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S09.E08: Cold War


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1 hour ago, druzy said:

Jenelle needs emergency surgery.

Briana confronts Luis in New York.

Kail and Jo come face-to-face for the first time since he filed for child support.

Leah tells Jeremy he needs to spend more time with Addie.

Airs March 4, 2019

Is Jenelle’s surgery to remove the molecules?

Briana going to New York isn’t just for drama and a storyline. Nope, not at all.

Jo should wear a cup and ear plugs.

Holding judgement re: Leah and Jeremy but it probably won’t be great. 

And they’re apparently not even pretending Chelsea has a storyline this week?

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On 3/4/2019 at 4:33 PM, Christina87 said:

I wonder if any of the five of them know what the Cold War is... 🤦🏼‍♀️

How many of them would try and guess and be like, “a war in winter!”?

I would love for them all to be on a competition like The Challenge when they do trivia day...dangle them over water and ask them basic questions like, “what language do they predominantly speak in Australia” and let’s see just how uneducated or dumb they are! I’d love to see who is shockingly more knowledgeable than we think they’d be. There has to be one...right??? I say we throw most of the side characters up there too!

Edited by Rebecca
Cant have a typo while accusing people of being dumb! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Damnnnn, with Chelsea not in the episode description, she sure is getting a lot of airtime! Every scene is Chelsea! Wow, Cole must have a chill job to be able to attend every doctor's appointment, and then answer the 50 times a day Chelsea calls. Did anyone else hear his exasperated "hello?" Her neediness has to get annoying. I guess my dad is a different dentist than Randy since he never cancelled a whole afternoon's appointments because someone was mean to me, so I wouldn't think to constantly call people at work. 😜 and the constant grilling about the school lunch was annoying. It's clear Aubree is uncomfortable!

Kail is just awful. Classy outfit to wear in front of kids, with her boobs hanging out. Vee was the best breath of fresh air ever. She was reasonable, calm, insightful, and had a pleasant demeanor. She and the producer also had a great rapport and normal conversation, instead of the producer asking questions while Kail is hostile and angry back. At this point of her life, with three beautiful kids, a bachelor's degree, a Pinterest perfect house, and nearing 30, it's time to grow up. The hostility might have been "cute" when she was a tough teen facing the world on her own, but now she seriously needs to chill and try to be pleasant for two seconds. 

Jenelle really earned her 300K this week!

luis is a piece of shit. I'm glad that Bri didn't hesitate to call him out on his crap. "I don't come around because!!!" BECAUSE WHY????!!!! It was great to see him not get a free pass, AND I'm glad she pointed out that he WANTED this baby. Why would he be so against adoption and then turn out this way?! I can understand feeling like he's bothering the coven, but wanting to communicate with his daughter should override that. God I hate him. Devoin is fairly useless, but seems to have a heart. I honestly wonder if Luis would even care if Stella died. When bri pointed out that Stella wouldn't even know who he was, he showed zero emotion. What a psycho! But then again, that's what happens when you find a rando in the club. The only thing that bri really can't help is that Luis was so against adoption. Otherwise, she's seen his character from day one, and it hasn't ever been good.  

I got the feeling Leah was using. Did anyone else see her eyes in the pizza place? I never notice when other people talk about pupils, but her eyes were HUGE, and were moving around in a funny way. I think she may still be using in smaller doses and hiding it. Her sister definitely is on something. Several times she stopped talking while her lips were still moving. Also, the scene with Jason was weird. It's like they're both pretending to be really mature and levelheaded, but we know Leah's not. I wonder what Jason's real personality is like. And it sickens me that they've decided to spend the season harping on Jeremy, because Leah doesn't have much else going on. Yeah, he's not around much, but what else is new? Leah could be dealing with much worse, like Adam. 

  • Love 16
11 minutes ago, TeenMom69 said:

I must have blinked and missed it. Was she on?

She was on at the very beginning and then in the end montage. The beginning was her talking about her sinus issues and her going to the dr. The montage was a couple shots of her after surgery. Really weird that she  literally had less then five minutes of screen time.

