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S09.E06: Fifty Shades Of Shade

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I believe LVP grief is sincere and if it's not then she has manipulated me into believing it is. Ha

However I do think she has played victim a lot, but so do all the other ladies. Didn't Rinna let 1 single tear fall from her eye about getting a cheap bunny back tat the reunion. It was hilarious like a long scene in a soap opera, I don't even know how that tear just paused on her cheek, great acting. *eyeroll*

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With all due respect, I don’t think LVP having a few meals with Lady Gaga means they are besties. LVP loves her some A-list celebrities, along with wealthy and powerful men. If Joyce’s husband was your average bank employee or crew member instead of a European billionaire producer I doubt LVP would have maintained the friendship with the same amount of zeal.

Even with Taylor being Taylor I thought it was lousy for Camille to bring up domestic violence on camera. It was part of why I never really bought her big transformation. Now that I see the LVP played a hand in it.... it’s interesting how LVP was thus able to posture herself as one of the only friends to the domestic violence survivor.  Taylor became one LVP’s pity projects while Camille and Adrienne took the wrath for “telling it like it is.” Checkmate!

LVP has never been swayed by Rinna and Eileen’s personal losses. She was the first to ask Kim on camera if she thought she would relapse after getting back from rehab. When she seems to miss having a sensitivity chip herself so often I really can’t talk about anyone else’s timing.

Edited by BluBrd47
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56 minutes ago, dosodog said:

What!?!  I thought it was impossible to love you more than I do. 

And then you mention Bob.  Twin Peaks Bob!  I always looked over my shoulder when he was on the screen.  Always! 

twin peaks bob GIF

Lol, and wasn't the evil, manipulating Bob so scary!? Remember how everyone assumed he turned away to cry, only to discover later that those were not heaving sobs his body was shaking with, but instead laughter. Zoinks! 

Can everyone please scour the internet to find every episode of Twin Peaks, then watch them all, so you can see how awesome my analogy was? 

Too much?


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On 3/20/2019 at 7:05 AM, blueiris said:

So Vyle Kyle said that maybe now her family would start speaking to her again?!? Seriously the most dysfunctional family ever. She knew her stupid show would cause all kinds of grief with her family but she didn't care. Why is she pretending to look for a career? Just go answer phones at The Agency so you can keep an eye on Mauricio.  

What was the show about that it would cause a rift? I never understood that. 

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4 minutes ago, FancyNancy said:

What was the show about that it would cause a rift? I never understood that. 

I think the other sisters felt it portrayed their mother in a less than flattering light, and maybe embarrassed the family. Kathy Hilton of the Hilton Hiltons and all? 

PS Love your screen name, btw!

Edited by Jel
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8 hours ago, glowbug said:

What I find ironic is that the things LVP has been alleged to have manipulated cast mates into doing or saying (aside from Brandi and the magazines, which never actually happened anyway) have all been generally well received by the audience. It is the blaming of the actions on LVP's manipulations that have made these housewives extremely unpopular with the audience. Camille calling Taylor out for the abuse allegations was looked upon favorably at the time. Camille's newfound popularity that season was not tarnished in any way and most people lauded her for it. Had she tried to blame her actions on LVP (or if the editors had left that in), she would probably have been the most hated housewife for the second year in a row.

The audience was also generally happy with Lisa Rinna for calling Yolanda's fake or exaggerated illness out. Most of us believe that Yolanda was feigning her illness and symptoms, or causing her symptoms (Munchausens), or thought her illness was psychosomatic. Rinna just said what most of us were thinking and saying, and it was a relief that one of Yolanda's cast mates had said it out loud. It wasn't until Rinna blamed LVP for the comment that she drew the audience's hatred. 

The audience wouldn't have blamed Teddy one bit for bringing up Dorit and the dog situation on camera either. Most of us still don't care that she outed Dorit. What Dorit did was horrible and she deserves to be publicly shamed because she has shown no remorse and acts like the victim. She keeps defending her actions and acts as though there was nothing wrong with what she did. If Teddy had owned her behavior and not tried to claim manipulation she would probably be more popular this season than she was last season. 

This is exactly right and something that has always confounded me, too. The criticism of this particular incarnation of RHs is that they are overly image conscious. I think your examples above prove that. They downright over think it and sabotage themselves over it. 

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5 minutes ago, Jel said:

I think the other sisters felt it portrayed their mother in a less than flattering light, and maybe embarrassed the family. Kathy Hilton of the Hilton Hiltons and all? 

PS Love your screen name, btw!

And there goes simpleton Kyle again. Just because her show got canceled, it doesn't negate the fact that Kyle traded on their family's memories and secrets in order to cash in. I can't believe Kyle thinks this should all be okay with her sisters now simply because she failed with her show. 

Does anyone know if that other series of hers (Glass Houses?) is still going forward? 

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L'il snip from Teddi's blog this week:

When Blizzard called me to tell me the dog story, I was told that Dorit kept the dog locked in her basement and it hadn’t seen the sun in months; obviously, I was told this inflamed tale to get me to react. And I did in the moment. But I did not reveal the story that day at Vanderpump Dogs as I was originally supposed to. THAT is what I mean when I kept saying I didn’t go through with it. Yes, I made a reference to the dog when John brought her out, but once LVP started with her “resistance,” I knew something was askew. Watch the scene back. Everybody was confused.

