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S37.E12: Are You Feeling Lucky?

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11 minutes ago, wallflower75 said:

I suddenly find myself picturing a final 3 of Angelina, Mike, and Alison, and pitying the poor jury who has to pick between them.  Ugh.

We are the ones who deserve the pity.

I blame myself. Every woman I have ever loved has somehow caused the collapse of my emotional world.


Just joking. But I am also incredibly flummoxed.

Edited by MisterBluxom
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36 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:


And Nick went and wasted his idol.


Mike played him brilliantly.

33 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

I don’t like Mike anymore. He’s the poster boy for shit-stirrers tonight.

Or is that effective players?

32 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Nick was an idiot tonight. Finding your own fake idol? That's the definition of "too cute by half" and just bad juju.

He was an idiot, but not in that way.  Most people seem to have bought it.  Where he was an idiot is thinking that voting Christian would do anything but seal his own fate as a juror.  Notice the break down - the Goliaths split between two Davids and flushed Nick's idol while using his vote.  Brilliant.

32 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

"Is it worse when your balls stick together, or when they separate?"

"Angelina's balls are dropping."

Davie's balls dropped too.

29 minutes ago, LanceM said:

Yeah I am ten years old and I was cracking up with Probst said "everyone grab your balls"

Angelina inadvertantly getting Nick to waste his idol was hilarious.

I think she really wanted him to save it.

21 minutes ago, cleo said:

The Davids did it to themselves, watching the last few eps, after that high when they finally had the numbers, was like watching a tragedy, seeing how their decisions one by one were their undoing.

They sure did.  Well, Gabby mostly, and Christian for going along with it.

14 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I don't get this girl!  Every week it's "I'm going to make a big move" which results in her just going with the majority and doing nothing.  Or squealing.  I wish she had been voted off already.  She's perfect F3 goat fodder, though.

I laughed when she said her big move a few eps back was essentially to make no move.

13 minutes ago, wallflower75 said:

I suddenly find myself picturing a final 3 of Angelina, Mike, and Alison, and pitying the poor jury who has to pick between them.  Ugh.

I concur, unless someone else wins final immunity.  Davie or Kara could certainly do it.

Going in to TC, I thought it would be a 4-3 split Alison-Christian, with Angelina being the swing vote and both Davie and Nick playing their idols - but I hoped Davie would play it for Christian.

Edited by Mark2
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1 minute ago, Wandering Snark said:

And only a fool would put the poison in his own glass, so I clearly cannot chose the wine in front of you... what a decision. So many factors, but hell if I'm betting my life on what freakin' Angelina says.

I think Angelina inadvertently used reverse psychology on Nick.

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4 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

If either Nick or Davie (preferably both) make it to FTC I will be happy, regardless of who else is there.

I'd kind of like to see Angelina negotiate with the jury and explain how she outplayed, outwitted and outlasted everyone, in a single move, by sitting out a challenge to get the rice.

To which I hope everyone will shut her down by saying, "We don't care!  It's not getting you a million dollars, so shut up already!!"

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Just now, Bryce Lynch said:

I think Angelina inadvertently used reverse psychology on Nick.

At times Angelina is so transparent.  To me, calling Dan her "angel" when he used his HII on her sounded so fake.  She didn't give that impression tonight, so I tend to think she really thought Nick was safe and should save it.  Remember she helped him during the last IC.

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Why did Mike think, that because he had won immunity, he would have more power?  I know he is safe, but the immunity necklace doesn't make people listen to you more.  I guess he thought he could be more assertive, since he was safe.  

I don't remember what that infamous immunity challenge was, but I will go out on a limb and say there wasn't a chance in hell of Angelina winning it anyway.  So what did she actually give up?  Hmmm?  

 I have some gray yoga leggings.   Always a questionable purchase, but even more so now.  lol  

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And yes, I have to comment as well about the glee that Probst gets out of telling people their balls have dropped and to grab their balls. I loved the follow up to his is it better? Comment was that either pushed together or far apart, both are an uncomfortable situation. Indeed Probst. Indeed. Heh. I'm 12!

