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The first man (Donald?) never had any intention of cleaning one thing out.     

Peter's wife, she never had a chance living in that mess.    Poor woman.    

I can't believe that any food pantry doesn't take everything that man donates, and trashes it. 

I hope Raymond keeps his word not to touch the junk.   However, I doubt Sam (the wife) will actually leave the way she threatened.   

I find it suspicious that three hoarders were working on the same house.      

So the assistant city manager only worries about what is outside?     They should have the fire marshal look at the inside, and I hope the EMTs told the fire marshal about the inside.  Peter's house is not adequate, for people to live in.      

I love how good the outside of Raymond's house looks.       Donald should have a visit from the codes people tomorrow morning I hope.    I think Donald is hopeless, and will never change.  For the neighbors' sake, I hope the city goes forward with taking Donald's house. 

BSOJ-Donald 's property will probably be gone.  Since this was apparently filmed in August, I'm hoping Donald's situation was dealt with, and over.    Peter and Raymond are in therapy.    Raymond and Sam are working on their relationship with therapy.   Peter's wife Sandra died 12 days after the hospital admission.

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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  On 4/3/2019 at 12:42 AM, Suzywriter said:

These gents seem so sweet-natured that I can't hiss at them!


Make that two of the three.  The first one....I wonder if there ever was a wife.  I can only imagine the musty book smell in his library in his mind.  

Mr Ecats and I kept saying, loudly, to the TV , leave! leave now! walk away.  (there's nothing like a Senior Citizen who thinks he knows it all.)

  On 4/3/2019 at 12:52 AM, Suzywriter said:

Can we block those Toe Bro commercials??? Ugh!!!


Several episodes ago I recommended record and fast forward.  That week there were at least five toe commercials.  Fast forward is our friend. 

  On 4/3/2019 at 1:20 AM, DC Gal in VA said:

That Dr. Green is awesome!


Part way through the second hour, we started cheering for Dr. Green.  It was a joy to listen to (it helped that the brothers were able to listen and hear what she was saying.)  Maybe my favorite hour of the entire series.

  • Love 9
  On 4/3/2019 at 2:02 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

  On 4/3/2019 at 2:02 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I find it suspicious that all three hoarders were working on the same house,


I don't think the third older man was the first hoarder.  I think he may have been the healthier and visibly happier brother of the two hoarding brothers. The first hoarder was much slimer and shorter with a face with rather sharp features (I'm so proud I didn't call him by the name of a particular four footed critter.)

  • Love 3

I don't know what order the clean-ups happened in real life, but if they played out the way we saw, I thought it was pretty shitty of them to leave Peter and Sandra's house until last. That was the situation in most need of urgent attention, and I can't help thinking things might have played out differently with Sandra's fall if the clean-up had started earlier. Granted, she was a very ill woman living in terrible conditions, but I still think it was a bad decision on the show's part.

Other than that, I enjoyed this episode and was actively rooting for Peter and Raymond to succeed (don't care about Donald). I was incredibly impressed that Sam had managed to keep most of the house clean and clutter-free for so long. I honestly don't remember another episode where that was the case (except a few times when a hoarder's kids managed to keep the hoard out of their room). I really hope they continue to get things organized and that Peter doesn't spiral back into hoarding to cope with his grief.

  • Love 8

What a nice way to end this series.  I loved the two brothers, their sad backstory, and the older one saying that he had been watching over the younger one all his life.  Proving no matter how old and gray you get, your big brother still has your back.

I loved Sam, I was happy to hear another woman, like me,  say that she didn't like to fight and wasn't a nag, and not get shamed as a doormat.  The way she managed to keep her kitchen, bedroom and living room clean shows she had a quiet strength all her own.

Poor Sandra.  Every time I saw her I said a prayer of thanks that I had managed to quit my two pack a day habit.  COPD, what a terrifying thing to have. I also, sometimes,  cut corners too close and slam my arm in the door jam, so I can't really blame the hoard for that.  Although I wouldn't be surprised if an oxygen hose, tangled in the hoard, contributed to the fall.

Maybe Donald will look at the other improved houses and try to straighten himself out?  Nah, he has too much and waited too long.

