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S08.E04: Strangers in Paradise

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37 minutes ago, endure said:

Does Unfiltered come on after the show?  I don’t believe I’ve seen it but I’m in Canada so maybe we don’t get it?

It’s been coming on before AND after the regular show.  Confusing, I know.  Between Unfiltered twice and the show, it took about 3 hours straight here on the east coast tonight.  You have to look in the t.v. Guide or the guide on your t.v.

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And now for more unapologetic shallowness:

Poor Stephanie, her husband loves it that his wife has boobs but she got a husband with moobs.  God bless her, she seems oblivious to them.

Poor Jasmine, she can't resist the opportunity to bare her arms.  Too bad they're a little thick for that.

I was shocked at how far back Kristine's hairline is.  I feel sorry for her.

Luke's new haircut makes him look 40 years old and balding.  I don't feel sorry for him at all.

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9 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Call me shallow or whatever but that leather bow tie again made me wonder about Luke.  Keep in mind that when I was a young I regularly walked down Christopher Street in Greenwich Village.  Yeah, I knew the significance of leather at a young age.  So when I say that keep that in mind.  Too many things are making me wonder about him.

Yeah, Christopher Street in the day.  I worked at Con Ed on 14th St.  lol.

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4 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

And now for more unapologetic shallowness:

Poor Stephanie, her husband loves it that his wife has boobs but she got a husband with moobs.  God bless her, she seems oblivious to them.

Poor Jasmine, she can't resist the opportunity to bare her arms.  Too bad they're a little thick for that.

I was shocked at how far back Kristine's hairline is.  I feel sorry for her.

Luke's new haircut makes him look 40 years old and balding.  I don't feel sorry for him at all.

I got the impression Stephanie has probably had work done on that 'rack,' but yes, A.J. loves it!

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On "Unfiltered", Luke seemed super-excited to go over cringe-worthy scenes from the show where his new wife was miserable.  Does he even have a clue how bad that makes him look?   I seriously doubt it.  They better have fallen in love by the time that was filmed or he is officially a disgusting pig.

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2 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Yeah, Christopher Street in the day.  I worked at Con Ed on 14th St.  lol.

So you know what I'm talking about, lol.  My Dad worked on 16th Street so I was down there a lot.

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Just now, Yeah No said:

On "Unfiltered", Luke seemed super-excited to go over cringe-worthy scenes from the show where his new wife was miserable.  Does he even have a clue how bad that makes him look?   I seriously doubt it.  They better have fallen in love by the time that was filmed or he is officially a disgusting pig.

OMG no!! 

Even if he's gay (and pretending to be straight because it's better for his 'business') Luke is absolutely a disgusting pig! 

And I admit, Kate's nervous giggling is a bit annoying ...but I would never wish a lifetime with Luke on her!!

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3 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

I got the impression Stephanie has probably had work done on that 'rack,' but yes, A.J. loves it!

Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahaha. To everything u said.  I can’t stop laughing.  The husband thinks I’m nuts.

3 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

So you know what I'm talking about, lol.  My Dad worked on 16th Street so I was down there a lot.

Yes I do.  Everything has changed.  Miss the Village.  Now, too much traffic, construction, too expensive, etc.  Good times tho, in the day.

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

Unless I am mistaken, I think Jasmine meant that the split should be 60-40 or 65-35 instead of 50-50. Perhaps that is how it works with her parents. Instead of following another couple's blueprint, maybe they should draw one of their own.  

EDIT: She proposed 70/30 but seems like she really wants 90/10.  Strong independent woman, my ass.  I'm pro 50 / 50 btw.

It's funny, "I don't believe in traditional gender roles, like cooking and things that will make me do work.  Oh but the man is the provider and should pay the bills".  Classic case of "women and men are equal, except I want this and this and this".

(some) Women.  Am I right?  They want equal treatment but hey you better pick up the check at dinner, take a bullet for them in a hostage situation, and let them get on the boats instead of you if the Titanic sinks... 🤔

Edited by Marsh
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Every time the word “sloth” is said I want to punch buggy Luke...very hard...enough to leave a mark 

As soon as Kate asked a pertinent sloth question, Luke gets sloth jealous and he acts pissy. 

He isn’t even bothering to hide his dislike for Kate.