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1 minute ago, Mark2 said:

At times Angelina is so transparent.  To me, calling Dan her "angel" when he used his HII on her sounded so fake.  She didn't give that impression tonight, so I tend to think she really thought Nick was safe and should save it.  Remember she helped him during the last IC.

Yeah, that is what I think.  She sincerely didn't want Nick to waste has idol.  But, Nick thought, "If this moron thinks I don't need to use it, I better use it."

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38 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

But they all fell for it minus Davie, even SuperGenius Christian, and nOBODY voted for him.  It was a great play actually.  When he told the truth to Davie it also sealed Davie's loyalty to him.

Which is stupid of Davie cause Nick is proving why he needs to go. Seriously Davie Nick just told you he was lying and now you trust him? SMH cause he'd never lie to you and take you out SMH

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Just now, jay741982 said:

Which is stupid of Davie cause Nick is proving why he needs to go. Seriously Davie Nick just told you he was lying and now you trust him? SMH cause he'd never lie to you and take you out SMH

I think Davie saw it as being a situation where Nick planned to tell Davie the real story as soon as he had the chance.

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3 minutes ago, mishap said:

I don't remember what that infamous immunity challenge was, but I will go out on a limb and say there wasn't a chance in hell of Angelina winning it anyway.  So what did she actually give up?  Hmmm?  

She mentioned it tonight, it was a "puzzle challenge" and she said it like "and OBVIOUSLY I would have won, duh!!" it made me laugh.

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37 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Hahahhahahahaha.  Don't remind me.  I freaking can't stand Allison.  Oh my god she gets on my nerves.  Oh my god.

Alison:  I'm about to make a big move
Translation:  I'm going to tell Mike about Kara's move

Davie came up with it 

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18 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

She mentioned it tonight, it was a "puzzle challenge" and she said it like "and OBVIOUSLY I would have won, duh!!" it made me laugh.

So then that makes her saying "And YOU won that challenge, Davie, and we were all so proud of you" that much more awful, because actually it's condescending if she was implying she would have had it in the bag if she had participated.  So yeah, I can see why Davie would not choose her.

15 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

Davie came up with it 

Yeah, I know that obviously.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I love Davie. But he needs to stop talking to Mike. Mike is in a great position to win this thing. Davie needs to get Nick back somehow, but that won't happen. No clue how the once powerful Davids are now without the numbers again.

Dear rice bitch, shut up. Every flipping episode it's a reminder of the day she offered Jeff the entire camp and their first born children for some rice and then sat out something she had no chance of winning. I hate her, I hate her pants, I hate her whining about jackets, I now hate rice because of her.

Christian, you were better than I was expecting you to be. Well done. You're a good man.

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100% less fun without Gabby in the mix with all that craziness. To no surprise, she cleaned up really good. So sad that she will probably be a one and done Survivor never to be seen again HOWEVER....if CBS has a clue they know Christian is the standout of the season and they need to pair him up with Gabby on THE AMAZING RACE (sorry Emily but you're not who fans would want to see him race with).

Mike: I want to surprise myself!

Me: Shut up.

Way too much Mike tonight. And I thought I disliked his smarmy face before but when he was out to sabotage Davie's game it made me want to go nuclear. Someone must have tipped Davie off to play that idol.

With Christian gone (demerits to the editors for not featuring a longing shot from Gabby when he was voted out) it really does feel wide open. Would prefer a Davie win...could easily live with a Nick or Kara win. An Alison win at this point would feel....somehow un-earned. Angelia winning would actually be hysterical in a way...anybody but Mike...no I just couldn't take the sight of him getting the fake "giant check" Just no.

Mad respect to everyone whose facial expressions and body language said they were not feeling Angelina rant after playing the "rice card". You could almost hear them thinking b#@ch please just stop.

It's just as well the season is almost over....Angelina's grimy yoga pants were starting to be a glaring distraction. There's an ocean right there....wash them!

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Did anyone else notice, that after playing the Rice Card didn't work with Davie and Angelina was moaning to everyone about how Davie should have chosen her, nobody gave her as much as a patronizing nod?  

I am really enjoying Angelina.  She is such a lightweight villain and she never gets her way. 

