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S07:E06 Lacey's Story

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Nice inspirational story. Amazing how mobile she was! I was not hopeful after hearing how she'd avoid people suggesting that she control her eating, and that her obesity was a lifelong disorder.

Having said that I'm beginning to miss the kind of patient whose intelligement Dr Now has rarely seen, and in-bed fried won tons prepared by Chef Pee Pad.

  • LOL 2
  • Love 10

I think Lacey is the heaviest person I have ever seen on this show that was NOT confined to a bed, but was actually able to be mobile and independent even when she was pushing 700 pounds, so I was very impressed with that right off the bat. I also noted that she had friends which seems to be unusual for people on this show, most of their support seems to come from immediate family members.

O/T Rant: Because it can't be said enough, there really is no need to show these people naked other than on the operating table and the few times that they are showing obesity-related rashes/infections to the camera or to Dr. Now. I find it gratuitous and insensitive. Yes, you can show some of the struggle to get dressed. There is no need to show them head to toe naked. They are humiliated enough having the cameras follow them around to the fast food joints, placing massive orders, and scarfing it all down in their cars and then going home for another meal. It's humiliating enough having them admit that they have to use peepads or have to have someone wipe them.. Give these people a break, you can have them describe it, not everything has to be shown on camera, and they should not be stripped of every ounce of dignity or privacy.

Back to the episode:  I was shocked that upon arrival in Houston, the van driver did not get out first to help Lacey out of the van, and she ended up falling on her face. That is one of the things he was supposed to do, he knew she was basically disabled, and then he just stands there behind the van not trying to help. What a jerk.  Unless she specifically had told him not to help her. I admire how fiercely independent Lacey is, (how refreshing on this show!) although it seems like it's at her own expense at times. But overall, her attitude made me think right away that she was going to do very well.

I thought Dr. Now was a bit harsh in hammering Lacey's mother on her own tepid weightloss surgery success. I guess he should have brought it up since she was going to be living with Lacey, but he brought it up a few times and phrased it as failure. Speaking of her relatives, what a stubborn family they all are. They fight pretty hard when they fight.

I liked the place she got in Houston, it's a lot nicer than most of the temporary places patients have gotten when they moved down there. And I don't know if I've ever seen on any of the episodes I've watched, a patient pick up and explore a new interest outside of eating, like they showed with Lacey and her new interest in art. That was different for the show and very good to see.  Next to Justin, I think Lacey is the most mature, well-adjusted patient I have seen on this show (and that is with her having bi-polar disorder!), and I hope to see a Where Are They Now? soon on her. 

And I have to say this: A goal weight of 150 lbs for 5'3"? I get that he wants to be reasonable and not overwhelm her, but I am 5'3" and even 130 is way too much for me.  My goal weight (and I am working towards it right now, got a long way to go, is around 115.) I guess it is one step at a time, though.  Well done, gurl, keep on truckin'!

Edited by newyawk
  • Love 13

Lacey did quite well with mobility at her size, and considering she was obese from a young age, that is almost 30 years of damage to her body. She’s got a long road ahead, and a lot of painful skin surgeries. May she can keep strong. As for her parents... oh vey. It boggles my mind how one can allow a child become 200 lbs at age 10!  That’s insane. Her Father seemed more aware of his mistakes unlike the Mom who was checked out emotionally. She had issues with food too, and wasn’t quite willing to admit to them. I also noticed Lacey heated up a large meal for her Dad at her apartment, and that would be difficult to have that kind of food around. She’ll need to continue therapy long term as her parents behavior will continue to be a trigger for  her to  overeat. 

Edited by Barbara Please
  • Love 6

I think Lacey's mom hightailed it out of Houston because she didn't want Dr. Now telling her she needed to lose weight, and I can kind of sympathize with that--after all, she wasn't his patient--but what an opportunity she passed up!  If mom had had a little more self-confidence, I think she and Lacey could have kicked the hell out of that diet and both been better off.

When Lacey was told to go to therapy I was praying it would be dear Dr. Paradise, and my prayer was answered. 

So are we to understand there was no underlying trauma for Lacey, just that both her parents worked long hours and she was often alone?  That'll do it, I guess--that's what happened to a girl in my grade school (and of course I don't know if that girl was being abused or not), but almost 700 lbs?  And she has bipolar disorder?  She must be in treatment for that, or maybe we just didn't see any episodes, but I don't know how the mother thought that would interfere with her qualifying for WLS, much less how the mother wouldn't think that Lacey's medical records wouldn't contain that information.

