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"The View": Week of 1/7/19


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23 hours ago, pinguina said:


Whoopi said something like, "When did the taxpayers become Mexico?  The guy in the White House said that Mexico would pay for the wall."  
MM muttered, "You say that every day!" 

I think it should be said every day on the news when they talk about the wall (as well as "I will proudly own the shut down.  I won't blame anyone else." before they talk about the shutdown.)


A local station here in NYC mentions that Mexico was supposed to pay every time they have to talk about the wall/shutdown. It’s awesome. 


 I agree with everyone who is laughing at RBM for daring to say, and then repeat, that she is a twelve. I have size twelve shorts she would destroy if she tried to put them on. No shaming for being fat, just for constantly lying about it and thinking we’re dumb enough to believe her.

Edited by Meatball
  • Love 12
18 minutes ago, CynicalGirl said:

This seems to happen every time she is over-the-top obnoxious. I suspect she's given a talking-to by the producers, so she tones it down for a day or two. Then goes right back into screech-mode. 

For a lot of jobs where you have to speak or perform in front of others, there is a requirement that you watch a video of your performance,  with a coach or supervisor. It's a valuable way to be able to critique your performance. 

If I were working on the show, I would make meghan watch a recorded version of the show with a coach/mentor. Then stop the recording at various key moments to point out her shrillness, disrespect, passive aggressive facial expression,  INTERRUPTING, and give her feedback as to how those moments come across. 

I suspect that Meghan gets feedback from her husband, but it's based on whether or not she out-shouted other hosts to yell out his talking points. So he's giving her positive feedback for the very things that are making audiences hate her.

  • Love 23
36 minutes ago, CynicalGirl said:

This seems to happen every time she is over-the-top obnoxious. I suspect she's given a talking-to by the producers, so she tones it down for a day or two. Then goes right back into screech-mode. 

Yup. And it will remain this way until SHE decides she wants to leave/quit/whatever. Because clearly ABC won't do shit.

  • Love 15
9 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

For a lot of jobs where you have to speak or perform in front of others, there is a requirement that you watch a video of your performance,  with a coach or supervisor. It's a valuable way to be able to critique your performance. 

If I were working on the show, I would make meghan watch a recorded version of the show with a coach/mentor. Then stop the recording at various key moments to point out her shrillness, disrespect, passive aggressive facial expression,  INTERRUPTING, and give her feedback as to how those moments come across. 

I suspect that Meghan gets feedback from her husband, but it's based on whether or not she out-shouted other hosts to yell out his talking points. So he's giving her positive feedback for the very things that are making audiences hate her.

I don't think she cares.  MM and hubby are immature  jerks, who probably think her behavior is ok. 

  • Love 15
19 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

For a lot of jobs where you have to speak or perform in front of others, there is a requirement that you watch a video of your performance,  with a coach or supervisor. It's a valuable way to be able to critique your performance. 

This reminded me: I was taking a year's course on literacy.  We had to learn a variety of strategies to use with our students.  We were required to film ourselves as we learned and implemented each teaching strategy.  We then had to watch each other's "film" and give critique - focusing on what went right and what could be improved.  Most of the time, the person whose lesson was being watched found her areas of improvement and could quickly identify where the lesson went wrong.  It helped because the criticism was coming from the person whose film was being watched and praise was coming from his/her cohort.  That year was such a strong influence of my teaching style and use of language with my students.  Maybe it would be helpful to MM - but then again we were there to learn how to be better and MM thinks that she is already the best.

Today's show was surprisingly pleasant :)  It showed that they could have a discussion without disrespect.  Although MM did kind of veer into screeching mode during the Cohen segment, she did seem to quiet down.

I really like Don Lemon :)

  • Love 12
45 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

It makes me wonder has Meghan ever been penalized/punished for her behavior. 

Her yelling from the stage at an experienced staff member and the audience yesterday and loudly slamming the producer today saying his joke (in response to her pathetic heckling) didn't land were extremely unprofessional and not humorous in the least. Make her sit out the next 4 Fridays with Ana & Joy so we can hear and appreciate them.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, pinguina said:

Maybe it would be helpful to MM - but then again we were there to learn how to be better and MM thinks that she is already the best.


3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Meghan must have taken the right dosage of Xanax today.

Maybe she had enough drinks last night...on Andy Cohen's show.  She was fun and enjoyable.   (In case you haven't seen the show, they're encouraged to drink before and during.)

  • Love 4
54 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Her yelling from the stage at an experienced staff member and the audience yesterday and loudly slamming the producer today saying his joke (in response to her pathetic heckling) didn't land were extremely unprofessional and not humorous in the least. Make her sit out the next 4 Fridays with Ana & Joy so we can hear and appreciate them.

I also noticed Joy didn't look too pleased when it all happened either.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, deirdra said:

Her yelling from the stage at an experienced staff member and the audience yesterday and loudly slamming the producer today saying his joke (in response to her pathetic heckling) didn't land were extremely unprofessional and not humorous in the least. 