Edited by humbleopinion
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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

It’s been coming on before AND after the regular show.  Confusing, I know.  Between Unfiltered twice and the show, it took about 3 hours straight here on the east coast tonight.  You have to look in the t.v. Guide or the guide on your t.v.

Thanks, definitely it didnt come on before or after the episode, we obviously don’t get it here on the west coast in Canada. 

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Jasmine letting her jugs flop around at the couples dinner.

Why were they seated like The Last Supper?

Luke was jelly of AJ and Stephanie.

Luke was so sure AJ would be driving his bride crazy but they looked happy...much to his disappointment..

”Medium into it” hipster for enthusiastic.

Edited by humbleopinion
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Unfiltered has JamieO, Jasmine, Luke and Keith who left the couch to join them in the studio.

Tampon run with Kristine.

Keith’s non plussed reaction to that errand..but JamieO over reacted because it is her job.

Keith did say he grew up with his mother, aunts and grand mother so the feminine paper products aisle is not unfamiliar to him...what is the big dilly... Kristine needed supplies...

Glad to see Luke seeing with the others what a d bag he was on the honeymoon.

Jas’ gender role expectations...think she got too far ahead of the relationship for her deciding to be a SAH wifey.

Dissecting Kate’s and Luke’s awesomely awkward dinner...you would have thought Kate had farted long and loud like Keith did.....

The clip of Kate saying Luke said kissing her made him feel repulsed and dead inside was shown but the panel’s reaction was not shown...

Edited by humbleopinion
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I'm glad to see AJ and Stephanie getting along so well.  I thin they might be the most positive part of the season. They both seem to like each other for what they are. I also can't see them fighting about money, gender roles, or cooking.  I think AJ is so happy to have a wife , he won't care if she cooks or orders in or if he pays the rent. 

I don't see what some other see between Jasmine and Will. I don't see chemistry. I also wonder most about him, how at 37, a college educated man with a good job who wants to be married and lives in a major city has not found someone. He and Dave (from Dallas) both are financial analysts maybe this is the common issue. I remember Dave wanted Amber to pay half his HOA fee. I can see splitting bills but Dave was nickel and diming everything , even sink counter space! I hope it is not the same with Will and Jasmine. 

I see Keith and Kristine having their first issues when she finds out how little he makes and how she is going to carry the share of the bills for awhile. Plus when we mentioned he had to go get tampons on the wedding night, I don't think she is going to appreciate his super open nature. It is almost like he has little experince with women. 

Luke said, he likes to take things slow. Anyone who has this approach should not be allowed on the show. I know it is likely an excuse but with Molly and Nick, we hear this over and over, I need time. A show that gives you 8 weeks does not give you time. Plus maybe in 2019 some people do not kiss on the first date but by date 3-4 most people have kissed. It sounded like Luke and Kate were on day 7 without a kiss. Lets consider that 7 dates, if you don't like someone enough to kiss them by date 7 it should be over (unless you are a Duggar). 

I wonder if the smoking is the issue? Maybe Luke saw her smoking at the speed date.  Kate says she only smokes  when out with friends. So maybe he remembered her smoking that night. Maybe he hates smokers. She admitted she lied on her form. So it might explain why he said he was repulsed my kissing her if he hates smoking. I know I could not kiss a smoker. Just a thought. I like Kate and feel bad for her , but you never know with the editing of this show. 

Edited by silverspoons
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8 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I can’t stand Kate’s voice, sorry but it’s nails on a chalkboard to me.

Same.   The way she talks just bugs.  She’s a really pretty girl though. 

Huh....in the scenes in the kitchen with all the couples, there’s a bag of Lays and a bag of Doritos over by the coffee pot that keeps coming and going.  Sometimes it’s there, then in the next scene with the same couple, it’s gone...

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6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

On "Unfiltered", Luke seemed super-excited to go over cringe-worthy scenes from the show where his new wife was miserable.  Does he even have a clue how bad that makes him look?   I seriously doubt it.  They better have fallen in love by the time that was filmed or he is officially a disgusting pig.

For sure. He’s gross. I can’t imagine women seeing this and thinking he’s a catch. It’s one thing to not feel a spark with your wife, but he’s downright mean.  She doesn’t deserve that 

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In the tease, we see AJ throwing a temper  tantrum and refusing to do the homework, in defiance to the field producer who needs the footage to be shot.

