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S10.E01: Meri, On Her Own...

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Honestly I think Meri likes the attention she is getting from being on the show. Why else would she stay when clearly Kody wants nothing romantic with her, the sisterwives all probably want to bitchslap her and she has zero relationship it seems with any of the kids, including her own. If I was her ( and thank god I am not ) I would move up to Parawan, let mama still run the B & B because Meri comes across as not a people person to me, so she can continue to sell that craptastic clothing line from the caretakers cottage

  • Love 18
On 1/22/2019 at 1:32 PM, giaNtsandYankees said:

A random note. Did anyone else notice at the "Family PowWow" a photo of Maleficent and suddenly her horns perfectly and strategically behind Robin's head?


No, but would this be during the same pow wow where above Meri's head is part of a picture that says in part "did something wrong"?  I LOL'd at that, for sure.

Maybe the TLC editing monkeys are taking lessons from the Bravo editing monkeys who always seem to find a way to convey subtle (and sometimes not too subtle) messages to the audience.  

Off to watch this episode again and look for Maleficent Robin...

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Sasha888 said:


I hadn't thought of it this way before, but you guys are right. Meri and her bullshit, and her drama queen, OTT antics, probably does keep people watching. Some of us are definitely hate watching Meri, but she also has a legion of idiot, boot licking sycophants that love her and think she's treated unfairly and keep encouraging her to leave her "mean family" that doesn't appreciate her.

Everything else is a lot of fluff. Kids growing up, learning to drive, graduating HS, getting married, blah blah blah...there's so many of them that it's old news. We've watched so many graduations and weddings that it's kind of like "who cares" anymore.

Re-re-re-re-re-re-hashing the catfish is not that interesting to me, but I have to admit, watching Meri's unbelievable selfishness IS interesting, in a very bad way. A way that makes me hate her and be embarrassed I watch this drivel, but I keep watching it nonetheless. 

Here's something I don't get though...why couldn't the show film Meri taking off and making her own life? And how it's affecting the rest of the family that she's leaving behind? Her ass kissing fans would LOVE it! They are always on her social media encouraging her to leave. Hell, even those of us who don't like her would like to see her leave the family. So I don't get why they don't go this route. I'd certainly watch it. Not because I adore Meri, but because I think it would be a lot more REAL and HONEST. She's sick and tired of them, and they are all DEFINITELY sick and tired of her.

I'd like to watch a show where Janelle and Christine, for instance, talk about how much nicer it is in the family without Meri's negative presence. They could still follow all 4 wives, but Meri's segments would be about her moving on to a new life. And everybody else could get real about how nice it is to have Meri GONE!

Instead they feed us this crapola about them all being one big happy family. Give me a break. Janelle's buddy-buddy, "I'm so happy for you!" routine was nauseating. Phony as HELL. I'd love to see them all honestly talk about how they are sick of trying to make it work with Meri, because all she does it take take take.

Meri is the "out" wife. If she left, it would upset the balance and I bet someone else would become the "out" wife. Right now Kody and the 3 wives are in a tight alliance, their common enemy is Meri, and they're all sick of it. Without the Meri drama, I bet some other drama would pop up.

And Kody would have an excuse to court another victim wife, and I think that jackass would be totally up for it. I'd like to see that just for the fact that it would bug the SHIT out of Robyn! 

At least it would be better than the bullshit they are currently feeding us. That Meri loves the family and they all love her and just want to make it work. BULL. SHIT. At the very beginning of the show, Meri mentions that she was in some state (I forget where) over the summer and that's how she met Kristie, or whatever...my thought during that scene was, why does she have to tell the rest of them where she was a month or two ago? Because they have NO CONTACT with her unless the cameras are rolling. And they are not covering that up very well. There are slips like this all the time - Meri doesn't know what the family is doing, they don't know what Meri's up to - come on TLC, how stupid do you think we are. We can see that Meri has no time for them, and they have no time for Meri.

Film something honest for a change.

I totally agree.  None of them have expressed their true feelings about the catfishing on he show.  They are totally whitewashing the whole thing and the viewers know it.  Could be why viewership has dropped.  I think viewers want to believe what they are watching is authentic and they aren't getting that. Mariah is the only one who has expressed an authentic reaction and I appreciate that.

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Anlogle said:

Could be why viewership has dropped.

There are no new stories, they are presenting crap from up to 2 years ago that has been extensively covered in the rags, and they are boring grifters.  That's why viewership has dropped, in my opinion.  I don't give two hoots about stale "news" and a "reality" show that is scripted up the wazoo.

  • Love 10
8 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Loved how she kept shoveling bread into her mouth while Christie was talking about her catfish experience.  Robyn couldn't even be bothered to look up and stop chewing for half a second.  I don't think I've ever seen her eat so much (poor Robyn with her "sensitive tummy" and she doesn't want to be so skinny, you guys..........).


This is where I would lose my crap if I were Janelle, Christine or Robyn.  Why should Meri not have to add to the fam'ly account with her earnings?  Just because Snowflake is grown and out of the nest, Meri married a man who has another 8 or so kids to put through college, not to mention Ysabel's surgeries.  Those are supposedly Meri's beloved "bonus" kids.  Not that I am suggesting Kody wrestle Meri's paycheck away from her like a caveman, but if she's not contributing, it's because Kody has allowed Meri to be selfish towards the rest of his family.  We all see how she simpers and whines in Kody's presence, so it boggles the mind why Meri's money is all for Meri, why Kody isn't asking her to contribute, and why the other three wives aren't burning Kody in effigy for being such a wuss.