I didn't catch any of that.  But today, yelling at producers who are telling her through her earpiece to not call someone a jackass, was uncalled for.  If they're telling you not to say it, then don't say it.  But don't yell at the producers, while the show is on, telling the not to censor you.  Think of it this way - if you don't call someone a jackass today, you won't have to read an apology on Monday. 

  • Love 23
3 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

For a lot of jobs where you have to speak or perform in front of others, there is a requirement that you watch a video of your performance,  with a coach or supervisor. It's a valuable way to be able to critique your performance. 


Didn't someone say they got a coach for Abby?  Wrong host, guys. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

I didn't catch any of that.  But today, yelling at producers who are telling her through her earpiece to not call someone a jackass, was uncalled for.  If they're telling you not to say it, then don't say it.  But don't yell at the producers, while the show is on, telling the not to censor you.  Think of it this way - if you don't call someone a jackass today, you won't have to read an apology on Monday. 

I was stunned by that.  Well, I mean stunned more than usual at things Meghan says/does.  Apparently, she feels secure enough in her job to yell at producers and other staff members with no fear of repercussions.  They must surely give her credit for the higher ratings.  Why else would they put up with a host berating them in front of the audience?  She must be hell on wheels backstage. 

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, CynicalGirl said:

Somehow I don't think she needs much encouragement. 

I agree...but maybe she loses some inhibitions...inhibitions she would claim she doesn't have because she's all-honesty, all-real, what you see is what you get.  At all times!

5 hours ago, Haleth said:

Didn't someone say they got a coach for Abby?  Wrong host, guys. 

Sadly, we think the coach is to mold her into a Meghan clone.

  • Love 4

Abby gave her opinion about not trusting almost all news sources. She said watching Fox and CNN are like watching two different worlds, which is true. Cable news is so biased on both sides that it is almost impossible to decipher the actual truth. They often only tell one side of a story and only report on the facts that fit their agenda. The media is not trusted for good reason and it is their own fault. I find it annoying when panel members try to defend "reporters" who are really just dispensers of opinions. Sunny smugly announces that she trusts ABC news. Gee I wonder why. They're all bad. Whatever happened to the days of Walker Cronkite? News outlets should only report on facts from both sides of an issue and let the viewer or reader form their own opinion. 

Edited by PeterBrady
  • Love 8
On 1/10/2019 at 2:33 PM, HaaCHOO said:

The reason the clothing on every photoshoot doesn't fit (according to Meghan)--even though she provided all her sizes--is that she shops in Millionaires Only.   An alarm goes off if your net worth is under $5 million.  Maybe she truly does believe she's a 12.  

I don’t think it’s her fault at all. I’m 5’5” and 138-142 lbs.  Recently I spent a few hours shopping at our local mega-mall. I bought several pairs of pants.  I’m not a fan of anything tight, don’t buy anything tight. Having said that...

Ann Taylor - size 2

Top Shop from Nordstrom -size 8

Free People-size 0-2

INC Jeans from Macy’s-size 2

Ralph Lauren-size 4

Target Jeans -size 4-6

That was just one afternoon!  When I was a teen in the early 70’s I weighed 20 lbs less than I do now, I neverever ever saw/fit  a size 2-4 or 6 (or 3-5-7), sizing has changed. I’m not willing to blame  MM for this. There is enough to scream at her for. 

  • Love 7
On 1/10/2019 at 8:31 AM, OnTime said:

Sunny, I do not believe that you as Federal Prosecutor and your Dr. husband had to live pay check to pay check.

I just don't believe it.

As a former Fed, believe it!  Sunny usually  notes she and spouse struggled a tad financially when he was a resident and she a low level govt atty.

SORRY - sooo redundant!!  No time to catch up lately with all the MSNBC I MUST watch...

Edited by telemachus2
Better and sooner stated elsewhere.
  • Love 9
On 1/10/2019 at 8:39 AM, blondiec0332 said:


Maybe she shops at stores that do vanity sizing.  That is thing right?  I remember reading about designers making their expensive clothes with labels with a smaller size than what they actually are.

Definitely true - but I'd actually been thinking Megs was looking a little trimmer lately - obviously I'm alone in that.  Given the extra 10-15 lbs the camera adds + M's huge boobage, l can believe she's a 12 - 14 ( & thus obese by celeb standards.)  She looked about the same size as Joy this week, from the midriff down.

2 hours ago, rickhurst3186 said:

YES!  I did see that...saw the show.  It was very surprising; wonder if Joy was surprised too.  You can see from the photo that MM looks good--and happy.   Here's a very picky grammar point:  "The thing about Joy and I  is if you extract politics, we are very similar women," McCain explained.      That should be "me."   

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

Facts don't have "sides."

Yes, but some facts may go unreported while other facts may be highlighted and emphasized. This is what many news outlets do to forward their narrative. I know it sounded ridiculous when Kellyanne Conway said it, but there often are "alternative facts". "Reporters" and news outlets often choose the facts that they would like to report on. That's why many people do not trust the media. Sadly, the days of Walter Concrite are long gone.

  • Love 2

I’m sorry but there are no such things as “alternative facts.” It’s just code for LIES. Views/opinions are what people think about any matter of things. Facts are something that are true/can be proven. Those that think the two are the same (facts and what the Crypt Keeper introduced) are making false equivalencies. In my opinion.