Once again, though--here is a patient who followed the rules and met with success.  Makes me want all the more to slap these other guys upside the head.

  • Love 8

In regards to the 150 goal weight, it might be very hard for Lacey to achieve that after being obese her entire life, but not impossible. I'm 178 now at 5 ft 4 and people are telling me I look skinny. Granted, I'm in my fifties now and I could definitely use a tummy tuck, but my highest was 238 and it's a big difference from size 22 down to 14 now. 

I do like that Lacey really listened to Dr. Now and was approved for weight loss surgery right away. That doesn't usually happen on this show. She did realize that she had psychological issues that were going to stand in the way of surgery and I'm glad he had her see Dr. Paradise. Come to think of it, does anyone get to 600 lbs and not have psychological issues? I'm not being sarcastic, but it seems like there is always an underlying reason driving the behavior. I know my own personal weight loss battle that I had to cut out a lifelong love affair with things like sweets, peanut butter and cheese. 

  • Love 6

She was lucky she didn't develop those gross lymphatic growths on her legs.  That's what usually sends them to their beds as they can no longer walk.

The show needs a shake up in formula.  It's all beginning to seem like the same episode only featuring a different obese patient.  They could lose the opening shower scenes for instance.  No need for that assault on our eyeballs.  I'm in reasonable shape and not overweight, but I wouldn't want a camera crew watching me in the bathroom.  It's humiliating.  The bathroom is a private place.

  • Love 9

I usually don’t like to tell someone to get “Get over it” or minimize their emotional pain. Everyone has the right to feel how they Feel,we all deal with things in our own ways. 

I also don’t think they should blame their childhood for being the reason they are 600+ pounds. 

Maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention,but what was so tragic about her early life?! during the back story part of the episode she said her parents were always working & not being home was the main reason? 

Did she expect them to forget all of their responsibilities & stay home everyday or what? 

Not once did she mention, any sexual/ abuse,physical abuse. All I got from her story was that she was lonely & bored growing up and used food as a way to cope.

  • Love 7
On 2/7/2019 at 4:22 AM, Barbara Please said:

Lacey did quite well with mobility at her size, and considering she was obese from a young age, that is almost 30 years of damage to her body. She’s got a long road ahead, and a lot of painful skin surgeries. May she can keep strong. As for her parents... oh vey. It boggles my mind how one can allow a child become 200 lbs at age 10!  That’s insane. Her Father seemed more aware of his mistakes unlike the Mom who was checked out emotionally. She had issues with food too, and wasn’t quite willing to admit to them. I also noticed Lacey heated up a large meal for her Dad at her apartment, and that would be difficult to have that kind of food around. She’ll need to continue therapy long term as her parents behavior will continue to be a trigger for  her to  overeat. 

I found it interesting that the only "normal" sized person in the family is the brother. Dad is seriously obese (could stand to lose at least 100#) and mom is also overweight. Dr. Now said mom's current weight was in the "upper 200s" ? That can't be right. Upper 100s I'll buy, since she appears to be about 5' tall. Anybody else hear him say that? What do you think?

  • Love 1
On 2/7/2019 at 1:30 AM, newyawk said:

And I have to say this: A goal weight of 150 lbs for 5'3"? I get that he wants to be reasonable and not overwhelm her, but I am 5'3" and even 130 is way too much for me.  My goal weight (and I am working towards it right now, got a long way to go, is around 115.) I guess it is one step at a time, though.  Well done, gurl, keep on truckin'!

I think Dr now just tries to get them to focus on an overweight number or maybe even small obese number. I know for myself I have lost 50 and want to lose about 20 more to get to BMI around 22 and people I know think it was/is crazy that I had 70 to lose. I have a 300lb friend who would generally believe it was impossible for her to be 150lbs (which would be around a 22BMI for her) so she would never even start weight loss if a doctor told her that. Now if a doctor said her goal is 200lbs she would be more responsive even though her BMI would be almost 30 at 200lbs. I think Dr Now is doing that kind of mental game thing.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, fountain said:

 I have a 300lb friend who would generally believe it was impossible for her to be 150lbs (which would be around a 22BMI for her) so she would never even start weight loss if a doctor told her that. Now if a doctor said her goal is 200lbs she would be more responsive even though her BMI would be almost 30 at 200lbs. I think Dr Now is doing that kind of mental game thing.

