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Season Ten Talk

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Why oh why is Dylan supposed to be an expert on marriage? It's not his fault that he was only married for like an hour because his wife was shot, but still. And all the men on this show can go to hell with their contempt for women. Janet actually told Steve why she didn't want to marry him, and getting down on one knee or buying a ring will not solve that, you bunch of assholes. 

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David's anger at Dylan about the whole Gina situation is ridiculous, especially when you remember, like I did listening today, how he pretty much did the same thing to Steve last year re: Sophie.

Classic (awful) Kelly and Matt - the conflict over an Issue related to Matt's work, Kelly being A Bitch About It, and Matt bending like a question mark to appease her.

Edited by TeeVee329
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  On 2/19/2019 at 3:18 PM, Cekrypton1 said:

Dylan's forefinger hunt-and-peck typing and his expression makes him look like Zoolander or Hansel, trying to figure out how the files are on the computer, and how to get them off the computer.


I don't remember his typing being that bad in S3 when he wrote his stories about his dad and Kelly...or maybe I blocked it out.

My main takeaway from this week's plotlines - have Rush and Samantha Sanders ever shared a scene?  I thought Samantha herself was present for the reveal of her sexuality to Rush, but I guess not.  And I racked my brain thinking back, but I can't remember them ever sharing the same oxygen, it always felt like the show would do a few episodes with one or the other, but never at the same time.

Also, what is the PPADAD offering to these high rollers that they couldn't get at a different establishment?  It's...Los Angeles.

Edited by TeeVee329
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  On 2/19/2019 at 1:24 AM, TeeVee329 said:

David's anger at Dylan about the whole Gina situation is ridiculous, especially when you remember, like I did listening today, how he pretty much did the same thing to Steve last year re: Sophie.

Classic (awful) Kelly and Matt - the conflict over an Issue related to Matt's work, Kelly being A Bitch About It, and Matt bending like a question mark to appease her.


David was very annoying during that whole storyline. Why does Gina HAVE to like you romantically? Also, why is David trying to date his ex girlfriend's sister? Especially when that sister lost her virginity to you? I realize Gina and Donna aren't exactly close, but still very weird. 

Does anyone watch Riverdale? Luke Perry did NOT age well.

Did I hear correctly that Bobbie spent all of Gina's money that she swindled from Felice?  How would she get it??  ugh, this show.  Is Gina only working for Matt?  What happened to her personal training business?  Is she only dating Dylan for money, because he sucks, and she could do so much better.  

Matt and Noah thinking their only option is to move in with their girlfriends is so dumb.  Especially Noah since Donna's reaction last time (like 2 months ago!) was to have a fling with another guy.  WTF.  Although I think Noah ends up moving in with David, so I could see that he'd rather avoid doing that.

  On 2/25/2019 at 3:56 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

David was very annoying during that whole storyline. Why does Gina HAVE to like you romantically?


I am looking at it through today's "MeToo" lens but David seems to freaking entitled.  Just because Gina has kissed you a few times doesn't mean she is required to sleep with you! This sort of reminds me of early Summer of Deception where Dylan basically browbeats Kelly because she decides to draw the line on their cheating by not sleeping with him. 

And just like Val, I want to tell Gina to find new friends.  Get a job at Contempo Casuals, give private ice skating lessons, work at Barnes & Noble - save the money while mooching off of Dylan and start hanging out with people who aren't total jerks. 

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Yeah but the difference between Val and Gina to me was that Val actually started off nice to the gang including Kelly and was bubbly and sweet therefore Kelly had to be a bitch to her for no reason (oh yeah it was because she smoked weed).. ooooh what a bad person that makes her. I always questioned wtf Val was doing wanting to be friends with any of those people. But Gina on the other hand started with all of them right off the bat. She was just a straight up miserable person from day 1 which is why it annoyed me that she always felt so sorry for herself. Be nice to people and they'll be nice to you (except Kelly.)

