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S07.E10: My Name Is Emiko Queen

Lady Calypso
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OLIVER RETURNS TO HIS REGULAR LIFE IN STAR CITY — Oliver (Stephen Amell) is ready to get back to work with the SCPD and to focus on his marriage with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). However, when Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) tasks Oliver with tracking the new Green Arrow (Sea Shimooka) things take a surprising turn. Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) must answer to ARGUS about Diaz (Kirk Acevedo). Andi Armaganian directed the episode written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (#710). Original airdate 1/21/2019.

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Such a bad episode. I also zoned out for most of it without realizing I was.

The Olicity scenes were sweet, but the episode description lied to me. Oliver didn't "focus on his marriage with Felicity" at all. 

Diggle just keeps getting worse somehow? I hate what the show's doing to Diggle right now.

Every time they say Felicity's dead in the FFs, I believe it less and less. 

Way too much Rene and Emiko.

Don't really care about Emiko at all since I already watched season 1.

Uh, I think that's it? 

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Ugh, reading the episode description above about Oliver wanting to “focus on his marriage” just made me even angrier about this episode. Sure, Olicity was a solid united front but there was no hint of that. (Also, we seem to be back to EBR being the only one to initiate physical contact, which slightly dimmed the only good parts of this ep.)

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Boring. I didn’t need a rehash of Season  1. I don’t care about any of this. Again, BORING. 


I understand why they mentioned Oliver and Felicity in the blurb for the show, they had to have known it was an awful episode.

Edited by BunsenBurner
Had to add the awful episode line.
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Didn't Emiko get shot by the security guard? She healed quickly. And why run to Rene for help? 

Also, who the hell voted for Rene? I guess his shady past wasn't scrutinized enough by the press and other candidates.

How convenient the letter to Walter was right on top and Robert easily answered all the mystery to Oliver.

Lyla needs to clean her house quickly. Diggle and and her deputy showed her no respect.

Dinah didn't mention Curtis' name in her little speech to Rene.

Emiko spent 6 months working on her march towards Glen, in minutes she found his alibi checked out and the 6 months of work was for nothing. 

The person in charge of blowing up Diaz should develop a case of the Oops! 

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Hey, Oliver has a whole sister now! Because Emiko is his half-sister and Thea . . . fuck it, moving on.

Seriously, any finale without Diaz really, really, REALLY dead is going to be a letdown. Still an ass, and now he's up to joining a suicide squad. Well, they won't call it that since the movie has been ridiculed. I can guess the ending: Emiko kills Diaz, but Team Arrow really needed Diaz alive for some reason (picturing Felicity with a car battery and nipple clamps), and then all hell breaks loose. Another Team Arrow Civil War, with Rene taking Emiko's side. And the stress and guilt will weigh on him so hard, he will grow ridiculous-looking hair. WOW. I can buy him being a mayor, but I can't take that wig seriously.

Flashforwards are still vexing. I'm also thinking Felicity is alive . . . probably in a penthouse, on a balcony, wind blowing through her slightly-greyed hair, wondering where it all went wrong. Almost sad that Nora West-Allen's future is further away from 2019, because we could've had a future-based crossover. No, wait, that's a plot practically made for Legends of Tomorrow.

Hi, Curtis! Do you ever talk to people, ever? I'm okay with him being a dork, but it's laid on too thick.

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I enjoyed approximately 5 minutes of whatever that was. After all that nonsense, I have zero connection to Emiko who's actor is...questionable. That thing on Future Rene's head was an abomination, and I hope the hair and makeup people feed bad. Pod Diggle is an insult to David Ramsey. It was all so bad. 

I hope real Arrow returns next week. 

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When it's time for SA and EBR to renew their contracts, they should make the WB watch this episode and imagine what an Olicityless future would be like. Answer: Not worth watching. I actually kind of resent them for being the only reason I can't quit this show. I resent them almost as much as I love them.

I felt for Oliver once again being reminded that his parents were both assholes. Seeing how affected he was about Robert abandoning Emiko makes this future storyline even more bullshit than it already was. There's no way he and Felicity would ever, ever, ever abandon William or *cough*Maya*cough*.

Maybe Emiko will become more compelling as she moves into Oliver's orbit, but tonight didn't make me curious about her at all, other than wondering why she immediately let two strangers into her secret. Especially since those two strangers were Rene and Curtis. Yuck.

Diggle, I just don't even know what to say anymore. He has to be a clone, right?