Yes, that's what I suspected!

The nude shots are important to make the point that these people are seriously obese. It shows the freakish distribution of fat into the thighs, buttocks or distended belly. With their clothes on, the camera tends to make everybody look about the same. Dr Paradise stature seems more unnatural than Lacey’s girth. Draped in loose fitting clothes, these people don’t look that unusual on TV unless they have a swollen face. Please keep the full figure reveals.

  • Love 3
On 2/7/2019 at 3:22 AM, Barbara Please said:

I also noticed Lacey heated up a large meal for her Dad at her apartment, and that would be difficult to have that kind of food around. 

That totally pissed me off!  That fat fuck of a father standing there watching her make his carb heavy dinner, then she wanders off with a protein shake.  

Both parents were assholes.

I wish Dr Now would rip up every enabler like he did this one.

Edited by zillabreeze
  • Love 16

The obesity point can be made very clearly without multiple full frontal shots. It can effectively be made by showing Dr. Now lifting up their huge rolls of fat, or even with the women wearing at least a bra or the men having a towel or sheet over their crotch.  There are many scenes that effectively show what an every day struggle their weight is, and the lymphedemas and infections that accompany such a gross excess of weight,  that don't involve them showing everything to the camera crew. How the show does it is in most cases gratuitous, IMO.

  • Love 10
On 2/7/2019 at 1:30 AM, newyawk said:

And I have to say this: A goal weight of 150 lbs for 5'3"? I get that he wants to be reasonable and not overwhelm her, but I am 5'3" and even 130 is way too much for me.  My goal weight (and I am working towards it right now, got a long way to go, is around 115.)

Not everyone is you, though.  I am 5'3" and would be pretty happy to get back down to 150.  At my thinnest I was around 130 and I was a size 4.  At 115, I'm sure I would have looked skeletal.  I think 150 is a reasonable goal for Lacey.  Maybe even a little low.  I think I would be discouraged if I were told I had to go from 700 to 150.

6 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

Maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention,but what was so tragic about her early life?! during the back story part of the episode she said her parents were always working & not being home was the main reason? 

I got the vibe that there was more to it than that, though maybe not sexual.  Let's not forget that Lacey was 200 pounds at 10 years old.  Her parents had to have something to do with that, and it doesn't sound like they tried to curb her eating and weight gain at all.  She and her mom had a weird vibe.  I got the impression that her mom wanted her to stay childlike and dependant on her.  And telling her to lie to her therapist about being bipolar?!  What the heck?!  Both of her parents seemed kind of awful to me.

  • Love 19

After a few days offline, mulling it over the big traumas were two things.    The mother is just as much a 'feeder' as Zsalynn's husband was.   She stuffed her daughter like a sausage from her birth, and was mad she was losing her eating buddy, and also mad that her daughter will be smaller than she is.   I'm sure the mother was very proud that she was the smaller one, while she was stuffing her daughter to an early death.  She's just as evil as Sean's Mom, she just didn't succeed in keeping her daughter captive, and helpless.     

The parents also fought constantly.     Even after all of these years, the mother couldn't stop picking fights with the ex, and ragging on him.    I remember Lacey said the big fight where the dad flipped over the table was when he was unemployed, and the mother was rubbing his face in it.      

I hope Lacey stays in Texas, because she needs to have a life separate from both parents, since the dad will never be free of his ex.      And my guess is that if the mother gets a chance, then she'll push food on Lacey until she ruins her surgery, and swells up like her mother has.     I thought it was hysterical that the mother walked out when it was apparently that Mom would no longer be in control, and Lacey would become the smaller one.      

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 15
On 2/7/2019 at 9:37 AM, Pondlass1 said:

She was lucky she didn't develop those gross lymphatic growths on her legs.  That's what usually sends them to their beds as they can no longer walk.

The show needs a shake up in formula.  It's all beginning to seem like the same episode only featuring a different obese patient.  They could lose the opening shower scenes for instance.  No need for that assault on our eyeballs.  I'm in reasonable shape and not overweight, but I wouldn't want a camera crew watching me in the bathroom.  It's humiliating.  The bathroom is a private place.