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Oh my god, that pink shirt on Donna. How? Why? 

I know it's been discussed before, but Kelly really, truly is only into her love interests when they're involved with someone else or they're providing some other kind of drama for her, like Colin and his drugs. Girl needs to go to therapy for so many reasons, but the fact that she hates all of her boyfriends is one of them. (I mean, I hate all of her boyfriends too, but she's the one choosing them.) 

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  On 3/2/2019 at 4:09 PM, Panda Bear said:

Oh my god, that pink shirt on Donna. How? Why? 

I know it's been discussed before, but Kelly really, truly is only into her love interests when they're involved with someone else or they're providing some other kind of drama for her, like Colin and his drugs. Girl needs to go to therapy for so many reasons, but the fact that she hates all of her boyfriends is one of them. (I mean, I hate all of her boyfriends too, but she's the one choosing them.) 


Yes ! I didn’t like Colin but I felt like he had the type of personality kelly needed to be in a relationship with . She doesn’t do well with guys she can push around ( Brandon , Matt , Val’s Ex Tom , etc ) .. she is too pushy and know it all with that type . She needed someone who could put her in her place and someone she wouldn’t be holier than thou with . I didn’t like her and Dylan together but at least when she was with him , she wasn’t mother Theresa ( for the most part ).

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I can't with this death penalty plotline.  Kelly and Matt's bickering is driving me bonkers.  A real attorney having some type of clemency hearing would not leave his or her office, much less go riding around town to fight with his or her significant other, during the hearing.  He is de facto ineffective because he has no idea how to try one of these cases and his legal arguments are shit.  

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  On 3/4/2019 at 3:34 PM, StatMom said:

How STUPID is Mel? He knows that many people acquainted with him are involved with PP/PPAD/PPSexyTimes. Even if he were not concerned about the legal angle, shouldn't he be wary of one of these folks running into him?


If Mel is going to be so stupid to go to a sex club that’s run in the same club as where his son broadcasts a radio show then he deserves to get blackmailed and Gina should get it. 

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  On 3/4/2019 at 3:34 PM, StatMom said:

How STUPID is Mel? He knows that many people acquainted with him are involved with PP/PPAD/PPSexyTimes. Even if he were not concerned about the legal angle, shouldn't he be wary of one of these folks running into him?

  On 3/5/2019 at 1:48 AM, WoodyCee said:

If Mel is going to be so stupid to go to a sex club that’s run in the same club as where his son broadcasts a radio show then he deserves to get blackmailed and Gina should get it. 


Seriously, Mel is such an idiot.  If he wants to go to a strip club that badly...it's Los Angeles.  There have to be a MILLION other options besides the one at the club he knows his son works at and is frequented frequently by his whole posse.  

And how is he even getting out of the house to attend strip clubs that don't open til 2AM!

Edited by TeeVee329
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  On 3/5/2019 at 3:01 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

I feel like the show could have left out Mel going back to his cheating ways. They were just searching for story lines but it was season 10 by that point... just let Jackie have a loyal husband lol. But yeah, he was quite the idiot going to a strip club in the same club that EVERYONE he knew went to.


Though I must say, it’s pretty good insight as to why David developed such problematic views on women as of late.

Mel has been portrayed mostly as a “good guy” as far as the gang’s parents go, but we see how he dropped the ball on Sheila, and his pattern of cheating.

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  On 3/5/2019 at 4:49 PM, MCMLXXVII said:

Though I must say, it’s pretty good insight as to why David developed such problematic views on women as of late.

Mel has been portrayed mostly as a “good guy” as far as the gang’s parents go, but we see how he dropped the ball on Sheila, and his pattern of cheating.


And serving alcohol to teenagers before their prom!

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  On 3/5/2019 at 3:01 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

I feel like the show could have left out Mel going back to his cheating ways. They were just searching for story lines but it was season 10 by that point... just let Jackie have a loyal husband lol. But yeah, he was quite the idiot going to a strip club in the same club that EVERYONE he knew went to.


