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S10.E01: Meri, On Her Own...

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Wait, what is this activist business.  I agree, where is the IRS.

I appreciate them talking about Kody’s aggression but the difference is that the rest of them wanted to share and partner with the family.  Meri. Does. Not.  She just wants the money as a loan, for the business, for herself, without your help or input.

Edited by For Cereals
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ACK they are all making me take Kody's side "He is all about the numbers he doesn't care about my passion for it". These women are just playing at business.

Kody with his Manson Lamps for eyes saying he is deeply bothered by Meri is scary.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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Wait a minute.  So the "family" hired a a private investigator to check out the catfisher, but the first catfish go-round was a complete shock and surprise.  ok 👌

And they always have a business plan?  Since when?  Nearly an entire episode was devoted to these nimrods working on a business plan at the last minute for the investors.  TLC/Brown logic strikes again.

i laughed when Janelle said the Strive business plan didn't make sense.  Really, Janelle, really.  Strive still doesn't make sense.  Big surprise.

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50 minutes ago, 80sBaby said:

So Meri contributes none of her LulaRoe money to the family but when she needs cash they should just cough it up no questions asked??

Yep.  That sums it up nicely.

Edited by toodles
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Meri is such an ugly person. She expects the family to hand over 40k just like that ? I really fail to see how this b&b can be an ongoing concern for longer than about 3-6 months. A b&b in the middle of nowhere, when the air b&b industry is booming. Who the H would go to Parawan (huh ? Where ?) for a relaxing vacation  ? Besides sleeping, what else is there to do ?


And then my biggest pet peave about Meri, she gives us that damn annoying shrug! Ugh ! Stop it 


I wish I had Christine's hair. She looks great. Did she ever talk about how she lost weight  ?

Robin has thrown in the towel. She's at least 10 lbs heavier than last season. 

Kody at times looks like Shirley Temple. Must be the humidity. 

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5 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

I really fail to see how this b&b can be an ongoing concern for longer than about 3-6 months. A b&b in the middle of nowhere, when the air b&b industry is booming.

Well, see, that's the thing with this ridiculous "reality" show.  All of this happened last year.  And she bought the thing.  And it's apparently still in business. So this is rehashing very old news.

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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

"You never said your mom was going to stay in the caretaker's cottage"

"in MY MIND I did"

Do any of these people actually listen to each other, or do they just twitter like a bunch of demented birds? 

Lord that was brilliant. You can't make this stuff up.

Meri just waffles, dances around things, beats around bushes...I just want to yell SPIT IT OUT, WOMAN! She always seems like she's hiding something.

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2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Robin's just sitting there eating her food. She's not even pretending to pay attention. Snerk.

Robyn didn't need to say a word.  She had discussed this Kody endlessly already and had told him exactly wht to say and think.

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17 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

...and I loved every minute of it!

I wonder if "Sam" (AKA Jackie Overton) watches these shows and gets a pretend hard-on when they talk about her.  Can you imagine her staying at Christie's house pretending to recover from open-heart surgery?  That is beyond creepy!  And putting ketchup on her shirt to appear as blood!  Ewwww, my skin just crawls!  She is truly a psychotic wonder!

Edited by Kyanight
I remembered the fruitcake's name!
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I really wish I wasn't contributing to their ratings, I admire you @Kohola3! But I just can't look away from this train wreck.

I'm watching this late on DVR because there was football to be had today, but my first thought was oh my God, 1.5 seconds into the first show of the new season and the word "catfish" has come up ALREADY! Who. The hell. CARES! 

Meri, pure of heart and mind and deed, was double crossed by an evil catfisher...it's just so freaking pathetic. You f***ed up, Meri. Deal with it and move on.

She tries to make it sound like she is this blameless, spotless lamb...FORCED to interact with this catfisher. I guess Robyn's not the only one who likes to revise history.

Hey Meri, Robyn revised history with a disturbing picture, maybe you can photo shop that pic of Sam's name scratched into your leg and make it read "Kody"! Worth a shot! ;-)

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1 minute ago, Kyanight said:

I wonder if "Sam" (what IS her name?  It begins with a "K", right?) watches these shows and gets a pretend hard-on when they talk about her.  Can you imagine her staying at Christie's house pretending to recover from open-heart surgery?  That is beyond creepy!  And putting ketchup on her shirt to appear as blood!  Ewwww, my skin just crawls!  She is truly a psychotic wonder!