AJ kills the “honeymoon mood” and the jocularity ceases with a screeching halt.

AJ’s  anger and unwillingness to cooperate is a red flag to Stephanie.

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5 hours ago, silverspoons said:

I also wonder most about him, how at 37, a college educated man with a good job who wants to be married and lives in a major city has not found someone.

Will and AJ are the same age.

I don't think any decisions should be made about how bills are split at this point because they don't know how much their spouses make and how much their living expenses are. They need to do budgets - blanket statements don't work. If Jasmine makes twice as much as Will does, a 50/50 split doesn't make sense. But I'm definitely not for Will paying all the bills and Jasmine using her salary as fun money, which sounded like what she was suggesting. And I was also with Will when he was like, so traditional gender roles mean you do all the housework, then? (These are issues the experts should have screened for.)

Kate does have a kind of flat affect. She also doesn't seem to have many hobbies, which is interesting given how Luke seems to have his hand in a lot of pots. Her omitting smoking to the experts was not cool. I don't date smokers; I think smoking is gross. I would be really mad to be matched with someone who smoked, even socially. And it seems like she's more addicted than she thinks, given that she said she'd quit before - that means she quit and went back to it.

I was with Kate when she wasn't having fun at the zoo. And if Luke were really hesitating to kiss her because it was so public but was into her, he'd have kissed her when she brought it up. Even a peck on the cheek! It's so awkward to watch her beg for affection and to see her realize that all the other couples are more affectionate than she and Luke are. 

I think Stephanie and AJ both just want to be married so they're not likely to sweat the small stuff. I do think there's genuine affection between them (I wouldn't have thought that they'd have sex first - I thought Kristine and Keith would), but I also think they both really want this to work because they want to be married and the minutia doesn't matter to them.

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Luke: silverspoons, By Jove, I think you've got it!  Lukewarm was "repulsed" by Kate's smoker's breath! Lukewarm also noted that he and Kate brush their teeth at opposite times of the day from each other! Hmmmmmm.....ETA: Oops! He said that about showering, not teeth-brushing! Nonetheless, I still think the problem is as first noted. And add the "Shower before intimacy" card. 

Also, his snide "Look at you, pretending interest" was what we call in my Play Psychologist World, "projection." Lukewarm will keep that Bundy smile plastered on if it kills him. 

Lastly, LW's breaking the 4th Wall to speak directly to the camera (about his interest in sloths, which, BTW, WTH?! I mean, it's not like he's in a profession that deals with them.) and not to his wife Kate right beside him is a clue that he's in this for the business PR.

I lied. One more thing: Kate, Sweetie, snap out of it!  Do NOT ask again for any affection from Lukewarm! Better to act aloof and uninterested! He'll pursue you---if he wants you! 

AJ: Given this show's proclivity for asking embarrassing and prying questions about the participants' sex lives, past and present, I could understand if that is the "game" AJ objects to.

Keith (ends in "th," like "sloth"): Queen Kristine wanted an ambitious and fit man. She got a lazy and soft one. Does not portend well, especially since Keith doesn't seem to realize how unattractive his boasting about being tethered to the couch is. 

Will: Take charge, man! Jasmine (emphasis on the "mine") can't have it both ways: Making the rules AND wanting to be "the little woman." 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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8 hours ago, spunky said:
8 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I’ve just decided tonight that the experts really screwed up royally.  A lot of things came out that they should have known while interviewing these participants.  Or, they didn’t interview fully.

I'm starting to think that these marriages are only for dramatic effect. 

I'm starting to think these "experts" do very little.

They (or the producers) pick some people who make good TV and give them a script, including drama, for the days when they are filmed. 

For example, Will says he doesn't know how to use the breaks on the ATV.  I'm sure the ATV company tells everyone before they drive off how all the controls work, especially the breaks.

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Kate doesn't Juul?

Puke may be doubly repulsed...Kate smokes cigarettes and more importantly because it hits below his hipster belt...she is so uncool not to Juul....

Kate's idea of a weekend is to have dinner with a friend...what?

Why was Kate chosen? I am at a loss...

Kate is not Puke's type...he likes the World of Benetton.

His disappointment is immediate and he takes it out on Kate.