Great post - the bolded stood out for me because Janelle's happy act was downright hilarious, and I'm trying to figure out just why she did that.  They are already so fake and super self-aware from the cameras, so Janelle trying on Christine's personality in that moment was bizarre...unless, as someone suggested, Janelle was just thrilled that Meri getting a loan meant that she was one step closer to Parowan and then Janelle wouldn't have to dill with her as much.

As for the alliance - so much this.  It's like middle school meets Lord of the Flies.  There will always be an ebb and flow of which wives are besties.  Remember when Christine could barely stand to be on the same couch as Robyn?  But then she quickly realized that she was making an enemy out of her "husband's" fave new toy, so she embroidered some whackjob apology artwork and suddenly, Christine and Robyn were the very bestest giggle friends.  It must be emotionally draining to have to play this game every single day.  I know I am exhausted having to watch it.

Based on what I picked up from their book and watching this GD show since the beginning, Meri has not contributed much at any time to the family.  Janelle made most of the $ with Kody, Christine watched the kids and from what I gather used her food stamp money for the family pantry, and Meri?  She had little jobs here and there she could quit on a whim to travel w Kody.  All she contributes really is her sense of entitlement and really bad attitude.  I really think the house in Utah is her setting up her life for after TLC.  She is NOT going back to being poor while also being persona non grata with Kody.  She will shuffle along to Parawon with her own little nest egg while the others go back to the life before TLC.  You KNOW they have saved nothing and are house poor.

  • Love 15
19 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Based on what I picked up from their book and watching this GD show since the beginning, Meri has not contributed much at any time to the family.  Janelle made most of the $ with Kody, Christine watched the kids and from what I gather used her food stamp money for the family pantry, and Meri?  She had little jobs here and there she could quit on a whim to travel w Kody.  All she contributes really is her sense of entitlement and really bad attitude.  I really think the house in Utah is her setting up her life for after TLC.  She is NOT going back to being poor while also being persona non grata with Kody.  She will shuffle along to Parawon with her own little nest egg while the others go back to the life before TLC.  You KNOW they have saved nothing and are house poor.

Eh. I think all of the wives have done exactly what they wanted to do. Christine has always made it clear that she loves being at home taking care of the kids. Janelle has also made it clear from the start that she hates being at home taking care of kids. That is why she worked full time - it gave her an excuse to dump her kids on someone else. And it seems like Logan as much as anyone raised Janelle's kids. And as soon as Robyn popped out a kid with Kody, she had to bring her niece to live with her, even though her other kids were hardly the age where they would need a nanny.  And of course her pet project SWC went no where. 

I am not a Meri fan, but I do like her more than the other wives.  I think Kody had little use for Mary as soon as it was clear that she was not going to be able to drop his spawn at the rate he expects of a wife. And in Meri's case, of course there was no more spawn after Meriah. Not Kody's fault, but also not Meri's. I know she is expected to be a good sister wife when it comes to looking after her husbands many other children, but personally I enjoy the heck out of the fact that she didn't and isn't. 

  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

There are no new stories, they are presenting crap from up to 2 years ago that has been extensively covered in the rags, and they are boring grifters.  That's why viewership has dropped, in my opinion.  I don't give two hoots about stale "news" and a "reality" show that is scripted up the wazoo.

I don't follow these chucklefucks on social media or bother to read any news articles about them, so I'm never sure about the timeline of this farcical mess.

Do you suppose there was a hold up in airing this old footage, if maybe there were salary negotiations or something else that held up airing the season?  

I'm still catching up on the previous season, but from what I've seen, this season does appear to be a rehashing in the extreme of shit they covered last season.

Even by TLC standards, it just seems outrageous that they waited so long to air crap they filmed ages ago.  

On the other hand, maybe TLC was just determined to bring back this buffoonery come hell or high water, and waited all of this time to gather enough footage that they thought might entice viewers to tune in.    

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, laurakaye said:

if she's not contributing, it's because Kody has allowed Meri to be selfish towards the rest of his family.  We all see how she simpers and whines in Kody's presence, so it boggles the mind why Meri's money is all for Meri, why Kody isn't asking her to contribute, and why the other three wives aren't burning Kody in effigy for being such a wuss.

Abso-freaking-lutely. (Also loved how you described Janelle's woo-hoo rah rah acting as "trying on Christine's personality"!!! Ha ha ha, that is a gem!)

I think Kody has always allowed Meri to be totally selfish towards the family. What I don't get is why is he still allowing it? I think we can all guess that Kody is stewing on the inside about Meri's catfish, so clearly she's not his "favorite", so why is he still sans backbone when it comes to her? Why the hell should every other family member put profits into the family pot while Meri keeps LLR money to herself? And now, it's clear that this B&B's profits are NEVER going to be seen by the family.

In the book, Janelle describes how early in the marriage when it was the 3 of them, before Christine, she plodded along at her job bringing in money for the group, and Kody had a job that required travel. Meri would up and quit whatever job she was working at if they wouldn't give her the time off to go travel with Kody on his business trips. I'd bet his boss didn't provide money for an extra person to come along. So not only was she blowing money going on little vacations with Kody, she was quitting paying jobs to do it! Double whammy!

If I were Janelle I'd have left right then and there. That's bullshit. Kody allowed blatant favoritism towards Meri right from the start. But why he STILL does it is a mystery to me.

And his "revelation" at the end of last season and in the first episode this season, that Meri might be kind of selfish? Dude...that's been freaking obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes for LONG, long time.

Not much of a leader. Every wife is going to TRY to get preferential treatment, it's YOUR job to make sure that doesn't happen. Meri's gotten a lot of special treatment, and so has Robyn. I don't see Janelle or Christine ever getting it.