I know! Like did Mel want to get caught? I’d vote YES since he was always having affairs with women who worked for him. Leopards don’t change their spots. 

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  On 3/11/2019 at 2:19 PM, nkotb said:

Our first episode recap since the tragic, untimely death of Luke Perry (it still hurts to see that).


We noted this on social media, but so that everyone knows: we recorded both this episode and last Monday's on February 27, before both the revival series was announced and Perry's stroke was reported. We'll discuss both in our next episode, dropping March 18.

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Dylan: Have you ever heard of the pink moment?

Kelly: What's that? It sounds kind of obscene?

Dylan: It's what they call the sunset around here.

Kelly: Oh, good, 'cause you were kinda making me nervous. 

Ugh-[thunk]. You are too old, show, in S10 to try to get over racy, sex-tinged dialogue. Or at least you should have given this scene to Dylan and Gina, who could have sold it better.

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  On 3/12/2019 at 2:06 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

I wonder if Kelly would have ended up with Matt if Luke never came back to the show. Brandon wasn't coming back so it was either Matt or single Kelly which most likely wouldn't have happened.


No doubt. Because Kelly”IchoosemeexceptIdon’tbecauseIcan’tbealone”Taylor is how she rolls.

I think if Dylan hadn't come back, Kelly would've been in contact with either Brandon or Dylan, off-screen, & they would've fallen in love all over again, all off-screen, so she would've left the 90210 to be with him. I think end-game for Kelly was one of those men. Matt was just a dull place-holder. I wish they'd broken Kelly & Matt up earlier in the season, so Dylan & Kelly would've had time to organically get back together, like Donna & David did. 

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For some reason, I had conflated this treasure hunt slash surprise wedding with Gina's departure episode, but obviously that was incorrect.  So Janet really did have A friend to participate in this thing?

I enjoy our hosts' low-key shipping of Gina and Matt.

Speaking of our hosts, I am OVERJOYED to hear they're gonna be taking on "Melrose Place".  Sure sure, there's a bunch of boring stuff to get through in season one, but once we get into the good stuff, when there's people having verbal cat fights every episode when they're not fighting in pools, ripping off wigs, running people over, making too much tuna salad, etc. oh man is it gonna be so good!

*small voice* And I kinda remember liking that first Rinna season but I guess we'll see when we get there! *small voice*

Edited by TeeVee329
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I kind of felt sorry for Daniel Cosgrove. He was a good looking guy, and a decent actor. But Matt was such an obvious placeholder character that you just couldn’t see him as anything other than a doormat, waiting around for his moment to valiantly step aside so Kelly and Dylan could be together. It’s too bad they didn’t bring him to the cast earlier so they could do more with him. I would’ve much rather seen more of him than the endless years we had with Noah. 

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  On 3/19/2019 at 12:08 PM, desertflower said:

I kind of felt sorry for Daniel Cosgrove. He was a good looking guy, and a decent actor. But Matt was such an obvious placeholder character that you just couldn’t see him as anything other than a doormat, waiting around for his moment to valiantly step aside so Kelly and Dylan could be together. It’s too bad they didn’t bring him to the cast earlier so they could do more with him. I would’ve much rather seen more of him than the endless years we had with Noah. 


Kelly proved herself with her "reputation" yet again with Matt. She was always going on about how much she loves him and how she doesn't love Dylan anymore, and so they get engaged.. and what does Kelly do? Sneaks behind his back with Dylan, and eventually leaves him for Dylan. She was just proven to be such a mess throughout the show, and we were supposed  to feel bad for her but she was a pretty awful person. All they needed was to throw Brandon back in the mix and they would have had a love square instead of yet another triangle. 

And yeah, Noah was on the show wayyy too long, and his relationship with Donna seemed like a lifetime. He was the Dylan the show thought they needed, but once the real Dylan came back, there was just no need for him.

Edited by Jaclyn88
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