I agree. I find myself ff through the obligatory shower/nude scenes as well as much of the road trips. I was pleased with her airplane flight --- no whining about too small seats, etc --- but really aggravated by her having the taxi /uber driver go through a fast food drive through. Gaaah! 

I don't know how people eat that crap. The smell of french fries makes me hurltastic. 

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Mom would no longer be in control, and be the smaller one.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!  That's exactly what I picked up from the witch. She was smug & superior thinking she was all that.  I suspect she also bailed because she didn't want to go back in front of Dr Now again.  

  • Love 12

I wish I could understand why the mother was afraid Lacey would tell the therapist about her bipolar disorder.  That's a major illness, and why on earth wouldn't Lacey reveal it?  Plus, wouldn't Dr. Now in his referral have mentioned it?  And if she's medicated, every health professional who saw her would have access to a list of her meds.

And I've been wondering if the manic phase of bipolar disorder was in some way responsible for her overeating, especially as a child--I don't know anything about BPD, including if it occurs in young children--I have known a person with BPD whose manic phases were ferocious; whatever he fixated on became all-consuming (sorry for the pun) and he had absolutely no restraint or self-control in indulging in it.  If Lacey was an unsupervised child with undiagnosed BPD, maybe that's how the eating got out of hand in the first place.

  • Love 3

I feel like Lacey has a fairly good chance. Although one of my pet peeves with most of the individuals featured is how "people take for granted" being able to get around easily, shower easily, find clothes that fit easily, etc. That kind of ticks me off. There's a reason I try and work out everyday and don't hork down four servings of Mr. Won Ton's pasta creations (OMG they are good! I so lucked out!) and so forth. I think they take for granted that they can eat themselves into oblivion everyday and have everything will work out just fine. Sorry, if that offends, but that's me.

Also, I'm not able to do the live chat during the episodes so I read along the next day while I watch, but I have to say, you guys are FREAKING hilarious! I laugh so hard sometimes!

Edited by WonTon
  • Love 11
On 2/7/2019 at 2:30 AM, newyawk said:

I think Lacey is the heaviest person I have ever seen on this show that was NOT confined to a bed, but was actually able to be mobile and independent even when she was pushing 700 pounds, so I was very impressed with that right off the bat. I also noted that she had friends which seems to be unusual for people on this show, most of their support seems to come from immediate family members.

O/T Rant: Because it can't be said enough, there really is no need to show these people naked other than on the operating table and the few times that they are showing obesity-related rashes/infections to the camera or to Dr. Now. I find it gratuitous and insensitive. Yes, you can show some of the struggle to get dressed. There is no need to show them head to toe naked. They are humiliated enough having the cameras follow them around to the fast food joints, placing massive orders, and scarfing it all down in their cars and then going home for another meal. It's humiliating enough having them admit that they have to use peepads or have to have someone wipe them.. Give these people a break, you can have them describe it, not everything has to be shown on camera, and they should not be stripped of every ounce of dignity or privacy.

Back to the episode:  I was shocked that upon arrival in Houston, the van driver did not get out first to help Lacey out of the van, and she ended up falling on her face. That is one of the things he was supposed to do, he knew she was basically disabled, and then he just stands there behind the van not trying to help. What a jerk.  Unless she specifically had told him not to help her. I admire how fiercely independent Lacey is, (how refreshing on this show!) although it seems like it's at her own expense at times. But overall, her attitude made me think right away that she was going to do very well.

I thought Dr. Now was a bit harsh in hammering Lacey's mother on her own tepid weightloss surgery success. I guess he should have brought it up since she was going to be living with Lacey, but he brought it up a few times and phrased it as failure. Speaking of her relatives, what a stubborn family they all are. They fight pretty hard when they fight.

I liked the place she got in Houston, it's a lot nicer than most of the temporary places patients have gotten when they moved down there. And I don't know if I've ever seen on any of the episodes I've watched, a patient pick up and explore a new interest outside of eating, like they showed with Lacey and her new interest in art. That was different for the show and very good to see.  Next to Justin, I think Lacey is the most mature, well-adjusted patient I have seen on this show (and that is with her having bi-polar disorder!), and I hope to see a Where Are They Now? soon on her. 

