she would care a lot less about other women being fat shamed.

We've seen her "true" personality too often.  She was probably a mean girl...and would have fat-shamed with the worst of them.

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1 minute ago, blondiec0332 said:

And how she treats Joy on a daily basis. On air.

The difference is that Joy can handle it. Joy has dealt with the Megans of the world.  She bullied Sarah  because she did not think that she was important enough to merit basic respect. I would not be surprise if Sarah's blue collar background played a role in her attitude towards her. 

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