Dr.  Melva Green is just awesome!  Patient, kind, silky voiced, unflappable and beautiful.  I even saw hints of a sense of humor, I wasn't sure psychologists were allowed to show that.

  • Love 11
  On 4/3/2019 at 12:22 AM, DC Gal in VA said:

So.............. Is Raymond packing up a bunch of nasty, out of date food to donate to a church? REALLY!?


I've volunteered at a food pantry sorting donated canned goods.  OMG, some people have no freakin' shame.  Ten years past the expiration date is NOT unusual.  Neither are bloated cans or cans without labels.

  • Love 2
  On 4/3/2019 at 2:02 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I can't believe that any food pantry doesn't take everything that man donates, and trashes it. 


I've volunteered in several food pantries (at churches and city-sponsored).  Trust me - if something is that old, it's trashed.  

I was once in a church service where the pastor was encouraging donations for the food pantry during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season, and he kind of chuckled as he said, "And . . . how do I say this politely . . . if the canned goods you're thinking about donating are so old that YOU won't eat them, please don't think that those who might receive them from the food pantry should eat them either."  Of course, some people would donate them anyway, but that's where the volunteers take over and "sort" things before they are made available to those in need.

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  On 4/3/2019 at 1:07 PM, terrymct said:

I've volunteered at a food pantry sorting donated canned goods.  OMG, some people have no freakin' shame.  Ten years past the expiration date is NOT unusual.  Neither are bloated cans or cans without labels.


Heh heh terrymct I bet you saw it all! Seems to me that there are probably some people who donate stuff, not from a designated food pantry they stock and, most importantly, re-stock, at home for food banks but decide to dump donate whatever they find from whatever year after cleaning out their cupboards.

As for Raymond, I liked him a lot, especially since he seemed to be absorbing what Dr. Green was saying. However, I did get a little ticked off when he said that it was up to the person receiving the food to eat it or not! No dear, that's not how it's supposed to work.😒

  • Love 6
  On 3/29/2019 at 2:15 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

The only way the neighbors will have their endless nightmare of Patricia and her junk end is when the fines mount so high, that the city forecloses on all three properties, cleans them out, and probably guts them, and resells to  contractors  or flippers


Perhaps we have a legal mind on here to answer this? 

 I've always wondered why a handful of neighbors can't pitch in on an attorney and sue the city/county into action?

The hoard is lowering the surrounding property values and creating a health/fire hazard.  Seems like the most logical way to go.  I personally, would explore withholding my property taxes in an escrow account until something gives.

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  On 4/3/2019 at 1:39 AM, DC Gal in VA said:

I am so evil but.............. you mean the wife with COPD didn't just leap over the pile of crap as she previously said she would do? Seriously though, did her hubby just say something about her being a wide load? No, she's in danger there you idiot!


I didn't see if she was using a walker or not.  Walkers definitely make you a wide load, whether you're heavy or not.  My dad volunteers at the local hospital and he works in the ortho rehab unit (he's had a lot of surgeries on various joints and he is a good resource for the patients undergoing physical therapy) and he hates walkers with wheels - especially the ones that have the flip-up seats and the handbrakes - for people over a certain age, or with bad balance issues (NOT downing them for others - let me make that clear).  He said it takes just one time to be slightly off-balance, and go flying, because the wheels won't stop you, and on the ones with the brakes, he said they're in motion by the time you realize it, and it's too late.  The ones with no wheels will remain stable if someone goes off balance and leans on them.  There is always the chance that you can tip one over, but it's not as easy.  When I mangled my leg and couldn't do any weight bearing on it, I struggled with crutches, but I did better with a walker (no wheels), doing the same motion as crutches (it was a more stable base for me).

  On 4/3/2019 at 3:16 AM, enoughcats said:

Make that two of the three.  The first one....I wonder if there ever was a wife.  I can only imagine the musty book smell in his library in his mind.  

Mr Ecats and I kept saying, loudly, to the TV , leave! leave now! walk away.  (there's nothing like a Senior Citizen who thinks he knows it all.)


I found nothing redeeming about that jerk.  I SO wanted them to bring an expert in to look at his "libaray" and say "Look:  No one wants your copies of "Windows 3.1 For Dummies", or "How To Repair Betamax Machines For Fun And Profit", so what exactly do you plan to do with this "library" because you can't possibly read 1/10th of this in your lifetime.