Teddi's proud of herself for catching on to Lisa's secret manippulation. So she goes in thinking Dorit has kept a dog in the basement for months (and that's not enough to call the authorities to investigate?, but whatevs) and then in one elucidating moment realized, OMG, the dog is not in the basement, these mofos have set me up to say that Dorit has kept the dog in the basement, and this is going to make Dorit look so bad ! They want me to that utter that lie! And people will believe it!   And then everybody will find out that Dorit... hasn't been keeping the dog in the basement? 

Hmm, so no, it must be to set up Teddi to make Teddi look like a meanie liar who lies about Dorit! And making Teddi look like a liar is Lisa's way of punishing Dorit, because nothing in this world (going into that season) could hurt Dorit more than Teddi appearing like a liar who makes up stories about Dorit? Erm. Say what now?

Also, don't boss me with the "Watch the scene back." How about a "please", lady? Sheesh.

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Why is Teddi not upset at John B in all this mess? As others have pointed out all her info came from him, not one thing from LVP. Have not heard her question the veracity of his info once. If I was Teddi, I would be all over him. 

Good heavens, I have tried my best to stay out of this mess. Today is not my day. 

giphy (6).gif

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1 hour ago, Jel said:

I think the other sisters felt it portrayed their mother in a less than flattering light, and maybe embarrassed the family. Kathy Hilton of the Hilton Hiltons and all? 

PS Love your screen name, btw!

That's what I always thought the sisters were thinking. However, I did curiosity watch, and she made her mother look like some sort of saint, so I don't understand why they are still salty. Maybe they didn't watch, lol.

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16 hours ago, Giselle said:

Edited to add: We as viewers want a lot. Entertainment, a glimpse of their real lives, wealth and all it brings, controversy, companionship and fun and if it happens it's nice to see friendships.

Giselle, I liked  your thoughts on the cast’s reasoning for getting involved in the show, and and agree with the statement above. My favorite moment of this episode was seeing Kyle and LVP laughing together... And actually, as goofy as Denise was at dinner, that whole segment was kind of fun. Even Kyle “casually stopping by” The Agency wasn’t bad. I wish we had more simple moments in the show. I’m not the hugest fan of Kyle, but she, IMO, is the one who delivers the most and the best “normal” moments on the show. Her older daughters don’t overact for the camera, she has the cutest dogs, she has the best parties, and her scenes with Mauricio are the most relaxed of the bunch.  

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12 minutes ago, renatae said:


I did watch the scene back, and became even more convinced she's lying. First, only then did I notice her aggravation at Lisa saying she didn't want to talk about it, and secondly I noticed that she actually did not quit until she got it out that Dorit had dumped the dog.

Thirdly, I noticed she didn't at all act like she thought she'd been set up.

Miss me, bish.

I'm gonna rewatch, too!

To the Batcave! ... 

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36 minutes ago, renatae said:


I did watch the scene back, and became even more convinced she's lying. First, only then did I notice her aggravation at Lisa saying she didn't want to talk about it, and secondly I noticed that she actually did not quit until she got it out that Dorit had dumped the dog.

Thirdly, I noticed she didn't at all act like she thought she'd been set up.

Miss me, bish.

I rewatched and this is what I noticed: (If I end up saying anything mean because of it, Teddi set me up...)

Much "who? what? where?" bad acting confusion from Teddi. Several attempts to get the ball rolling. If she had a sudden realization that she was being set up, well, Bravo must have cut that part out because I didn't see it.

Sessa ( know my Johns now!) says, "This is Dorit's dog"

Blizzard, mouth agape, looks less confused and more "Ruh oh" that Lisa is getting annoyed that it's being discussed.

Kyle, is awfully eye rolly at Lisa for someone who knows nothing about this. Sketchy.

Kyle's main point of contention: NO fair how Dorit dumps a dog and Lisa gives her the benefit of the doubt, but Lisa accuses Kyle of not showing up at her event. 

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5 hours ago, Jel said:

Is it catty and petty when she says she expected a phone call (over a card) from Erika? But why is that not seen as her just being honest and direct? Which is something so many people seem to want from her. She's direct and straight up, she's catty; she holds it in (and it finds another way out, (ie passive aggressive, small jabs); she's manipulative and controlling -- why can't she just be direct!). She can't win for losing.  All the other HWs are entitled to be annoyed at her but she's not entitled to be annoyed at them?  Everyone gets to have her feelings about things but Lisa?

I suppose we all look at these women through the filter of our own lenses, based on personality and life experiences.  And while I can recognize that some people react negatively to Lisa's way of doing things, ("manipulation") for me personally, that's a non-issue.  It presses no buttons for me I guess. What does bother me (and judging by the audience's reception, others) is:

1) A gang up. It reminds me of a herd mentality which I just can't (and have never been able to) stand.

2) Saying, "I feel bad for you, but..." Just have the gumption to leave the "I feel bad for you" part off then because if you sincerely felt bad for her, you wouldn't continue after the "but" because...

3) "The person with the heaviest burden gets the lightest load."  In my own life, I understand that people who are suffering emotionally are vulnerable, and I feel the right thing to do there is to put aside my grievances until they are in a better place emotionally to deal with them.  If they were to do that and then Lisa called them petty for holding it for a year, well that would be on Lisa. I doubt many would fault the HWs for compassion-based restraint.