And yet the one wife, Meri, who's gotten the MOST special snowflake treatment over the years is the one who is most likely to leave him. That's what you get for feeding a raging narcissist.

ETA: Sorry, didn't read that @xwordfanatik had already mentioned Meri's job hopping and travel with Kody early in the marriage already...

Edited by Sasha888
  • Love 17
2 hours ago, deirdra said:

Didn't Janelle also get an inheritance that was put into the fambly pot?

Yep. Word is she got an inheritance while living away from the family, but still maintaining a relationship with Kody, and then Kody talked her into using that to buy the Lehi house we first saw them in when the show started.

Which later was sold as a short sale, which as I understand it means the sellers (the Browns) and the bank holding the mortgage agree to sell it for less than what's owed to the bank. So they cleared nothing on the sale of that home.

Way to invest your inheritance, Janelle.

Janelle also cashed in her retirement when they "fled to Vegas under persecution", and she was apparently working for the state. If the state of Utah has benefits like the state gov't I worked for, this is much more serious than a 401K type situation...my state retirement GOES ON FOREVER. (I'm already collecting it due to having to quit work because of an illness, but basically my situation is kind of like I was allowed to retire at age 37...my monthly payment would be higher if I'd been healthy enough to work til retirement age, of course, but either way they have to pay me every month UNTIL I CROAK. Doesn't matter if that amount is WAY more than what they withheld from my paychecks. And it is...I've only been gone from my job for 8 years, and I've already collected way more than I ever put in.)

So if her gov't retirement is anything like mine, cashing it in is THE ABSOLUTE DUMBEST THING YOU COULD EVER DO. My dad worked for city gov't, but was allowed to be part of that state's retirement program, and it was the same deal...goes on til you die. My brother has been in the military, and now works for the Federal Gov't...he'll get two "goes on forever" retirements. Cashing in ANY retirement usually ends up costing you some fees and penalties...cashing in any type of gov't retirement will usually, as I understand it, cost you fees etc but also that "Pay me til I drop" option is just gone forever.

Few people in a private sector job get to have the luxury of a retirement fund that goes on and on forever...you live off the profits from your IRA of whatever, but when it's gone, it's gone. Gov't retirement is NEVER gone.

The family acts like Janelle is some super wizard at accounting. The reality is, she's made the dumbest decisions possible about her money. She sunk it all into the Kody Brown Circus. 

The cash value of my state retirement has already been FAR exceeded by what they've had to pay me monthly...and I'm only a few years in. I'll likely live many, many more years and just keep on collecting. (There is a trade-off...I could have made a lot more money in a private sector job...but it definitely turns out I made the right choice. I'd have had to save up for retirement on my own, and I had no way of knowing I'd have to stop working so young. I never could have saved up the amount I'm getting from a gov't job.)

There isn't a single Brown family member who would ever understand this. They see only the future that's right under their nose, like this week or this month. Next year, or "when I'm 70 yrs old" is way too advanced for them. Complete idiots.

Janelle's retirement was burning a hole in their pockets, and they are all too short-sighted to see that gov't retirement was their ONLY "guaranteed to pay out every month no matter what" option they'd EVER have.

ETA: I just feel I have to point out, yet again, that Janelle's money went towards MERI having a nicer place to live - her favorite person. I'm sure the Lehi home was the nicest they'd ever lived in pre-show, and Meri had to have the nicest rental in Vegas...even though Janelle wanted that VERY rental house, and when trouble brewed over it, Meri sarcastically snapped "I'm sorry for taking something you THOUGHT was YOURS, Janelle!" Biggest. Bitch. Ever. Again, where was Kody, to stop Meri from taking the biggest piece of the pie? 

Edited by Sasha888
  • Love 20

Yes, Janelle has given way more than she'll ever recoup, all in the name of her conversion to polygamy, and to be one of Kody's brood mares.  Interesting and troubling is the fact that she and SW Christine have been forever Kootie's cheerleaders, and never had a legal marriage with that dickhead, yet between them, bore him 12 children to populate his (and their!) next lives.

I find it fascinating and horrifying all at the same time.  I also thank my lucky stars that I wasn't born into or "called by God" or whatever, into that crap.  It's mind-boggling, to say the least.

  • Love 12
On 1/22/2019 at 10:06 AM, Sandy W said:

I am sure that at least Robyn had seen the photos and read the text messages, remember the alliance of Robyn to Kendra and Kendra to the Catfish.  If Robyn had seen them, for sure she would have shown them to Kody, if not the rest of the family.  If Janelle had been exposed to them, it would have required too much energy to connect the dots, so she would have just shrugged.  Christine in her naivete would have responded...SO...what does eating a banana have to do with s-e-x?

I need to clarify that when I say the threat is to expose compromising photos, I'm not talking about anything that's been posted.  I'm talking about intimate, maybe nude photos that were not posted but were sent privately to "Sam."  I think threatening to send those photos to Kody or anyone else who might care is the hold Sam has over Meri, and it's why she doesn't want to talk about what she's afraid of from "him."  She may well have told one or more of the other wives, but I am certain none of them has seen the pictures, much less has access to them.

  • Love 2

You are so right, Sasha888 that cashing in a pension for life is the stupidest thing to do.  Perhaps Kody told her The State would know where she lives for the rest of her life and convinced her to pull out the money and run away.  Didn't they sell the Lehi house to a relative?  I'm surprised the bank approved the low-ball offer, but they were probably worried about another bankruptcy.  If Janelle were so financially astute, wouldn't she know whether Meri was putting LulaCash into the pot or not?  When Meri said she had $40K saved up it made me wonder if she holds back enough to pay her taxes and buy new crap to sell?  Or does no planning at all, like in all aspects of her life.