And I have to say this: A goal weight of 150 lbs for 5'3"? I get that he wants to be reasonable and not overwhelm her, but I am 5'3" and even 130 is way too much for me.  My goal weight (and I am working towards it right now, got a long way to go, is around 115.) I guess it is one step at a time, though.  Well done, gurl, keep on truckin'!

The reason the goal weights are set higher for the very obese person is that the bones of the very obese person become much heavier and dense than those of normal weight people from the sheer carrying around of the weight.  

  • Useful 1
  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, newyawk said:

That's really interesting, I never would have guessed that. I thought the excess weight would have weakened the bones, but that makes sense. The body adapts.

The body is actually amazing at adapting, especially if one was an overweight child continuing obesity into adulthood.  Those people usually manage better than those who gain a lot of weight in adulthood

  • Love 3

Add me to the list of those who hate those gratuitous shower scenes at the beginning of the show.  I always fast-forward through them.  It's sad how little respect the show has for these people.  I think it's pathetic that someone who is desperate for free weight loss surgery which could be their only hope to a normal life has to agree to being filmed nude or the deal is off. 

Whoever said above that the show needs a shake-up is right.  

  • Love 5

I think the brother (was that the brother who helped in the move?) sided with Mom, and still was on her side, and that's why he was so angry that the dad wanted to rest while moving things in the high humidity and heat of Houston.

I don't understand why people don't just get a couple of movers from U-Haul (and local movers do it also) for two hours, and they could unload everything in that time.    Instead people would rather have their relatives fall over from exhaustion.     

I think Lacey will be a success, but only if she doesn't go back where her mother can erode her self esteem, and get her back into the over feeding syndrome that obviously defeated her mother's surgery.    I loved what Dr. Now said to the mother, and how offended the mother was about his remarks about her weight. 

  • Love 3

Count me impressed that the friends in Bay City were sticking around at all after Lacey basically shut herself in the house for 8 years. I'd have given up on my friend by that point if she wouldn't do anything to help herself with her depression. I'd find that kind of depression contagious.


A goal weight of 150 lbs for 5'3"? I get that he wants to be reasonable and not overwhelm her, but I am 5'3" and even 130 is way too much for me.  

I took this as an indication of the excess skin (and maybe stretched-out muscles and insides) she's always going to have. Even after skin removal, they never look like a person who's always been thin.

  • Love 5

I am re-watching now and to address the pet question:  Lacey owned a cat from the beginning, they showed the kitty sitting on the couch at the very beginning of her episode.  The dog must be her father's because it was not seen other than when he was around.

I remembered Lacey's mom worked as a cook for many years - so that explains why their healthy meals actually looked good.   That gives me hope that if Lacey can control her cravings and emotions, she will be able to maintain her diet - she said Mom was teaching her to cook properly, and that should help her keep her diet varied and interesting while sticking to the 1200 calories. 

9 hours ago, Concerned said:

The nude shots are important to make the point that these people are seriously obese. It shows the freakish distribution of fat into the thighs, buttocks or distended belly. With their clothes on, the camera tends to make everybody look about the same. Dr Paradise stature seems more unnatural than Lacey’s girth. Draped in loose fitting clothes, these people don’t look that unusual on TV unless they have a swollen face. Please keep the full figure reveals.

I think a full-figure reveal is important - heck, I certainly know I look very different naked vs. properly clothed - I intentionally dress my body to look its best - but going for toilet/wiping scenes is too much.   One still shot of "before" would be sufficient, and while still exploitative on a certain level - though these people know what they agree or don't agree to - it would not feel so gratuitous and in your face.

2 hours ago, Globegrl said:

The reason the goal weights are set higher for the very obese person is that the bones of the very obese person become much heavier and dense than those of normal weight people from the sheer carrying around of the weight.  

31 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

I took this as an indication of the excess skin (and maybe stretched-out muscles and insides) she's always going to have. Even after skin removal, they never look like a person who's always been thin.

Good points...

She also has a lot more muscle underneath all that fat vs. your average normal weight 5'3" woman.  Though as she loses weight, unless she does weight-bearing exercise like crazy (which I don't see her doing) she will lose all that muscle at the same time as she is losing fat...