She might be a lot of things, but she ain't Bob from Twin Peaks (hope you saw that show because I'm bustin' at the perfectness of that analogy! 😉) . I don't think her grief is convenient or fake. I see her crying as a genuine reflection of her emotional state at the time and not as a tool she uses to manipulate people.  There are definitely people in this world who bust out the tears to try to control a situation, but we've seen Lisa over the years and we've never seen her crying like this, so I don't think that is what is happening here.

Overall, this season may appear to some as the season LVP gets her comeuppance, but for others it's the season that Lisa was grieving and the rest of the shrews ganged up on her.  To me, that's just not a good look for any of them.

The reason she can't win for losing is because she chose the wrong way to approach an issue in several situations.

With the grifters she should have been honest, direct, straight up, and not telling them it's ok and then still punishing Dorit publicly. The wife of her husband's supposed friend.

If Lisa wants to be honest, direct and call out someone on TV about not providing an appropriate condolence response acceptable to the recipient, well to me that is catty & petty and trying to make the other person look bad. This is the second time she has poo-pooed Erica's condolence response on camera. Her dog died "you only texted me", her brother died "you sent a card with a couple of lines". That is flat out wrong for anybody to do publicly grieving or not. In private you might chose to have that conversation but not in front of cameras and certainly not in front of others.

I believe after her brothers death everybody was quite supportive and sympathetic to Lisa and they are still in that matter. But Lisa was the one that was began being catty on camera about Kyle not attending the party playing her off of Teddy, She's seen by the others being rude & catty to Dorit in the plane and they have no idea why, she's criticizing (and that's what it was) Erica for not sending a Lisa approved response in front of everybody. She's now been caught in a lie. She gets to be called on that because she's hurt other people. It's happened before her brothers suicide, it's continuing and  it's happening after her brother's suicide.

Their response is because Lisa has a history of poking at people until she gets a response, or she chastises them in front of others, or she goes at them & punishes them until she feels sated. She has a habit of "extended payback." She has done it one too many times, to many people and even though she's going through something tragic she's still doing it. They have had endured being her punching bag long enough.

If you keep hitting someone after they have turned the other cheek multiple times don't be angry when they decide they've had enough at a time that happens to hard for you. You also don't get to decide what their reaction will be.

On a side note.

Having been in those situations when I also thought someone might have given more in a condolence or they hadn't sent any acknowledgement when each of my parents died, I certainly never criticized any level of condolence or lack of, most of all I kept it to myself. They never knew.

I give someone the room to grieve, allow for a range of emotions and actions, help them in anyway I am able. But there comes a time when enough is enough or it is extremely uncalled for, the person has to be checked. There has been one occasion where I told the person. "I know you're hurt & grieving but so and so didn't deserve that, you need to apologize."  It needed to be said and it was said gently. 

Also I didn't lash out and be a bitch or nor did I have a history of being a bitch to people and acted that way after my parents died, but if I did do that and if I had that history I would have expected to be called on it and rightly so. You don't get a pass for hurting someone just because your hurting. We teach our children that.

Edited by Giselle
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2 hours ago, JillThePill said:

And there goes simpleton Kyle again. Just because her show got canceled, it doesn't negate the fact that Kyle traded on their family's memories and secrets in order to cash in. I can't believe Kyle thinks this should all be okay with her sisters now simply because she failed with her show. 

Does anyone know if that other series of hers (Glass Houses?) is still going forward? 

The show was not unflattering at all, especially if you consider the actual (or "actual") source material. It was sitcommy and far from dramatic, poignant, or shady. Her sisters are idiots for worrying about it without seeing it first. 

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13 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

The show was not unflattering at all, especially if you consider the actual (or "actual") source material. It was sitcommy and far from dramatic, poignant, or shady. Her sisters are idiots for worrying about it without seeing it first. 

I half watched the first episode and never went back. It was boring and awful.

The reason the sisters were at odds with Kyle is that family is known for closing ranks when one of them goes off the rails such as Paris or Baron Hilton.  They don't say a word other than offering support of a loved one. You don't speak bad of a family member.

Kyle was ostracized when she outed Kim's addiction and for using her mother's persona in a show. If the show was strictly about Kyle that would gave been supported.

Edited by Giselle
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Isn't Lucy the second dog that bit PK?  I can imagine PK and Dorit never spending any time doing basic obedience and socialization with any pet.  They seemed too self absorbed to put in the effort.  I doubt they took the time to introduce those dogs to their children and teach their kids SLOWLY the correct way to handle an animal.  

I love how LVP loves playing with the idiot housewives.  She makes it look so easy!  I'll give her props for knowing how to keep them dancing and providing a story line.  They just aren't that interesting on their own and she knows it.  I think Bethenny, Jackie from Jersey and LVP know what they are dealing with and make it look so easy!

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Oh, I don't care--I have no dog in this fight, but I did see the whole series; it wasn't great but, as far as sitcoms go, there are far, far worse, IMO. I watched it only for the '70s clothing and decor (I wish it was my job to curate the wardrobe for something like that, man!)

Regardless, there was nothing in it for her sisters to give a shit about or close ranks over, nothing that specifically insinuated Kim or Kathy or even Kyle, and nothing that I recall that would be considered "speak[ing] bad of a family member." 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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11 hours ago, glowbug said:

What I find ironic is that the things LVP has been alleged to have manipulated cast mates into doing or saying (aside from Brandi and the magazines, which never actually happened anyway) have all been generally well received by the audience. It is the blaming of the actions on LVP's manipulations that have made these housewives extremely unpopular with the audience. Camille calling Taylor out for the abuse allegations was looked upon favorably at the time. Camille's newfound popularity that season was not tarnished in any way and most people lauded her for it. Had she tried to blame her actions on LVP (or if the editors had left that in), she would probably have been the most hated housewife for the second year in a row.