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4 minutes ago, Trisha said:

(Also, we seem to be back to EBR being the only one to initiate physical contact, which slightly dimmed the only good parts of this ep.)

To be fair, he always has to be smothered with physical affection when his world is caving in on him. Which, yes, is often!

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Dear show, please bring back the real John Diggle. I have no idea who this jackass is but he sucks. And making me hate him won't make me tolerate NTA, it just means the already fairly small list of characters I actually give a damn about is in danger of shrinking.


Olicity was great, I somewhat worry about Oliver's continued naivete regarding his parents suckitude, I have less than  no fucks to give about the Emiko/Rene show and other than the vague possibility Curtis is dead I ignored the flashforwards. I don't understand what they were doing here. It was...not good.

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

To be fair, he always has to be smothered with physical affection when his world is caving in on him. Which, yes, is often!

He was sliding directly into Matt Murdock levels of extra, and Felicity had to put a quick stop to that. Ergo all the touching. 

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The Olicity stuff was great, and I loved the references to Walter and Moira (and Felicity is still a bit salty towards her!) and it sucks that Oliver has to get yet another reminder that his parents were assholes who lied about literally everything, and his world is being rocked yet again, but at least he handled it pretty well. 

I mean, for the five minutes that actually focused on the supposed hero of this show. The rest was a parade of boredom with a bunch of my least favorite characters interacting with a new character who is basically an angsty badass cliche mixed in with a pretty lousy performance. "This is personal! I work alone!" Good lord, did she have one line that hasn't been said by a million action characters at some point? 

I really miss when Oliver was the main character of this show. And when Felicity could have whole scenes. And when Diggle wasn't some pod person who is happily working with the man who ruined his supposed best friends life. And when the supporting cast was actually likable, and not so unlikable and annoying that I want to give myself a lobotomy just to forget about their stupid faces. 

Diaz is like the bad smell in your kitchen. Every time you think you have finally gotten rid of it, it comes back again, worse than ever.

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My GAWD this was a terrible episode. Seriously, was it written by a drunken 12-year-old? The writers seriously want us to believe that a DNA scan takes 15 seconds, then we find out Ollie has a sister, then Felicity tracks down a storage facility is the next 15 seconds and the first damn piece of paper Oliver picks up is a letter detailing his previously unknown sister? And Rene gets a random visit from her and then becomes her partner? And freaking Diaz? Seriously? And don’t even get me started on the makeup on Dinah and Rene - and the horrible fake tattoos on Diaz. And that cheesy ending with the new Arrow? 

I don’t want a new Arrow. I want Oliver.

This season is just God awful - to the point that I cannot take it anymore. Off the DVR. Ugh.

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I'm frustrated because I feel like the pieces making up this episode could have come together and formed something great (apart from the FFs) but somehow they messed it all up by making this story unfold with Oliver as just the tacked on part of the story.  Oliver emotionally grappling with more secrets of his awful parents while Felicity is there to help him process and find answers.  That's pretty good stuff.  But Oliver not driving the narrative made all his stuff feel disconnected and like it belonged in a different episode even .  He should have been driving the narrative.  Instead they gave it to the NGA and while i don't hate her like Diaz, handing over the show to a non lead feels like just as big a mistake as The Dragon episode.    

I have no personal feelings one way or the other about Emiko (apparently pronounced Em i co?) and that's the problem.  I barely am tolerating Rene.  Curtis and his dumb cake ramble was painful and I don't have any emotional attachment to Emiko.  Why should I care about that part of the story at all?  Even Arrow's pilot showed us Oliver pain in the past so we could understand the grief and fury underneath the stoic mask.  With Emiko we got just the dry facts and then a lot of glaring.  It feels like this was a very  poorly unpacked episode.  It could have been powerful if done differently but instead it's a dud.  

And that's before we go to Diggle going off his rocker.  Not only did he offer to free the man vowing to kill, Oliver, Felicity, and William, he didn't even give his wife a heads up about his idea before backing her into a corner where she had to go along. And if I had any kind of compelling reason to think Diggle was justified in his extreme actions, maybe I wouldn't wonder about who was wearing a Diggle skin suit.  But instead of building up his dilemma (or even explain why they have been freaking out for a few episodes now) they went right for Diggle doing something I can't justify or begin to understand.  I want to love Diggle.  I want to have faith in him.  This is not how you accomplish any sympathy or love.  Who the hell is he?  I don't know this man.  