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  On 4/3/2019 at 12:11 AM, Midnightblue said:

I live about an hour from these guys but my brother and sister live right near there. It is a pretty ritzy community. The neighbors must be up in arms


Hey neighbor! I'm about an hour away too, Salem, MA!

  On 4/3/2019 at 12:25 AM, Midnightblue said:

The accents, the mannerisms, the expressions they use...these people remind me of so many old Townies that I know around here. Even the shopping bags are from the local discount grocery store. They look so familiar. So glad I dont live next door to the though.


Right? When the one brother was on the porch, making jokes and "supervising", I could hear my dad and his friends, sitting around with a few beers, shooting the breeze.

  On 4/3/2019 at 12:46 AM, Mongo Like Candy said:

Ok, what’s in that box with the purple label reading “a Smutty”?


There's a brewery here called "Smuttynose".

  On 4/3/2019 at 1:19 PM, knuckles491 said:

It was a hoot to hear those Massachusetts accents (like mine).  The real Boston accent is slowly dying out, sadly.  I loved the episode, and didn't even mind the 2 hour length.  Dr. Green cuts right through to the problem without a lot psychobabble, and with a perfectly serene face.  Too bad about Sandra.


You're right, you don't hear the old Massachusetts accent much any more. People don't say "tonic" for soda, or "elastic" for rubber band, or "pahla" (parlor) for living room. People often say "oh, you don't have a Boston accent, though!", but I do, a little bit, and sometimes it comes out in spades. The other day I said something and my husband said "you sound just like your mother!". My mother is 90 years old and grew up in Dorchester. She still has that "Dawchester" accent.

  • Love 6
  On 4/3/2019 at 2:02 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

The first man (Donald?) never had any intention of cleaning one thing out.     

Peter's wife, she never had a chance living in that mess.    Poor woman.    

I can't believe that any food pantry doesn't take everything that man donates, and trashes it. 

I hope Raymond keeps his word not to touch the junk.   However, I doubt Sam (the wife) will actually leave the way she threatened.   

I find it suspicious that all three hoarders were working on the same house, especially since Donald isn't going to clean anything up.    I bet Donald was raiding the trash piles over the weekend too.         

So the assistant city manager only worries about what is outside?     They should have the fire marshal look at the inside, and I hope the EMTs told the fire marshal about the inside.  Peter's house is not adequate, for either of the couple.      

I love how good the outside of Raymond's house looks.       Donald should have a visit from the codes people tomorrow morning I hope.    I think Donald is hopeless, and will never change.  For the neighbor's sake, I hope the city goes forward with taking Donald's house. 

BSOJ-Donald 's property will probably be gone.  Peter and Raymond are in therapy.    Raymond and Sam are working on their relationship with therapy.   Peter's wife Sandra died 12 days after the hospital admission.


The BSOJ said that Donald's house was in abatement. However, earlier the official spoke about receivership. Do you or anyone else here know what the difference is? Is an abatement giving Donald one last chance before the local authorities condemn his home and kick him out?

  On 4/3/2019 at 7:11 PM, DC Gal in VA said:

The BSOJ said that Donald's house was in abatement. However, earlier the official spoke about receivership. Do you or anyone else here know what the difference is? Is an abatement giving Donald one last chance before the local authorities condemn his home and kick him out?


Not sure with this specific thing, but to me, abatement is when you're in the process of fixing something, like when they find mold or asbestos and they rip walls out to clean and whanot - that's mold/asbestos abatement.

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  On 4/3/2019 at 7:11 PM, DC Gal in VA said:

The BSOJ said that Donald's house was in abatement. However, earlier the official spoke about receivership. Do you or anyone else here know what the difference is? Is an abatement giving Donald one last chance before the local authorities condemn his home and kick him out?


According to my extensive 10 seconds of Googling, abatement would infer that they are giving them extra time to correct an unacceptable situation (code violations).  