The audience was also generally happy with Lisa Rinna for calling Yolanda's fake or exaggerated illness out. Most of us believe that Yolanda was feigning her illness and symptoms, or causing her symptoms (Munchausens), or thought her illness was psychosomatic. Rinna just said what most of us were thinking and saying, and it was a relief that one of Yolanda's cast mates had said it out loud. It wasn't until Rinna blamed LVP for the comment that she drew the audience's hatred. 

The audience wouldn't have blamed Teddy one bit for bringing up Dorit and the dog situation on camera either. Most of us still don't care that she outed Dorit. What Dorit did was horrible and she deserves to be publicly shamed because she has shown no remorse and acts like the victim. She keeps defending her actions and acts as though there was nothing wrong with what she did. If Teddy had owned her behavior and not tried to claim manipulation she would probably be more popular this season than she was last season. 

This.  The audience wants real stuff on the show.  They aren't upset when reality enters the reality tv show.  No one would have blamed Teddi...except Dorit.  That is what these women are afraid of - not audience reaction, but their co-actors' reaction for putting something real on camera.  They don't want to be accused of putting real things on camera because they'd be inviting their co-actors to bring up stuff about their lives they want to hide, like Mauricio's lawsuits and Dorit being chased around a pool by creditors and Erika's husband's lawsuits.  They don't want to be "the one" who cracks someone's image lest they be outed on camera themselves.  It's all about image.

That is why NY will always be better than BH.  NY puts it all out there, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Bethanny can scream "WHORE!" at the top of her lungs at Luann for hours and a couple episodes later, they are over it and have moved on. 

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45 minutes ago, Giselle said:

The reason she can't win for losing is because she chose the wrong way to approach an issue in several situations.

With the grifters she should gave been honest, direct, straight up, and not telling them it's ok and then still punishing Dorit publicly. The wife of her husband's supposed friend.

If Lisa wants to be honest, direct and call out someone on TV about not providing an appropriate condolence response acceptable to the recipient, well to me that is catty & petty and trying to make the other person look bad. This is the second time she has poo-pooed Erica's condolence response on camera. Her dog died "you only texted me" her brother died "you sent a card with a couple of lines" That is flat out wrong for anybody to do publicly grieving or not. In private you might chose to have that conversation but not in front of cameras and certainly not in front of others.

I believe after her brothers death everybody was quite supportive and sympathetic to Lisa and they are still in that matter. But Lisa was the one that was began being catty on camera about Kyle not attending the party playing her off of Teddy, She's seen by the others being rude & catty to Dorit in the plane and they have no idea why, she's criticizing (and that's what it was) Erica for not sending an Lisa approved response in front of everybody. She's now been caught in a lie. She gets to be called on that because she's hurt other people. It's happened before her brothers suicide it is continuing and  happening after her brother's suicide.

Their response is because Lisa has a history of poking at people until she gets a response, or she chastises them in front of others, or she goes at them & punish them until she feels sated. She has a habit of "extended payback." She has done it one to many times, to many people and even though she's going through something tragic she's still doing it. They have had endured being her punching bag long enough.

If you keep hitting someone after they have turned the other cheek multiple times don't be angry when they decide they've had enough at a time that happens to hard for you. You also don't get to decide what their reaction will be.

On a side note.

Having been in those situations when I also thought someone might have given more in a condolence or they hadn't sent any acknowledgement when each of my parents died, I certainly never criticized any level of condolence or lack of, most of all I kept it to myself. They never knew.

I give someone the room to grieve, allow for a range of emotions and actions, help them in anyway I am able. But there comes a time when enough is enough or it is extremely uncalled for, the person has to be checked. There has been one occasion where I told the person. "I know you're hurt & grieving but so and so didn't deserve that, you need to apologize."  It needed to be said and it was said gently. 

Also I didn't lash out and be a bitch or nor did I have a history of being a bitch to people and acted that way after my parents died, but if I did do that and if I had that history I would have expected to be called on it and rightly so. You don't get a pass for hurting someone just because your hurting.

Thank for the reply, Giselle -- it's always interesting and helpful to read another point of view.  🙂

Edited by Jel
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35 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, I don't care--I have no dog in this fight. It wasn't great but s far as sitcoms go, there are far, far worse, IMO. I watched it only for the '70s clothing and decor.

Regardless, there was nothing in it for her sisters to give a shit about or close ranks over, nothing that specifically insinuated Kim or Kathy or even Kyle, and nothing that I recall that would be considered "speak[ing] bad of a family member." 

No, there wasn't from what Kyle and others who watched have said. 

But it was still their mother they can be angry that Kyle used her persona. TheyThey all seem to worship Big Kathy. They may be extra sensitive to any portrayal be it real, inspirational, or fictional since the House of Hilton book came out. For being a public family there are aparently lines you don't cross, Kyle new how her sisters felt, the sisters obviously felt Kyle cross that line and broke rank. 