And that leaves the FFs.  They are just such a fucking mess.  So Zoe was home sick only three days and thus all the FF's since arriving in Star City have only been three days.  And they are still trying to say that Felicity was a criminal and planning to blow Star City.  Somehow I find that more believable than Rene being somehow responsible for making The Glades into a bright and shiny utopia.  And what was the Archer thing they wanted?  Did it have anything to do with Smoak Tech?  I was too busy staring at Rene's hair to pay attention.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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This just looked like another back door pilot for a new Arrow should Amell decide to leave. Like others above stated: I have no desire to see this because I’ve already seen season one. 

So many plot holes here, which I don’t feel like pointing out. Just a bunch of rinse, lather, and repeat-this time stealing stuff from early seasons and giving them to Emiko. 

I will admit I was afraid to post what was going through my mind, but feel gratified most felt the same way: BORING!!!!

At least Smallville, with all its flaws, never sidelined the main hero even if he was a BDA at times.😒😒😒

12 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

It could have been powerful if done differently but instead it's a dude.

😆😁😆😆😂🤣 I think you mean dud?🤪🥴😉

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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That was terrible. Worst episode of S7 tbh. At least I think so? I was bored and zoned out for a little while there, haha.

The acting by the Emiko actress was painful. She kept pausing in her line delivery, I'm assuming to make it more intimidating or whatever but yikes. So bad. 

The whole Emiko/Rene/Curtis team up is a huge mistake. I can see they're trying to recapture that classic Olicity/OTA origins but that's just not gonna happen at all. 

The Olicity scenes were strong but I needed more. Would it kill SA to be a bit more affectionate? They're married. Sit close on the sofa, hold hands, put his arms around her. Something! Their emotional connection is so strong and great to watch but none of this added up to the episode description of them working on their marriage. WTF Chico or whoever writes those summaries now.

So are we to assume that the Archer security program in the FF was made by Felicity? Also, Dinah didn't mention Curtis when talking about who got the Mark of Four tattoo so are all my hopes and dreams gonna come true and he dies at some point?

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This episode kinda exemplifies why Arrow can frustrate me so much: massive potential resulting in a massive mess.

For instance. I love - genuinely love - the idea that twenty years into the future, Star City and its predatory people and vigilantes have collapsed, while former slum the Glades has risen to prominence and wealth. It's a natural evolution for the show and a nice parallel to the present day. I also like the idea that Oliver working for Star City allowed another vigilante to become mayor of the Glades. And yet, as presented, it was a massive mess, and not just because of the makeup - not that the makeup helped.

The biggest problem? Five separate plots vying for attention (six if you count "why, exactly, is Arrow choosing this moment to suggest yet again that Curtis has serious cake issues?") At least three of these plots - Oliver finding out about Emiko, Emiko hunting down her mother's murderer, and Future Rene finding out that Felicity thought Star City was going to blow up - easily could have formed an episode on their own, especially since so much of this was just introduced this episode: Emiko's mother, Rene the future mayor of the Glades, the fact that wealthy Moira Queen used - DUM DUM DUM - an ordinary storage facility, ha ha ha ha ha which for some reason the FBI and other investigators never confiscated even after putting Moira and Oliver on trial for murder. BUT MOVING ON. 

This episode also demonstrated, yet again, the long standing problem that, speaking as one of the few people on this board who likes Curtis, Curtis is in the wrong show: Emiko and Rene really didn't need his help that badly (I know, it's an Arrow tradition to have a tech person helping in the background, but....Emiko and Rene weren't targeting a high tech place) and, well, since Felicity can now analyze DNA results and identify complete strangers within five seconds, she, too, was available.  It's one thing to have a couple of different scientists on the shows that actually discuss some sort of science (Supergirl, Flash) however inaccurately: it's not really working here. Felicity could have done everything Curtis did in the episode, with the added emotional weight of working with her new-found sister in law. Far more dramatic. And yet.

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Even if we accept that for some reason Dig no longer gives a flying fuck about the safety of his closest friends or his city, Diaz tried to kill Dig and Lyla too. How does this Suicide Squad Ghost Intiative plan make any sense to him? I need them to explain why John Diggle has become an insufferable asshole who risks his friends' safety at the drop of a hat. Neither we nor he have any real idea what this Dante thing is so it being the reason he's abandoned pretty much everything he ever believed in doesn't work. Especially since even Lyla's like, "Yeah, no, terrible plan."