Edited by ScorpioSoul
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Chelsea shut up!! The Teen Mom 2 sweetheart couple are pissing me off.

Why did Chelsea make a comment about Adam's mom to Aubree? We all know Adam is a piece of shit. Old news. Yes put Cole on speaker so Aubree can hear how angry he is and convince her Cole should adopt her. They aren't going to stop talking about it. Listen to Randy Chelsea. And no one takes you seriously in that stupid Carhartt hat.

  • Love 17
13 minutes ago, Quilty said:

Chelsea shut up!! The Teen Mom 2 sweetheart couple are pissing me off.

Why did Chelsea make a comment about Adam's mom to Aubree? We all know Adam is a piece of shit. Old news. Yes put Cole on speaker so Aubree can hear how angry he is and convince her Cole should adopt her. They aren't going to stop talking about it. Listen to Randy Chelsea. And no one takes you seriously in that stupid Carhartt hat.

Lol I was watching with my boyfriend and he said "she's got a badass Carhartt hat". I'm like it's just a hat. But he loved it. And I agree with you. They're so annoying. Yeah we know Cole is perfect and should be Aubree's dad. Blah blah blah. 

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Briana- She is hardcore hoochie!  How the heck does she think it is alright to have a long distance boyfriend and flies often to see him?  Money and time away from her kids?

Stella just got out of the hospital and Nova is adjusting to her visits with her own deadbeat dad. 

Roxanne has been a blessing this season.  Playing MOM....and, completely devoted to her granddaughters. 

Britney is calm, too. Did those 2 get on Prozac or something? (Hahahah, joking!)

Briana, Wash your Dr. Miami body! What was the point on spending the $50,000+ on the surgeries? 

Is there a reason they cannot rent a house?? This bugs me!

5 girls in that apartment.

Next week, another vacation.  Gonna love the Puerto Rican in Puerto Rico and ......No Hablo  Espanol! 

Edited by Dance4Life
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Chelsey and all Mothers-to-be!

This is how it works!  The man you open your legs to.....if the one that gets to be the father and you will deal with this person for the REST of your life.

Even when the baby is 70 years Old! 

So, Cole spare us...already!  Just be there for Aubrey.  The Dad is not always the biological father.

Yall hear Briana’s parenting advice..???  You can just FaceTime her so she can see you and hear your face.  This way when you see her in person she knows who you are!

This is exactly what Briana does!!!

 While Roxanne is at home with the girls. Lol!

Edited by Dance4Life
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Well, I didn't miss Jenelle at all. I did wonder, though, if she was really hiding sinuses behind those sunglasses....or bruises?

Luis sucks. Brian's is boring. Next!

Leah was just a repeat of last week. But I was shocked when she used the word "accusatory".

Even *I* think Chelsea and Cole need to simmer. I don't think their intentions are anything but pure. But they're making too big of a deal about it. Just shrug it off and let Aubree figure it out on her own.

But. Fuck grandma Donna for getting that baby's hopes up. And I LIVED for the 2 minute closed-eyes Chelsea gave in response to hearing the "slept in" excuse.

I was surprised to see that Vee wasn't on board with this child support thing. As much as I don't care if Kail has to pay, I do think Jo is starting to look very petty. 

But Kail is still vile. I saw her expression when Becky pointed out how Isaac would be affected. It was an, "oh well" expression. That sweet angel wants to take care of you in old age, but you can't put his needs first? Fuck you. 

Also,no one would ever put you on the pole. 

It is not the child support but I think the filing.

Joe just dragged her into a costly child support court case.

Vee is asking them to try mediation. 

Cheaper.....possibly free.

Also, it is easier for Vee.  She is the one taking care of Isaac and dealing with Kail.

I don’t have a preference who pays Isaac’s child support.  Kids are not cheap and don’t show up on earth by themselves.  Whatever the law says.....works for me! 

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I'm starting to think Chelsea and Cole have absolutely nothing to talk about besides Adam. They need to find a new hobby. While I agree Donna shouldn't have said anything given Adam's history of flaking, if Chelsea wanted to rant about it she should've put on her big girl panties and confronted Donna rather than bitch to Aubree. I'm surprised Crybaby Cole didn't have a meltdown when reading that fortune cookie note.