Also, body's biochemistry also adapts and resists attempts to lose the weight.   Someone who was 600 pounds and got down to 150 will have a much harder time keeping that weight and not gaining vs. someone who only went as high as 180, let alone someone who had been 130 and only recently got to 150.  The lower you go the harder it becomes, so realistic goals for someone who is morbidly obese have to be different vs. someone who is normal weight. 

Edited by Hellga
  • Love 5
On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 7:42 AM, Mothra said:

And she has bipolar disorder?  She must be in treatment for that, or maybe we just didn't see any episodes, but I don't know how the mother thought that would interfere with her qualifying for WLS, much less how the mother wouldn't think that Lacey's medical records wouldn't contain that information. 

I am rewatching this scene now, and yes, it was her who said that she has bipolar and her Mom didn't want her to reveal that to the therapist.   I get why Mom was afraid - but it was a fear based on ignorance, not knowledge.  And I would assume Lacey is getting medication for that, nd she actually seems to be pretty stable.  Both bipolar disorder itself and many of the medications used to treat it are associated with weight gain, which makes her success even more unlikely and impressive. 

  • Useful 1
On 2/7/2019 at 2:30 AM, newyawk said:

I think Lacey is the heaviest person I have ever seen on this show that was NOT confined to a bed, but was actually able to be mobile and independent even when she was pushing 700 pounds, so I was very impressed with that right off the bat.

And she was able to get on a plane at that weight!  Her only complaint seemed to be stamina-related, rather than the non-stop yammering that we usually hear about specific pains on the airplane (and in the car/van/cargo transport) for the long trip to Houston.  

On 2/7/2019 at 2:30 AM, newyawk said:

I was shocked that upon arrival in Houston, the van driver did not get out first to help Lacey out of the van, and she ended up falling on her face. That is one of the things he was supposed to do, he knew she was basically disabled, and then he just stands there behind the van not trying to help. What a jerk.  Unless she specifically had told him not to help her.

Given that she adamantly refused her mom's help when she fell, I could easily see her telling him not to help her get out.

On 2/7/2019 at 2:30 AM, newyawk said:

And I don't know if I've ever seen on any of the episodes I've watched, a patient pick up and explore a new interest outside of eating, like they showed with Lacey and her new interest in art. 

Excellent for her....and amazingly depressingly sad that so few other poundticipants have done that.  Potentially life-changing for their outlook if they would.

5 hours ago, Mothra said:

I wish I could understand why the mother was afraid Lacey would tell the therapist about her bipolar disorder.  

My theory is that Lacey doesn't have bipolar at all.  We never saw anything even close to manic behavior from her, and I would think that would be something like cat-nip to the show's producers.  I think mom didn't want the therapist to question the diagnosis, because it serves some purpose to the mom for Lacey to have that diagnosis.

5 hours ago, WonTon said:

I think they take for granted that they can eat themselves into oblivion everyday and have everything will work out just fine. Sorry, if that offends, but that's me.

Well, this is one of the very few episodes I can recall where the person said they were on disability from being overweight, so we are not violating the moderator's rules by discussing this.  Unfortunately, the part in bold is exactly what happened in terms of what happened when she became an adult...her disability money from being obese was enough to get an apartment, and everything worked out just fine.

  • Love 9
On 2/7/2019 at 7:42 AM, Mothra said:

Once again, though--here is a patient who followed the rules and met with success.  Makes me want all the more to slap these other guys upside the head.

I was very impressed that immediately upon leaving Dr. Now's office, and all the way until her first appointment afterward, she followed all the rules and didn't cheat at all (I believe her when she said that).  But it made me wonder why on earth she hadn't been able to lose weight and exercise before when all it took was as simple as Dr. Now telling her what to do and what not to do?  

It put me in mind of the old joke about the patient who could not stop shredding paper, so everywhere he went he would tear up little bits of paper and leave them all over the place.  He tried hypnosis, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, reiki, and more, but nothing worked.  The family had all but given up hope, when there was one doctor left to try.  The patient went into the doctor's office, the doctor walked around the office three times with the patient, and the patient never shredded paper again.  The family was amazed, and asked the patient what the doctor had said.  The patient replied, "Stop shredding paper."

  • Love 2

On the nudity, I guess if it is shown to show how overweight they are then just have them stand up. I hate seeing them on the toilet or commode as I know what they will be doing. Yuck!