Edited by JamieLynn832002
can't spell
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They really spent a weirdly long time setting up getting info on Emiko's target.  I think the rando they hired to do exposition had more lines than Dinah did in the present. Maybe more than Curtis, lol.  

I don't understand the in show reason for the NGA to keep taking off her mask while still in uniform.  Out of show they want to show her face but she's supposed to be guarding her identity. It takes me out of the show when she is walking around outside without it. Later she even was just in a fight and she pauses to take it off before she yells at Rene.  (as a whole subway train full of people go by, lol)  It's such an incredibly poorly planned scene.  Cut to some inside location for a private conversation.  Or at least a dark alley.  It's just so badly done.

Dinah in the present time line did that silly leg crossing in front of the other runway strut down the hallway to the crime scene.  Looks so dumb.  

Rene manages to throw a dig at Oliver even when he's not in the suit.  ("I guess stubbornness comes with the suit") then he goes on to say even Oliver Queen knew he couldn't do it alone.  Which thanks for reminding me WHY he had to try to do it on his own last year.  You ax wielding ass.

So Rene was "single handedly responsible for cleaning up the Glades."  Ugh.  His hair was more believable.  

Felicity recognizing the DNA is even funnier when I realize that she's not even looking at the chemical breakdown, just a model of the molecules on the screen.  Lol.  She's more genius than I realized.  

When Felicity announce the government had no record of his sister I assumed it was because she lived in another country.  I'm still shook she was minutes away in the Glades.  And that Robert couldn't have even paid them off (or at least set up an account for them) before he vanished. Dude didn't even pay child support.  

Oliver does a lovely set of heart eyes at Felicity after she jokes about being a genius.  :D  That's my boy.  Give me the good stuff.  

Oliver mentions to Felicity that his father used an offshore account to handle his more sensitive transactions.  I really want to know if that was info he found out after he came home or just something he knew from before the Gambit went down.  I'm leaning toward him knowing it as a young adult which means Oliver knew his dad did shady stuff even then.  (About that scene, Felicity then found the account immediately.  How did she know it was the right one, especially when Moira's name popped up? Could his dad still have a secret offshore account out there? )

Also, if the account is still active and still covering payments for the storage unit (and they cleaned it out) can they also now access the money in that account?  I supposed Oliver is bringing home a paycheck but consultant for the Police doesn't usually come with great benefits and these two need a good health plan.  

Now have watched the Diggle/Diaz scene twice.  Still can't understand a word DIaz says.  Kind of wish I hadn't understood what Diggle was saying. 

Zoe really had a growth spurt as she got older.  She's taller than her dad now, lol.  

I love that Rene was upset she was talking to Dinah, lol. 

Sigh, Zoe and Rene arguing is not a well acted scene.  

More later

Edited by BkWurm1
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2 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Even if we accept that for some reason Dig no longer gives a flying fuck about the safety of his closest friends or his city, Diaz tried to kill Dig and Lyla too. How does this Suicide Squad Ghost Intuitive plan make any sense to him? I need them to explain why John Diggle has become an insufferable asshole who risks his friends' safety at the drop of a hat. Neither we nor he have any real idea what this Dante thing is so it being the reason he's abandoned pretty much everything he ever believed in doesn't work. Especially since even Lyla's like, "Yeah, no, terrible plan."

I'm sure they mean to telegraph what a grave danger this Dante threat is for Diggle to offer such a thing, but he's sucked lately so it kind of seems par for the course right now? It would help if we had more info on Dante other than whatever was going on with that painting that I tuned out because Curtis was involved.

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21 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I’m just so mad at Diggle right now. Where’s the John Diggle I knew and loved? Does he remember Oliver and Felicity exist? Had his back all these years? 

Blame the Writers. It's all about Pushing all the Newbs and chaging favorites to do it 

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I don't understand the point of the FFs (for a while I thought people were abbreviating "for fuck's sake", that works also), is it supposed to be an alternate future or is the show ending and that's what's ahead?

Why is Emiko imitating Oliver as Green Arrow? Get your own schtick! And did Robert have a supply of notebooks for every family member? 

This episode was so bad I was missing Black Siren.

Edited by Writing Wrongs
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11 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Oliver does a lovely set of heart eyes at Felicity after she jokes about being a genius.  :D  That's my boy.  Give me the good stuff.  