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

 Interesting and troubling is the fact that she and SW Christine have been forever Kootie's cheerleaders, and never had a legal marriage with that dickhead, yet between them, bore him 12 children to populate his (and their!) next lives.

And that's providing they don't tick him off somehow and won't get yanked through the curtain or whatever the heck they believe.  I wonder what happens to the kids if a) their moms get booted into outer space or b) don't want to live with an idiot father for eternity. 

But that whole My Little Planet thing comes with endless questions and none of the believers can or will answer.

  • Love 6

I'm convinced the $40,000 Meri said she had for the down payment on the B&B came from the equity in her Las Vegas house.  Lets say her Las Vegas house appraised for $600,000 back in the summer of 2017.  She owes around $440,000 on it so she "theoretically" has $160,000 equity in it.  If they let her borrow up to 80% of the appraised value of the house (so she mortgaged up to $480,000 on a house valued at $600,000) she could pull out $40,000.  BINGO that's the $40,000 she is contributing.  But then she owes the bank for that second mortgage against her house so now she has less equity when she sells it.

  • Love 3

I found Meri’s response when she learned that the 40,000 needed to go to the family budget for mortgages and even grocery, very telling. 

She didn’t seem concerned at all for her “family” or all of the children. Her first instinct should have been do we have enough, do you need some of my savings to help care for all the bills. 

Instead it was all about her. I wonder if Kody didn’t have that money to pull into the family budget, if Meri would have given her 40,000 to the family budget? 

What do you guys think? Think Meri would have given the money if the family budget for mortgage and groceries needed it?

  • Love 5
23 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Is Meri moving with the Brown family to Utah?  I'm hoping she's not  going.  Fingers crossed!

Answered in this Season's spoiler thread...but if you don't want it spoiled for yourself, don't look! :-)


42 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Didn't they sell the Lehi house to a relative?

I believe a relative (Meri's sister?) rented Janelle's share of the Lehi home for awhile, but I don't think they sold it to any relative.


42 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Perhaps Kody told her The State would know where she lives for the rest of her life and convinced her to pull out the money and run away.

Very possible. Kody tells a lot of blatant lies to all of them. Master manipulator, if you ask me. Then again, he may actually believe his own bullshit.

He obviously believes he's attractive and super cool, which is the biggest joke EVER, so who knows what the jackass believes.

7 minutes ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Instead it was all about her. I wonder if Kody didn’t have that money to pull into the family budget, if Meri would have given her 40,000 to the family budget? 

What do you guys think? Think Meri would have given the money if the family budget for mortgage and groceries needed it?



NO way in HELL! She'd let even Solomon, her "favorite", starve to death if it mean she could buy a new pair of hideous shoes!

ETA: I think Meri is so stubborn, pig-headed, and selfish that she'd even jeopardize MARIAH's future to get her precious Mormon Tara. Meri give anyone 40 grand? Never. And Meri and that stupid house? She'll do ANYTHING to get it, and I mean anything.

Edited by Sasha888
  • Love 7

Ratings this week:  1.529 M viewers and a .4 rating.  6th cable show of the day.  We're stuck with them for awhile if those numbers continue.

To answer a question asked a few times, it's sadly very normal for TLC to be nine months to a year or more behind real time on many of their shows.  

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Sasha888 said:
34 minutes ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

I found Meri’s response when she learned that the 40,000 needed to go to the family budget for mortgages and even grocery, very telling. 

Meri sarcastically snapped "I'm sorry for taking something you THOUGHT was YOURS, Janelle!" Biggest. Bitch. Ever. Again, where was Kody, to stop Meri from taking the biggest piece of the pie? 

I would have said your damn skippy you took something that didn't belong to you and you know it.


I believe over the years Meri only reluctantly helped out with bills.  Most of the time I think she not only got an equal share of spending money but often got more, by bugging the snot out of Kody .  And he would give into her just to shut her up.  


Meri is all about Meri and she couldn't give two rips about anyone but herself.  I'm sure she got her original startup money for Lula from the family,  just like Christine did and Janelle for her business venture.  The only one I think that got more than a $5,000 investment out of the family money was Robyn.  

Edited by Pickleinthemiddle
spelling error
  • Love 12
13 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:


Instead it was all about her. I wonder if Kody didn’t have that money to pull into the family budget, if Meri would have given her 40,000 to the family budget? 

What do you guys think? Think Meri would have given the money if the family budget for mortgage and groceries needed it?

This was a rhetorical question, right?   😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Meri only takes, never gives.  


  • Love 13
On 1/20/2019 at 9:54 PM, GladysCravits said:

In addition, there’s her hilarious tales of being catfished, when we all know she thought she had snagged a good looking, rich man and was ready to run. 

For the life of me, I cannot fathom how all these (on this show, but also everywhere else) older, overweight, average-looking women, think that a gorgeous rich man is falling for them.

On 1/21/2019 at 1:11 AM, bichonblitz said:

Robin's meek mumbling is out of control. Where is the outspoken Robin of season's ago?

I was noticing that the actual sound of Robin's voice was different.  It was a little higher and less in her throat, and actually sounded a bit more Christine-like.

  • Love 8

I know I'm rehashing here...but I finally watched the episode and stayed up way too late reading and laughing at the snark in this thread. I had forgotten how vile this woman is, and decided to also revisit JO's blog because I never looked at the pictures or listened to many of the voicemails. OMG this woman was head over heels obsessed and in love with this fake man, completely checked out of the family and her "marriage" and ready to ride out into the sunset with "Sam". Why is she still here?? It's still obvious she is done. It has to be for money and the show. I just can't believe she has the nerve to pretend like nothing really happened and expect the family to fork over whatever money and resources she needs. I don't know if I can watch a season of this. It's so awkward and uncomfortable now seeing all of them together.