I found the dad strange. IDK, but he seemed emotionally unstable to me and it seemed like Lacey had to comfort him when she was the patient. I felt he seemed to be placing his emotional burden on her and I wondered if that is how he always was and some of Lacey’s issues were she ate away the stress she always felt being her dad’s emotional crutch. 

  • Love 3
On 2/9/2019 at 6:41 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I don't understand why people don't just get a couple of movers from U-Haul (and local movers do it also) for two hours, and they could unload everything in that time.    Instead people would rather have their relatives fall over from exhaustion.     

Because it would cost money which would detract from their "fried rice and egg rolls" budget.  /s

Seriously, though, it does usually seem like they try to move themselves as a cost-saving measure, but most of them seem pretty dumb with money anyway.  They don't seem to be able to grasp that their fast-food habit is costing them way more than renting a mover for a one-time move.  Justin from a couple of weeks ago is one of the few who seemed to be smart with money.

On 2/9/2019 at 9:58 PM, LuvMyShows said:

My theory is that Lacey doesn't have bipolar at all.  We never saw anything even close to manic behavior from her, and I would think that would be something like cat-nip to the show's producers.  I think mom didn't want the therapist to question the diagnosis, because it serves some purpose to the mom for Lacey to have that diagnosis.

Lacey (or someone claiming to be her) posted on Reddit that she was diagnosed as bipolar at age 20.  She wanted to get into it more but the show was focused on her weight loss.  (I wonder if it was discussed more but the show's editors cut it out?)  At any rate, assuming that person was her, she apparently takes her medications and handles it well.

  • Love 1

I still wonder if the 'diagnosis' of bi-polar was by a doctor that deals with that area of medicine, or if the family doctor heard mommy dearest describe behavior, and told Lacey it was bi-polar.   Mom certainly wasn't an objective observer.    I think dealing with the mother with her volatile behavior whenever she didn't get her way was more of an illness than Lacey, and her insecurity from growing up with her parents, both before and after the divorce.  

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On 2/9/2019 at 10:08 PM, LuvMyShows said:

I was very impressed that immediately upon leaving Dr. Now's office, and all the way until her first appointment afterward, she followed all the rules and didn't cheat at all (I believe her when she said that).  But it made me wonder why on earth she hadn't been able to lose weight and exercise before when all it took was as simple as Dr. Now telling her what to do and what not to do?  

I think she probably thought she couldn't lose enough weight on her own and had no family support. 

I am glad she is doing art as it keeps her hands busy and messy;  if your hand are busy with messy work you are very unlikely to eat.  I am really surprised the therapists don't suggest the poundcipiants take up a craft like knitting or sewing or a musical instrument to keep the, busy and build up pride in what they make or do.  

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On 2/9/2019 at 11:10 AM, Colleenna said:

I found it interesting that the only "normal" sized person in the family is the brother. Dad is seriously obese (could stand to lose at least 100#) and mom is also overweight. Dr. Now said mom's current weight was in the "upper 200s" ? That can't be right. Upper 100s I'll buy, since she appears to be about 5' tall. Anybody else hear him say that? What do you think?

I see that I am not the only one who observed that @Colleenna. Yes, she was definitely overweight/obese however in no way did she look to be in the upper 200s. As I recall, Dr. Now said this to her after she said that she had gone through weight loss surgery and started in the upper 300s. Maybe he got cranky with her because he's sick of seeing people not comply after getting WLS? I thought he was a bit rough on her for that but, on the other hand, he was probably concerned about Lacey following in her footsteps and being influenced by her bad eating habits.

What took my breath away with this part of the show was when the camera panned back and showed both of them sitting next to each other in Dr. Now's office. Lacey literally looked like a mountain next to a mole hill. Her mom seemed almost diminutive next the her.

Overall though, so very happy for Lacey for really hitting it out of the ballpark right from the start. I'm rooting for her in the long run.

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On 2/7/2019 at 9:37 AM, Pondlass1 said:

She was lucky she didn't develop those gross lymphatic growths on her legs.  That's what usually sends them to their beds as they can no longer walk.

The show needs a shake up in formula.  It's all beginning to seem like the same episode only featuring a different obese patient.  They could lose the opening shower scenes for instance.  No need for that assault on our eyeballs.  I'm in reasonable shape and not overweight, but I wouldn't want a camera crew watching me in the bathroom.  It's humiliating.  The bathroom is a private place.