"Receivership is a legal process through which title to a piece of real property is temporarily taken from the owner and placed with a court appointed officer – the Receiver. Receiverships are used primarily for abandoned and substandard properties where the owner has a history of non-compliance with local enforcement agency orders to abate, or where emergency circumstances are discovered which pose immediate threats to health and safety. A Health & Safety Receivership is a dramatic, immediate, comprehensive and systematic process that virtually eliminates slum housing and/or habitually substandard properties at no expense to the referring agency/prevailing party. Receiverships are a dramatic mechanism which visibly communicates to neighbors and surrounding communities that the agency is taking positive steps to clean-up residential neighborhoods and to protect tenants who have been subjected to dangerous conditions by absentee or recalcitrant owners."

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  On 4/3/2019 at 7:24 PM, funky-rat said:

Not sure with this specific thing, but to me, abatement is when you're in the process of fixing something, like when they find mold or asbestos and they rip walls out to clean and whanot - that's mold/asbestos abatement.


So this means that the local powers that be are giving him one last chance to fix that mess on his own after blowing off all of the free assistance he was offered on national television? I'll bet that the neighbors are livid; I know that I would be.

My Psychic Friends crystal ball says not a chance in Hell.

Edited by DC Gal in VA
Effing Autocorrect!
  • Love 6
  On 4/3/2019 at 7:35 PM, DC Gal in VA said:

So this means that the local powers that be are giving him one last chance to fix that mess on his own after blowing off all of the free assistance he was offered in national television? I'll bet that the neighbors are livid; I know that I would be.

My Psychic Friends crystal ball says not a chance in Hell.


No clue if it means that, or if it means the city stepped in and are cleaning the place themselves.  Could go either way, honestly.

  • Love 1
  On 4/3/2019 at 5:09 AM, Cherpumple said:

Peter and Sandra's house


With Sandra's breathing problems, there would have been a problem with her being anywhere near that house as old, dust and dirt covered stuff was moved.  She wouldn't have been allowed to be there by simple common sense. Or by corporate insurers.  Then, afterwards, how long would it have taken for her to be allowed back in? For the air to be clean enough for someone with a compromised immune system to breath even with clean Oxygen which she didn't have in all the time.  

When they talked about the injury to her forearm, it was deep and it tore ??? down to the bone.  And she didn't get an ambulance visit immediately.  Didn't a family member who wasn't her husband find her and then the call was made.  The kind of things that could have entered her open wound in a bathroom, even a clean bathroom are not good, not any of them.  And she was not healthy to begin with.  

This is not the first fatality of someone we've seen in the Hoarders world.  IIRC two brothers had a hoarded up house and the less well was interviewed and passed before the cleanup began to happen.  Maybe in California?  

Thank heavens Peter has family.  

  • Love 3
  On 4/3/2019 at 3:24 PM, zillabreeze said:

Perhaps we have a legal mind on here to answer this? 

 I've always wondered why a handful of neighbors can't pitch in on an attorney and sue the city/county into action?

The hoard is lowering the surrounding property values and creating a health/fire hazard.  Seems like the most logical way to go.  I personally, would explore withholding my property taxes in an escrow account until something gives.


That's exactly what my in-laws neighbors did. My father in law had hoarded the lot their house was on and the  vacant lot next door  they owned. The neighbors were so fed up with the garbage dump on their street, they had an attorney pester the city relentlessly. My husband and a bunch of other family members and friends spent three weekends there. They filled four dumpsters and 12 dead vehicles were hauled off. The city agreed to waive payment of the 5k in fines until they sold the house or died. They sold it a few years later and paid them.

I don't see Donald doing anything to clean his place up. I can see him having to be pulled out of his house kicking and screaming after the powers that be have exhausted every possibility of trying to work with him.

  • Love 3

I hoping abatement on Donald's house means the city seized it, and are forcibly cleaning up the yard and house, and sending him huge bill for that.     I suspect his house will be condemned after it's cleaned out too.   If the city didn't clean that dump of Donald's out, then I suspect it was an interesting morning at the city hall.     

  • Love 3
  On 4/4/2019 at 7:20 PM, atlantaloves said:

MoldySpiceGirl: That was the best Hoarder post EVER EVER EVER....I shall now eat some 10 year old yogurt in your honor!  But I do love to talk about Hoard Club!  Burp. ☠️


As long as it's not puffy, it's all good.  I'll drag out my rocks (that I have plans for), and my ARRRRMMMMMWWWAAARRRSSS!