Edited by Giselle
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18 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I was thinking that this thing with Dorit and the dog is analogous to what is going on over on RHOA right now.  Nene wanted everyone out of her closet, and though we didn't get to see the footage, she allegedly stripped Porsha (who is pregnant) of her belt, and may or may not have used Porsha's own belt against her.  Is this a total fucking asshole move of the highest order?  Yes.  Same as dropping the dog off at the shelter.  But Porsha came out unscathed.  If Porsha had suffered a miscarriage due to Nene's actions, it would be a horse of a different color, in my mind at least.  

Jesus. Off topic, but now I'm wondering what the hell is going on over in Atlanta.

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52 minutes ago, Giselle said:

No, there wasn't from what Kyle and others who watched have said. 

But it was still their mother they can be angry that Kyle used her persona. TheyThey all seem to worship Big Kathy. They may be extra sensitive to any portrayal be it real, inspirational, or fictional since the House of Hilton book came out. For being a public family there are aparently lines you don't cross, Kyle new how her sisters felt, the sisters obviously felt Kyle cross that line and broke rank. 

I'm just saying that I think they're being idiots and actively looking for shit to be pissed at Kyle about. It's one thing to say/agree "under no circumstances do we do this," but another to just assume that is what's being done when it's not. Then again, Kathy and Kim seem to me to be unhappier people than Kyle is, so it doesn't really surprise me that they would be (deliberately?) obtuse about her show's topics. Whatever--I still want the clothes from it!

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22 hours ago, Giselle said:

Yes, I did like them when they first came on. Just as I liked Luann, Bethenny, LVP, Heather, and many housewives. Just like Asa on Shah's. I'm open to most people when meeting them for the first time even on a TV show.

I admired that Dorit could speak several languages that she started her own company and worked internationally. She seemed accomplished before PK. 

And as each one showed me who they are I changed my opinion of them some for the worse but also some for the better.

Just like many opinions changed when Bill Cosby's  real character was revealed to us and like opinions of  Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman are changing now.

When people show you who they are believe them. It's a bit harder when you get an edited television version of them but over time they reveal their nature.

This is true!

Yeah I think I liked Dorit too, although like Camille, I always wondered if they really had all the money they claim to have.  Now that I know about the fact that they don't own their house, but only a small percentage of it (weird!) I feel like they really are full of it.  

20 hours ago, JillThePill said:

Imagine that dastardly LVP, going out for dinner with the new castmate. Tsk tsk. C'mon now. 

I still remember Brandi's entry to the show. The Richards sisters attacked her at game night. Brandi got fed up and fought back.  Next thing you know, Brandi is persona non grata courtesy of the lovely Vyle Kyle. LVP wasn't at game night, but she took Kyle's word for everything and told Brandi that she needed to apologize. Only later did LVP get the full picture of what went on at game night. LVP never made that mistake again. After that, she makes up her own mind about people, much to Kyle's chagrin.  The way I have seen it, LVP always gives the new girls a chance. 

My GOD I remember that and I HATED the Richards sisters after that.  Still do!  

19 hours ago, nexxie said:

It’s so creepy how LVP plays with people as if they were toys - she “love bombs” them, both to groom the next tool and to keep “friends” in line through jealousy. But, once the toys are no longer compliant (Teddi right now), LVP gets vicious and punishing. 

Aren't these common personality traits of a narcissist? 

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2 hours ago, Giselle said:

I half watched the first episode and never went back. It was boring and awful.

The reason the sisters were at odds with Kyle is that family is known for closing ranks when one of them goes off the rails such as Paris or Baron Hilton.  They don't say a word other than offering support of a loved one. You don't speak bad of a family member.

Kyle was ostracized when she outed Kim's addiction and for using her mother's persona in a show. If the show was strictly about Kyle that would gave been supported.

I also watched the first episode, and never went back.  I watched mostly just out of curiosity.  It was SO SO SO SO bad.  Embarrassingly terrible.  

I remember her laughing her head off at one of the very in-funny lines: "The only thing I want fat on a man is his wallet!"  

I hate Kyle and am so happy to see her show fail.  Not sorry!

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53 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

Just wanted to point some thoughts out...as we watch this unfold, did you see Teddi’s face when speaking to LVP outside Camille’s party? Sketchy acting if you ask me.

We learn that Teddi had wanted to be an actress, we are unaware of this until that scene with Rinna when she said they told her to lose weight.  That changed my thoughts on Teddi’s behavior/actions...like Erica pointed out at the reunion, Teddi is no innocent fawn.  

Blizzard recently released texts in public that show Teddi wanted her brother Hud on Vanderpump Rules...but Hud only made it to Tom Tom. We also know that Hud’s girlfriend works at VPDs AND is the one who helped train Lucy Lucy AJ and was the one who couldn’t get in touch with Dorit to check on the dog since placement with the Kemsleys.

Teddi is guilty of bad acting outside that restaurant at the party IMHO.

We also saw Teddi and Kyle acting awkward/funny in episode 1 at VPDs which made me wonder what that was all about. Kyle and Rinna have been pushing the story as much as Teddi.

This is a very interesting and explains a lot of what’s going on. As Teddi has explained the “the dog is not important” to her.  What was important was that her lumpen piece of shit brother did not get a role on Vanberpimp Rules. He got a brief cameo that wasn’t even as prominent as James Kennedy’s misshapen brother or the cooks who made fun of Kristen. She got her idiot brother inserted into SUR and Vanderpump Dogs to make him a career. It fizzled as badly as Kyle’s attempt at producing. Maybe this whole bullshit story and gaslighting of Lisa is another Kyle Richards production.