One thing I am glad the producers did was omit those opening shots of scenery with the awful, stilted voice overs by the 600-lb person of the week. I always felt I was watching an old episode of Saturday Night Live with Jack Handey's "Deep Thoughts". 

  • Love 6

Dr. Now was savage with Lacey’s mom and I was living for it. Not right away; at first I thought it was too much even for Dr. Now, but the more we got to know Mom the more I saw it’s exactly what she needed to hear. 

I agree with the poster above who said that Mom thought she was sitting pretty — much smaller than her daughter; downright skinny in fact! Plus, she could still binge with Lacey and feel “small.” Dr. Now took care of that delusion QUICK.

I was dying when he essentially said to Mom, “Watch yourself or you’ll be getting weighed on the scale too!” Reminded me of when Glenda told the Wicked Witch, “Now SHOO before somebody drops a house on you TOO!”

I know it’ll never happen in this day and age, but IMO we need more doctors with the candor of Dr. Now.

Edited by HelloOutThere
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On 2/12/2019 at 12:10 PM, Twopper said:

I am glad she is doing art as it keeps her hands busy and messy;  if your hand are busy with messy work you are very unlikely to eat.  I am really surprised the therapists don't suggest the poundcipiants take up a craft like knitting or sewing or a musical instrument to keep the, busy and build up pride in what they make or do.  

Not a panacea, though.  Sean knitted/crocheted all the time, for all the good it has done him...  And you have to want to do it, too - poundticipants en masse don't strike me as people who will persevere through the first failed attempts...  and with most crafts, first attempts are not something worth showing to others.

On 2/12/2019 at 11:54 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I still wonder if the 'diagnosis' of bi-polar was by a doctor that deals with that area of medicine, or if the family doctor heard mommy dearest describe behavior, and told Lacey it was bi-polar.   Mom certainly wasn't an objective observer.    I think dealing with the mother with her volatile behavior whenever she didn't get her way was more of an illness than Lacey, and her insecurity from growing up with her parents, both before and after the divorce.  

There might be quacks out there who would diagnose bipolar disorder on hearsay, but that's way out there as far as negligence goes.

On 2/12/2019 at 10:13 AM, 88Keys said:

Because it would cost money which would detract from their "fried rice and egg rolls" budget.  /s

Seriously, though, it does usually seem like they try to move themselves as a cost-saving measure, but most of them seem pretty dumb with money anyway.  They don't seem to be able to grasp that their fast-food habit is costing them way more than renting a mover for a one-time move.  Justin from a couple of weeks ago is one of the few who seemed to be smart with money.

Lacey (or someone claiming to be her) posted on Reddit that she was diagnosed as bipolar at age 20.  She wanted to get into it more but the show was focused on her weight loss.  (I wonder if it was discussed more but the show's editors cut it out?)  At any rate, assuming that person was her, she apparently takes her medications and handles it well.

I think the bi polar was a bullshit diagnosis that she or her family got some doctor to vouch for so that she could collect disability. She spoke very briefly about what she did after she graduated high school and then casually mentioned that she then “went on disability” and nothing else was said. But where was the money coming from for her house and car and all that food. . I think in the later scenes she was driving a new Audi to her doctor appointments. 

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On 2/9/2019 at 7:41 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I don't understand why people don't just get a couple of movers from U-Haul (and local movers do it also) for two hours, and they could unload everything in that time.    Instead people would rather have their relatives fall over from exhaustion.     

Money?  I was rewatching Sean, and it was $160 for 2 hours (I think), and $60 for every hour over that.  

They added a factoid that Lacey "loves to eat homemade Christmas cookies with her Mom".  Lacey and just about every other man, woman and child in America!   

She also likes photography, singing, gaming and putting together puzzles.  So her video games were not a new hobby after surgery/therapy, and she chose painting that is not too far outside her previous interest in photography...

Edited by Hellga

Also, it's not her dad barring her from the table, she didn't want to eat at the table with him because he would criticize her when she ate, that's why she ate in her bedroom.  He wasn't nice about it, but at least he tried to get her to see she was eating too much... probably the only person who did.  I wish he was more tactful about it, maybe she would have actually responded...

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