  • Love 7
  On 4/5/2019 at 9:42 PM, satrunrose said:

your frog purse


Not all frog purses are created equal.

Excluding the toad purses, our frog purse pursuit needs to decide if frog skins are included, likewise toad skins.   I'm so overwhelmed by all the purses, I can't remember what the sister's, er make that the cheatin' sister's purse looked like, other than frog-ish.

  • Love 3
  On 4/3/2019 at 12:52 AM, Suzywriter said:

Can we block those Toe Bro commercials??? Ugh!!!

  On 4/3/2019 at 3:16 AM, enoughcats said:

Several episodes ago I recommended record and fast forward.  That week there were at least five toe commercials.  Fast forward is our friend. 


I watch on demand, so I can't fast forward, but at least I don't have any risk of not changing the channel quick enough before the toe show comes on.

Just coming back from commercial after the paramedics were at the house. The description of Sandra's arm sounds like what happened to my aunt a couple years ago when she fell down a couple steps in their house (trying to pick up a bottle of scotch on the landing at the top). Her skin was so thin it tore like wet tissue.

  • Love 1

Finally got a chance to watch the 3-for-the-price-of-1 episode.  Donald (the unpleasant one who kicked them out) was like watching my brother when I tried to get him to clean up his apartment.  I don't have the patience of Matt or Dr. Greene.  I decided that he was going to have to answer for his own behavior; if he gets evicted, it's his choice.

  • Love 6
  On 4/3/2019 at 6:34 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Hey neighbor! I'm about an hour away too, Salem, MA!

Right? When the one brother was on the porch, making jokes and "supervising", I could hear my dad and his friends, sitting around with a few beers, shooting the breeze.

There's a brewery here called "Smuttynose".

You're right, you don't hear the old Massachusetts accent much any more. People don't say "tonic" for soda, or "elastic" for rubber band, or "pahla" (parlor) for living room. People often say "oh, you don't have a Boston accent, though!", but I do, a little bit, and sometimes it comes out in spades. The other day I said something and my husband said "you sound just like your mother!". My mother is 90 years old and grew up in Dorchester. She still has that "Dawchester" accent.



Chelmsford MA here. 

  • Love 3

Enoughcats: To answer your question, that infamous frog purse was an ugly green and just made out of cotton, looked like something you would buy at a Zoo Shop for about 15.00.  Why people hold on to cheap hand bags when they actually have nice ones is beyond me. It's like holding on to a single sock or shoe. Worthless!

  • Love 2
  On 3/27/2019 at 2:44 AM, Giant Misfit said:

I kinda liked Bill. Sure, he was probably a drunk with rage issues


Having been married to a "Bill" for far too long, I kinda hated Bill.  Let's just say the red flags were waving.  I watched a whole bunch of Hoarders episodes yesterday and today and I'm feeling so squicked out.  I don't recommend binge watching this show.

  • Love 4

I follow the Julian Price house on Facebook. This is the house of Sandra the hoarder who was a former interior decorator, and the house was bought out of foreclosure by that very kind gay couple. They posted the following on their Facebook page:  It’s the update show you’ve been asking for! Let us know who you will be watching with Tuesday, April 9th 8pm EST on A&E. #Hoarders on A&E#julianpricehouse #hoarders #historic #design #restoration

  • Useful 5
  On 4/8/2019 at 1:00 AM, absolutelyido said:

I follow the Julian Price house on Facebook. This is the house of Sandra the hoarder who was a former interior decorator, and the house was bought out of foreclosure by that very kind gay couple. They posted the following on their Facebook page:  It’s the update show you’ve been asking for! Let us know who you will be watching with Tuesday, April 9th 8pm EST on A&E. #Hoarders on A&E#julianpricehouse #hoarders #historic #design #restoration


I saw that episode a couple of weeks ago on a rerun (again). Isn't that the lady that screams "LEAVE. . . . ME. . . ALONE!!!!" on the commercials? I will have to check out their FB page. 

By the way. . . I had plans for that rock. . . . . .  

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