Edited by OutTheBlue
  • Love 9
On 1/20/2019 at 9:52 PM, Pollo Loco said:

Damn you Meri, you’re making me take Kodi’s side in this!

It was excruciating...every single objection and concern that Kody was mentioning in regards to the loan was making sense, and I started questioning whether there had been a rip in the time-space continuum!

On 1/21/2019 at 3:04 AM, Sasha888 said:

Anyone who has to deal with Meri should be given a free lifetime supply of barf bags, because she is just absolutely vomit-inducing.

I actually used to occasionally have some sympathy for Meri.  That is sooo gone with how insanely irrational and obfuscating she was at that conference room table

On 1/21/2019 at 10:00 AM, laurakaye said:

I'm surprised none of them has invited Meri to dinner and served banana bread and fried catfish.


  • Love 15
29 minutes ago, OutTheBlue said:

I know I'm rehashing here...but I finally watched the episode and stayed up way too late reading and laughing at the snark in this thread. I had forgotten how vile this woman is, and decided to also revisit JO's blog because I never looked at the pictures or listened to many of the voicemails. OMG this woman was head over heels obsessed and in love with this fake man, completely checked out of the family and her "marriage" and ready to ride out into the sunset with "Sam". Why is she still here?? It's still obvious she is done. It has to be for money and the show. I just can't believe she has the nerve to pretend like nothing really happened and expect the family to fork over whatever money and resources she needs. I don't know if I can watch a season of this. It's so awkward and uncomfortable now seeing all of them together.

How does one access JO's blog?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, LuvMyShows said:

I was noticing that the actual sound of Robin's voice was different.  It was a little higher and less in her throat, and actually sounded a bit more Christine-like.

I think this is her normal voice; she was very quiet when she first came into the fambly, but the next year or so when she started popping out mini-Kodys, she started speaking in a deeper, more authoritative voice when she was being treated as the favoured, #1 wife.  Now sweet Christine seems to be #1, so Robyn is returning to her mousy self.

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 4

Ok. I went and read the transcripts of the emails that are supposed to be to Sam from Meri.  If these are all from Meri then I would say she was pretty obsessed with Sam.  It seems like Sam was deliberately baited Meri into leaving messages. Interesting that this blogger does not supply his end of he discussions.  Deliberate attempt to make it seem like she was chasing him?  I think it is possible.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, LuvMyShows said:

I actually used to occasionally have some sympathy for Meri.  That is sooo gone with how insanely irrational and obfuscating she was at that conference room table

Me too. A LONG LONG time ago. But then I started seeing the evidence that made me realize she's being a huge bitch to the rest of the family off-camera. Like the framed marriage certificate she had on the wall in her Vegas rental...yeah, that's not passive aggressive at all, Meri.

I think in some ways Meri still thinking she's the HBIC. I noticed during the conference room discussion, Robyn said something like "Well, this is just kind of how Kody is, you know..." and Meri snapped back "I know that! I've known him for 27 YEARS, you know!"

She HAS to point out that she is still the FIRST wife. Maybe you stole her legal marriage certificate, Robyn, but she's not going to let you forget that she was FIRST.

Meri needs to wake up though...she's NOT HBIC anymore. Kody is not letting Meri get away with as much...he probably still lets her get away with some things, just to shut her up, but for the most part he isn't listening to her anymore.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

Me too. A LONG LONG time ago. But then I started seeing the evidence that made me realize she's being a huge bitch to the rest of the family off-camera. Like the framed marriage certificate she had on the wall in her Vegas rental...yeah, that's not passive aggressive at all, Meri.

I think in some ways Meri still thinking she's the HBIC. I noticed during the conference room discussion, Robyn said something like "Well, this is just kind of how Kody is, you know..." and Meri snapped back "I know that! I've known him for 27 YEARS, you know!"

She HAS to point out that she is still the FIRST wife. Maybe you stole her legal marriage certificate, Robyn, but she's not going to let you forget that she was FIRST.

Meri needs to wake up though...she's NOT HBIC anymore. Kody is not letting Meri get away with as much...he probably still lets her get away with some things, just to shut her up, but for the most part he isn't listening to her anymore.

Meri is what happens when someone is spoiled, given whatever they want for years and years - they just expect it and throw tantrums when they don't get whatever it is they feel they are entitled. And when they aren't given what they want, it boggles their mind - why can't I have it? Why why why? Basically, Meri is like many adults who never got past the childhood "me me me" stage. And anything, no matter how small, that they do that might benefit someone other than themselves is seen as a supreme sacrifice. 

I know people like this, albeit on a much less egregious scale. Thankfully they CAN be reasoned with, and I've even seen the dawn of recognition on their faces that maybe their behavior is a bit, um, selfish, when it's been pointed out to them in terms they can understand.

  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

Me too. A LONG LONG time ago. But then I started seeing the evidence that made me realize she's being a huge bitch to the rest of the family off-camera. Like the framed marriage certificate she had on the wall in her Vegas rental...yeah, that's not passive aggressive at all, Meri.

I think in some ways Meri still thinking she's the HBIC. I noticed during the conference room discussion, Robyn said something like "Well, this is just kind of how Kody is, you know..." and Meri snapped back "I know that! I've known him for 27 YEARS, you know!"

She HAS to point out that she is still the FIRST wife. Maybe you stole her legal marriage certificate, Robyn, but she's not going to let you forget that she was FIRST.

Meri needs to wake up though...she's NOT HBIC anymore. Kody is not letting Meri get away with as much...he probably still lets her get away with some things, just to shut her up, but for the most part he isn't listening to her anymore.