There was indeed manipulation and deceit. From Teddi Melonhead and Vile Kyle. Lisa is listless and distraught and possibly medicated so she wasn’t sharp enough to respond to Teddi’s attack because her brother didn’t become one of the chuckleheads on Vanderpump Rules. Lisa was always nice to her as she often is to newcomers unlike other OG’s like Vicki or Nene. But she got a sick puppy who bites and shits on the floor. She should have dropped her off at a kill shelter. 

Then these vile bitches would take her side.

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18 hours ago, smores said:

From your keyboard . . .

We often see LVP being happy for Kyle, upset for Kyle, supportive of Kyle, taking Kyle's demands for support and friendship into consideration, humoring her constant "but Lisa, you don't do this for ME and I'm your BFF!" whining, and yet, what do we see Kyle doing?  "I'm going through stuff TOO Lisa!" when Lisa mentions the rough time she's had since her brother's sudden death.  Oh, and when she gets ganged up on at a table full of people "No, Lisa, don't go.  Oh, ok, you're going?  Listen, I don't speak for Lisa.  She's my friend, but I don't like all the stuff she does, she has a nasty side to her"  Way to have your friend's back 1000% there Kyle.

I don't know why those 2 are stuck together, but, I am SO over Kyle's splits.  Yep, she can still do them.  Woohoo! Kyle's got a party trick folks! Watch out! She's gonna twirl her hair next! There you have it, that's her entire repertoire! 

I also don't get how if you are someone who is so set on being ACCOUNTABLE, why do you care if you outed Dorit? I mean, listen, she DID dump the dog.  So, you could say, hey, look, I maybe shouldn't have taken part in things the way I did, or maybe I shouldn't have hidden my part the way I did in the Bahamas, but, at the end of the day, we wouldn't have had any of this conversation if Dorit had just returned the dog to VDPDs, so I guess I really don't understand why we aren't focusing on the root of the problem here.  Dorit didn't follow the contract and that's ultimately what put us all in this situation.  Had she been accountable for HER ACTIONS, no one else would be in this mess in the first place.  

The other thing that Teddi has conveniently left out is that her brother's girlfriend is the person who was caring for the dog during the spaying.  She is also the one who was trying to contact Dorit to follow up on how the dog was and not getting a response.  So she can keep saying that she got all this info from Blizzard, but how do we know she never got any of it from her brother and/or his girlfriend?

This, all of this.  LVP didn't know that Teddi knew at first.  When she found out, then she texted Dorit.  Kyle just decided to throw out some random questions and didn't bother to let her explain the timeline when she was playing Judge Judy, so it makes it seem like LVP is giving conflicting answers, but, the reality is, yes, at one point LVP did NOT know.  And then, at another, later point in time, LVP DID know and then she texted Dorit.  Funny how no one is bothering to match up any of this "proof" that LVP knew Teddi knew by showing dated/time stamped texts.  All of the texts I send have them.  It would do wonders for proving their side of the story and the fact that they don't show that kind of tells you something.

I'm going to leave this link here, because I think it makes the argument better than I could:


I guess I also want to ask, why, if Teddi is SOOO accountable and truthful, did she say to Dorit (when confessing), that yes, she did out things but she DID NOT tell Kyle or Rinna?  Because oddly enough, Kyle found out "on camera" at VDPDs.  Because Teddi wouldn't let the subject go.  And then we see Rinna learn about it because Kyle and Teddi won't shut up about it.  So, poor little Teddi lies again.  

On the one hand, I kind of like the idea of a therapist who meets you in the situations in which you feel the most comfortable.  I think you might get more "work" done if you were out hiking or what have you, than if you were just sitting inside on a couch, but what about any sort of privacy laws? And notes? I guess this is probably something that is best suited for a life coach sort of thing vs a therapist and in any event, it really just feels like this person was a prop to try to redeem poor used Teddi.  What better way to absolve her of her guilt than to have a professional say, well, what else could you do?

It looks like the reunion was filmed on 3/27.  According to a timeline on reddit, 7/29 is when VDPDs gets the info that the dog was dropped off at the shelter.  Hannah had the dog at some point, in the middle of that timeframe for spaying and healing, and it's unclear when Dorit gave the dog to "the woman" if there was another woman.  But, she had the dog for somewhere around 4 months.  

Get Amazon cards, they're more versatile!

It never, ever does.  But, she'll sit there at the reunion and yell about how Lisa sticks up for Dorit and doesn't take her side, despite how Kyle is there for her friends 1000%!

This is what I don't get.  If someone came to me and was like, ok, I want you to say this when this happens, I'd be like, uh no, say it your own damn self.  I'm not your puppet.  And if you're my close friend I'm going to tell you what I think of things.  Just like Camille, I would have said "Why didn't you just return the dog to VDPDs?" That would have solved the entire thing.  I think there are some things you maybe don't say to people in public, because it could be hurtful to them (like, let's say I'm Nene's friend on RHOA, I might privately pull her aside and say that I don't think the tweets she's putting out about Gregg are a good look and say I can tell she's hurting and ask how I can help her), but, I do think you don't just blindly say stuff because someone asks you to, or overlook them because you're their friend.  