The veteran crew and producers knew there was no interest by Puke even before Kate made it all the way down the aisle...

Betcha that's when they gave AJ and Stephanie the green light...even before the reception was over.

Kate is a challenge to the sound man...he has to minimize her vocal fry emitted from her frozen mouth and lips...is she a ventriloquist?

I hear noise like she is speaking but her lips don't move...

Kate is a sympathetic figure but she should have pushed back sooner and confront him...

Blondie better be Skyping these 2 sad sacks in the next episode...

 BTW, Luke's hair looks especially dopey in HD...the severely shaved sides, heavy on the hair paste to point his hair sideways, the dyeing of his beard to a shade of red...

Edited by humbleopinion
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7 hours ago, princelina said:

And he sounded dickish and sort of aggressively challenging when she asked a question about the sloths - “Look at you acting interested”.  Agreed that his sloth love is part of his hipster doofus personae. 🙄


31 minutes ago, ShowFan said:

I’m absolutely disgusted to find out that Kate is a smoker. I’d have never thought. I wouldn’t want to kiss her either if I were Luke!


8 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Like sure was upset that Kate didn't want to shower before bed!  Is Like some kind of a germaphobe!

Smoking would be a dealbreaker for me too but at this point, it doesn't matter what Kate does or doesn't do. Lukewarm has decided he doesn't like her. Not only that, but he's repulsed by her as a person. There's no going back for him even if she never looks at another cigarette in her life and starts taking four showers a day. He doesn't want her. Period. And every single thing she does that he thinks is wrong he's going to hyper fixate on and criticize her for. Her self-esteem is in for a battering. And I agree with everyone who thinks he gets a kick out of knocking her down. When they were walking to the zoo thing she made a comment about the sloths and reached out to touch his back and he moved away from her hand. He doesn't even want the girl touching him.

My daughter said something about them staring at each other as they lay in bed on the wedding night. I said Kate had heart eyes and Lukewarm was trying to figure out where to hide her body. 

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8 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Every time the word “sloth” is said I want to punch buggy Luke...very hard...enough to leave a mark 

As soon as Kate asked a pertinent sloth question, Luke gets sloth jealous and he acts pissy. 

He isn’t even bothering to hide his dislike for Kate.

I just Can’t put my finger on Luke Warm Luke.  Maybe production made him the one we have to hate like in previous shows.  There’s one every season.  He just blatenly BAD.  They don’t care if Kate is suffering.

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I doubt Luke got close enough to smell Kate's breath. He decided he doesn't like her, so everything she does is wrong and he is going to demean her with every opportunity he sees. Kate seems open to quitting the cigarettes and handled the whole thing pretty well. But it doesn't matter how well she handles anything because he really doesn't care. Luke is blaming Kate for the experts and producers choosing to matched them with one another, 

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25 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Will and AJ are the same age.

I don't think any decisions should be made about how bills are split at this point because they don't know how much their spouses make and how much their living expenses are. They need to do budgets - blanket statements don't work. If Jasmine makes twice as much as Will does, a 50/50 split doesn't make sense. But I'm definitely not for Will paying all the bills and Jasmine using her salary as fun money, which sounded like what she was suggesting. And I was also with Will when he was like, so traditional gender roles mean you do all the housework, then? (These are issues the experts should have screened for.)

Kate does have a kind of flat affect. She also doesn't seem to have many hobbies, which is interesting given how Luke seems to have his hand in a lot of pots. Her omitting smoking to the experts was not cool. I don't date smokers; I think smoking is gross. I would be really mad to be matched with someone who smoked, even socially. And it seems like she's more addicted than she thinks, given that she said she'd quit before - that means she quit and went back to it.

I was with Kate when she wasn't having fun at the zoo. And if Luke were really hesitating to kiss her because it was so public but was into her, he'd have kissed her when she brought it up. Even a peck on the cheek! It's so awkward to watch her beg for affection and to see her realize that all the other couples are more affectionate than she and Luke are. 

I think Stephanie and AJ both just want to be married so they're not likely to sweat the small stuff. I do think there's genuine affection between them (I wouldn't have thought that they'd have sex first - I thought Kristine and Keith would), but I also think they both really want this to work because they want to be married and the minutia doesn't matter to them.