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LOL Angelina you are such an entitled brat. She is not a villian but she is a brat. “I didn’t get the rice so I could use it to benefit myself” was the most ridiculous plea ever. I mean, she is making that plea while begging Davie to take her on reward. After reminding Davie that it was Nick and Angelina who took him on the reward. And the looks she was getting when venting at camp were hilarious. 

Davie is super game smart. He is the only person to figure out that Nick’s second idol was bogus. Love it. And then he kills it with his sign from god stupidity. REally? the flame is going to tell you what urn to vote for? Just decide to do it or not do it and try not to leave it up to god because god is in the freaking bathtub. 

Alison is an idiot. “Don’t say anything to Mike or Angelina because they will tell NIck” so what does Alison do? Tell Mike.

Nick’s fake idol was a briliant play and he almost got away with it. 

And then I managed to delete the episode just before tribal council (sick kid, late work night, distracted discussing travel soccer or not and hit the wrong buttons) so I have no idea what happened at tribal. I am not surprised to see that Christian went home or that Mike voted for someone different after arranging a Christian vote or that Nick ended up being safe.

I need Alison and her stupidity to go home. She cannot make a good decision to save her life. 

I don’t have a problem wit Christian going home. He played a good social game but was strategically weak. He needed to be saved far too many times for me to take him seriously. I like the guy and was impressed with his ability to work with so many different folks, I did not see him as a social juggernaut at the begining of the season but his strategic play was awful. 

Alison and Mike annoy me with their play. Alison cannot make a good move because she over thinks everything. Mike loves being in the middle too uch. Angelina is just a brat. Not evil but annoying. Kara seems to be reasonably savy and a good B level player. She was behind the Dan vote and has been in a good position many other times. She is reasonably flexible but doesn’t seem to be able to make it into the drivers seat. 

Nick and Davie are both very savy players but I fear that they are just going to go after each other. I am not surprised that the Davids turned on ach ther, the strategic players with vision were all on the Davids. There is no way that David, Nick, Christian or Gabby wanted to be sitting next to each other at the finals. Nick and Davie have good reasons to feel that way, they are both excellent strategic players. Christian knew he had a great social game and could argue that he played well enough that he was seen as a target and someone to save. Gabby saw herself as a better player then she was and I think she recognized that she couldn’t win against the strategist or social butterfly. 

And the remaining Davids probably don’t think any of the Goliath’s have done anything to win. Angelina will play the rice card. Mike and Kara can talk about playing the middle. I am sure Alison did more then we saw out there, only because she was seen as this huge threat. So a David sitting next to two Goliath’s should be safer then sitting next to Davie or Nick or Christian. So the Davids turned on each other. 

I hope it doesn’t bite them in the ass. 

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7 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

I hate her, I hate her pants... 

Hee. This is my new insult. "Hate her. Hate her pants." Wow, the grey yoga pants have become a Survivor character in their own right. Like Sally's kneesocks, only the opposite. (For the record, I still think Angelina is extremely fit and beautiful, even dirty and bedraggled, so no offence to her personally. Major offence to the Survivor fashion wranglers.) 

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11 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

Mike is in a great position to win this thing.

I'm kind of glad to hear someone else say this, because to me, Mike has always had a clear strategy -- playing the middle. Mike's never been loyal to anyone, so Mike's never really stabbed anyone in the back.

Don't get me wrong -- I don't want Mike to win, and I don't think he would, but I don't consider it out of the realm of possibility because he's done more than ... talk about rice and jackets. I consider Angelina a bigger goat than Mike at this point. I can't name a single move where she was instrumental (other than getting rice for the tribe, obviously and forever). Mike's been the swing vote on a few votes, and has never wavered from his "play the middle" strategy. The jury may not respect it, but it's more of a strategy than some people have.

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7 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

Davie is super game smart. He is the only person to figure out that Nick’s second idol was bogus. Love it. And then he kills it with his sign from god stupidity. REally? the flame is going to tell you what urn to vote for? Just decide to do it or not do it and try not to leave it up to god because god is in the freaking bathtub. 

Being a Superfan, he should know gambling on these "twists" is usually not a good strategy.  Take the proverbial "Bird in the hand" and go from there.