OMG, Kristi's experience was just awful. It makes me shudder!

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3 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Why is seeing Cheryl good for Mariah?

In Meri's mind, it's safety in numbers, it's her way of saying she wasn't the only one duped.  What Meri conveniently leaves out, is that she actively pursued "Sam" when he was playing hard to get and ignoring her.

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Another season of Poor Poor Pitiful Meri...Why am I surprised?

I literally laughed out loud when Kody lamented about spending 3 years talking about leaving Las Vegas and his wives “shut him down” every time.  What a strong patriarch-of-the-family “leader”!  Way to “shepherd” your subservient wives, Kody!!! LOL. I’m sure his Brethren would be proud...

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32 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

Because they only "threat" was that Sam would break up with you, that's why. That's why she has no answer for Kody when he wants to know specifically what kind of threats were made.

It’s almost as if being catfished is actually WORSE than admitting you were seeking or participating in an extramarital affair.

Supporting the whole Poor Catfished Meri routine over and above her specific intention for even being involved with the person to begin with is actually amazing given that these people claim to go to therapy, have been going for years, etc.

ETA:  if the Sister Wives really gave a shit about their fellow spouse (Meri), wouldn’t they be more concerned about her seeking a person (albeit internet-based fake persona) outside of their family/collective marriage than the actual validity of the persona?

Edited by kicotan
Further thoughts
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1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

I wonder if "Sam" (what IS her name?  It begins with a "K", right?) watches these shows and gets a pretend hard-on when they talk about her.  Can you imagine her staying at Christie's house pretending to recover from open-heart surgery?  That is beyond creepy!  And putting ketchup on her shirt to appear as blood!  Ewwww, my skin just crawls!  She is truly a psychotic wonder!


I tried googling it and nothing comes up, where did that story come from?

Edited by Armchair Critic
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10 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:


I tried googling it and nothing comes up, where did that story come from?

Christie related that story in tonight's episode.  "Sam" said that his assistant needed a place to stay while recovering from open heart surgery.  It was actually Jackie Overton pretending to be Sam's assistant.

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How does a loan get approved without proof of down payment and then that it will close in 10 days? I’m in Ca and little over a year and half ago my son and wife bought a house and they were one out of 10 qualified bidders. They were 3 from highest bidders   Both have proof of good salaries. She’s not even married now. 

Having the other cat fished woman visit was creepy. Poor Mary  cat fished by a woman pretending to be a man. Would it be ok if it was a man?  Don’t think I can finish watching. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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Meri is in denial. About everything. 

You could see Kody's wheels turning when Meri's friend was talking about falling in love with Sam. This is why Kody is so done with Meri. He knows Meri would have left the family in a minute if Sam was for real no matter how Meri tries to spin it. 

Robin's meek mumbling is out of control. Where is the outspoken Robin of season's ago?

Janelle getting all excited and giggly when Meri said her loan was approved. I thought Janelle hated Meri. Or was she so happy because she thought they were finally going to get rid of Meri? 

I did get a kick out of all them sitting around the conference table trying to sound like intelligent business entrepreneurs. 

3 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

How does a loan get approved without proof of down payment and then that it will close in 10 days?

It doesn't close that quickly unless it's a cash deal. It usually takes 30-45 days to close if you are financing. It's all so phony.  

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15 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Christie related that story in tonight's episode.  "Sam" said that his assistant needed a place to stay while recovering from open heart surgery.  It was actually Jackie Overton pretending to be Sam's assistant.

Thank you, I kind of tuned out the Catfish stuff so I missed it.

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7 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

Thank you, I kind of tuned out the Catfish stuff so I missed it.

The catfish segments were the best part for me.  My heart was breaking for Ysabel, so it was kind of refreshing to watch Meri flapping in the wind when Kody tried to nail her down about what exactly were the threats she claimed the catfisher made.

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If Kody thought the business he is liquidating was doing so well that he could cover $40K, but he's only getting $20K, how much did his "equity partners" lose on his venture or did they only loan him $20K or less?  If Meri isn't going to share, they should charge her a steep interest rate.

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