Victoria always looks high a/f. Leah either had fillers or cheek implants. Her face is much chubbier than in previous seasons but she hasn't gained any real weight.

Luis is a loser. 

Jenelle? I can't muster any fucks to give. 

Kail's producer looks like he really regrets signing on for this gig. Vee looks amazing. 

  • Love 10

I had septoplasty a couple years ago, and, to me, Janelle looked pretty much the same. I was told I could have black eyes, but did not. Did have the gauze pad taped under my nose.  The days until they took out the splints were the worst - they don't hurt, but feel like you've got cardboard shoved up your nose. 

Loved how Bri and baby daddy #3 didn't use seat belts in the car when he picked her up from the airport. Why want his car dinging annoyingly like mine do if a belt isn't buckled?

Leah an Chelsea are both getting annoying about absentee dads, but then I just have to remind myself that they is edited this way to create some drama. Just wish they would quit harping on the kids and just step back and let them take the lead.  

I'm pretty disgusted that Jo and Kail are back at each other's throats.  They had a good thing going with raising their son for quite some time.  

  • Love 2

Before savoring your snark...

Emergency sinus surgery? And then we don’t see her again? Drama. Go away.

I can’t watch Brianna. She’s just dirty looking. Ha, Luis: “It’s not like I don’t care,” the end of that sentence was “but I don’t care.” Look Brianna, he is not going to be the involved father that you want because you have a habit of choosing losers to father your kids. 

Why didn’t the producer say, “Well, you know, Kail, you did overpay him. Why are you surprised that he wants that money back. Wouldn’t you?” I don’t think Vee should have texted Kail about the child support. I would think that would rile her up more. This friend of hers— I lost track of the names of these people— had good advice but I’m surprised Kail didn’t toss her to the street.

Leah pushing the “Do you miss your daddy?” stuff on Addie constantly is causing her stress. I get that she wants Jeremy to see her more, but she’s not helping the situation by saying over and over again that the other girlses get to see their daddy. Jeremy looked like it was a struggle to have Addie with him. It’s like he has nothing to talk about with her. “How was school. What did you do today?” All generic questions that he didn’t seem particularly interested in the answers. 

This business of Chelsea calling Cole at work every single time there is an event is ridiculous. You can’t wait until he gets home to tell him about your day and Adam’s no show? Between that and constantly asking Aubree, “How did you feel that he didn’t show up?” Geez. Aubree just walks in the door from the visit and gets the third degree. My God, can’t these people let her settle in and then maybe toss a softball question or two or maybe even wait until Aubree brings it up? Or how about this: do it off camera. Chelsea has no storyline so they are using this situation to fill air time. I think that’s unfair to Aubree. But anything for camera time, I guess.

I felt for Isaac. I was hoping he’d sink one of the shots. But he did great! He hit the rim every time. 

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, nasir jones said:

I only watched the last 10 minutes.  I must say Becky trying to discuss being a reasonable, rational adult/co-parent with Kail was like asking a pack of wild hyenas to sit and be good.   Sayonara Becky... that's probably the last we'll see of you.

My thoughts exactly. I was actually quite shocked that Kail didn't start screaming and throw her out right that minute. 

6 hours ago, Everleigh said:

My heart breaks for Aubree. She seems so eager to please Cole and gain his approval. I wonder if she feels like she's not on the same footing as her siblings and is just looking for a little assurance. Calling Cole "dad" in the note was sweet and he's definitely more of a father to her than Adam ever has been, but I wish it was more for her sake than his. And her wanting Chelsea to put Cole on speaker so she can hear Cole get mad about Adam not showing makes it seem like she equates his anger towards Adam with caring for/loving her and it makes me sad that she even has to worry about that. It's a shame what Adam has done to that little girl. I do think Cole loves Aubree as his own so I hope she doesn't always feel the need to seek validation from him and becomes more at ease with the situation. 