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Sigh.  My dream of a Davie, Nick, Christian F3 is dashed.  

Alison is a freaking cockroach.  How does she keep skating through every week?  Oh, I know.  Because she's only a threat in her own mind.

Angelina is the least self aware person I've ever seen on this show.  And that's saying something.

Balls, balls, balls.  Hee!  I was highly entertained during that whole IC so I must be twelve too.

Davie is just the best---playing the hell outta this game but also looking like he's having the time of his life.  And I love how he completely rethought his plan once he realized that Nick wasn't lying to him.  I hope they get together and compare notes next week and realize how they're still better together.  Although I'm hard pressed to guess who would win if they make it to the end together.  Both are really, really good at this game.  I loved Nick's fake idol "discovery" and how everyone except Davie fell for it hook, line and sinker.

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8 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

Although I'm hard pressed to guess who would win if they make it to the end together.  Both are really, really good at this game.

I'm still giving Nick points off for the naming of alliances thing... and I'm not sold on Davie yet either.

ETA: I loved watching Christian play, but with that I've never gotten too attatched as I knew he was on the downslope for some time now... so I was sad but not heartbroken about his being voted out... not sure who I'm rooting for now though.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

Yeah, I think so. Mike will be the guy who needs to worry. As I said earlier, he’s the shit-stirrer.

That would be so fun!


39 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

I love Davie. But he needs to stop talking to Mike. Mike is in a great position to win this thing. Davie needs to get Nick back somehow, but that won't happen. No clue how the once powerful Davids are now without the numbers again.

I don't think Davie was talking to Mike - didn't he tell Kara to leave Mike and Alison out of it because they couldn't be trusted?  She then blabbed to Alison, whose "big move" was to tattle to Mike.


31 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

god is in the freaking bathtub. 

Please stop with this ridiculous phrase.

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21 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

Davie is just the best---playing the hell outta this game but also looking like he's having the time of his life.  And I love how he completely rethought his plan once he realized that Nick wasn't lying to him.  I hope they get together and compare notes next week and realize how they're still better together.  Although I'm hard pressed to guess who would win if they make it to the end together.  Both are really, really good at this game.  I loved Nick's fake idol "discovery" and how everyone except Davie fell for it hook, line and sinker.

I can understand why they all fell for it.  One of the biggest cockroaches in the history of this world once said, "The only way to control people is to lie to them." - LRH

I guess he was right about that. Seems only fair since he was wrong about most everything else.

Edited by MisterBluxom
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2 minutes ago, princelina said:

Can anyone explain Mike's vote for Davie, after he ran around insisting on Christian all day long?

There was most likely a split vote in case Christian had an idol.

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17 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

Davie is just the best---playing the hell outta this game but also looking like he's having the time of his life.  And I love how he completely rethought his plan once he realized that Nick wasn't lying to him.  I hope they get together and compare notes next week and realize how they're still better together.  Although I'm hard pressed to guess who would win if they make it to the end together.  Both are really, really good at this game.  I loved Nick's fake idol "discovery" and how everyone except Davie fell for it hook, line and sinker.

I think the two of them in the final would be great - so often the outcome is pretty much a done deal before The Final Vote is read. Those two would provide some suspense!


30 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I'm kind of glad to hear someone else say this, because to me, Mike has always had a clear strategy -- playing the middle. Mike's never been loyal to anyone, so Mike's never really stabbed anyone in the back.

Don't get me wrong -- I don't want Mike to win, and I don't think he would, but I don't consider it out of the realm of possibility because he's done more than ... talk about rice and jackets. I consider Angelina a bigger goat than Mike at this point. I can't name a single move where she was instrumental (other than getting rice for the tribe, obviously and forever). Mike's been the swing vote on a few votes, and has never wavered from his "play the middle" strategy. The jury may not respect it, but it's more of a strategy than some people have.

Agree completely!   Love the point about him not having stabbed anyone in the back. 

This has been a good cast, based on the few years I've been watching. And the editing has been phenomenal!!  The audience blindsided just about as often as the Survivors!

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8 minutes ago, LanceM said:

There was most likely a split vote in case Christian had an idol.