I used to too but I have grown inpatient with her. Meri just seems to be swimming in circles and not getting anywhere with coming to grips with whatever has hit her so hard.  It started around the time they moved into their houses. She was so emotional about being last to move in.  She doesn't deal with her feelings. Instead she throws up her walls t avoid dealing with them.  She now needs to take  sledge hammer to those walls and start facing things.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, Anlogle said:

Meri just seems to be swimming in circles and not getting anywhere with coming to grips with whatever has hit her so hard.  It started around the time they moved into their houses. She was so emotional about being last to move in.  She doesn't deal with her feelings. Instead she throws up her walls t avoid dealing with them.  She now needs to take  sledge hammer to those walls and start facing things.

The problem is she thinks she is the stable one and everyone else is swimming in circles.  She was stupefied that the others couldn't understand that Bonnie having her choice of rooms makes no difference since "in her mind" she saw Bonnie in the caretaker's room, which means Bonnie does NOT have her choice of rooms.

  • Love 14
7 minutes ago, deirdra said:

"The problem is she thinks she is the stable one and everyone else is swimming in circles.  She was stupefied that the others couldn't understand that Bonnie having her choice of rooms makes no difference since "in her mind" she saw Bonnie in the caretaker's room, which means Bonnie does NOT have her choice of rooms.

Yeah when they said that she never told them that Bonnie would be staying in the caretakers quarters and she said " in my mind I did" Does she really think they are mind readers?  She actually told them that she would have her choice of rooms.  So exasperating.

  • Love 10

Meri would have to WANT to change, and IMO, she doesn't. Someone else pointed it out very well earlier...Meri's walls are not walls of fear, they are walls of defiance. 

Meri has just learned a lot of buzzwords from Nitwit Nancy. She's learned to use "guarded", "safe", and "walls" to her advantage. Look how mean you guys are all being to me, look at how I have to PROTECT myself from you! (cue the waterworks....)

Now gimme what I want and shut up.

I'm a bit curious about Meri's childhood. Was she given whatever she wanted, and that's why she's like this? Or did she NEVER get what she wanted? Was she the golden child, or the forgotten child?

I guess I wonder about it because I married the male version of Meri. His parents thought he walked on water. He hid his complete selfishness and utter lack of empathy for any other human being VERY well for the 2 years before the wedding. Immediately after the ceremony, he grabbed me, very roughly, by the arm and said "Now your ass is MINE!" Shit went downhill from there! The guy I had dated no longer existed. I tried all kinds of counseling...some people don't want to change. They have no intention of becoming more self-aware. Why would they? Acting like a spoiled baby has gotten them what they wanted their entire life!

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, OutTheBlue said:

I know I'm rehashing here...but I finally watched the episode and stayed up way too late reading and laughing at the snark in this thread. I had forgotten how vile this woman is, and decided to also revisit JO's blog because I never looked at the pictures or listened to many of the voicemails. OMG this woman was head over heels obsessed and in love with this fake man, completely checked out of the family and her "marriage" and ready to ride out into the sunset with "Sam". Why is she still here?? It's still obvious she is done. It has to be for money and the show. I just can't believe she has the nerve to pretend like nothing really happened and expect the family to fork over whatever money and resources she needs. I don't know if I can watch a season of this. It's so awkward and uncomfortable now seeing all of them together.

Link to Jo's blog!  I missed it!

14 minutes ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Meri's On Her Own, but the Browns are no Les(s) Miserables

(Sorry, I love musicals and bad puns.)

RECAP is in the spoiler box to avoid wall o' text:

  Reveal hidden contents

Last Season:

Meri wants the Parowan house.  Did you hear about the Parowan house?  There's a house in Parowan Meri wants.  Kody and Meri act like the divorced couple they are.  Maddie had a loud labor.  Christine attempted to talk to Meri about being guarded.

The episode opens with Meri calling Kody and, "whoever he's with," asking them to come over.  It's Catfish Revisionist History time!  Apparently fellow catfishee Cheryl can no longer come visit, and Meri feels the need to announce this to the whole family.  She can't tell if they still need closure.  Kody says they're moving on, but talking-heads that there's still distrust.  Meri then drops another little newsflash - she went to Oklahoma and met another catfish victim who can come visit.  "You are so weird," says Christine.  Kody admits he's curious and would like to ask the friend questions.  Janelle is leery of a stranger coming to the house and wants to meet her on neutral territory, but also doesn't know, "why the hell we have to meet her."  The group plans for an adults-only dinner to meet the friend.  Mariah and Audrey can't come because they have to work.  *snort*

Now at Janelle's house, Caleb calls Christine to ask her to help move some stuff.  Maddie tells us that the Brown-Brushes are moving into their own house a block away.  Janelle is sad that she won't be able to love on Axel every morning.  Christine is wearing a t-shirt that says "Blessed Oma."  Kody interviews that he always suspected the Brown-Brushes would take Axel away, but that he never planned to stay in Las Vegas long-term himself.  Maddie says their plan is to stay to finish school and then move north.  While mattresses get shuffled around, Kody continues to talk about how much he wants to leave Las Vegas but that the wives aren't having it.  Maddie says that she and Caleb would like more kids eventually, but that for now they're content with one.  Janelle would like all of her grandchildren to be born under her roof.  (This viewer says PLEASE GOD NO!!!)  Kody says that if they ever move, he'd like a 5th home for any of the kids to come back to.