  • Love 17
13 hours ago, rickhurst3186 said:

This quote: "At the end of the day, I try and hate her, and I can't!" speaks volumes. Who actively tries to hate someone?

Edited by SuzieSioux
  • Love 17

MM said on Andy Cohen's show this week she has "has never had more fun fighting with anyone on TV than Joy."

I very much doubt that is what Joy wants. It is not an argument or debate. It is MM's agenda to make it a fight, imo. And then say she loves Joy.

BTW - It was Joy MM thinks as her older sister (she doesn't have, but does).

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, maggiemae said:

MM said on Andy Cohen's show this week she has "has never had more fun fighting with anyone on TV than Joy."

I very much doubt that is what Joy wants. It is not an argument or debate. It is MM's agenda to make it a fight, imo. And then say she loves Joy.

BTW - It was Joy MM thinks as her older sister (she doesn't have, but does).

Let's face it. ...MM doesn't have enough knowledge in her little pinky to fight/debate with Joy on any level.  

PLUS, it would not be  a fair fight  (as if) when MM's opponent cannot speak bluntly and refute or question MM's B.S., such as border/midwest state origin, wealth v. being out of touch with Base, lack of political/historical info, no experience on a winning campaign, follow-up data  to hubbie-written blue card info, questionsble sources on data, hypocrisy supporting a man who cruelly dissed her beloved, never-to-be-forgotten father, and -not have Whoopi there to comfort her, AND not have Whoopi there to go to break so other side is not able to speak their part, etc.  

In other words, when the gloves are off, Miss MM  Snowflake wouldn't have a snowball's chance in the Hell that the View is with MM. 

MM 's depths of cluelessness are endless. 

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, Tosia said:

Let's face it. ...MM doesn't have enough knowledge in her little pinky to fight/debate with Joy on any level.  

PLUS, it would not be  a fair fight  (as if) when MM's opponent cannot speak bluntly and refute or question MM's B.S., such as border/midwest state origin, wealth v. being out of touch with Base, lack of political/historical info, no experience on a winning campaign, follow-up data  to hubbie-written blue card info, questionsble sources on data, hypocrisy supporting a man who cruelly dissed her beloved, never-to-be-forgotten father, and -not have Whoopi there to comfort her, AND not have Whoopi there to go to break so other side is not able to speak their part, etc.  

In other words, when the gloves are off, Miss MM  Snowflake wouldn't have a snowball's chance in the Hell that the View is with MM. 

MM 's depths of cluelessness are endless. 

^^^^  x10  ^^^^  Beautiful!!!

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, maggiemae said:

MM said on Andy Cohen's show this week she has "has never had more fun fighting with anyone on TV than Joy."

I very much doubt that is what Joy wants. It is not an argument or debate. It is MM's agenda to make it a fight, imo. And then say she loves Joy.

BTW - It was Joy MM thinks as her older sister (she doesn't have, but does).

I honestly think Meghan doesn't have an honest view of how she portrays herself to others. She describes herself in many ways that her own behaviour is contrary to. Why should anyone believe her and the complimentary ways she describes herself? She says she's thick skinned, doesn't get offended easily, is strong and not an emotional person but we see the yelling, the eye rolling, the talking over, the condescending speak toward her coworkers, we know the behind the scenes of her breaking down in tears because someone didn't let her have the last word and disagreed with something she said on the air, we see her get offended by her coworkers trying to take back their time to finish their thought because Meghan interrupted them but then Meghan gets mad at them for interrupting her interruption during their speaking point.

If she has so much fun fighting with Joy, why does she always seem to be upset, offended or annoyed while Joy is the one sitting in her seat, smirking and laughing at Meghan's pouty, childish, unprofessional behaviour? lol.

  • Love 18
On 1/10/2019 at 11:35 AM, 1SimonMom said:

Enough Enough Enough, Elsa and the View predictable  


  • How many times do you have to reference you dad?  I have lost count - Guess what you do not have to make a reference to your precious perfect dad because as I have said everyone has a dad and some famous people have dads like Michael Douglas but Michael Douglas actually did not have to use his last name because Michael is talented beyond measure and has a brain which is different than Elsa who is not talented and does not have a brain so therefore has to rely solely on her name and constantly bring up her dad because without the precious name Elsa would never have gotten a job because she does not a brain and has not talent - Wait I forgot her talent is to piss off the Human kind
  • Who left you to the dictator when Whoopi was trying to make a point and Queen Elsa like her idol was dictating that she interrupted and would not let Whoopi finish even though they had to go to the break.  Elsa and Man in the house- they both think they run whatever they want and then if they don't get their way they point and threaten and throw a tantrum - I believe the View and the US has become yellow in charge and orange in charge and that is who runs it
  • If you are a size 14 then I am size 4 and I weigh 145
  • Whoopi pitching her products - WTF does she think she is Starr
  • I apologize sometimes for my comments when I am not proofing my grammar but I get so mad at Elsa because it is the poster child for all that is bad with this country
  • Have a great day

I'll gladly take Star back any day over Whoopi 

  • Love 2

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