That's what my money is on.  Though whether they included Nick in the plan or not I can't say.

Again, that plus prompting Nick's idol flush - brilliant.

Edited by Mark2
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27 minutes ago, SandyToes said:

Agree completely!   Love the point about him not having stabbed anyone in the back. 

This has been a good cast, based on the few years I've been watching. And the editing has been phenomenal!!  The audience blindsided just about as often as the Survivors!

I won't disagree with anything you said. But it is so very disappointing to see such a wonderful season with so many fabulous developments and editing that will likely become the model of many future shows and the result?

The winner might actually be someone who didn't ever seem to do much of anything. Most of the people who made those fabulous moves seem to be the ones targeted and voted out. This guy just kind of floats back and forth and acts in one direction then another .... I guess the description I'm looking for is that Mike is the .... "Wishy Washy contestant".

That is who might win this most-fabulous season? It's the least-fabulous player? Least-fabulous in a very long time. A bland floater or flip-flopper or "do as little as possible" individual?  Gasp! The more I write, the more I realize his chances of winning keep looking better. I am just disappointed beyond words.

Edited by MisterBluxom
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56 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

No, he had to play it tonight.  This was the only TC it was good for so it would be ridiculously insane not to.

No an idol lasts until F5

34 minutes ago, princelina said:

That would be so fun!


I don't think Davie was talking to Mike - didn't he tell Kara to leave Mike and Alison out of it because they couldn't be trusted?  She then blabbed to Alison, whose "big move" was to tattle to Mike.


Please stop with this ridiculous phrase.

Davie told Kara to leave Mike and Angelina out of it 

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Davey is the best player out there. Enough said.

Nick is the second best. He could have been tied with Davy but for the stupid fake idol stunt. He put a huge target on his back with that idiotic move.

Kara is a distant third. She hasn't really annoyed me and seems to be involved in some strategy or come up with strategy on her own but is nowhere near Davy or Nick's level of play.

Allison and Angelina are tied at fourth for different reasons. Angelina is trying to play the game and is initiating strategy but is really, really bad at it and has no read on how she comes off to others. Allison is just playing a great game in her head. Except for her challenge ability and her uncanny cat like survival, she should have been gone long ago.

That leaves Mike. Mike targeted Christian for the sole reason of wanting to be the smartest survivor. He's not even anywhere near as intelligent as Christian nor does he have a fraction of Christian's personality. As someone said earlier, he's a shit stirrer as a result of his jealousy. 

The perfect final three would be Davy, Nick and Angelina (and she gets no votes). Sigh...I probably won't get my wish.

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18 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Not this idol. When David found it the paper said it was only good that night, unless he played the game of chance and risked losing his vote.

Yeah, and I believe he could only play it for himself. There was a lot going on in that scene so I think people missed that part.

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I'm so bummed that the Davids threw away such a hard-fought numbers gain.  I loved Christian, but as he walked away I was thinking that this was all his and Gabby's own doing.  That early shot at Carl tanked it for them all, just because he was arrogant at camp.  He could have been the first gone after they had a decent lead.  Then tonight Nick does the same thing.  It could have been Alison and they'd have been even, and Angelina isn't as loyal to Goliath's as the rest.  I know he's pissed at Christian, but I fear he's just sealed his fate the same way Christian did.  I'm happy with either Davie or Nick winning, but I don't think there will be a David in the final at all.  I hope I'm wrong. 

If only I could stop thinking about what might have been.....

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

He's totally a young Matthew Mc.  Like in A Time to Kill (1996) when he first came on the scene and he was so young and beautiful with that Southern drawl.  And that golden tan. I think the same every week.

Exactly, that voice is totally A Time to Kill Matthew McConaughey. But I'm so torn on who I'm rooting for, Nick is on the table, but so is Davie and they're now nemeses, I imagine.


Angelina inadvertantly getting Nick to waste his idol was hilarious.

Did she? I thought she said "I don't think you need to play it," and I was expecting Nick to go based on really bad intel from Angelina. 

With Christian gone and Nick and Davie being at odds, I'm really getting nervous that this is going to be a case of all the credible threats taking each other out and leaving us with a final three of Mike, Angelina, and Alison. 