Back to Meri's house and it's pop quiz time.  Fill in the blanks:  There's a _____ in _______, Utah, that ____ wants.  Now write it out 50 times on the blackboard and you still won't have repeated it as often as the show has.  We flashback through the history of the B&B, then Meri announces to the assembled adults that she went to Parowan and made an offer.  Janelle reacts like she was just handed a king size Snickers.  Christine, however, is still skeptical. Kody asks what the down payment is, and Meri responds that for a business loan it's 40%.  Kody then asks what percent Meri has, and he answer is, "maybe 10."  He says that she'll be able to pull a lot out of her LV house.  Christine asks how the clothing business is going, and Meri says it's going well but she doesn't have enough for the down payment.  They discuss having the LV house appraised, then Kody asks if Meri is willing to risk the LV house to buy the Utah house.  She doesn't think the family would let it come to that because they wouldn't want a stranger living among them in the cult-de-sac.  Meri interviews that she loves both homes just the same, and then laughs at her own statement like a crazy person.  (She's wearing her hideous shooties, so I feel I can question her sanity.)  

After the break, we're at Meri's house, again, and she's calling the family over for an announcement, again.  Her loan was approved but she still doesn't have the down payment money.  If she did, she could close within a couple of weeks.  Is there a cattle prod under Janelle's seat?  Again she's bouncing with atypical excitement.  Poo-poo head Kody is the only one willing to rain on the fiscally irresponsible parade, and he doesn't like that the wives are all being "heroes" for Meri and making him the bad guy.  Meri has been working her butt off at her online clothing company and now has half of the down payment, but still needs $40,000.  At this point, Kody lets us know that he's been in some sort of business with somebody named Brian which required a loan from the family to start up.  Their project is now almost complete, and they'll be able to repay the family money which could go towards the B&B.  Christine asks Meri if she has her business plan written up, to which Meri eloquently answers, "What?"  She interviews that her life is crazy busy and is not focusing on a business plan.  Fake 'n' bake, yes, business plan, no.  Kody asks Meri if the family will have input as the board of directors of the B&B if they invest.  Meri blathers on, but the short answer is hell no.  Robyn tells Meri that all of their other businesses that borrowed from the family had to have a business plan.  Meri says that the plan she's been too crazy busy to write up is, "right over there."  "I asked you if you had a business plan!" exclaims Christine.  Well lying liars lie, Christine.  Meri hands rough copies to the wives and starts playing on her phone.  Kody says it's willy-nilly and poorly planned.  Meri asks them to discuss among themselves and let her know what they think.  

At the airport, Meri picks up fellow catfish victim Kristie, and they meet the adults at a restaurant.  The wives are kind of meh but want to go through with it to support Meri.  At the dinner table, Kody asks Kristie how she and Meri met.  "He wants to see if our stories match," says Meri.  Yes, Meri, people tend to become distrustful of lying liars.  Kristie explains that she and Meri were both being catfished by Sam at the same time, so they have a kinship.  The Sisterhood of the Lonely Pants.  Kristie continues that she was separated from her husband and went online to look for companionship and found Sam.  After five days, Sam was professing his love, but every time they planned to meet up he would make an excuse.  Then, Sam's female friend Jackson Walker had to have heart surgery in Oklahoma, and Sam wanted Kristie to take care of her.  Jackson/Lindsey/JO (the catfish herself!) lived with Kristie for 3 weeks!  And faked her surgical wound with ketchup!  When Kristie finally asked Jackson to leave it made Sam upset, and he became stalker-ish and threatening.  On the couch, Meri confirms that this was her experience as well.  Kody asks Meri what specifically Sam would do and threaten.  Meri won't answer.  

Back at the restaurant, Kristie is continuing her story.  Sam claimed to be in Oklahoma and really sick.  Kristie's dad checked the hospital records and found out that there were no patients with that name.  Her parents then hired a private investigator.  Kody tells us that the Browns were looking into PIs too.  When they found out that Sam wasn't real, Kristie was so upset she couldn't sleep.  Christine interviews that falling in love is so powerful and manipulating someone in that way is horrible.  (Do you hear what you just said, Christine?)  They wrap up dinner and Kody proclaims that Kristie is "vetted."

Now we're at Christine's house for an update on Ysabel.  While Kody recaps her scoliosis journey so far, Christine helps Ysabel into some kind of contraption for her exercises.  They're now going to the doctor to see if there's any improvement.  Ysabel stands in the "torso trainer" 4 times a day for 7 minutes and it's been keeping her from having time for friends and sports.  Her curve was 35 degrees after boot camp and is now at 42 degrees.  Dr. Camp isn't enthused about the exercises but says they aren't hurting.  Kody and Christine latch onto that and encourage Ysabel to continue and not "fail."  Yikes.

Kody's on the phone with mysterious business partner Brian.  Their project didn't work out so they're liquidating their property.  Why does such vague language always sound shady?  Brian tells Kody they have $20K in cash.  Kody starts spastically raking his hair and face and tells Brian that he's been going over the family budget and the Browns need that money, ergo it won't be available for Meri's down payment.  He thinks Meri will be disappointed.  (Understatement of the year!)  And now the wives, minus Meri, are coming over to discuss in Christine's office.  They are still concerned over the lack of a concrete business plan and that the family would not be equity partners.  They imply that that's how Robyn's (MSWC) and Janelle's (Strive) businesses were set up with all businesses benefiting the entire family.  Kody thinks they'll have the money by spring, but they don't know if Meri will be willing to wait that long.  Robyn infers that the B&B isn't going anywhere.  *snerk*  Kody prepares to call Meri over.  I use the commercial break to gird my loins.