I cringed at Jasmine’s speech about money but in some ways it was refreshing. Tv show people have this notion that it is the 1950 and most men want their wives to stay home and a woman working is some sort of feminist act of rebellion. I have found in the real world, most men do not want the burden of being the sole provider. People no longer have simple tastes (watch any episode of House Hunters) and salaries have stagnated to the point where the average two income family make less than what they made in the nineties once you adjust for inflation. Women dominate the work force in many areas and the days of a man being the sole provider are numbered. I am glad that this show about marriage is finally addressing this.

13 minutes ago, ShowFan said:

I’m absolutely disgusted to find out that Kate is a smoker. I’d have never thought. I wouldn’t want to kiss her either if I were Luke!

Even casual smoking should be revealed as it can be a deal breaker for many. That being said the intro wedding picture of Luke and Kate reveals volumes. Luke is sprawled out mugging for the camera and Kate is barely in the photo, just peeking over his shoulder.

Luke enjoys being in a position of power and gaslighting Kate by not being honest. There is no way you can enjoy a honeymoon when the groom is more excited by sloths than you. I also noticed he never asked her what she likes to do for fun. I read a link posted that said participants used to be paid 5k and they had to increase to $20k for the most recent seasons of the show. I am going to guess that some of the grooms get paid around 30-50k to complete the season, since grooms are much harder to find than brides. A scrub like Luke wants that money and will keep This going for that reason alone. It was also probably why Dave and Molly did not immediately pull out as well.

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1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Luke: silverspoons, By Jove, I think you've got it!  Lukewarm was "repulsed" by Kate's smoker's breath! Lukewarm also noted that he and Kate brush their teeth at opposite times of the day from each other! Hmmmmmm.....

Also, his snide "Look at you, pretending interest" was what we call in my Play Psychologist World, "projection." Lukewarm will keep that Bundy smile plastered on if it kills him. 

Lastly, LW's breaking the 4th Wall to speak directly to the camera (about his interest in sloths, which, BTW, WTH?! I mean, it's not like he's in a profession that deals with them.) and not to his wife Kate right beside him is a clue that he's in this for the business PR.

I lied. One more thing: Kate, Sweetie, snap out of it!  Do NOT ask again for any affection from Lukewarm! Better to act aloof and uninterested! He'll pursue you---if he wants you! 

AJ: Given this show's proclivity for asking embarrassing and prying questions about the participants' sex lives, past and present, I could understand if that is the "game" AJ objects to.

Keith (ends in "th," like "sloth"): Queen Kristine wanted an ambitious and fit man. She got a lazy and soft one. Does not portend well, especially since Keith doesn't seem to realize how unattractive his boasting about being tethered to the couch is. 

Will: Take charge, man! Jasmine (emphasis on the "mine") can't have it both ways: Making the rules AND wanting to be "the little woman." 

“Bundy” smile .. that’s him alright.  Freakin creepy.

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Who doesn't shower after a long sweaty day of being fake at your wedding?

 Kate... you have to wash off the stress and strain of Puke pushing you away at every turn....the dry cleaners will find full palm prints where he physically rebuffed you....

He called you out that you are dirty-ing the clean bed with your unwashed self..but you ignored  the not so subtle hint to get in the shower....

Stephanie...why didn't you wash your feet off before getting into bed?

AJ called you out to wash your stanky feet before you get under the covers...

Looks like we have another marriage killed off by smoking.

Heather pulled the plug on Derek's smoking of the wacky tobaccy on the honeymoon.

 Puke finds out that Kate lied about her occasional social smoking during the months long application, interviewing and audition period...

Is the failure to disclose lying?

Kate handed him justification for rejection...but not for his mean behavior...we see you Puke...

Edited by humbleopinion
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14 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Who doesn't shower after a long sweaty day of being fake at your wedding?

 Kate... you have to wash off the stress and strain of Puke pushing you away at every turn....the dry cleaners will find full palm prints where he physically rebuffed you....

He called you out that you are dirty-ing the clean bed with your unwashed self..but you ignored  the not so subtle hint to get in the shower....

Stephanie...why didn't you wash your feet off before getting into bed?

AJ called you out to wash your stanky feet before you get under the covers...

Looks like we have another marriage killed off by smoking.