That was the only good thing about this ep. Even the rest of Olicity fell flat for me with Oliver on a spiral about his family drama again. I think he has good reason for it but I'm bored. 

This is some bad shit when even the Olicity is sub par.

That new actress is...not good. 

I blame it in the writing. They keep trying to write "broody n edgy" and I think the best these people they employ can pull off is "sour"

They should take into account the acting limitations when they write since they now have a bunch of pissy, sour characters running around. Must be an easy expression to elite!

As for the rest I really don't care enough to comment. 

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It might have been nice if, instead of spending all this time writing letters and diaries to dump his many fuck ups on his family and friends, Robert, I don’t know, DID SOMETHING HIMSELF!!!

Edited by tennisgurl
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8 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

That was the only good thing about this ep. Even the rest of Olicity fell flat for me with Oliver on a spiral about his family drama again. I think he has good reason for it but I'm bored. 

This is some bad shit when even the Olicity is sub par.

I blame the directing and SA who seemed to morph into his S6 self where he often just kind of stood there. EBR seemed to be doing all the work here. I didn't feel that way in their scenes in 7a so maybe SA was just tired from crossover filming. Or maybe he was just trying to portray Oliver too lost in his guilt? IDK.

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Ugh the idea watching this episode later already feel like a chore to me lol.

I usually watch episodes delayed not live due to time differences and honestly with the exception of season 5 (which I feel like I may have been more engaged and positive with) this is the first season where I'm not motivated to want to watch episodes, where I feel like I'm not missing anything if I don't watch. Like there's couple of episodes this season (the crossover, 7x08 and 7x04) where I've just watched the Olicity clips or short clips of important scenes involving other characters on YouTube. The problem is I've yet to find another show which has grabbed a hold of me like Arrow did at its best or characters who I'm invested in as much. Pitch was close, but they had to go and cancel it.

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Rewatch observations part two.

Ugh.  Rene whining about being all alone...after he ratted out Oliver for his kid's return (hence not alone) and then Oliver went to jail to save his and the asses of everyone else.  How dare he complain that everyone else just moved on?  Oliver didn't move on.  Felicity and WIlliam didn't just move on.  He was pretty ok with opening his own gym and mentoring like half the Glades...with his daughter at his side.  How was he "alone" again?  Shut up Rene.  

I still don't get why Robert was such a crap father to Emiko.  He could have rang their doorbell and ran away before they opened the door and found a envelope full of money.  They were right around the corner.  Also, why didn't Emiko's mom sue for child support?  This doesn't make sense.  Even if Moira demanded he cut off contact it would be more in character for her to make sure they moved far, far away, not ignore them when they are just minutes away from showing up in person and causing a scandal any time they got around to it.  And we as of yet have had NO explanation for where Emiko got her training.  I thought her mom would be someone trained.  Right now she just seems to be a nice Japanese American lady he met on the wrong side of town.  (Gah, I wonder what the time line was between finally ditching Emiko and her mom and almost running away with Isabel Rochev.)  

Lol.  I think Felicity asks Oliver if he's ok three times in this episode.  

If they ever try to make some kind of ironic callback to Oliver saying his father abandoning the woman he loved and his child was unforgivable in regards to any future action I will riot.  There's no way this man ever abandons William or any other loved one.  But still it's the first place my mind goes watching this.  Pissed they ever put that notion out there.  No way I buy it but hate even the suggestion or question of it.  

Lol.  Emiko's legacy from her dad is a...quilt??  Haahahahahaahaha

How young was Emiko's mom that she played and played with her daughter in these forts until they both fell asleep?  I wonder how old Emiko was when Robert dropped off his goodbye quilt.  

I have hope that we see Roy in the present day timeline since I have a feeling we are going to see them all get their promise tat.  

Again, who it this guy pretending to be Diggle??  It's so baffling I don't even know how to say more on the topic.  

How does it makes sense to use a dude that was not in the country for the last two years as the scapegoat for a murder?  Sure he was covert but if she can leave and verify his alibi, shouldn't that mean that who ever framed him could have realized he couldn't be the patsy?  And what did "it was your bullet" even mean if the dude doesn't use guns?  Did she just see he bought it supposedly?  If so being the buyer of a bullet feels like a pretty weak reason to be certain he's the one that murdered mom. She seemed to do a better job digging up the dirt on everyone else. Also, how generous of her to believe him without even verifying his story first.  At least kidnap the dude til you get that confirmation.  