I think they could all benefit from therapy. I know Chelsea and Cole are good parents with good intentions. But even the best of parents can make mistakes and may need help in trickier situations. I think one of the bigger issues is - Chelsea has really nothing interesting going on in her life, so producers make her talk about Adumb all the time. It's making him more of a presence in Aubree's life than he needs to be. He has already removed himself from the equation, for the most part. But then he constantly gets talked about. At least during filming. I'm sure that's confusing. 

I have no doubt that Aubree doesn't need to do anything to earn Cole's love. I also believe he loves her just as much as his bio kids. But no matter how hard you try, kids from broken homes often feel those feelings of inadequacy. I think it would be a good idea to get some professional help so they can navigate these issues in a way that's most beneficial to Aubree. And, I think if MTV is going to continue to push for Adumb to be the central theme of Cheslea's storyline, she should probably cut ties and get off the show. 

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

My thoughts exactly. I was actually quite shocked that Kail didn't start screaming and throw her out right that minute. 

I think they could all benefit from therapy. I know Chelsea and Cole are good parents with good intentions. But even the best of parents can make mistakes and may need help in trickier situations. I think one of the bigger issues is - Chelsea has really nothing interesting going on in her life, so producers make her talk about Adumb all the time. It's making him more of a presence in Aubree's life than he needs to be. He has already removed himself from the equation, for the most part. But then he constantly gets talked about. At least during filming. I'm sure that's confusing. 

I have no doubt that Aubree doesn't need to do anything to earn Cole's love. I also believe he loves her just as much as his bio kids. But no matter how hard you try, kids from broken homes often feel those feelings of inadequacy. I think it would be a good idea to get some professional help so they can navigate these issues in a way that's most beneficial to Aubree. And, I think if MTV is going to continue to push for Adumb to be the central theme of Cheslea's storyline, she should probably cut ties and get off the show. 

Yeah, I usually don't comment on Chelsea and Cole but I agree that some kind of family therapy might be good for them. I do think Cole truly does love Aubree and has good intentions, but yeah, he needs to back it down a notch. And I agree with others that the Adam situation should not be used for a storyline on camera--for Aubree's sake. 

My snarky heart did break a little for Aubree when Chelsea was questioning her in the car. 

And Adam is a piece of shit human being.

  • Love 14

I think Chelsea and Cole are as shady as the rest of them. They're choosing to hurt Aubree by willingly discussing painful subjects for the purpose of a storyline. Instead of telling the producers "No, find something else for us to do," they feed into it. They also love hyping up Cole's virtues as contrast to Adam's faults.

Nothing they're criticizing Adam for is a lie, but mature adults don't act like this. 

Regarding Leah and Jeremy, I think the truth is probably in the middle. She's probably exaggerating the lack of contact between Addie and Jeremy, but he doesn't strike me as particularly interested father. He does the "weekend dad" type of things with her, but he's fine with a part-time relationship. 

  • Love 15
12 minutes ago, Norwegian said:

I can’t belive Brianna is riding around in a car with her boyfriend without a seatbelt on! She has two kids!!! 

She also looks like the type of dirty bitch that would fuck her boyfriend and baby daddy in the same day without showering. She grosses me out so much! What type of hoe is she that she has her boyfriend of 5 minutes drop her off  to meet up with her rando fuck buddy that knocked her up? Seeing her poor children laying on the floor in that tiny ass apartment with grandma watching them again while she’s out trying to get laid (lets face it, that’s the ONLY reason she went to NY) is beyond sad... no wonder nova is so strange and does weird shit like sit in the baby carriage. And the way that she only talks to her for one fucking second and says let me talk to your sister is fucked up! Yes, ignore the 9 year old who needs you and is probably wondering where the fuck you go all the time to talk to the 1 year old who sees her grandma and aunt as more of a mother figure then you! 

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3 hours ago, configdotsys said:

 This business of Chelsea calling Cole at work every single time there is an event is ridiculous. You can’t wait until he gets home to tell him about your day and Adam’s no show?