Meri's here.  Christine has a pack 'n' play in her living room, so she must get plenty of Blessed Oma time when Janelle's busy striving.  Meri is flabbergasted that she wasn't included and that a meeting was held without the person actually pitching the business.  Does she have a memory problem and forget that she asked the family to do just that, or is she a lying liar?  Kody announces that the Brown family budget needs the shady Brian/Kody money.  Meri asks if that includes even a short-term loan.  Kody uses that as an opening to bring up equity profit partners and a functioning business plan.  Meri doesn't know why he's bringing that up.  She hasn't thought about equity, but she's not saying she won't!  She interviews that it's 4 against 1 and she's got her walls up!  Kody tells her that they're supportive but just don't have the money right now.  Meri declares she won't wait until the spring.  She's going to leave the room right now and do a sale and bust her butt making the money, so don't expect her to be at any family functions...that she probably wouldn't have been at anyway.  Janelle asks then, if Meri and/or her mom come up with the money, if the rest of the Browns will be excluded from the business.  Meri says she never said that and she doesn't know.  She also doesn't know why the adults keep "obsessing" over the equity question.

After the break, (thanks for that, Dr. Pimple Popper), Meri's single-minded urgency to buy the house continues as the wives begin more desperately to try to placate her.  She interviews that she wants the building and doesn't care about the business.  Janelle is on Meri's side.  Kody is upset that they all continue to dance around the issue, but tells the wives that "we" need to be creative and think up a solution.  Janelle shoulder-bumps Meri several times and repeats, "We!"  Seriously, who spiked her molasses coffee with uppers?  "You can't control my business or my house, though," smirks Meri.  The same Meri who's never given a thought to equity and doesn't even understand the concept.  Lying liar.  Kody says that equity partners aren't about control, to which Meri responds that they want the profit but she'll have to do all the work.  Robyn talking-heads that she does the work for MSWC and that all of the profit goes back to the family. "We've all made that agreement," she says.  Kody brings up Meri's mom, and how they talked about the house just being a home for Bonnie and not a business.  Meri doesn't know why her insistence that this will be a business hasn't been heard.  Um, maybe because you contradicted yourself in your talking head two minutes ago, lady!  Conversation turns to which room Bonnie will have because that impacts profit.  Kody's still preoccupied with the bottom line because he has kids to support.  Meri doesn't know why the family thinks she wants to nickel and dime them.  She can't even remember the last time she asked for money.  Two words:  wet bar.  Meri is sooo confuuuused about how the room arrangement will impact profit.  Kody walks out in frustration.  There's further back-and-forth about the number of rooms until Meri announces that her mom would live in the caretaker's cottage.  "You never said that!" Robyn and Janelle say in unison.  "In my mind I have!" is Meri's response.  

Kody has rejoined the room as Christine tells Meri that they don't want to give her hopelessness, they want to problem solve.  Janelle interviews about Strive, her "empowerment community."  The family didn't think her business plan made sense (Strive doesn't make sense?  Shocking!) and she also had to ask for money.  Meri has a lot of thoughts but doesn't feel safe sharing them.  How convenient.  "I don't know what I'm doing," she cries.  Christine points out that it's a good thing then that she doesn't have to do it alone.  Robyn, "knows this place," and reminisces about her challenges starting up MSWC.  She interviews that Kody was just as aggressive about her business plans.  Meri leaves to go figure out what she's going to do.  Kody interviews that he's deeply bothered by her selfishness.  He thinks that Meri has enough to pay for the house herself (implying that her LLR money doesn't go into the Brown family pot) but since she's asking them for help they have to consider the family's needs first.  He's baffled that Meri doesn't get that, and apologizes to the rest of the wives for being the ass he's always been.  In Meri's 4th-of-July bedecked hallway, she interviews about putting up walls and being upset.  

Coming up this season:  Aspyn gets married.  Kristie meets Mariah.  Kody and Meri hash out their relationship.  Kody wants to leave LV and everyone cries.

Haha, very good!

Lying liars lie indeed. And Kody apologizing for being the asshole he's always been was great. Nice bit of self-awareness there. But I would definitely have felt outnumbered in that room if I were him.

I still can't believe that Meri yelled "In my HEAD I did!" when confronted about how she never said Bonnie would live in the caretaker's quarters. 

I'm going to admit that when Meri broke down and cried "I don't know what I'm doing!" I did feel bad for her. It was probably the most honest thing she said all episode, aside from the bits about how the family ain't getting squat from the BnB business.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Anlogle said:

Interesting that this blogger does not supply his end of he discussions. 

"He" is a she and of course she doesn't want anyone to know what she did to draw Meri in. JO is a sick, sick woman and I am really surprised she hasn't been arrested for fraud (she has taken money from her targets).

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Sasha888 said:

I think in some ways Meri still thinking she's the HBIC. I noticed during the conference room discussion, Robyn said something like "Well, this is just kind of how Kody is, you know..." and Meri snapped back "I know that! I've known him for 27 YEARS, you know!"

Oh man, I forgot about that little tidbit of "oh SNAP."  Although I do think Robyn needs to STFU when it comes to knowing everything about everything, including things that happened before she was part of the circus, Meri's "27 years" was her attempt to remind everyone that she was once HBIC and while she may no longer carry the title, in her mind she still carries the perks.  To make up for no longer being the real wife, she must remind those inferior to her that she's known Kody the longest, so shove it, losers.  This is equivalent to a pack of middle school girls walking past a cute boy at the mall and arguing over who saw him first.  

Did anyone catch Janelle's reaction after Meri stormed out of the house in a whirl of LuLaNo?  Kody said something about needing to explain to Meri how money works, and then decided that, in fact, Janelle should be the one to do that.  Janelle kind of rubbed her face like, "I'll try for a hot second but as soon as she throws up her walls, I'm out."  I found that humorous.

  • Love 12

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