If you do jump in and say something because someone wants you to, I honestly think it's worse than if you just spoke up on your own.  That means whatever hurtful thing you said isn't even your own thoughts.  You're just willing to be nasty and hurtful because . . .? And I don't think LVP had a part in this, I think she meant what she said when she said she didn't give a fuck who found out (whereas Ken DID want to protect PK and Dorit), she was dealing with the opening of TomTom, the Vegas stuff and also the loss of her brother.  I'm sure she was pissed at the situation, but I do also think that she did believe Dorit that it wasn't on purpose and she just wanted to move on from the situation, but the others decided to move in for the kill.  

And here we are again with the rest of the group ganging up on LVP but the proof not vindicating Teddi.  She doesn't have any new texts.  None of them show that LVP has a hand in anything.  Her story that she was told that the dog was locked in a basement doesn't prove that LVP manipulated her.  She's still lying about not being the one to tell Kyle, she's not talking about the fact that her brother's girlfriend was the one who cared for the dog during the spaying and was also the one who had been trying to reach Dorit to follow up on how the dog was doing but not getting any answers (and hey, isn't this the most likely source of info for the dog being locked in the basement?).  She hasn't released anything with dates/times to prove her timeframe, nor is she releasing entire conversations, it's still bits and pieces.  And her whole "she joked that you should adopt the dog" being proof? It could be that LVP said that Blizzard should adopt the dog from Blizzard's texts.  It could be more info Blizzard made up, and it could very well be that LVP said, the day of filming "you're not going to adopt the dog, Teddi" to get her to shut up and stop talking about it precisely because she did not want it filmed, as she'd already said several times.

BRAVO - excellent post

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17 hours ago, smores said:

This is another question I have with Teddi and her so-called Accountability.  If she "realized" she was being used and she's so big on being accountable, then why not speak up right then and there?  She claims that she figured out that she was set up when she was at VDPDs and LVP was insisting that they not tell the story, that that is when she knew that she had been used to get the story out while LVP was going to play innocent.  So, if that's the case, why not look her dead in the eye and say "But, wait, Lisa, didn't you tell John you wanted me to know? Didn't you say that you wanted me to tell this and put it out there? Did you change your mind? Because if so, that's cool, I just need to know before I say something I shouldn't.  I just want to make sure I know."  And then what would she do? If she WAS using you, then she'd deny it, but she'd know good and damn well that it's done and she can't exploit you.  But, oddly enough, that's NOT what Teddi did.  She pushed until the story was told, then she made sure it kept being brought up over and over and somehow, she lied about her part in it, but she DOES NOT LIE!

She didn't do any of this because Teddi is a big liar.    What makes me even more sick is that she thought that Lucy had been in a basement for months (according to her) why on earth didn't she shout from the rooftops about this - she shouldn't have needed LVP to back her up.

If she'd done this her hands wouldn't be clean they'd be shining brightly.   Instead of that she's turned it into ganging up on a grieving woman with her nasty little friend Kyle.   I cannot stand this woman.

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How is this all being deflected back on to Teddi who has admitted her part in this.... Teddi said I did this... there is no more lie there she ADMITTED her part in  it  she has apologized to the slimy Dorit for her part in it......Lisa has been caught in lie after lie and even bravo is so tired of it and is now showing flashbacks to those lies ... Lisa is apart of this she needs to put on her big girl panties and say yes im sorry so we can all move on and start hating Dorit for being a sleezeball pet owner 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

The show was not unflattering at all, especially if you consider the actual (or "actual") source material. It was sitcommy and far from dramatic, poignant, or shady. Her sisters are idiots for worrying about it without seeing it first. 

I watched it, every episode.  I didn’t think it showed the mom character in a negative light - it seemed more inspired by Kyle’s childhood than the based on it. 

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4 hours ago, Jel said:

I rewatched and this is what I noticed: (If I end up saying anything mean because of it, Teddi set me up...)

Much "who? what? where?" bad acting confusion from Teddi. Several attempts to get the ball rolling. If she had a sudden realization that she was being set up, well, Bravo must have cut that part out because I didn't see it.

Sessa ( know my Johns now!) says, "This is Dorit's dog"

Blizzard, mouth agape, looks less confused and more "Ruh oh" that Lisa is getting annoyed that it's being discussed.

Kyle, is awfully eye rolly at Lisa for someone who knows nothing about this. Sketchy.

Kyle's main point of contention: NO fair how Dorit dumps a dog and Lisa gives her the benefit of the doubt, but Lisa accuses Kyle of not showing up at her event. 

Thank you for mentioning this. Kyle was fuming that Lisa was saying she didn't want it brought up--she wanted Lisa to be furious with Dorit.

Then, acting like a 2 year old, Kyle stormed out of VPD with a "You like her better than me" attitude. Wah, wah, wah!" It's so obvious that Kyle is thrilled there is now a wedge between Lisa and Dorit/Teddi. She wanted this whole dog situation out there, front and center, from the beginning which is why she brought it up again in the Bahamas.

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I don't have any real comment on puppygate because it is so insanely stupid and boring and I will never give a crap if LVP orchestrated some public outing of Dorit or not (I hope she did), nor do I care if Teddy is so dumb as to think she can blame someone else for controlling her actions while still calling herself an Accountability Expert, but I just watched Bethenny's Insta stories and her commentary on this episode is pretty funny. I hate it a little bit less now, but not by much.

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Teddi is the one doing the deflection. She is deflecting the blame due to Dorito for her criminal ways onto Lisa to take revenge for not giving her Melonhead brother a big role on her show. Revenge pure and simple. Teddi is lying and deflecting left and right. 