Hahahhahahahaha.  Don't remind me.  I freaking can't stand Allison.  Oh my god she gets on my nerves.  Oh my god.

Alison:  I'm about to make a big move
Translation:  I'm going to tell Mike about Kara's move


This was the most maddening moment of the episode. How on earth does telling Mike about the move to get rid of huge threat Nick help Alison's game (at that point, anyway. I guess Christian going helps Alison's game, but she didn't know that then.) I have no idea who her real allies are, but I don't think there are many.

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 It’s sad that the Davids lost the whole momentum of what made them great. When they put their minds together, communicated and trusted each other they were able to come up with amazing game play.

In this case if Davy would have taken Christian on the reward challenge, all three Davids could have figured out a way to blindside someone at tribal Council, probably Allison. Davy didn’t have his hidden immunity idol at the time, but between them, they could have gone into tribal Council with two idols and a fake one that everyone thought was real that they could have said was going to Christian. They could have used those to make a big play that secured them into the final part of the game. 

I hate that this is going to make Mike think he’s smarter than Christian.

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4 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

Exactly, that voice is totally A Time to Kill Matthew McConaughey. But I'm so torn on who I'm rooting for, Nick is on the table, but so is Davie and they're now nemeses, I imagine.

Did she? I thought she said "I don't think you need to play it," and I was expecting Nick to go based on really bad intel from Angelina. 

With Christian gone and Nick and Davie being at odds, I'm really getting nervous that this is going to be a case of all the credible threats taking each other out and leaving us with a final three of Mike, Angelina, and Alison. 

This was the most maddening moment of the episode. How on earth does telling Mike about the move to get rid of huge threat Nick help Alison's game (at that point, anyway. I guess Christian going helps Alison's game, but she didn't know that then.) I have no idea who her real allies are, but I don't think there are many.

She did and I think she sincerely didn't want him to play it because he was safe. But by actually telling him not to play it he played it anyway because he didn't trust her. I find that very amusing.

Edited by LanceM
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5 minutes ago, lids said:

 It’s sad that the Davids lost the whole momentum of what made them great. When they put their minds together, communicated and trusted each other they were able to come up with amazing game play.

In this case if Davy would have taken Christian on the reward challenge, all three Davids could have figured out a way to blindside someone at tribal Council, probably Allison. Davy didn’t have his hidden immunity idol at the time, but between them, they could have gone into tribal Council with two idols and a fake one that everyone thought was real that they could have said was going to Christian. They could have used those to make a big play that secured them into the final part of the game. 

I hate that this is going to make Mike think he’s smarter than Christian.

No need to worry about that. I get the feelies that Mike already thinks he's smarter than everyone else and in many cases he may be right.

But a very important component of being good at playing Survivor is a kind of smarts you are born with. Davie has it in abundance. Mike has it not hardly at all.

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I really didn't know who was going home when tribal council began. Christian was barely featured tonight, so I didn't think he would actually go. I didn't want him gone either. At least he took it well. And Alison survived another vote which makes me happy.

Now that it is 4 Goliaths and 2 Davids, I hope the Goliaths don't take out Davie and Nick. I'm hoping Davie and Nick make it to the end.

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Davie's instincts are strong in this game. He is definitely being seen now - no more under the radar so I hope he can keep winning challenges and making the right moves.

Couldn't predict this vote- I could barely keep track of who was planning to vote for who and it almost seems like the players were having the same problem.

Goodbye Christian (aka twitchy Mark Hamill)...you and your overly verbose commentary will be missed. 

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When you don't have any more old people like Big Tom or Paschal... and you only have 7 people that overthink every single move and you have more than one idol in play at this stage of the game... the game play becomes more like flipping a coin than actual strategy.

The Princess Bride analogy was perfect because there is no way to tell who's telling you the truth... they don't have any goats left that they can use for votes... it's every person for themselves and it's a new era of Survivor.

I love this season and I love that Nick introduced the idea of using a fake idol to stop a search... but it's almost a game of chance at this point.

Credit to the players as they made it this way and removed the challenge beasts so I have no idea who will win... but I'm not sure how much skill remains at this point

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