That precedent was set with Randy, remember how she used to call him at work all the damn time? Every time some little thing happened with Adam she’d call her dad while he was working to tell him and some of the times she’d be telling him to “guess” what happened and shit, like he didn’t have other things to do! Apparently she still doesn’t understand that some people actually WORK a job that doesn’t involve simply sitting around and discussing their lives on camera. I always wished that Randy would point this out to her one of the pointless times she called when she could have waited to tell him. I guess if they’re not bothered by it and Cole’s work is fine with it, whatever. But it does make Chelsea look like she can’t deal with anything alone, even just until he gets home.

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I feel like maybe Jenelle got in a fight with her husssssband that messed up her sinuses.

Yeah,  Briana really had to go alllll the way to NY to tell deadbeat he's on child support. Just an excuse to hook up with her dick du jour.

Kailyn looks like she needs a diuretic. Maybe she's bloated from whatever she was on at that basketball game. 

Imagine my shock when Adam didn't show up for lunch! It's time to wrap this perfect little family up in a bow and cast it off already. 

Addie is such a daddy's girl. They are cute together. Leah talks so much shit behind Jeremy's back but then it's a different story face to face. 

  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

That precedent was set with Randy, remember how she used to call him at work all the damn time? Every time some little thing happened with Adam she’d call her dad while he was working to tell him and some of the times she’d be telling him to “guess” what happened and shit, like he didn’t have other things to do! Apparently she still doesn’t understand that some people actually WORK a job that doesn’t involve simply sitting around and discussing their lives on camera. I always wished that Randy would point this out to her one of the pointless times she called when she could have waited to tell him. I guess if they’re not bothered by it and Cole’s work is fine with it, whatever. But it does make Chelsea look like she can’t deal with anything alone, even just until he gets home.

I would pay to watch a show called, "Chelsea works a 40-hour a week desk job that pays $30,000 a year." Now, that would be fun! What if she spilled coffee on her desk and couldn't immediately call Cole for comfort? What if a coworker gave her the stink eye? I bet after one full day, she would be exhausted, and distraught when she had to get up and do it again. I bet in addition to coleyyyyy, she'd be calling the daycare every ten minutes to see if Layne burped or if Watson has had a bowel movement yet today. I'm sure she'd also bitch to high heaven about whatever professional dress code her company had, which MAY include stipulations on hair color. I'd love to see her working as a secretary in an ultra conservative bank. I think it would be funny if all four of them had to do this (excluding bri, who does work), but especially Chelsea. At least the other three grew up expecting to work, and likely all had part time jobs at some point in their teens. Chelsea's time on the show has taken away any maturity she would gain from real world experiences, and it's sad to see her call Cole any time some little thing happens. If she'd even worked a real, full-time job where they didn't cater to her for a year, she would have some frame of reference to understand what work is like, AND would have the skills to get through the day by herself. I'm not Chelsea's biggest fan, but I do feel for her, being so insecure and not having life lessons that most her age have had. If she hadn't been insulated from real work (and I'm not talking her part-time esthetician gig with her fan girl manager, though at least that's something), I think she would have TONS more confidence now. 

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Leah is so dickmatized that she can’t wait to send all her girlses off to their dads to be with this loser... and he is so cameratized (is that a word? lol) that he can’t wait for the producers to show up to his air bnb and discuss jeremy and what a irresponsible father he is and how different he is from him🙄 these two hillbillies make me irritated. 

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12 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Leah seems to goad Addie into missing Jeremy more. She knew damn well she wasn’t going until the weekend so why say “is that ok?” when there is no choice to make? If she said it wasn’t “ok” then what? I think Leah enjoys this whole “deadbeat dad” narrative she’s trying to paint. It takes the heat off her shitty parenting in the past and it’s a way to bond with her new guy.

Yup, she and Chelsea are both pushing their bullshit on the kids. Sure there may be some (or a lot re:Adam) truth to it but geez let the kids process it without the constant barrage of reminders.

1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

When she was flipping the bird with her stubby hands I thought "my god, her hand looks like a big old pig's trotter". Gag. She's such a slatternly hag

Thank you, thank you so much for so eloquently verbalizing my deepest inner thoughts.

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