I have found in life you can never believe someone who says they never told a lie. They are always the biggest liars.

Look at George Washington. Yes he didn’t lie and said he cut down the cherry tree. But he didn’t tell them he made it into his teeth.

What a manipulator!

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6 minutes ago, langford peel said:

Teddi is the one doing the deflection. She is deflecting the blame due to Dorito for her criminal ways onto Lisa to take revenge for not giving her Melonhead brother a big role on her show. Revenge pure and simple. Teddi is lying and deflecting left and right. 

I have found in life you can never believe someone who says they never told a lie. They are always the biggest liars.

Look at George Washington. Yes he didn’t lie and said he cut down the cherry tree. But he didn’t tell them he made it into his teeth.

What a manipulator!

is it deflecting tho cause Lisa has been caught in the lie that she's not admitting to here not Teddi .... Did you text Dorit Teddi knows?


how did you know ( again how did she know to send that text if she didn't know Teddi knew) 

I didn't know at the time....  

she has switched this story 3 times now and bravo has flashed back to it lol .... she didn't know then she knew then she didn't know ..... why does her story keep changing? at this point I dont care anymore but this is not some thing that Teddi just made up... Lisa is part of the set up .... Lisa just needs to say yes I wanted it out and be done with it at this point ... lets all move on 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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I love the way LVP lets them all continue to run at the mouth making all of them look more foolish by the minute.   They are desperate to get a reaction out of her, especially with the last move of planting a story she would not go to the reunion.   They are all in a tail spin, poor pitiful dopes. 

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Lisa didn’t explain it properly. She didn’t know it earlier but when she found out that Teddi knew she warned Dorito. That was her fatal mistake. Warning Dorito. A good deed never goes unpunished.

Lisa’s good deed of hiring Teddi’s Idiot brother got her punished by having her lead a mob to attack her nonstop this season.

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7 hours ago, Jel said:

I think the other sisters felt it portrayed their mother in a less than flattering light, and maybe embarrassed the family. Kathy Hilton of the Hilton Hiltons and all? 

PS Love your screen name, btw!

That may have been the story that Kyle put out as to the reason why Kathy and Kim weren't happy with Kyle's show, but my opinion is that Kim, especially, and maybe to a lesser degree, Kathy, were just pissed that either they hadn't thought of it first, or that Kyle wasn't sharing any of the profits from the show with them.  

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13 minutes ago, langford peel said:

Lisa didn’t explain it properly. She didn’t know it earlier but when she found out that Teddi knew she warned Dorito. That was her fatal mistake. Warning Dorito. A good deed never goes unpunished.

Lisa’s good deed of hiring Teddi’s Idiot brother got her punished by having her lead a mob to attack her nonstop this season.

Exactly right. Listening to that same conversation Lisa also says "I've never had a conversation with Teddi" and we obviously know what she means is she didn't have a conversation with Teddi regarding Lucy. I guess we could all jump on that and say "Lisa said she's never talked to Teddi. What a liar!" when what has to be considered is how it relates to the conversation as well as the timeline. For all this "First she says she knew then she says she didn't" there is no reference as to exactly when Lisa found out and when she told Dorit.  It's like grasping at straws and not even having a drink to use them in at that.  

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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I'm just saying that I think they're being idiots and actively looking for shit to be pissed at Kyle about. It's one thing to say/agree "under no circumstances do we do this," but another to just assume that is what's being done when it's not. Then again, Kathy and Kim seem to me to be unhappier people than Kyle is, so it doesn't really surprise me that they would be (deliberately?) obtuse about her show's topics. Whatever--I still want the clothes from it!

The clothes and sets were so nostalgic and accurately done that they were a real treat. I loved the blast into the past.

I understand what Giselle is saying about the "code of silence."  Yet I agree, Kyle portrayed her mother as such a Goody Two Shoes that they are being true idiots to carry on so. The show may have been meant to portray Big Kathy, but it turned out to be more like the Brady Bunch mom.

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4 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Why would our not seeing groundskeepers on the show be proof that they're not there?  We don't see landscapers, or lawn mowers, or farriers clipping the ponies' hooves, or swan people clipping the swans' feathers so they can't fly away--but all these people are obviously there off camera, since the lawns are always mowed, the roses always pruned, and so on and so on.  Maybe TPTB think it wouldn't interest viewers to see this stuff happening, so they don't show it.  But clearly it does happen, or we'd be looking at Grey Gardens rather than Villa Rosa.

I don't know if the ponies get exercised, but it would really surprise me if they didn't.  I don't think the lawns mow themselves either.

They also need to be carefully managed.  I recall they had an area where they could be turned out away from the manicured lawn, and they were loose in a few episodes from a few seasons back.   Unless Ken and Lisa clean stalls, bed the stalls, groom and pick up manure off the lawns daily, they probably have an employee that does.

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Remember last season when Dorit had a fit about the make-up on her shoot with Lisa V for jewelry? Lisa V did the EXACT SAME THING. She had the little dude that did the photo shoot angrily wax about how horrendous Dorit was and how her "bad energy" would not be in magazine. At the time I thought that was a pretty strong reaction for someone whose business is dealing with divas. Complaining about her hair and make-up, though annoying, can't be the worst thing models have done on photo shoots. At the time, I thought that Lisa was setting Dorit up for that and making the guy say what she couldn't (out loud). I guess she does it quite often.


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