Heather pulled the plug on Derek's smoking of the wacky tobaccy on the honeymoon.

 Puke finds out that Kate lied about her occasional social smoking during the months long application, interviewing and audition period...

Is the failure to disclose lying?

Kate handed him justification for rejection...but not for his mean behavior...we see you Puke...


Heather ended things because Derek was a douche about his smoking and berated her for disliking it. 

Edited by aphroditewitch
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12 minutes ago, qtpye said:

People no longer have simple tastes (watch any episode of House Hunters) and salaries have stagnated to the point where the average two income family make less than what they made in the nineties once you adjust for inflation.

I don't even think it's about simple tastes - life is expensive. It can take two incomes just to stay afloat, especially if you have kids (although the astronomical costs of child care can throw a wrench in - I know families where the lower-earning parent stays home not because they want to but because their salary is less than what it costs to put kids in day care, especially if it's a multi-kid family with kids close in age). 

I'm very curious about where the participants live and what their incomes are because costs of living in Philly can vary pretty widely (Philly has a high population of folks who live below the poverty line - I want to say 25% but I'm not sure; you also have your luxury condos and your Rittenhouse Square and your gentrification), so I'll be curious to hear about their budgets.

17 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

Kate seems open to quitting the cigarettes and handled the whole thing pretty well.

I would disagree, only because I don't think omitting that she smokes is handling it well.

36 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

Smoking would be a dealbreaker for me too but at this point, it doesn't matter what Kate does or doesn't do. Lukewarm has decided he doesn't like her. Not only that, but he's repulsed by her as a person. There's no going back for him even if she never looks at another cigarette in her life and starts taking four showers a day. He doesn't want her. Period.

I agree with this. Like I said, I think smoking is gross and I agreed with Luke that even if you shower in the morning generally, they'd had a long active day and showering THAT night makes sense*, but Luke's lack of attraction to Kate is a done deal. It doesn't matter what she does at this point.

*Stephanie totally slept in her makeup - when the person delivered the gift bag the next morning, Stephanie's eye shadow was all smeared. That's so bad for your skin!

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Granted, I did a very quick viewing of the show, but here's what I saw about Luke and Kate.  He was pretty excited to go to the wildlife sanctuary to see some animals he really thinks are cool.  Nothing wrong with that, at all.  However, Kate was NOT AT ALL EXCITED and seemed to think being excited about seeing some wildlife you don't get to see every day is rather ho hum (at best) and possibly stupid (at worst).  Girl, I would have been all over that visit. Sloths (and all other kinds of wildlife) are fascinating, and watching Luke get fascinated was fun! I get that it was hot and humid and not your deal, but way to act like a spoiled baby.

Then I saw Luke looking intently at Kate everytime they had a conversation, and her not being able to return that gaze. Apparently, he asked her what she liked to do and all she could come up with is that she started taking piano lessons again recently and she likes to go out with her girlfriends for dinner on weekends.  Well, that's exciting.  Yawn.

I'm not sure, yet, how Luke has earned all this gay talk and hate from this forum, but so far I'm not seeing it.  I'll rewatch, but right now, all I'm seeing is someone who is trying to be respectful, and who was not swept off his feet at first glance. No one guarantees that in this show.  And I haven't seen Kate offer anything that would maybe up the ante for him yet, either. My two cents. 

Edited by cardigirl
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1 minute ago, Empress1 said:


I would disagree, only because I don't think omitting that she smokes is handling it well.


I don't think that lying about smoking was a good choice on her part. For me personally, smoking would be a deal breaker. But if someone is open to quitting, I would try to help them because I see it as good for public health in general and I wouldn't dwell on something that they agreed to change. The fault is still with the experts and producers for not getting something like that out of her.

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2 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

The fault is still with the experts and producers for not getting something like that out of her.

I think there's a lot of fault to find with the experts and show but I don't think this is on them. If they asked her if she smokes or if it was in the application and she said no, there's not much else for them to do. 

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Heather said she didn't mind smoking but she wasn't cool with him smoking weed...on the honeymoon.

Yes, he did berate her because Derek didn't see the difference. ..his mistake...

That's when it spiraled out of control.

 Heather wanted out but production made her participate because she signed  the MAFS contract....