So Rene gets "lost his way" but still good from Dinah but Felicity got "she's changed" and assumption that she was trying to blow up Star City.  But now that she's dead, we owe her....something?  None of this makes sense.  I really want Dinah the villain.  Failing that, I want her to be the one left out of the loop because no one trusted her.  Lol.  Also, I want all the FF's to be a fever dream from a bad hit of Vertigo.  

Oh this scene!  Lol.  I honestly thought Dinah was going to go in for a kiss with Zoe.  Girl, turn off the smolder sometimes.  

Sigh.  I really wish Oliver had reached out for some comfort from Felicity.  I kept expecting him to pull her into a hug but while he kind of moved in close to her, leaning on the railing and turning toward her, he still is just so self contained, it's disappointing and frankly, seems out of character for their relationship.  I guess he's too stuck on everything he and his family touches they ruin.

That whole thing at the end about Emiko embracing the darkness really sounded like Laurel letting the darkness in in season two.  I wonder if there were some unused ideas left on the table from back then that they are planning to use now.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Another pet peeve.  Emiko says again at the end to Rene she's not looking for a team.  So Rene says, how about a partner instead.  It's so incredibly unearned and such a pale copy of how it went down the first time.  

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43 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Stephen tends to make Oliver very stoic during emotional stuff like this where he's blaming himself for whatever's going on.

Yeah, lately that's just how he is when Oliver gets all broody and is going through an emotional crisis. It reminds me so much of 617, which is when it really jumped out at me. I assume he will have snapped out of it by 712.

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I blame the script. I think EBR and SA did what was relevant for the scene. I didn't find EBR overly affectionate so I didn't find Oliver unresponsive.

You're not going to be super cuddly when you're dealing with your deadbeat dad's stuff.

I just felt like they weren't really Olicity moments and they were being used to launch another crappy character and sell the drama about her. 

I want Olicity to discuss their own stuff. This feels like using their popularity to prop up shit. And I think fans are catching on. 

Edited by Mellowyellow
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6 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Yeah, lately that's just how he is when Oliver gets all broody and is going through an emotional crisis. It reminds me so much of 617, which is when it really jumped out at me. I assume he will have snapped out of it by 712.

Yep, same. Watching those scenes all in a row you can tell Oliver's really going through it (the effect was kinda dulled in the episode since the scenes were split up). It seems like Felicity's just giving him his space to work it out until the last scene when she convinces him to go see Emiko. It all seemed really in character to me, personally. If it continues once the shock wears off then I would think it was weird.

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

Stephen tends to make Oliver very stoic during emotional stuff like this where he's blaming himself for whatever's going on.

Good point. I’m leaning to this now. 

I wish they hadn’t cut his cute heart eyes at Felicity just before she kisses him though. They had that shot in the promo but they changed the angle in the episode. Annoying! I need me some heart eyes. 😍😂

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They need to agree on how to pronounce Emiko. I think the director really dropped the ball with that. It was as bad as "Nanda Parbat," and that at least had a reason. Her name is in the title of the episode for heaven's sake!

I didn't even recognize adult Zoe in the first future scene. Did we get a name for the other assistant guy who was blithely claiming to have taken care of Felicity Smoak at the end? Because I will look forward to Oliver murdering the hell out of that one, even though my money is totally on Felicity faking her death.

I want more focus on Oliver and development for Felicity, but I had to laugh at Oliver's outrage that his father could have POSSIBLY kept a kid a secret from his family... I know the situation with William was fairly different, since he apparently knew about Emiko from birth on, but it is still tinged with hypocrisy and  lack of self-awareness.

The fic writer in me does find the possibilities for a flashback story of young Emiko sneaking into Club Verdant and spying on her half-sibs vaguely titillating.

Will someone let me know when they find John Diggle?

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4 hours ago, Trisha said:

Ugh, reading the episode description above about Oliver wanting to “focus on his marriage” just made me even angrier about this episode. Sure, Olicity was a solid united front but there was no hint of that. (Also, we seem to be back to EBR being the only one to initiate physical contact, which slightly dimmed the only good parts of this ep.)

I get that it was Oliver 'lite' because of crossover filming, but it was weird that Felicity was confined to one set. But then again, I don't know how they could have involved her in the other stories.


When Felicity announce the government had no record of his sister I assumed it was because she lived in another country.  I'm still shook she was minutes away in the Glades.

This also seemed a huge plot hole. She's been here the whole time?? There better be more to that backstory.

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