Production was determined to not make it easy for her to quit... they filmed her going to the production offices the morning after they got back from the honeymoon to talk about continuing...but Heather didn't need the bull shit, she wasn't a fame whore...and so we were stuck with footage of Derek walking his little dog acting mopey for the rest of the season...

Edited by humbleopinion
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I only watched the first half of this episode so far.. but the only thing Ill agree with Luke about is that it was pretty gross that Kate wasn't gonna shower that night and was gonna go to sleep all sweaty and gross... especially since that's the first day they met. But what I really want to know is why a guy like Luke would sign up for the show if this is how he's going to act. You won't kiss her, want to sleep separately, are pretty much repulsed and can't even pretend to put in any effort. Even if he came on the show in hopes that it would create more business for his speed dating, at least put on an act so people don't end up hating you. I just don't  see his end goal.. If you're picky, don't sign up.

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9 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

I'm not sure, yet, how Luke has earned all this gay talk and hate from this forum, but so far I'm not seeing it.  I'll rewatch, but right now, all I'm seeing is someone who is trying to be respectful, and who was not swept off his feet at first glance. No one guarantees that in this show.  And I haven't seen Kate offer anything that would maybe up the ante for him yet, either. My two cents. 

I agree with you about Luke. Just because Kate is very pretty doesn't mean he has to fall for her immediately. She's boring.  If you have a "type" and are matched with the opposite of that it may take a while to get over the disappointment. Maybe if she had a personality he would start to come around. 

Stephanie's eyebrows... the opposite of Danielle's last season. I can't take my eyes off those pencil thin, drawn on brows. 

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11 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I can’t stand Kate’s voice, sorry but it’s nails on a chalkboard to me.

WTF is wrong with Jasmine?  She wats the man to provide and pay all the bills?  Ooookay honey.

I felt so sorry for Keith. His face just fell as she shoveled that "protect and provide" bull. She didn't want to get married. She wanted to be rescued from life.

You are not an "independent woman" when your plan is to just coast until a man comes along to support you. He can hire a made to make sure the house is clean but, not be responsible for anything else. It's as if her vision of being a wife is living as a glorified teenager who gets to have sex while "daddy" husband does all of the heavy lifting.

The experts continue to just be glorified casting agents for a train wreck reality show.

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3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I can't take my eyes off those pencil thin, drawn on brows. 

I KNOW. I wonder if they won't grow back? My best friend fills in her brows because she over-plucked hers in high school and they never grew back. They're really not flattering on Stephanie.

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You mean Will.

Jas shocked Will with the gender roles throwback...way back to the 50's...Jas was the self declared daredevil that drove herself off a trail....

 Keith doesn't have the musculature to ride upright and drive a ATV...

 Keith is the new Tristan...predicting a lot of under the blankie on the couch scenarios....

 As much as we snarked on Amber's pricey lotions and potions...Stephanie could use some of them especially the serums... Stephanie's face looks dry around her mouth and she could do with getting her brows updated with a softer more natural shape...

Edited by humbleopinion
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8 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I agree with you about Luke. Just because Kate is very pretty doesn't mean he has to fall for her immediately. She's boring.  If you have a "type" and are matched with the opposite of that it may take a while to get over the disappointment. Maybe if she had a personality he would start to come around.

None of that entitles him to treat her as he has. He didn't know she was "boring" when they met at the altar. If he's the type to get bone deep disappointed about something then he shouldn't have signed up for this show and he could at the very, very least treat Kate like a human being and stop making digs at her. They might get along better if he wasn't an asshole.

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6 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

None of that entitles him to treat her as he has. He didn't know she was "boring" when they met at the altar. If he's the type to get bone deep disappointed about something then he shouldn't have signed up for this show and he could at the very, very least treat Kate like a human being and stop making digs at her. They might get along better if he wasn't an asshole.

Like I said, I'll rewatch, but I've yet to see any "digs."

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1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

I think there's a lot of fault to find with the experts and show but I don't think this is on them. If they asked her if she smokes or if it was in the application and she said no, there's not much else for them to do. 

Except it is on them. It is pretty easy to tell if someone is a smoker. If they are a chain smoker, you will smell it on them. And even a casual smoker is going to answer questions in a certain way. And the way Dr. Pepper digs through drawers and everything, she should have picked up on that.

Edited by aphroditewitch
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